Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 99: Water altar


February 12, 0001, early morning.

The Middle Ages, Akeli Village, Church.

The sun was about to come out, and the sky was glowing with a faint blush. Stepping on the path paved with stone slabs among the weeds, Wu Qingchen stepped up the steps and appeared at the door of the church.

"75... 76... 76... 76..."

On the left side of the church, a young man was grabbing a rag, wiping the tables and chairs, and muttering with a sad face.

Hearing the movement at the door, the boy's frowning brows instantly relaxed, and the joy from the heart flooded his face. He turned around quickly, and the boy's voice was full of relief: "Good day, Ross! You are finally here La!"

"Good day, Andre... It rained the other day, and the bridge near Avilia's house was a little loose again, and it took a while to pile up the stones..."

Smiling and saying hello to the current only student of the Vicar of Praia, Wu Qingchen/Loss walked into the church, naturally turned to the right side of the church, picked up a broom from the corner that is rare in the entire village of Akeli, and joined Routine morning cleaning.

"1, 2, 3, 4... 8, 9, 10..." On the right side of the church, Wu Qingchen swung a broom to clean the stone slabs on the right side of the church. Every time Wu Qingchen took a step, he recited a number, and quickly read from one to ten.

"1, 2, 3, 4... 8, 9, 10..." On the left side of the church, after Wu Qingchen finished reciting, Little Andre followed immediately, and every time the rag in his hand was wiped on the tables and chairs, he read a number.

"11, 12... 19, 20..." Little Andre had just finished reading, and Wu Qingchen immediately entered the next round of walking, cleaning, and counting.

"11..." Little Andre's second round also started.

"57, 58, 59, 60..." By the time he read this, the first row of stone slabs on the right had been cleaned, dragging his broom, Wu Qingchen walked towards the aisle in the middle of the church.

"52, 53, 54... 55... 54... 55... 55... 55..."

After reading "54" and "55", little Andre suddenly got stuck, muttering something, and the rag in his hand stopped unconsciously.

From the combination of words such as "little water", "little water", "medium water", "sleeping water" and "diving" that make Wu Qingchen want to die, we can know that the medieval world, or "master" Within the sphere of influence of the gods, the language and characters used are the phonetic writing system with phonetic recording as the main means.

The biggest advantage of such a phonetic system is that the core pronunciation vocabulary is low, easy to learn, and has strong adaptability to different things.

A small number of core nouns, such as "water, fire", are matched with the same small number of core verbs, such as "sleep, jump", and even a small number of core adjectives, such as "big, medium, small", and mutually Combining, you can make a fairly satisfactory description of the type, state, scope, etc. of most things for the natives of the medieval world.

And this way of recording sounds, and this kind of combination, while being convenient in other aspects, conveniently planted a large part of the disadvantages on "mathematics".

These disadvantages, as far as little Andre can feel at present, are that the larger the value of the number, the longer the pronunciation will be when the number is read out, the more difficult it will be to memorize, and the more painful the feeling of reciting will be.

"56..." After waiting for about ten seconds, little Andre still failed to get the result of "5", so Wu Qingchen reminded him gently.

"Oh! That's right, that's right..." Little Andre recited it smoothly after suddenly realizing it.

"54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60..."

This is the reason why little Andre would be doubly happy when he saw Wu Qingchen appear these days.

After cleaning all the slates of the church for a round, the pastor completed another round of review for the "50-100" course taught "just" half a month ago.

Next, Wu Qingchen also took a rag, and began to help little Andre wipe the tables and chairs, and by the way, started to help little Andre review another "Holy Word" course.

When the cleaning work and little Andre's "review subjects" were all over, the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone at the door of the church.

"Okay, it's almost there..."

Looking around the church with satisfaction, little Andre put the rag in his hand back to its original place.

"Now, it's time to prepare the stream water..." As he said, little Andre approached the pulpit, and together with Wu Qingchen, moved down the water altar placed above.

The two worked together to move the water altar out of the church, poured the "leftover water" from the previous day into the wild grass at the stone steps at the door, and then walked down a sloping path to the stream.

After washing, filling with water, and drying the surface with a robe, these usual steps were completed, and the two lifted the water altar again and walked towards the direction of returning to the church.

When walking about a dozen steps from the stream, Wu Qingchen, who was walking on the right, holding the arms of the water altar, suddenly felt a slight tremor.


This is from little Andre's trembling.

This was Wu Qingchen's trembling that he had been mentally prepared for, or that he had been waiting for for a long time.

