Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 96: Strategic Plan


"If you have to find a reason for this respite, it is that the outstanding work of comrades has produced good results in the medieval world, laying a solid foundation for Mr. Wu Qingchen's environmental security and status improvement! It has greatly promoted the development of the astronomical event to a new strategic stage!"

"Comrades are all elites from various departments. I believe that everyone understands the principle of 'one moment and another moment'. When I first came into contact with the medieval world, the situation was so urgent, and there was almost no information at all. Our department insisted on step-by-step, everything is safety first, and everything is Mr. Wu Qingchen, which was naturally the most correct choice at that time... "

"However, through the efforts of comrades, we have gained precious buffer time... Now, the situation facing both the earth and the medieval world has undergone tremendous changes. The committee's decision to adopt more flexible means is naturally due to more comprehensive consideration."

"In addition, all of this has nothing to do with Director Huang. Like our department, Comrade Huang Xing is only responsible for the specific implementation of the training plan."

"When we were in charge of training, we never had a banquet, let alone temporarily forget the training arrangement..." The words of the young man who spoke out at the beginning resonated with everyone present.

"You guys..."

Raising his hand and tapping around in the office, Jiang Fengming shook his head with a wry smile on his face, and pressed his right hand on the console. The parameters adjusted by Jiang Fengming when he spoke before took effect immediately, and the display screen on the opposite side switched to several small screens. Block: "Look carefully..."

In the display:

In the morning, while shaking hands with Huang Xing and talking, Wu Qingchen was suddenly a little surprised.

Entering the "Akeli Simulation Base", after passing through the Mutianlan rolling mud pit, and the complex acceptance of the cowherd's new residence, Wu Qingchen looked at the hard-working staff with emotion on his face.

Wu Qingchen was obviously dissatisfied with the sudden extravagant banquet.

Suddenly learning that "completely leave the front-line labor", Wu Qingchen's face was pleasantly surprised.

Each small piece of video clips is continuously played in a loop. In order to avoid mutual interference, all videos are thoughtfully set to mute mode, and under each clip, subtitles of the conversation at that time are added.

Perhaps it is the way the subtitles are more impressive.

After about two minutes, pointing to the first video clip of "Huang Xing and Wu Qingchen" shaking hands, a certain soldier suddenly said "ah".

"Mr. Wu just greeted Director Jiang. Not only did the surnamed Huang not make any random excuses to ambiguously go, but he deliberately mentioned you again and again, and said many times that he could call you over at any time..."

"If you put it this way... here it is also..." Another bureaucrat pointed to the scene where Huang Xing introduced the "Emperor's Golden Pole Banquet": "Mr. Wu is obviously unhappy, but Director Huang deliberately said that the arrangements for the previous few days were not in place. ... Isn't this implying that Director Jiang's arrangement is more in line with Mr. Wu's wishes?"

"It's always something to deliberately pretend to forget about the changes in the training plan, right? Mr. Wu suddenly became happy, isn't it? Is this also to let Mr. Wu Qingchen remember the benefits of Director Jiang?" They all began to change their opinions, and the young people who spoke out at first were a little unconvinced.

However, just after saying this, the young man noticed that his colleagues were all looking at him.

"Isn't it? What's wrong? What did I say wrong?"

"Cough...Xiao Luo..." The colleague who was closest to the young man who was still full of anger patted Xiao Luo on the shoulder: "...Hinting Director Jiang twice in a row is not without a price... Look here..."

Pointing to the small video about "Banquet" in the lower left corner, "...Mr. Wu has already accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction. If you don't do anything to make Mr. Wu happy, maybe you will have to replace Director Jiang on the spot..."

"Isn't that just right!" Ronaldinho raised his voice a little.

"Xiao Luo, Xiao Luo..." A certain soldier also put on a Jiang Fengming-style wry smile: "It's really good that Director Huang is willing to help us, but we can't ask him to help directly destroy the committee's arrangements, right?"

