Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 79: lingering sound


Akeli village, northeast, the lord's livestock shed.

"Don't take Ross seriously just because he is young! Treat yourself as an apprentice!"

"Do whatever you're asked to do! Eat whatever you're told to eat! When you're about to hit him, hurry up and rub your face against the soles of your shoes!"

"Don't come to Ross when you have nothing to do! Teach his brother to take care of the livestock!"

"It doesn't matter if the cowherds from other villages eat two extra bites and do less work! Don't make trouble with them!"

From the time of departure to the time when he entered the village of Akeli, Dean's father's warning always lingered in Dean's heart, and he dared not forget it for a moment!

However, on the first night when he actually arrived at the lord's stable in the village of Akeli and officially began to work as a cowherd's helper, Dean realized that everything seemed to be very difficult to fulfill his father's warnings.

The "think of yourself as an apprentice" attitude is simply hard to come by.

On the first day when they came to Akeli Village, Ross/Moore made proper arrangements for the future life of the two cowherd helpers. No matter the food or the arranged work, Dean couldn't find any harshness.

Just after dusk, before the two cowherd helpers and two helper messengers had finished Idra's remaining work, Rose and Idra led their sister to deliver the dinner of the day.

What a big clay pot, filled with fresh beans, everyone got a full bowl! There is no sand in it to help grind your teeth, no wood chips as seasoning, and even salt! ——This kind of food, even if the two cowherd helpers are in their own homes, they can only enjoy a few meals during the busiest time of summer service!

For the future work, not only did Ross/More not ask the cowherd helpers to work hard for their families, but even for the duties in the barn, Ross/More specifically asked the steward for four serfs Helping out during busy times.

Ross/Moore himself is even more likable when you touch him. He is clean, but he doesn't have any intention of disliking the smell of the cowherd helpers. When he started taking care of the cattle, Ross didn't mean to stand by at all. Help out naturally, and never shy away from dirty work, at best washing your hands afterwards.

Such a sumptuous meal, such a considerate arrangement, and such a friendly personality...

The food is delicious, the work is not tiring at all, and there is no such thing as the usual beating and scolding of apprentices by craftsmen...

How to do

Dean lamented in his heart: If this goes on like this, how can he show his hard work and obedience

The plan of "being less close to Ross and more close to the Ross brothers" has also been challenged.

Dean wanted to get closer to Idra, but as soon as Ross came to the door, he found Elmo from himself and Ori. He didn't care at all that the three of them belonged to three different villages. Human translation is not troublesome at all.

Through the relay of the messenger, the three of them talked word by word. Ross/Moore was always very patient, whether it was Floran from his own family, or Ori from Elmore, the scenery and people of the two villages, no matter how small things Ross listened with gusto.

Moreover, he speaks super nicely!

There are too many bad things in Floran Village! There are too many jerks that Dean doesn't like! But those damn bastards never admit it, and never correct it, they only know to quarrel with themselves, the person who kindly reminded them! For those bastards, my father scolded me many times, and my brother also likes to argue with me!

Only Ross/Moore understands his own thoughts and knows that he has good intentions; only Ross is willing to accompany him to scold those bastards who don't know how to be grateful!

"The carpenter in the East is the meanest", "The firewood partner is so bad-tempered", "Old Cheek with dirty hands and feet was caught and beaten up", "The coachman gave birth to a slacker"...

Although there was a need for a messenger to relay, many words had to be said intermittently and stumbled, but Dean still felt that for so many years, talking to Rose tonight was the happiest time to talk!

It wasn't until Rose was about to leave that Dean realized that he had been by Rose's side for most of the night, and he hadn't been able to say a few words to Idra.

But fortunately, Ross/Moore, who speaks super nicely, also said that starting tonight, Idra and Grace, the two elder brothers of Ross, will take turns to spend the night in the lord's barn, and there is still time to make friends .

However, this wonderful plan of course was disrupted by another bastard!

The "cowherds from other villages" that my father said-"It doesn't matter if you eat two more bites and do less work! Don't make trouble with them-" "The cowherds from other villages" bastard was disturbed!

