Kill That Man

Chapter 689: lie lie


In fact, Yu Qingyao knew the whole thing clearly, it was she who cast the curse that Li Huaide had the chance to kill Yu Wenjian.

She did it just right, not only killing Yu Wenjian, but also giving him a chance to send a flying letter before he died.

She could have prevented Yu Wenjian from sending a flying letter.

However, if she had the opportunity to harm Silver Fox, she would not begrudge it.

She wanted to see what Silver Fox would do after being regarded as a traitor by the sect.

If Yinhu couldn't get rid of the suspicion and was charged with killing his fellow disciples, he might be hunted down by Liuyunzong, and he would have no choice but to flee to the end of the world. At that time, Yu Qingyao would be overwhelmed, laughing and watching the silver fox fleeing in all directions, with nowhere to live.

She didn't want to kill Silver Fox with her own hands again, but she didn't want him to be at ease, and even more annoying that he would lurk by her side to tease her when he had nothing to do.

She really felt that this fox had ulterior motives, and if he couldn't be killed, it was the best policy to drive him away.

The most amazing thing is that Yinhu actually lied to his face, saying that he just beat Yu Wenjian away.

Naturally, she would not expose this kind of lie, and she should not know it. To see how he acted, she went to the cave of the dragon people and told them the good news that the danger was over.

Li Huaide sat alone on a big rock by the sea, watching the undulating waves of the sea with a sad face.

He didn't want his junior sister to be worried, and he didn't want the kind-hearted junior sister to misunderstand him as a villain because he killed his fellow senior brother, so he concealed the fact that he killed Yu Wenjian.

What he is worried about now is that the elder brother knows how he will react when he finds out that he killed Yu Wenjian.

He reckoned that in a short period of time, the senior senior brother would not have time to come to him, because the senior senior senior brother was in a fierce battle with the Fushan Sect people at this time.

But when the bloody battle is over and they return to the sect, the elder brother will probably take care of this matter.

Li Huaide felt that, first of all, he must not admit to killing Yu Wenjian, and secondly, it is best that the elder brother did not tell the other fellows about it. In that case, he only needs to deal with the elder brother.

It's not easy to get rid of the elder brother, but it's much easier than getting rid of the entire Liuyun sect and getting rid of the crime of killing fellow sects.

Eldest brother Qi Yuan cares most about the power of the sect. Li Huaide thought to himself: If I swear to make a big brother, with my status as the master of the peak in the future, he will probably turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye, and only use this matter as a handle to manipulate me, and it will be unfair. out of the ordinary. In this case, I can still stay in Liuyunzong and continue to be my true disciple.

In this way, the Yue family will not be affected by me, but the master is afraid that he will not be happy. He originally supported the second senior brother.

However, this is also impossible. It doesn't matter to me who I support as suzerain. It's not a big deal for Benfeng to change someone. At least that's hundreds of years from now.

Let's talk about this first pass.

What should I do if I can't handle Big Brother

Well, in that case, I can only rely on Fushan Sect. The Fushan Sect is likely to be willing to accept me. After all, if a true disciple of the enemy defected and joined me, it would be a victory for the Fushan Sect and a joke for the Liuyun Sect.

However, this is a last resort. Once I betray and turn to the enemy, Master will be very sad, and the Yue family's situation in Liuyun Sect will be extremely difficult. I am also sorry for the old father who died because of saving me.

By voting for the Fushan Sect, I can approach my junior sister more conveniently and make her fall in love with me. However, Fushan Sect will definitely not be willing to let her marry me. After all, I am an outsider to them. They will allow her to marry any true disciple, but they will never allow her to marry me. In the end, if I want to succeed, I have to elope with her. However, as a junior sister, I'm afraid it will be difficult to persuade her to defect from the sect.

There are pros and cons to this. Overall, the harm outweighs the benefit. It is the kind that is sweet first and then bitter.

And I continue to stay in Liuyunzong, after leaving the blood world, it will be as difficult as going to heaven to meet my junior sister again. But once my junior sister falls in love with me, I can bring her back to Liuyunzong. Liuyunzong will not object to me marrying her without knowing that she is a banishing immortal.

Even if Master is not willing, I can still persuade him.

However, it is not so difficult to make my junior sister fall in love with me when we can no longer meet each other.

During the bloody battle, it was the easiest time for me to get close to her. This opportunity should not be missed.

In the evening, Yu Qingyao and Li Huaide took a walk on the beach.

The sun was setting and the sky was full of sunset, Yu Qingyao asked anxiously: "Brother Yue, will that brother of yours bring someone here again?"

Li Huaide was stunned for a moment before realizing that she was talking about the dead Yu Wenjian. Of course the dead Yu Wenjian would not bring anyone with him.

He smiled dryly, shook his head and said, "No."

Of course Yu Qingyao knew that Yu Wenjian would not come back, but she still pretended not to know, and said anxiously, "What if he brings someone back?"

Li Huaide frowned, based on his inference, the elder brother should not be able to spare to find him, but maybe he would send someone to take a look.

He frowned and said with a dry smile, "Then we can only hide."

Yu Qingyao asked curiously: "How do we hide? You are with me, aren't you afraid that your classmates will misunderstand?"

Li Huaide was about to answer when he suddenly saw a flying letter flying like lightning.

Yu Qingyao also sensed Fetion, and judged that it was Brother Chong Yue, so she didn't take any action to stop it.

Li Huaide took the flying letter and opened it to see that it was from Senior Brother Qi.

Qi Yuan had received Yuwenjian's flying letter a long time ago, but he was fighting with people from Fushan Sect at that time. He postponed the matter, and only then did he send a letter to ask Yue Xiude.

"Yu Wenjian said that you killed him, is it true? Why did you kill him?"

In order to facilitate the gathering of manpower and grasp the overall situation of the bloody battle, the top three core true disciples of the two core combat forces all have a Horcrux called the Astrolabe Disk in their hands. There is a little soul breath of each true disciple on the horcrux.

With this horcrux, the owner can sense the approximate location of the aura owner with the soul, and can find people based on this.

Another function of this Horcrux is to judge the disciple's life and death. When Yu Wenjian died, the aura he left on the Horcrux dissipated. Li Huaide is not dead, his breath is still beating lively.

Qi Yuan would look at this thing every few days, and look at the situation of fellow apprentices, so as to grasp the overall situation of the bloody battle.

If most of the same sects are alive, it means that the battle is stable. If most of the same sects are dead, it means that the battle situation is very bad. He had to consider hiding with the people around him, so as not to be besieged by most enemies.

If this thing falls into the hands of the enemy, it will be terrible. The enemy searched for it, and none of them could escape.

Therefore, only the three most powerful disciples can keep it.

Li Huaide did not expect Qi Yuan to send a flying letter to ask now. Logically, this should not be done. This flying letter could easily be intercepted or tracked by Liu Yunzong.

Once intercepted or followed by Liu Yunzong, Yue Xiude's life would be in danger.

Li Huaide hurriedly wrote back: Brother Yuwen is dead? Why do you say I killed him? I haven't seen him since entering the blood world.

(end of this chapter)