"This..." Ronaldinho is not obsessed with obsession, and his behavior just now was just annoyed and he wanted to go off the road. Now he finally reacted, but he didn't know how to explain it.

"Okay, it seems that everyone understands that Director Huang not only has no malice towards us, but has been helping..." Jiang Fengming spoke again, and helped Xiao Luo out of the situation by the way: "However, please don't misunderstand, this is not me and Xiao Luo. There is no tacit understanding in the officialdom between Director Huang, let alone any secret exchange of interests... "

"... At this moment, it is impossible for such a thing to exist!" Jiang Fengming continued: "Unless Mr. Wu is as ignorant of the situation... Otherwise, even we can see Director Huang's obvious hint. It is impossible for the committee to be ignorant." Circumstances... even, this may itself be the committee's plan..."

"Why?" Ronaldinho asked.

Everyone in the office looked curious.

"This involves a disagreement between our department and Director Huang's department." Having said that, Jiang Fengming sighed slightly and stopped talking.

The people present were all smart people, and when they heard the words that didn't clearly break the line, even Ronaldinho, who was the most impatient, wisely stopped asking.

Jiang Fengming pressed the console again, and the real-time training screen reserved in the lower right corner covered the entire display screen again.

At this time, the ghosts and monsters who taught Wu Qingchen "individual communication skills" had changed for three rounds.

The large office was restored to its original working condition.

Probably because I have untied a lot of knots in my heart. When I watched the video, the voices of the soldiers and bureaucrats seemed to be much more energetic.

This situation lasted for about 20 minutes, when the sound of "Tuk Tuk Tuk..." came from the closed door.

Looking at the surveillance video of the desk console, the three green lights representing the password, passcode, and scan in the upper right corner have all been lit up, and Jiang Fengming has pressed a certain button.

"Hello Director Jiang!"

A group of heavily armed soldiers appeared outside the door, and the leading officer saluted Jiang Fengming.

Jiang Fengming nodded.

Taking an alloy box from the deputy, the officer walked into the room while the other soldiers stayed outside.

Jiang Fengming looked at the large display screen opposite.

Wu Qingchen's "individual communication skills" training is expected to end in about an hour.

"Okay... let's go here first."

Calculating the time needed for the assistance of his subordinates later, Jiang Fengming thought for a while, then raised his head and said to the people in the office: "You go out to work first, and prepare for the next training project, about... Well, if there is no other notice, 40 minutes later Come again."

"It's good."

In the messy room, the soldier reluctantly saluted, the bureaucrat nodded, found a few open spaces among the piles of documents all over the floor, and walked out in a meandering manner.

Waiting for the last bureaucrat to close the door, the officer who kept his eyes on the door and kept vigilant all the time put the box on the desk with both hands.

After putting down the box, the officer picked up a plastic bench, barely found an empty seat near the door, and sat down.

Waiting for the officer to finish these, Jiang Fengming put his palm directly above the box.

A few seconds later, the verification of palm print, blood pressure, heartbeat, etc. was passed, and the box was opened.

Inside is a box made of alloy.

The alloy box is very heavy, Jiang Fengming uses both hands, it is still very laborious to lift it out.

The alloy box was placed on the desk, with several lines of conspicuous red labels on the front:

File name: x-0-13, classified (top secret), reading number 027.

Just like when opening the box, Jiang Fengming put his palm on the palm print on the front of the box again.

A few seconds later, the palm print, blood pressure, heartbeat, etc. were verified, and a small hole about three square centimeters popped open in the upper left corner of the box.

Jiang Fengming took off his glasses and moved his eyes closer to the small opening.

After completing this whole set of procedures, the box made of alloy finally opened automatically.

Inside, is a thick stack of documents.

On the first page exposed, a line of text was marked:

Medieval World Phase II Strategic Plan.