Ross/Moore, who speaks super nicely, explained that in order for the brothers to quickly learn the craft of cowherds, the lord's barn gave the cowherds two wooden houses to live in, please—did you hear, please! —A cowherd helper and the messenger lived in one room with Idra, and another cowherd helper lived in the other room with the messenger.

Share a room with Idra, and talk about how to take care of the herd when you sleep at night... Of course it should be your job, but this bastard from Ori...

"Elmo, you have traveled for three days. It's too hard. You should sleep well at night. We can stay with Idra."

"Oh... we are all walking on flat land! Flat land with roads! Have you worked hard to climb the mountain? Let us from Ori Village come!"

"We didn't work hard at all, but what about you? Elmo, you almost fell asleep when you changed the shed for that cow just now, didn't you? How could you have the energy to think about how to serve the herd..."

"You almost fell asleep while eating! I saw a few beans leaking! You bloody waste!"

"You can't move the pasture! You lazy bastard!"

"Waste ghost!"

"Okay, okay..." Idra's ears were buzzing, and he quickly waved his hands: "Forget it, let the four of you live together tonight, and I will live in a separate room... Teach me to serve the cattle Let's talk about the work tomorrow!"

Damn Ori Village! Damn Elmo!

Why didn't this damn bastard eat two more bites! Why not do a lot of work? Why didn't I make a mistake and let me pick it for Idra to see

Dean, with red eyes, looked at Elmo, who was also red-eyed, and wished he could jump over and strangle him to death!

The Earth Staff Group used dozens of pages of documents to split the tacit plan between the two, and it has been realized before it can be implemented!


Acre village, center, church.

"Du... Du... Du... Teacher... Teacher..."

"Well... wait a minute..."

In the bedroom, Praia gently stroked the scroll in his hand.

On the left side of the parchment scroll is a painting of a farming ox, and the bleeding belly is vividly painted with ink mixed with red dye.

In the middle of the parchment, a large pot stands on the firepit, above which hangs two plant roots of different shapes and colors, a blooming flower, and a broad leaf. The roots, flowers, and leaves are marked with small words their species and names.

On the right side of the sheepskin scroll, the abdomen of the cattle is covered with a thin layer of medicinal mud, avoiding the position of the medicinal mud, and two pieces of cloth are crossed and knotted, implying that they are wrapped around the sides of the cattle. "Three days" is marked in small characters on the top of the cattle, "diving and washing" is marked on the side of the cloth, and "daily replacement" is marked on the position of the medicinal mud.

On the top of the parchment, more than a dozen thin lines firmly fixed the leaves, rhizomes, and flower specimens that appeared in the four pictures.

Gently brushing the specimens with fingers, feeling their uneven touch, a satisfied smile appeared on Praia's face.

"Tuk...Tuk...Tuk..." The knock on the door sounded again.

"Andre, wait a little longer." Carefully holding the parchment with both hands, Praia walked slowly to the wall, opened the wooden box in the corner, and gently put the parchment in his hand. , covered the parchment scroll painting of "Treatment of Injured Hoof of Farm Cattle".

This is the fifth completed work of the Cattle Medicine Code compiled by Praia.

"Okay..." After closing the wooden box, Praia sat back on the table before speaking to the door: "Andre, come in."

"Teacher..." Walking into the bedroom, little Andre handed over a parchment: "Your letter has just been delivered by the messenger from Jushi Village."

"Hmm..." Taking the scroll, Praia began to browse.

In the letter, the cousin in charge of Jushi Village first missed the warm past when they had a runny nose together, then reviewed the chronology of relatives with a long history of the two families, and then emphasized the words he gave to him when he was the vicar of Akeli Village. Support, and then expressed serious concern about the collective injuries of cattle in Aikeli village, and warm condolences for being willing to send cowherds to help, then asked with concern whether I have the confidence to pass the autumn parish inspection smoothly, and finally generously decided that I would like to Give solidarity, money, and material support to your future work!

In the past few days, Praia has received more letters than the total number of letters received in the past six months.

Without exception, these letters expressed their concern for the injured cattle and their enthusiasm for sending people to help treat them.

The high identity and large number of senders really shocked Praia, and quickly made Praia give up the idea of using "cattle therapy" as a family secret technique, and instead decided to seek a more practical one. Benefit.