This path connecting the church and the stream is about one meter in front of where Wu Qingchen and little Andre are standing at the moment. The two must pass through when they go back. Much higher mud steps.

This level of mud steps is quite familiar to Wu Qingchen.

Just yesterday afternoon, or just the afternoon of May 13, 2012 Earth time.

At this level of mud steps, Wu Qingchen has already gone up and down 20 or 30 times at the corresponding position of the "Akeli Village Simulation Base" on the earth.

The target was the trembling of little Andre at the moment.

Either I fell here, or I almost fell here, or I was simply afraid of this height...

Using the highest-precision camera, the highest-precision motion capture device, and other related instruments of the same highest precision, the Earth team can accurately calculate the diameter of every grass, the volume of every piece of sawdust, and every person that appears on the giant screen in the sky. facial expression, heartbeat, breathing rate... and the mental state they represent.

Companies around the world capable of producing these instruments have been urgently requisitioned by the governments of various countries, and they have deployed massive amounts of materials to produce overtime. Every instrument that has just come off the assembly line will be sent to the most important organization as quickly as possible. .

In addition to these most important institutions, the earth has set up countless similar institutions like dumplings at the same time, and adopts slightly inferior or slightly inferior equipment. From multiple angles, each piece of Analyze everything Wu Qingchen experienced in the medieval world every second and every frame.

Thousands of such agencies found:

Ever since Wu Qingchen was asked by the pastor to participate in the cleaning of the church and the preparations for prayer, when Wu Qingchen and little Andre passed by this position, little Andre would show quite nervous almost every time.

At the same time, from the different levels of tension when going uphill and downhill, the direction in which the eyes look involuntarily, and the different postures of subconsciously protecting the water tank when nervous...

... and other details, these institutions also pointed out that the possibility of little Andrei falling and breaking the water altar was more than 80% when he returned to the church from the stream with the water altar in his arms.

In the overall planning of "The Mill Strategy", Little Andre is one of the most important nodes.

Aiming at this important node, the staff team tailored a complete set of "Wu Qingchen Must" for Andre Jr.

"What's wrong?"

After the personal guidance of the top performers in the entertainment industry, and a full half an hour of practice...

At this moment, when he asked this sentence, Wu Qingchen's expression and voice showed moderate concern, but did not seem deliberate; on the surface it was a random question, but concealed a strong hint of encouragement.

Where is Little Andre's opponent for this kind of routine

Looking at Wu Qingchen's sincere expression, concerned eyes, and that gentle question...

Little Andre suddenly felt that the fault that he was absolutely unwilling to publicize on weekdays was actually not a big deal.

"Oh... It's nothing... Even if I accidentally fell here once when I first arrived in Akeli..."

As he said that, little Andre smiled embarrassedly, and added a little more strength to grab the water altar with his arms: "... and broke the teacher's water altar."

very good! It hits the key predictions of the "institutions" and also hits the content of the training projects that the training group focuses on.

"This is it?" Wu Qingchen gestured to the mud steps ahead, "Is that the steps in front?"

"Yeah! That's right there..."

"Oh... this is easy to handle..."

Saying that, Wu Qingchen walked towards the mud steps involuntarily, and little Andre, who was carrying the water altar together, had to hurry up to follow. Unprepared, little Andre's footsteps were unavoidably in a hurry, and his already nervous mood immediately intensified .

Fortunately, when there was still a step away from the mud steps, Wu Qingchen stopped and compared his head to the direction of the mud steps: "Actually, I also think it's not easy to walk here... Otherwise, let's lift the water jar first." Get there, wait until it’s up there, and move it later.”

"it is good… "

This is a simple solution, even little Andre can think of it.

However, before Wu Qingchen came to the Middle Ages world, it was undoubtedly a laborious task to lift a water altar filled with stream water up the mud steps at the age of little Andrei who was only one year younger than Ross; After the pastor's vision, little Andre has never been embarrassed to tell what he had fallen.

So, until this moment, little Andre, with the help of Wu Qingchen/Loss, freed his hands from the burden of the water tank for the first time.

With no burden on his hands, he looked at the mud steps again, and suddenly, little Andre felt a sense of relief in his heart.

"Come… "

While reminiscing, a shadow suddenly appeared in the corner of little Andre's eyes.

Turning his head, Wu Qingchen/Loss had already stepped up the mud steps, and stretched out his palm downward, "... come, grab it, and I will help you up."

Without the burden of the water tank, although there is no need to borrow strength, however, looking at the smile reflected by Wu Qingchen/Loth's sunlight, little Andre suddenly smiled, and held the one that was swaying slightly back and forth, Warm palms.

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