Holding out the document, Jiang Fengming opened the first page:

Medieval World Strategic Information Collection (Temporary) - No. (2012-05-137) - 192nd Revision

It has been revised countless times. Jiang Fengming is naturally very familiar with it, and he quickly turned the pages from the beginning.

Planetary overview... Geographical environment... Weather observation...

After turning seven or eight pages, Jiang Fengming finally saw a few lines of blue fonts representing revisions.

Agricultural technology: Article 27: The third point: We have fully understood the competition between weeds and food crops for nutrients.

In the revised part in blue font, in addition to copying the full text of the previous article, a small line was added at the end: At the same time, there is a certain understanding of the competition between weeds and food crops for sunlight.

Social system... Political environment... Religious development...

Village overview... Surrounding resources... Class analysis...

Target family... Composition members... Social relations...

After flipping through dozens of pages in a row and reading a dozen minor revisions, Jiang Fengming finally saw the second headline:

Minutes of the second phase of the strategic seminar - No. (2012-05-139) - the 135th meeting

Statements from the permanent members of the United Nations:

China speaks...US speaks...Russia speaks...Britain speaks...France speaks...

Other g20 member states speak...

Other participating countries are authorized to speak...

This is also the information that has been turned over countless times, and Jiang Fengming also quickly turned the pages.

Suddenly, a long string of red characters appeared in front of Jiang Fengming.

This represents a decision that is about to be implemented, and Jiang Fengming is refreshed.

Resource strategy (vetoed): See the appendix for details, the representative of the United States made a speech on "Oil and Blood"; the representative of the United Kingdom made a speech on "Gold and the Boer War"...

Luxury strategy (vetoed): See the appendix for details, the representative of Italy made a speech on "War and the Merchant of Venice", "The Artisan and the Mirror Island"; the representative of South Korea made a speech: "The Pearl and the Pearl Girl"...

Public education strategy (vetoed): See the appendix for details, the French representative made a speech on "National Quality Improvement and the Great Revolution", and the Japanese representative made a speech on "The Opening of People's Wisdom and the Meiji Restoration"...

Industrialization strategy (vetoed): See the appendix for details, the representative of the United Kingdom made a speech on "Industrial Revolution and Social Unrest", and the representative of Germany made a speech on "Great Unemployment and the Rise of National Socialism"...

(veto) (veto) (veto)...

In summary, the Committee considers that:

Given the current weak economic foundation, fragile social structure, and harsh living environment of the medieval world, it is not suitable to introduce trans-epochal products that may lead to major social turmoil and huge social changes at this stage.

With the current barbaric political system, low moral standards, and outdated game methods in the medieval world, it is not suitable to introduce high value-added products that may lead to huge external interference and uncontrollable accidental factors at this stage.

Therefore, in the next stage of development of Aikeli village in the medieval world, in terms of economic policy, we should adhere to the positioning of "no floating wealth, less oil and water, tasteless type", implement the principle of low profit and heavy accumulation, ensure low-profit operation, strive for loss-making operation, and do our best Strive for the most ideal negative equity operating model.

Avoid all avoidable troubles and ensure maximum safety.

In terms of political policies, gradually implement the decapitalization policy for the middle and lower aborigines of the medieval world, transform the self-cultivation farming model into an organized and industrialized model, and carry out asset bundling; for the upper aborigines of the medieval world, gradually implement deinfluence Eliminate feudal lords' possession of land and personal freedom, and at the same time use excess current assets as compensation to bundle interests.

Unite all forces that can be united to maintain stability to the greatest extent.

In summary,

After comprehensive consideration of factors such as clothing, food, housing, transportation, status, security, economy, and influence, the committee believes that the second phase of the strategic plan is positioned as "to improve the target audience (Chinese citizen Wu Qingchen) The living conditions are the primary appeal, and the development plan that promotes the simultaneous improvement of several other elements” is in line with the reality and decided to implement.

Codename: "Grind Mill Strategy".

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