Kill That Man

Chapter 688: Yu Wen's death


Li Huaide's cultivation base is weaker than Yu Wenjian's. If he fights with his talent and intelligence, he still has the possibility to win. Being pushed head-on like this is the worst thing that can happen.

If there is no accident, Li Huaide will end up exhausted and buried in the bottom of the sea.

Yu Qingyao arranged for all the dragon people to hide in the cave, and set up a defensive barrier outside the cave. She also prevented these dragon people from being hurt by the aftermath of the battle between the two.

She put so much thought into the dragon people, but she didn't want to be killed all at once.

After the dragon man was settled, she quietly cursed Yu Wenjian to grow white hair.

Yu Wenjian, who was concentrating on fighting, didn't realize that his temples had turned gray.

Seeing that Li Huaide was defeated, Yu Qingyao shook her head and complained: "I thought he was so powerful, but he turned out to be a silver-like wax gun head."

Axiu asked curiously, "What is the silver-like wax gun head?"

Ah Zhen sneered and said, "It just means that it's not useful."

Axiu looked left and right, and asked, "Why, why didn't I see it?"

Ah Zhen rolled her eyes and said, "Retarded!"

A Xiu complained to Yu Qingyao: "A Yao, A Zhen scolded me again!"

Yu Qingyao glared at A Zhen, and comforted A Xiu: "Don't pay attention to her, she never says good things."

Ah Fu added insult to injury and said, "Crow's Mouth!"

Ah Zhen glared at Ah Fu, Ah Fu smiled slightly, and stared back without showing any weakness.

After Afu became a real dragon, his confidence increased greatly, and his awe of A Zhen decreased sharply.

Yu Qingyao had no time to pay attention to the bickering of the demon pets. While watching the duel between the two, she wondered how to deal with them.

In her heart, Yu Wenjian is obviously an enemy, and it is an enemy with bad character. The dead enemy is a good enemy.

Although Yue Xiude was good to her, it was a silver fox who had been lied to her. It was not a pity to die at all. On the contrary, she was happy to see him die again.

However, from the current situation, she felt that Yu Wenjian was damn.

Yu Wenjian won, the silver fox died, and the next time it was her turn. Yu Wenjian will definitely not let her go.

This is very headache.

She doesn't like fighting people with open swords and guns.

But if you do n’t fight for one game, he will be caught by him. Will be forced to do countless indescribable things. The most terrible thing, at the end of the blood war, maybe Yu Wenjian would cut off her person to return to the reward.

In contrast, helping Yue Xiude to win, her life is much more comfortable.

In the next weighing, Yu Qingyao decided to help the silver fox. Silver Fox is much easier to deal with than Yu Wenjian.

However, to what extent, that's the place where Yu Qingyao is tangled now.

Yu Wenjian saw Yue Xiude branching from left to right, his forehead was sweating, and he gradually appeared to be exhausted. He smiled contemptuously, and was about to fire three more powerful spells in succession, severely injuring the opponent in one go.

He had accumulated enough mana and shouted loudly: "Surrender to death!"

The nine-fold giant wave is his most powerful spell, one wave is stronger than the last wave, and the last nine-fold giant wave detonates at the same time, the power is terrifying. If it was hit head-on, Yue Xiude, who had consumed most of his mana, would never be able to stop it.

Yu Wenjian seldom casts this spell, because it takes three blinks of an eye to accumulate momentum for a long time. In normal martial arts, there are three blinks of an eye, and the opponent attacks early or escapes.

Today was different, Li Huaide blocked in front of Haiying Island foolishly, and blocked it head-on, which gave Yu Wenjian enough time to charge up.

He was about to send out nine huge waves when he suddenly felt that his three souls were in turmoil and his senses were all lost.

Yu Wenjian was shocked, knowing that he had been tricked by someone, he didn't think much about it, and hit out the nine stacks of huge waves he had prepared indiscriminately.

He thought he was casting a spell at the enemy in front of him, but in fact, with his senses confused, he was hitting the sea.

Nine huge waves hit the sea below him, and in a huge explosion, hundreds of miles of sea suddenly collapsed, exposing the seabed.

Under the shock, Yu Wenjian's body bounced into the sky like a rocket. The violent shock hurt his five internal organs, and he spewed out a mouthful of warm blood. However, he didn't know it himself.

Yu Wenjian released the spell that had been charged for a long time in order to free up his hands to activate the biggest protection on the Taoist robe.

Because Li Huaide was unable to fight back, his automatic defense was only half activated.

Similarly, he thought he had turned on all the defenses, but he didn't.

Li Huaide had just resisted a wave of Yu Huaide's attack with great effort, and was waiting for the next wave.

Suddenly, the enemy cast a huge spell on the sea like crazy, and then vomited blood and flew into the sky.

This is the best chance for a kill.

Li Huaide's instinctive sword flashed, and Yujian stabbed with all his strength.

The morning glow of the sword pierced Yu Wenjian's heart in an instant.

Yu Wenjian woke up, looked at the big hole in his heart in astonishment, and then at the astonished Yue Xiude, shouted sharply: "You dare to kill me!"

Li Huaide did not expect that he could really hit his vitals with a sword.

He just wanted to seize the opportunity to take the upper hand, and then force the enemy to be unable to use powerful spells. He didn't even think of killing Yu Wenjian, or even defeating Yu Wenjian, he just wanted to buy a time when Yu Wenjian couldn't make a move. Then I told my junior sister to run quickly, but in the end he also ran away.

Yu Wenjian said bitterly: "Traitor! Senior brother will avenge me."

As he spoke, he sent a Fetion letter.

There was only one sentence in the letter: "Yue Xiude colluded with the enemy to kill me, help me avenge!"

Li Huaide watched him send out the Fetion letter, and knew something was wrong, so he urgently wanted to intercept it. Yu Wenjian thought he couldn't survive, so he commanded the giant whale monster waiting beside him to fly towards Li Huaide.

The giant whale blew itself up, and a huge flame rushed towards Li Huaide.

Li Huaide didn't care about intercepting Fetion, and defended with all his strength.

When the flames dissipated, he saw Yu Wenjian's body fall into the sea with a bang.

Li Huaide's heart was cold. He guessed that the flying letter sent by Yuwenjian before his death must be the number one true disciple of Liuyunzong. The content must be that he killed Yu Wenjian.

He can no longer intercept the flying letter now, if the elder brother receives that letter, it will be over.

It is a capital crime to kill each other, especially if it is a true disciple who is killed, this is an unforgivable crime.

Maybe, Eldest Senior Brother will leave Fushanzong's enemies alone and bring people to hunt him down.

Even if Eldest Senior Brother doesn't care, Li Huaide will not want to hang out in Liuyunzong anymore after he leaves the Blood Realm and the news comes back to Liuyunzong.

Yue Xiude's family will also suffer bad luck.

And this is what Yu Qingyao wants.

Li Huaide sighed, was too lazy to care about Yu Wenjian's body, turned his head and flew towards Haiying Island.

Thinking hard about the countermeasures while flying.

Before flying to Haiying Island, he saw Yu Qingyao standing on the beach looking anxiously.

Seeing him coming back, Yu Qingyao flew over happily and said, "Senior Brother Yue, are you alright?"

Li Huaide forced a smile and said, "I'm fine!"

Yu Qingyao asked anxiously: "Where is Yu Wenjian?"

Li Huaide pondered: "I beat him away."

Yu Qingyao let out an oh, and said happily: "That's good!"

(end of this chapter)