Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 82: Two little dolls are on the phone


"Mr. Wu, entrusted by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, and the CPPCC, I thank you on behalf of the people of the whole country! You have worked hard!"

"Mr Wu, your courage, belief, and unimaginable strength have impressed people all over the world. The United States of America thanks you for your contribution!"

"Salute to you, the first earth hero to contact extraterrestrial civilization, the natural representative of 7 billion people on earth! The Queen and the British people look forward to your winning greater glory!"

"God bless you, Mr. Wu Qingchen! Your hard work, dedication, sacrifice, and great contribution will be admired by people all over the world!"

"Mr. Wu, the Prime Minister of our country has conveyed greetings to you: the Russian Federation supports you! No matter what you need, please feel free to report!"

"India… "


"North Korea… "

"Israel… "


"Wu Jun, congratulations on your triumphant return! Please take care of yourself... There are many girls in Japan who admire you, they are gentle... um... um..."

Except for a certain representative who was dragged away halfway, representatives from several other countries came over one by one and held Wu Qingchen's hands tightly.

None of them are very fluent in Chinese. However, professional diplomats are full of grateful lines, well-trained enthusiasm, and contagious tone, coupled with well-designed, just right handshake strength, swing range , captured Wu Qingchen's mind easily.

The enthusiastic praise from several countries made Wu Qingchen's hands tremble slightly, and his lips trembled slightly, but he didn't know what to do and what to say, so as to match the "unparalleled contribution" and "The Infinite Gratitude of the Peoples of the World".

Floating and in a trance, the diplomats left one by one, and the band quietly left without knowing when.

In the empty living room, Wu Qingchen was still filled with excitement, satisfaction and pride, unable to control herself.

"How is it?" Ji Mingming's voice floated from the side.

"Very happy... no... very excited... no... um... how should I put it..." Wu Qingchen's tightly clenched fist still did not let go. He couldn't express exactly how he felt. What he could clearly say was that his heart was full of achievements. "Thank you everyone for trusting me..."

"Five countries with nuclear weapons, three countries with illegal nuclear weapons, plus the unanimous support of three countries without nuclear weapons, this is not ordinary trust..."

"Eh?" After Ji Mingming's reminder, Wu Qingchen noticed the specific countries represented by the diplomats just now.

No matter how low his sensitivity to politics is, Wu Qingchen understands that if the 11 countries with nuclear weapons make a unified decision on a certain matter, as far as the earth is concerned, this decision means the final decision.

In an instant, Wu Qingchen's sense of satisfaction and sense of responsibility doubled again!

After thinking about it for dozens of seconds, Wu Qingchen looked around after his mind calmed down a bit, and found that after the diplomats and band members left, no one else came in. In the empty hall, only Ji Mingming and himself were always there. .

Wu Qingchen was a little strange: "Officer Ji, what is the arrangement today? Why hasn't anyone come to train yet?"

"What?" Ji Mingming smiled, "So you want to train quickly? I remember you don't seem to have this hobby..."

"Of course not..." Wu Qingchen was a little embarrassed: "I mean, why hasn't anyone come yet?"

"There is no training for now."

"Huh?" Wu Qingchen didn't understand what Ji Mingming meant.

"Okay, let's have breakfast first, let's talk while eating..." As he said, Ji Mingming pressed his throat microphone, and soon, four soldiers who Wu Qingchen looked familiar to appeared.

The soldiers pushed a special dining car.

Pushing the dining car into the living room, the soldiers pressed the sides of the top of the dining car, the cover on the surface slid down silently, and a round tray full of dishes slowly rose up.

Porridge, deep-fried dough sticks, bread, cakes, preserved eggs, pumpkin...

Steamed buns, soy milk, cold noodles, soup noodles, fish fillets...

A piece of exquisite food appeared before Wu Qingchen's eyes. In the corner of the tray, the ingredients that Wu Qingchen specially emphasized when he first returned from the medieval world were still thoughtfully placed: a small bottle of salt and a small bowl of oil.

The whole process took no more than 10 seconds, and the soldiers saluted and left.

Walking to the side of the dining car, Ji Mingming pressed lightly on the side, and a seat popped out of the dining car slowly.

Sitting in the only seat, Wu Qingchen picked up a bun and turned to Ji Mingming: "What do you mean by saying that there is no training for the time being?"


Beside the dining table, Ji Mingming first smiled, then put on his hat, smoothed his tie, and straightened his clothes up and down.