So far, in addition to the two cowherd helpers who have already arrived, Praia has added several helpers and even apprentices to Wu Qingchen/Loss who are probably already on the way.

However, no matter how frightened and practical, Praia did not intend to accommodate some miser's bad habit of throwing two wools casually just to get something good.

After reading the parchment letter in his hand for the first time, Praia blinked and quickly scanned it again from beginning to end.

Never object when deliberating... instead of initiating a deliberation;

Ten sacks of wheat... not even flour;

A batch of farm tools... With this guy's virtue, not to mention iron farm tools, maybe even farm tools that cost hardwood.

"Teacher... Do you want to reply tonight?"

Little Andre looked timidly at the scraper—for the past few days, to scrape the parchment, little Andre’s hands were thinner—“Scrape another parchment?”

"no need!"

After quickly scanning the last line of the letter from Jushi Village, Praia completed his final reply to the letter through his nostrils: "Chi..."


Akeli village, to the east, not so dilapidated wooden house.

By the stream beach in the afternoon, the first villager who "just passed by" and then leaned forward to help Old William carry things, Wayne hurried home and quickly pushed open the wooden door.

"How? Wayne, did you see it?" "Father, did you see it?"

"Well! I saw it all! I saw it clearly!" Walking into the wooden house, Wayne quickly greeted his wife and children, "Come! Come quickly, you all come here!"

"This, this... and this..."

Wayne waved his arms, pointing to the bed next to the wall, the farm tools piled up in the corner, and the clay pots for storing food: "Move all of these out first... quickly..."

"Come here, here... here... and here..."

When the family hurriedly started moving, Wayne grabbed his short son and walked around the room. Taking his son's height as a reference, he used charcoal to draw several crosses on the wall made of straw and logs. .

"Father, it's ready!" By the time Wayne threw away the charcoal, the children had already completed the first step.

"Okay! Now put this... this... over there!" Following Wayne's command, three buckets, a few stools, and a dining table were placed in the newly vacated positions.

"Okay, move these next..."

Just like that, after tens of minutes of flickering, the layout of Wayne's furniture, tools, and farming tools has completely changed.

If the villagers who were "enthusiastic" to help Old William together in the afternoon were present, they would definitely be able to tell at a glance that the layout of the three wooden houses in Wu Qingchen/Loss' new house is basically the same, and now there is another similar pirated version. —Even the forks drawn with charcoal on the wall are exactly in line with the location of the “hole in the wall” of Wu Qingchen/Loss’ house.

"Okay... It's almost like this... Take a rest... Let's take a rest."

After being so busy for a long time, the Wayne family was a little out of breath.

"Father... is this really useful?" Sitting on the bench that had just changed positions, Wayne's second son asked while panting, "Before you came back, Uncle Edgar passed by and said that old William was just doing this." In order to break the curse of the Rodriguez family..."

"Hey... Old William is afraid of curses? There is no food, and the cattle are injured. What curse is more terrible than this?" Wayne didn't believe a word: "When was this old guy afraid of curses? When did he go to church? Didn’t this guy arrive at the last minute? If it weren’t for the kindness of the pastor, he would have more or less communion every week, I think he would like to soak in the allotment all the time, and he wouldn’t go to church at all!”

"But, Rose..." When Rose was mentioned, the son couldn't help but look around: "Rose goes to church every day now!"

"Loss..." Wayne's expression became more serious: "Ross is different. Ross was blessed by the master, and he will be a master in the future... Don't worry, what Ross said is completely different from old William..."

"Although crafty old William won't say anything... But I went to the master's barn on purpose in the afternoon, and Idra was there to fix the cowshed... Idra is a good boy, he said it himself, Roth told him, Only if it is done in this way, everything will be clean and there will be wind, people and livestock will not be easy to get sick."

"Oh! That's great!" "That's good, that's good!" "The cow will get better soon, right?"

The family is full of joy.

"Hey! Hey! Keep your voice down!" Wayne hurriedly stopped the family: "Keep your voice down! Don't let anyone know... This is the Ross family's method! Oh, the Ross family's method... I am really shameless!"

