Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 8: This universe belongs to you


The gate of the house was taken away by the police, the highway was blocked to allow him to pass, and the armored vehicle of the transport plane ensured his safety. He was assassinated without warning, and 175 votes agreed to conduct human experiments on himself.

From waking up at noon to the end of the experiment, Wu Qingchen's encounters within six hours became more and more bizarre.

However, Wu Qingchen did not believe it until the end of the experiment, when he actually saw Liu Tao and Li Ziping's arms protruding three millimeters for no reason, and heard the exclamation of 3,000 delegates at the venue with their left sleeves raised. I understood Ji Mingming's guess in the business car, and Li Ziping's explanation when he first entered the venue.

Only then was he finally sure that his life had embarked on a fork in the road without any precedent.

Letting go of the last trace of doubt deep in her heart, Wu Qingchen seemed to let go of the last trace of strength in her body at the same time. The noisy sound of the venue reached a new high, but Wu Qingchen leaned on the only seat on the rostrum, with a blank expression and dull eyes, slowly scanning the chaotic venue aimlessly.

What are the five pieces of black charcoal in the left rear row quietly discussing together? Want to assassinate me again

Why did the fat lady in front of you slam the documents on the table so hard? Not enough information about me at hand

Why is the old man in the middle gnashing his teeth while talking on the phone while squinting at me? Demanding that I be sent to an intensive care unit for mental patients immediately

From left to right, from right to left, from left to right...

For a long time, Wu Qingchen's eyes flicked back and forth, but he didn't get a smile or a friendly expression. Most of the representatives deliberately avoided Wu Qingchen's gaze, and the rest were not so much willing to look at Wu Qingchen as they were It is said that they are just using eye contact to convey their hostility.

Wu Qingchen understood the feelings of the delegates. If he had to bear the consequences of a stranger falling 10,000 kilometers away for no reason, Wu Qingchen also wanted to greet the eighteenth generation of the stranger's ancestors.

However, understanding does not mean acceptance.

Wu Qingchen couldn't find any kindness from the 3,000 people representing 200 countries. It was hard for Wu Qingchen to imagine how difficult his future would be.

Sighing deeply, Wu Qingchen looked around again.

At this time, the venue was full of noise. Li Ziping, who had been close to the rostrum, dialed one call after another. On the other side, Liu Tao was directing the soldiers to push aside the bulletproof glass to adjust their positions. No one told Wu Qingchen what to do.

Wu Qingchen, who has been highly nervous since waking up at noon and has never eaten water, gently closed her eyes.

A tidal wave of tiredness quickly flooded Wu Qingchen's heart.

The sound of the 3,000 people's clamor faded away quickly, and the cool air in the auditorium quietly disappeared. Inexplicably, Wu Qingchen's body suddenly lost contact with everything around him, as if he had been transported to midair in an instant.

What's wrong

Without warning, just as this question came to mind, Wu Qingchen's originally dark eyes were suddenly filled with magnificent light.

They are huge clusters of clouds. There is no light source in the space, but they radiate any color that Wu Qingchen has seen. The sea of clouds formed by the huge clouds stretches from Wu Qingchen's eyes to all directions at the end of his vision.

In the center of the sea of clouds, or directly in front of Wu Qingchen, five huge vortices of different colors slowly rotate, pulling the surrounding space and clouds into various strange shapes.

what is this

The next moment, a huge gravitational force came, and Wu Qingchen moved forward involuntarily, and soon moved to the edge of the bottom dark blue vortex, and the dark blue vortex in front of him became bigger and bigger.

Gravity is getting stronger and stronger, and Wu Qingchen's moving speed is getting faster and faster. Gradually, Wu Qingchen can no longer see the shape of the vortex clearly. He only feels that there are countless magnificent and changing colors around him, and there is a dazzling white light in the middle.

The range of white light continued to expand, quickly pushing away the magnificent colors around it, and quickly surrounded Wu Qingchen completely.

Then quickly disappear.

There was no buffer, and there was no inevitable pain after looking directly at the strong light. In the next moment, Wu Qingchen appeared in front of Wu Qingchen's eyes with a piece of dense vegetation.

How is this going

"Xia, wow, carry it?"

Suddenly there was a series of voices behind him, Wu Qingchen turned his head quickly, and there was a man standing behind him, dressed in strange clothes, but with a concerned expression on his face, stretching out his right hand towards him.

Only then did Wu Qingchen realize suddenly that he was lying on the ground.

Climbing up swiftly, Wu Qingchen's body froze before he could fully stand still.

In the distance are endless hills, surrounded by barren green grassland, in front of you is a small piece of dense crops, and at your feet is a branch that has just been tripped and a small stone that has just been rubbed.

branch? Stone

your mother...

Isn't this the dream I had at noon

dream? I am dreaming? what happened? Am I not in the Great Hall of the People

Strangely, once a normal person realizes that he is dreaming, he will wake up from the dream immediately. However, Wu Qingchen not only realized that he was dreaming, but even subconsciously blinked his eyes several times, but the scene in front of him did not change in any way.

