Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 90: The time has come


After Mu Tianlan rolled, climbed trees twice, and squatted in the grass several times, Wu Qingchen and his party finally walked out of the coverage area of "No. 35 Lot".

Seeing that Mu Tianlan, who was covered in mud, grass seeds, and leaves, finally stopped and fell far behind, Wu Qingchen felt that the whole team seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

Ahead, after repeated body searches, the person in charge of another bidding section is already waiting by the side of the road.

In this way, Wu Qingchen walked along the already very similar "Aikeli Village" trail, answering various questions from the person in charge of each tender section while walking, making this trail closer to the real appearance of the medieval world.

In the real village of Akeli in the medieval world, several children could be supported, and the standard of living of the old William’s family was naturally not bad. This standard was reflected in the living conditions, which were reflected in the location being relatively close to the center of the village.

The cowherd's mansion is naturally closer to the center of the village.

In this base simulated on the earth, from the former residence of the old William's family to the cowherd's mansion just acquired, even if they have to answer various questions while walking, Wu Qingchen and others only spent about ten minutes.

With a rough bridge made of logs as the dividing line, it is approaching the original cowherd mansion, this new residence that Wu Qingchen/Loss, or all the people on earth will have to live in for a long time in the future, The time consumed by the acceptance work immediately doubled.

The first is the scope of acceptance. Wu Qingchen basically only needs to care about the road itself for the tenders that he passed before, and at most a few places on both sides of the road that are obviously dangerous.

When we got to this area, Wu Qingchen needed to confirm the scope of acceptance, and it was immediately expanded to a range of one or two meters on both sides of the road. A small part of the open area without shrubs or trees was directly expanded to five or six meters. far.

The level of detail of the confirmation has also been greatly improved. Obviously dangerous or accident-prone locations such as bridges, thorns, ponds, and landslides are naturally repeatedly confirmed. Pots, grass, and side hillsides may have hidden threats. The location, also did not let go.

The acceptance process is much more cautious, no longer like the previous tenders, where there is a difference from Wu Qingchen's memory, it only needs to be marked for revision.

Once here, as long as Wu Qingchen raises an objection to any location that is required to confirm the acceptance, most of the locations will immediately carry out rectification on the spot, and some locations that are expected to take a long time or have a large amount of work will be put on the shelf immediately. Several sets of high-definition photography equipment were set up, and they were immediately transmitted to the acceptance assistant who always followed Wu Qingchen through the urgently set up high-bandwidth local area wireless network. Wu Qingchen's latest opinion.

Under such meticulous and prudent requirements, Wu Qingchen spent half an hour in the short distance of a few hundred meters before finally stepping into the cowherd's mansion simulated by the base.

The requirements outside the field are so strict, the standards inside the field are naturally more stringent.

With a more meticulous and prudent attitude, Wu Qingchen went inside and out seven or eight times in this simulated cowherd mansion, looked up and down, carefully and carefully, and again and again. And the three places confirmed countless details about this new residence.

Next, a large group of carpenters, stonemasons, blacksmiths, masons, bamboo craftsmen, and senior consultants from many well-known home design companies and well-known interior decoration companies appeared on the stage, tailoring a set of limited conditions for this new residence. The simplest step, the most convenient transformation, the most subtle change, and the most effective living environment improvement plan.

Limited conditions - so limited that iron knives have to be temporarily borrowed from the priest;

The steps are simple - as simple as Wu Qingchen can memorize and master effectively within an hour;

Easy to transform—it is so convenient that a 14-year-old child in the medieval world, Wu Qingchen/Loss, can operate it;

Change concealment—so concealed that even if the original cowherd family returns, it is almost undetectable;

The effect is significant—so significant that I haven't felt stuffy after working in this new residence for nearly three hours.

When all this was about to end, Wu Qingchen, who got up at 7 o'clock, looked at the sky. The sun was shining brightly, without clouds, and the scorching sun was hanging high. Before he knew it, five hours had passed, and it was now noon.

"Mr. Wu, please order some food."

It was almost time for Wu Qingchen to have lunch on weekdays, and while Wu Qingchen had mastered another skill point for environmental improvement, a staff member who had been waiting for a long time hurriedly approached and handed a thick book to Wu Qingchen. In front of the morning.

"Order?" Wu Qingchen took the "book" inexplicably, opened it, and found that it was a menu, with about a dozen pages, made of thick coated paper, classified according to the cuisines of different regions, with pictures and texts , There are nearly a hundred kinds of delicacies listed.

They all look delicious...

After only a few glances, Wu Qingchen couldn't help but licked his lips, but he still felt strange, "Do you still want to order food? Don't you just go there and eat?"

"Oh, it's like this..."