"Father, there is nothing we can do..."

"Yeah, Ross is too busy to invite you..."

"Yeah..." Wayne sighed: "If the summer service is about to start again, if I really want the cattle to get better soon and get less sick in the future, why would I steal other people's craftsmanship?"

"Then..." The youngest son was very worried: "What if Ross finds out?"

"...he is a cowherd!" "I heard that the pastor will let him be a student!" "The steward also listens to him!" Others were also very worried.

"No, Ross is such a good child, he won't do anything to us." The eldest son comforted.

"Yeah, the first few times he came to help us tend the cattle, Ross didn't even confiscate the cabbage..." the eldest daughter recalled.

"I don't want to stay for dinner either!" The younger son quickly comforted himself.

"Yeah, Ross is a good boy... But, we can't just use his skills for nothing, right?" The mother who had been silent all this time suddenly hesitated and said, "Either...or...I mean...didn't Tim Did you get a lamb? Or... or just a few days... um, or tomorrow, send it to Ross?"

"Ah..." Wayne was a little surprised that his wife, who has always been prudent, could make this suggestion. After waiting for a while, seeing that his sons had no other opinions, Wayne thought about it again and nodded, "It seems that we have to That's it..."

"Well, that's good!" "Let's do it." "Lambs can be born again." "Don't make Ross angry..." The family members all agreed.

"Okay, since that's the case..." Wayne looked around the wooden house: "Everyone remember how to put these things. Whoever is free these days, wash a few in the afternoon, dry them and move them in... Wait for the summer service to be busy. It's over, it should be almost..."

"No need, father..." Without worrying about "Loss is angry", the youngest son had a new idea: "I'm free tonight. In the evening, we wash them all, and we can let them go right away." The cattle will get better soon!"

"Still drying!" Wayne shook his head.

"It's very hot here, let it dry overnight!"

"Basking in the sun can break the curse..." Wayne still shook his head.

"Father, didn't you say that old William lied?"

"Hmm..." Wayne pondered for a while, then suddenly picked up a stick and smashed it at his youngest son without thinking: "You think too much! You think too much! Do you know more? Or Ross knows How much? Even you know that it’s hot at night, don’t you know that Ross doesn’t know? Ross is honest and practical in the sun, isn’t it just you…”

"Father... Father... Ross is right! Ross knows a lot! Don't... don't..."


In the village of Akeli, on the west side, there is another wooden house that is not so dilapidated.

By the stream beach in the afternoon, Holman, the second villager who "just passed by", hurried home and quickly opened the wooden door.

"How is it? Holman, did you see it?" "Father, did you see it clearly?"


The Middle Ages World February 11, 0001.

When Dean was distressed, the pastor was answering the letter, and Wayne was busy beating his son, Wu Qingchen/Loss was rejoicing that he was about to leave the medieval world again.

Earth May 12, 2012.

In the face of major changes in Wu Qingchen's environment in the Middle Ages, the United Nations Interim Committee on Astronomical Events, the further planning of Wu Qingchen's training program for the new stage, and the important adjustment of the Middle Ages' coping strategies, the third round of emergency meetings is underway.


Volume 1 Phase 1 (Tummy) End

Falling into the strange medieval world where he didn't even know the language, Wu Qingchen finally stood firm with the help of all the people on earth all over the world.

Let your family in the medieval world be rescued from the harsh environment of lack of clothing, food, hunger and cold, and precarity, and become a cowherd family that dominates the second link of the village food chain, and completely bid farewell to the "stomach" problem. day.

Volume 1 Phase 2 (Ass) is about to start

After gaining a place among the artisan class with a better living environment in the medieval world, Wu Qingchen, or the level of danger faced by the 7 billion people on earth, has finally been slightly reduced from "extremely dangerous" to "very dangerous".

After the overwhelming phase of survival has passed...

For myself, do I strive for a certain self and become a part of free people, or purely serve as an execution machine composed of aliens

For the responsibility of bearing the lives of people on earth, how cruel can they be when treating, using, and planning the natives of other worlds

For the medieval world, what should be the way of getting along with the lords and the free people and serfs

Where is Wu Qingchen's butt

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