This! Yes! How! what! back! thing!

Involuntarily, Wu Qingchen took a deep breath, and a breath of fresh air with soil and plants penetrated smoothly into his nostrils. He raised his head and looked at the sky. The layered white clouds could not block the glare of the sun, and a breeze blew past. , the branches of the trees swayed and rustled, and the cool air gently caressed the arms and faces.

All this is so real, there is no sign of imagination at all.

"Kang Miechi, Gu Ge, wow?"

The man who just pulled Wu Qingchen up from the ground watched Wu Qingchen blink, inhale, and caress the air for a while, and spit out a series of syllables that Wu Qingchen couldn't understand at all.

"What?" Wu Qingchen frowned and asked.

"Go already?" The man's expression was more confused than Wu Qingchen's.

"What?" Wu Qingchen tilted his head slightly, trying to hear clearly.

"Chess, Ross, let's go..." The man's lips in strange clothes moved quickly, and a series of unfamiliar syllable combinations quickly entered Wu Qingchen's ears.

… could not understand a single word.

what happened? Am I so tired? Am I so sleepy? Why am I still awake

Wu Qingchen gave up communicating with the man, and didn't know what to do to wake himself up from this dream. He looked around again, and Wu Qingchen's gaze suddenly stopped on himself.

More precisely, on your own belly.

In this dream, Wu Qingchen was dressed similarly to the strange man. They were all dressed in rough and shabby appearance. The style was a bit similar to ancient Chinese robes, but they were more close-fitting. shoes for feet.

Wu Qingchen saw that in the middle of his robe, which was patched everywhere, a small gray mark was clearly printed on the center of his abdomen.

Almost impatiently, Wu Qingchen quickly opened the hem of the outer robe, lifted the inner robe, and eagerly looked at her lower abdomen:

A thin belly with an obvious red mark.

In the next moment, Wu Qingchen lifted up his sleeve tremblingly, and looked at his left arm:

On the dark and rough left arm, there is a small fresh opening of about three millimeters.

Oh my God!

No words can describe Wu Qingchen's specific feelings at this moment.

Fortunately, Wu Qingchen's actions probably answered the strange man's question. The strange man looked at the branches and stones on the ground, nodded in understanding, said a few words with strange pronunciation, patted Wu Qingchen's shoulder, and picked Picking up the strange tool that had just been placed on the ground, he turned and walked back to the bushes to continue the labor that Wu Qingchen had never seen before.

How to do

The strange man had already started working again, and Wu Qingchen stood there straight without saying a word, with a frightened expression on his face.

what do I do

Thinking that his body is related to six billion human beings in the world, and even the actions in his dreams are no exception, Wu Qingchen's mind is in chaos, and he has no idea what he should do next.

Sitting down, Wu Qingchen was worried that the ground was not flat enough, which might hurt her skin.

Walking around, Wu Qingchen was worried that the uneven plants around might scratch her body.

Even if he continued to stand, Wu Qingchen was also worried that if there was a sudden gust of wind, or he would simply lose his strength and eventually fall down.

After an unknown amount of time, Wu Qingchen suddenly felt a slight vibration in front of his eyes while he was at a loss.

Gosh! And earthquakes

The next shock came quickly.

It wasn't an earthquake. Wu Qingchen could see it clearly this time. An earthquake couldn't shake the white clouds in the sky.

This is the shaking of the whole world, white clouds, hills, trees, crops, strangers, strange tools, everything suddenly trembled slightly at the same time.

One click, one click, another click, and another click, the vibrations are very regular and frequent.

"Mr. Wu... Mr. Wu... wake up, Mr. Wu, wake up... Mr. Wu, Wu Qingchen!"

Suddenly, voices came from Wu Qingchen's ears. At first, they were gentle, as if they were talking in a dream from the sky. Then they gradually became more urgent, as if they were shouting continuously. Finally, they were extremely intense, almost like a thunderstorm sounded beside him.

The scene in front of him exploded in an instant, turning into overwhelming fragments, and shot towards Wu Qingchen's position at the same time.

Wu Qingchen suddenly closed her eyes.

"Mr. Wu, wake up!"

This time, Wu Qingchen heard clearly that it was Li Ziping's voice.

Wu Qingchen slowly opened his eyes. There was a pentagram-shaped headlight above his head, red seats on the second and third floors in the distance, and a table with documents and voting devices in front of him.

This is the Great Hall of the People.

Wu Qingchen took a greedy breath, yes, there is a slightly chilly central air-conditioning smell, this is the Great Hall of the People.

"Mr. Wu, are you okay? Professor Gu, Professor Gu, come and have a look!"

"I, I'm fine." Wu Qingchen turned his head, only to find that Li Ziping's hands were clasping his shoulders, which was probably the reason why the whole dream world was shaking together.

Li Ziping ignored Wu Qingchen's answer at all, stepped aside quickly, and pushed Professor Gu Feng in front of Wu Qingchen with almost rough movements.