Huang Xing, who was by Wu Qingchen's side, answered via interface: "A few days ago, time was too tight, conditions were limited, and many arrangements were not in place... But comrades have been working hard, and now there has been some improvement... Well, priority Good logistics support, respecting Mr. Wu's taste, this is a very important job... Well, Mr. Wu can order with confidence, freshness is guaranteed."

Speaking of this, Huang Xing pushed open a certain "hole in the wall" of the wooden house, and the scene outside the house suddenly appeared.

In an open space about ten meters away from the "Cowherd's Mansion", a huge parasol was set up, and a long dining table was placed under the parasol. The dining table was covered with a snow-white table cloth. In front of the only chair, there was A full set of tableware is neatly arranged.

About tens of meters away from this parasol, in another open and flat "village land", more than a dozen mobile cooking tables were built with brackets and steel plates. Next to each cooking table, there are several people wearing The chef wearing a tall hat is leading a larger number of help chefs, cooking all kinds of food in full swing.

Is it necessary!

This... this is too formalistic!

In an instant, Wu Qingchen understood a lot. He sniffed lightly, and sure enough, he smelled a faint smell of ink from the menu in his hand.

Silently looking down at the menu, Jiang Fengming's red eyes when he trained himself, Huang Xingchen's subtle feeling when he shook hands with him, switched back and forth quickly in Wu Qingchen's head that had been trained for several days.

"This..." A few seconds later, Wu Qingchen raised his head, smiled at Huang Xing, and closed the menu: "There are so many, I don't know what to choose... Cough, I mean, coming here on such a hot day Stir-frying is too hard…”

"...Well, I think the original food is quite good, anyway, it suits my taste."

"Haha, Mr. Wu is so considerate of our work... It's good, it's good..." Huang Xing also laughed heartily a few times, and didn't try to persuade him again, "I also think this is too noisy, that..."

"...Xiao Wang..." Handing the menu in his hand to the secretary next to him, Huang Xing gestured outside, "Just do as Mr. Wu said, please let the chefs go to rest... The meals that have been prepared, choose something simple, It usually tastes good."

After a small episode, the acceptance work of the Cowherd's mansion was quickly completed.

Walking out of the wooden house, Wu Qingchen ate a "simple" lunch with only 20 or 30 dishes under the parasols that had already been set up. At the same time, with dozens of experts in humanities, religion, history, language and other disciplines, Wu Qingchen talked about the medieval world. The accent, dialogue, philosophy, and social structure of the book were explored.

Lunch and the post-meal "break" are over.

"The training in the afternoon is ready..." Waiting for Wu Qingchen to drink the last half glass of water, Huang Xing walked over: "Mr. Wu, this is a specific subject, please go over it."

After receiving the document, Wu Qingchen took a quick glance at it. On the top of the form were three familiar major items, and on the bottom were a dozen similarly familiar small items.

The first is the high-efficiency standard version of the action training for agricultural labor in the field.

The second is the scientific treatment of cattle and the consolidation of scientific pastoral care courses.

Then there is an overall plan for the comprehensive utilization of forest resources for fuel collection, livestock grazing, and fertilizer recycling.

"Hoo... ok, let's start."

Let out a long breath, stand up and stretch your body...

After making mental and physical preparations at the same time, Wu Qingchen handed the document back to Huang Xing, and then looked around, but did not find the learning tools that should have been prepared for him long ago: "That, rake, sickle, fork Well... it seems that you didn't see my farm tools?"

"Your farm tools?" Hearing this question, Huang Xing was slightly taken aback, and then immediately realized: "Oh, look at my memory... Well, there are no farm tools... Mr. Wu, you don't need farm tools for the afternoon training... That's it child's..."

"I was so busy this morning that I forgot to tell you..."

Moving closer to Wu Qingchen, Huang Xing spread out the documents in his hand again: "Due to changes in the situation and environment, the training plan formulation team of the United Nations Interim Committee on Astronomical Events has made a plan for your labor-related training content. Major adjustments have been made... please see here... "

Following the position Huang Xing pointed at, Wu Qingchen looked at the document, and immediately found a small column of unfamiliar content in the document that he thought he was familiar with.

The three major items of field labor, cattle care, and forest utilization, as well as the remarks of each sub-item under these three major items, have been changed from "basic mastery" a few days ago to "directed teaching".

"Targeted teaching..." Wu Qingchen frowned slightly and murmured these four words.

"It means... selectively and skillfully pass on the knowledge and skills you have basically mastered to some aborigines in the medieval world."

"Mr. Wu, in the medieval world, your status has been greatly improved, and your safety has been greatly guaranteed..."

Under the sun, Huang Xing's smile was extremely bright, "Under the new situation, the Interim Committee on Astronomical Events of the United Nations believes that the time has come to implement the plan that will completely remove you from front-line manual labor."

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