Then, he suddenly saluted Wu Qingchen: "Ji Mingming, a teacher of the Department of Criminal Psychology of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Public Security University of Jiangnan Province of the People's Republic of China, and a member of the Clinical Psychology Team of the Medical Office of the United Nations Interim Committee on Astronomical Events—Ji Mingming, I apologize to you."

"Eh..." Wu Qingchen stopped in amazement with the chopsticks that were pinching the preserved eggs.

In a serious tone completely different from usual, Ji Mingming continued: "I'm sorry, Mr. Wu, without your permission and without informing you of the situation, we have observed all your interpersonal contacts and social experiences, and proactively or passively invade a lot of your information…”

"From this, we learned that you have incomprehensible views or disapproval of many details about the governance, implementation, and propaganda of the motherland, and that you have violated relevant national laws and regulations more or less in your personal life..."

Although this was expected a long time ago, Wu Qingchen was still a little embarrassed when he actually heard it.

"However, from your life experience - your choices when facing various practical issues, and your attitude towards various network focuses, we are very grateful for your position..."

"We are very fortunate that it is you, a great citizen who is full of love for the motherland, the people, and the world, and who has a full sense of responsibility..."

"Mr. Wu, the thanks from the representatives of various countries just now are not empty words... Your hard work is seen by everyone. Your hard work is indeed a huge dedication."

Speaking of this, Ji Mingming paused, giving Wu Qingchen a little time to digest.

Wu Qingchen really needed this bit of time to digest.


If it wasn't for the friends I've known since childhood...

If it weren't for giving birth to me, raising me and educating my motherland...

If it weren't for the beauty of countless people in the world poured out of chicken soup from various countries on the big screen...

Although I will not seek death and life in the medieval world...

But in the case of being so exhausted... Can the thorns cut your hands? Do fleas bite people? Does the stone hit the foot

It's none of my business!

If it wasn't for fear of you, fear of you, among the 7 billion people on earth, one or a few or a few hundred of you, just because of cutting hands, biting people, bumping horns, something happened...

I don't know how many times better my life in the medieval world could be than it is now!

The countless hardships and painstaking efforts of living in the medieval world were finally recognized by his own country and dozens of powerful countries on the earth, and diplomats were sent to thank him personally. A warm current rushed to Wu Qingchen's chest.

"With your love for the people and sense of responsibility, I believe you should understand that, given your current situation and your importance, the United Nations has to train you efficiently and intensively."

"Um, I understand, of course I understand this." Wu Qingchen smiled wryly, "If someone else went to some hellish place and took my life with him, I would have sprayed him to death a long time ago."

"Mr. Wu, you underestimate your own contribution. In fact, the statistics show that the initial proportion of anger towards you is indeed relatively high. However, after your efforts have borne fruit, the public's opinion of you has become positive. many."

"Mr. Wu, the party and the country have always paid close attention to your physical health and mental state. During this period of time, the difficulties you encountered and the pressure you bear, the party, the country, and other countries attach great importance to it. Although the current The form is far from being able to relax...""

"However, considering that you have worked in the medieval world for 41 consecutive days, and you have also received more than 100 hours of continuous training on the earth. Proposed by the United Nations Astronomical Events Medical Office, the United Nations Interim Committee on Astronomical Events unanimously decided: the next schedule , arrange a certain amount of rest time and adjustment space for you every day."

"I still have time to rest?" Wu Qingchen was slightly taken aback.

"Of course, no one needs rest time. Continuous labor is very inefficient... The situation was too dangerous a few days ago, and I had to keep turning... However, the environment in the Middle Ages has improved a lot now, and you have indeed reached the time when you should rest when."

Speaking of this, Ji Mingming's seriousness also came to an end, "Don't worry, brother Wu, the earth will not treat you as a robot."

"Um, about the rest time..." When it came to the rest time, Wu Qingchen did feel exhausted. This exhaustion did not come from the body, but more from the spirit. "How long is the rest time?"

"Two and a half hours a day, now..." Ji Mingming raised his wrist to look: "There are still 2 hours, 13 minutes... 22 seconds."

"Hmm..." The unit of measurement accurate to the second made Wu Qingchen eat buns unconsciously faster, "Then how can I rest?"

"Hehe..." Ji Mingming smiled again, "Your rest time is of course up to you to decide."

"Oh? I can rest as much as I want?"

