Kill That Man

Chapter 690: Big brother's reaction


Qi Yuan received Yue Xiude's reply and was skeptical.

He was sure that Yuwenjian's letter was sent by Yuwenjian himself, and the flying letter would carry the soul breath of the owner, which was not wrong. Yuwen Jian is really dead, this is even more correct.

But Yue Xiude replied that he had never seen Yu Wenjian, which was strange.

Qi Yuan couldn't help but think.

He thought to himself: There are two possibilities, one is that what Yuwen Jian said in the letter is true, he was killed by Yue Xiude, but Yue Xiude dare not admit it. The second possibility is that Yu Wenjian was captured by the enemy, and before he died, he was forced to send the flying letter, falsely accusing Yue Xiude of killing him. This is a deliberate attempt by the enemy to create discord between us.

But why is it Yue Xiude? His strength is too weak, and he is alone, even if I kill Yue Xiude, it won't cause much loss to our combat power.

That's right, Yue Xiude was very active in the front battle and killed many people from the Fushan Sect. Fushan Sect even dispatched Elder Meng to kill him. It can be seen that Fushanzong hated Junior Brother Yue very much, so it is not impossible to plan this plan to kill him.

After another thought:

Does Yu Wenjian have any grudge against Yue Xiude? Although it is inevitable that there will be some small frictions between the same sects, especially if they are both true disciples, there will be some conflicts due to their desire to compete, or the competition for interests between the two peaks. There shouldn't be any need to kill and take revenge quickly, right

Perhaps this is really a trick of the enemy.

Qi Yuan took out the horcrux astrolabe, looked at Yue Xiude's location, and deduced that he was still alone at sea.

He replied: "So, you can do it yourself! If you dare to rebel against the sect, I will kill you!"

He sent flying letters and prayed silently in his heart: Junior Brother Yue, you are lucky. If you are unlucky and this letter is followed by the Fushan Sect and you are killed, that is fate. I will regard you as the murderer of Yu Wenjian. If you are lucky and don't die, I will take it as an enemy's trick and forget about it. However, in the future, I will send someone to watch you.

When Li Huaide received the reply, he smiled and stopped replying.

During the bloody battle, sending flying letters is very dangerous for both the receiver and the sender.

Of course, Qi Yuan is another matter. He has extremely high fighting power, and he has a group of juniors by his side. It is not afraid that Liuyunzong will know where he is.

The people of Liuyunzong actually knew his location long ago.

Li Huaide is not very afraid, because he is alone overseas, and at this time, the Fushan sect can't spare anyone to catch him.

The fight on the three continents was lively, if one or two disciples of the Fushan Sect were sent to any one of the continents, the battle would immediately become unbalanced.

If the person who came to kill Yue Xiude couldn't come back in a short time, when he goes back, he might have to collect the corpse for his seniors.

And when other people hiding at sea came, Li Huaide was not afraid.

According to the usual practice, those who are still hiding at sea at this time are all weak.

At that time, it is really not certain who will kill who.

Although Yu Qingyao really wanted to know what was said in the flying letter Yinhu received, and also wanted to know what he said in the reply letter, but she didn't ask.

Many girls don't understand one thing, and men don't want to tell their beloved women many things, because they think that women only need to live happily, and they don't want her to know about the real worries and troubles.

In the subconscious of a man, letting a woman know these things will make him feel incompetent.

When a man encounters difficulties at work, he will ask his elders for help and his friends for advice, but he seldom discusses it with his wife.

On the contrary, women will turn to their own men for help at the first time. If there is no man, or a man is unreliable, they will be friends and then elders.

Yu Qingyao understands very well: what a man wants you to know, he will naturally tell you, and don't ask what he doesn't want you to know, because if you ask, you will only make yourself boring.

After walking for a while, Yu Qingyao discussed the transition with Yue Xiude.

She felt that this matter was almost done, and she had taught everything that should be taught and could be taught. If she continued to teach, those dragon people would not be able to learn. The rest is up to them to develop on their own. She wanted to go to the next island, to find another dragon tribe.

The seeds of civilization cannot be sown in only one place, but in several places. In case one dragon tribe is destroyed by Taoists, there will be another one.

She is also tired of staying on this island.

Of course Li Huaide would not refuse.

The next day, they bid farewell to the dragonmen of Haiying Island and went to find another tribe of dragonmen.

They searched carefully on the sea. Li Huaide is afraid of meeting people again, no matter which Taoist sect he meets, it will be troublesome for him.

Yu Qingyao was only afraid of meeting someone from Liuyunzong.

There are not many islands with dragon people, and they searched too carefully. After spending more than ten days, they did not find the next dragon people tribe.

At this time, the two teams on the mainland had already entered a state of intense fighting.

They are still fighting a war of attrition, but what they consume is the magic weapons, pills and spells they carry.

Let's have a fight today, and when we get tired, we'll have a rest.

Tomorrow night, take advantage of your unpreparedness and make a surprise attack.

The day after tomorrow, the leaders of both sides will fight one-on-one.

In short, change the place, change the pattern of the battle.

This is more beautiful than positional offensive and defensive warfare, and it is also much more dangerous.

Injuries are inevitable.

Yu Qingyao wanted to take a secret shot several times, but after watching for a long time, she gave up.

Although it can be dark, there are always brothers and sisters near the target, and they will protect each other in time.

Yu Qingyao has always believed in a one-hit kill, as long as the injury is not dead, she finds it boring.

She decided to wait patiently.

She is not afraid of being late for a good meal, and she has always been very patient.

Yu Xin of Liuyun Sect cautiously searched Jiaoshi Island.

He hid in a cave for a few months, reckoning that the fight on the mainland is in full swing and there should be no one on the sea, so he came out for some activities.

He flew away from the island where he had been hiding, and went to another large island nearby.

Even so, he was very careful to search the island.

Yu Qingyao casually pressed the head to make it gray.

When she first saw Yu Xin, she didn't pay attention. Just as he was about to change people, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a pile of rocks beside Yu Xin out of the corner of his eye. She immediately regained her spirits.

That pile of rocks is not unusual, but one of the thousands of ancient traps mastered by the Fushan Sect, which is still more powerful.

The five elements inside are reversed, but the five elements rotate in rotation. It is said that there is no cultivation base of the body-fitting state, so don't think about it at all.

A smirk flickered across Yu Qingyao's lips.

Yu Xin was exploring forward cautiously, when suddenly he caught a glimpse of Ji Xuande flying towards him less than twenty meters away.

He was frightened half to death, and instinctively flashed in the opposite direction.

This flash doesn't matter, he flashed directly into the pile of rocks.

After a flash, he found himself in a strange space.

When he was surprised, the upside-down five-element array was launched.

Round after round of spells, non-stop mad attacks came over.

Yu Xin cursed and resisted frantically.

Yu Qingyao quietly gripped her claws: You deserve to be unlucky, it's not easy to go, but to go to the edge of the trap, I will feel bad if I don't cheat you. You stay in it forever! In this way, you won't die in a bloody battle, look, this girl is so kind.

She ignored the spell that reversing the five elements array would isolate the outside world.

This means that if Yu Xin can't go out on time, he will stay in this blood world for the rest of his life.

(end of this chapter)