"Look up! Open your mouth!"

The old Professor Gu Feng also didn't have time to care about Li Ziping's attitude. He quickly put his right hand around Wu Qingchen's left wrist, and eagerly observed Wu Qingchen's pupils and tongue coating.

Half a minute later, Professor Gu Feng let out a long sigh of relief: "The heartbeat is relatively fast, and it should be because of intense emotions. Everything else is fine, and there is no problem at present."

"It's fine, it's fine." Li Ziping's expression was simply thankful, his hands clenched into fists, "Mr. Wu, the meeting is over, let's go."

the conference has ended

Wu Qingchen turned to the meeting place, and his eyes jumped a few times involuntarily: the meeting place was in a mess at this time, on the table, on the ground, on the chairs, there were messy documents everywhere, telephones, voting machines, paper pens, glasses, etc. .

Half of the soldiers around the bulletproof glass stood on the edge of the rostrum, and below were several representatives who were writhing on the floor in pain with their foreheads or stomachs in their arms.

"This is… "

"It's's just an accident..." Li Ziping glanced at the direction Wu Qingchen was pointing at, then turned his head and continued to direct the soldiers to push the bulletproof glass on the left side further, "Just now you fell asleep and there was an accident, Certain representatives acted aggressively."

"There was... just now..." Wu Qingchen immediately recalled the vision of the sky that Ji Mingming had shown him in the van, but couldn't find the right words to describe it.

"Yes..." Li Ziping nodded knowingly, "It's basically the same as noon."

Basically the same as noon...

Wu Qingchen immediately understood that the dream he had just now must be broadcast simultaneously in the skies all over the world.

This must be the reason why the conference hall became a mess.

Wu Qingchen can imagine how panicked the heads of state were when the vision of the red seal incident appeared in the sky again, how hoarse it was to order the representatives at the venue to wake themselves up immediately, and how desperate the representatives who acted eagerly were. Manic hectic.

Thinking of this, Wu Qingchen immediately realized another question: "Minister Li, did I sleep so hard? Why did it take me several minutes to wake me up?"

"Okay, Mr. Wu, let's go."

The soldiers had already removed the bulletproof glass on the left side, put away the drill bits of the remaining six sides of the bulletproof glass, and pushed them to start moving. Li Ziping turned his head and signaled Wu Qingchen to stand up and follow. It means: "Mr. Wu, you haven't slept for several minutes, even if you closed your eyes, you only slept for ten seconds."

Following Li Ziping and Liu Tao to the side door of the small hall, Wu Qingchen turned his head and took a last look at the venue of the Great Hall. The two American representatives held on to the steps of the rostrum and climbed up with difficulty. The representative on the right pressed the big bag on his forehead and slowly Slowly pull up the representative on the left: "Mr. Johnson, you are wrong, now is the real 2012."

Johnson couldn't hide a wry smile on his face:

"The whole world dreams with him, this is the world's biggest nightmare."


United States, Washington, Pentagon.

"Woke up? ... Are you sure? ... What's going on now? ... Left the venue? Hell, you just know he left the venue! Why are you still there? ... Well, fine, you're on the road ...very good mr. tower, you are the best agent ever...keep following...a soldier noticed you? hell! dodge them!...too late?*!...hello...hello...*!*!* !"

The middle-aged officer slammed the microphone angrily, but this behavior did not attract any attention.

Because, at this moment, in the war room of about 300 square meters in the Pentagon, for the hundreds of bureaucrats here, just smashing the microphone is considered quite gentle.

Less benign situations can be found here and there:


A document of about ten pages hit a young staff officer precisely on the nose.

"Go back to your place, if you really don't know what to do, you can go home and hug your mother, don't waste my time with this kind of rubbish!"

The staff officer quickly picked up the ten pages of garbage that fell on the ground, and quickly ran out of the small room separated by glass.

Unfortunately, not every young person can be so sensible.

"Coercive measures, again compulsory measures! My God, are there only compulsory measures left in the textbooks of the West Point Military Academy now? Open your eyes and look out of the window! Three minutes ago, the sky was still the damn dream of that bastard in China! You Is there any way to force it?"

"However, we must control..."

"How to control? With what control? With this ridiculous coercive measure? Please tell me, Mr. Cole, what can control the dream of that bastard in China? Or did your father invent a rope that can tie What was that bastard thinking while he was sleeping?"

"Sir, I didn't suggest controlling dreams, I just suggested using sedatives or confessionals to make Wu have no dreams in the morning..."

"God, Mr. Cole, why don't you just wear a hospital white gown? I swear you must be a good doctor, because you just invented the daily high-dose sedative... no, the daily high-dose confessional It is a good way to never dream and guarantee that there will be no sequelae! But, why don’t you give it a try first?”

"Sir, this is just a suggestion!"

"No, that's not a proposal! This is trash that the President will absolutely throw in my face! Now get your trash and get the hell out of my room!"


A document of about ten pages hit a young staff officer precisely on the nose.

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