Asking this question shows from another aspect how miserable Wu Qingchen has been going through recently: During the previous few training sessions, Wu Qingchen had several intermittent "rests":

For example, when learning agricultural movements, "rest" while listening to the analysis of deficiencies;

Another example is the gap between survival training and foreign language classes, while communicating with a team of linguists composed of a hundred people, while "resting";

For example, between the courses of women's wolf defense and plant nutrition, while continuing to listen to pharmacology, while "resting"...

"That's right..." Ji Mingming nodded, "You can rest as much as you want, it's all up to you."

"Well, I remember you saying that it's time for a break, right?"

After getting the confirmation, Wu Qingchen forgot to chew the cold noodles in his mouth. He raised his head slightly and thought for a while, "If this is the case, can I make a phone call now?"

"Of course." As if he had anticipated Wu Qingchen's plan, Ji Mingming took out Wu Qingchen's cell phone from his pocket.

The delicacies that he had been obsessed with in the medieval world immediately lost their appeal. Wu Qingchen quickly put down his chopsticks, took the phone, and pressed the power button.

After a few seconds, the phone turns on.

Then, the bell rang immediately, and the screen lit up to remind you of an incoming call: 0031658941235

"Uh..." Wu Qingchen remembered: his phone seemed a little busy.

Just pressed the incoming call, the phone continued to ring: 2275659875648

Wu Qingchen didn't care about it anymore, and tapped the button to adjust the volume, and three hidden buttons popped out above the button.

Which is the secretary's desk? Before Wu Qingchen turned to Ji Mingming for help, the latter reached out and gave Wu Qingchen a gentle nod.

The phone immediately quieted down.

Okay, so, who do you call now

Because the author didn't want to write about the family history at all, Wu Qingchen never thought of calling the family of "the author hasn't had time to name it, and I don't know if it exists." The first thing that came to mind was his close friends.

Swipe to Contacts and press Dial.

No "beep... beep...", no "hello...", and no "hello..."

The phone was connected instantly, and Chen Wenming's voice came out immediately: "2 minutes and 13 seconds, the difference is 2 minutes and 13 seconds! Old Wu, Brother Ang! Why are you calling now? If it's later, our bonus will be reduced." It's almost over! Hundreds of thousands!"

"Uh..." Wu Qingchen realized that she was stunned a lot today: "Old Chen, what do you mean?"

"Have you forgotten our new job?"

"What new job?"

"Do research! Study you! This is your first call, right? Our prediction is correct?"

I'm stupid, do research... study your sister!

Studying Lao Tzu... Studying Lao Tzu, you are still so confident!

Wu Qingchen felt that he should be angry, but a knowing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "That's right, this is my first call, who is..."

"Who told me to owe you money?"

"Uh..." Wu Qingchen was stunned again.

"How do I know what you want to say? I predicted it! The result of our research!"

"you… "

"That's all we're going to study? We've done a lot of research! It's just a matter of guessing the phone number!"

"I… "

"Hey, hey, pay attention to your quality, don't swear... you can't even think about it!"


Wu Qingchen had never made such an aggrieved phone call, and every word he wanted to say was within the prediction of the other party.

"Don't want to talk? It's right if you don't want to talk... Come on, let me read the next line to you..."

"Wu Qingchen said: Who said I don't want to talk anymore? Chen Wenming said: Then you say it! Wu Qingchen said: I just don't want to talk to you anymore, is Liu Ziming here? Chen Wenming said: Yes, Liu Ziming asked me to tell you, Everyone is fine, eat well, sleep well, be treated well, and the issues you care about are well arranged here. —By the way, this sentence was written by him himself. Wu Qingchen said: Chen Wenming, you just don’t want to be with me. I'll talk well, right? Chen Wenming said: I want to talk, I'll have time in the future, but..."

After reading this, Chen Wenming stopped using the teasing tone: "We have read the report from the medical office, and the brothers agree that what you need more now is to take a good rest and relax, and don't waste time on us …”

"Also...Old Wu, over there in the Middle Ages, you did a great job... Take care!"

There was a slight noise from the microphone, and when it was quiet again, the phone was transferred to another person.

Liu Ziming's voice came over: "In the early morning, everyone is watching the events in the sky, good job!"

The person on the phone changed again: "Men from Jiang County! Brothers support you!"

"Thank you for your hard work, brother. If you have a chance in the future, you must drink a few cups!"

"brother… "

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