Killing Show

Chapter 22: birthday party



Xia Tian clearly felt the change of his status.

Not only the various configurations around him and the level of the program have improved, but everyone's attitude has changed, becoming more respectful, as if he is a god walking in the world. The sponsor gave another villa, but in view of the gorgeous decoration that fits his status, he still had to live in Bai Jing'an's house.

When Xia Xia was inspecting the full refrigerator and thinking about how to solve lunch, Haida came to visit.

She didn't call, but came directly, threw an invitation on the table, and said, "A banquet invitation. You must go."

Xia Tian looked at that thing suspiciously, Haida's posture showed that the invitation could not be refused.

He said, "The kind that can go with clothes on?"

"Birthday party!" Haitian said, "Old Mr. Minkoff's son, a real dignitary in Uptown."

Xia Tian has never heard of this name before, but now he knows that this family owns half of the upper world and the fifteen most profitable channels of Fujin TV. If something is really going on here, Minkoff is the kind of guy who will mean what he says.

In the upper world, such invitations are known only after entering a certain circle. It is like a dazzling light, and people will start mentioning it a few months earlier. Getting an invitation is a major proof of identity.

This time the invitation is for Mr. Minkov's sixteenth birthday party. He is an only child, and his father is so precious. Everything at the party must be of the highest standard. And Xia Tian and Bai Jing'an, the two killing show stars who have been in the limelight recently, are obviously part of the specifications of the top elite.

Xia Tian picked up the invitation letter. The words and sentences on the letter were rigorous and polite. There was a fire bird logo printed on the right corner. The material seemed to be burning quietly. Things, leaving only a light fragrance.

Bai Jing'an took the letter from Xia Tian's hand to look at it, and Hui Tian said again: "You must go."

"It's like we have choices." Xia Tian said.

Mr. Minkov's mansion is an independent floating city, suspended above the current city pool, Xia Tian feels that sooner or later these people will build another layer to fill up the sky.

They were late when they went, because Bai Jing'an was going to do a program in the morning, and when he came back, a group of carnivorous dinosaurs appeared in the block—from the TV, there were also herbivorous species, but as soon as they arrived at the genetic research room of Fujin TV station, they all turned into dinosaurs. carnivorous.

According to reports, the dinosaur escaped from a reality show on Channel 7 of Fujin. The TV station was not in a hurry at all, and let the monsters create a lot of X-rated scenes before slowly starting the rescue.

Bai Jing'an was trapped in a supermarket, delayed for half the morning, he was very embarrassed when he came back, and complained to Xia Tian that rather than guarding against dinosaurs, it is better to prevent the people from killing themselves before encountering dinosaurs. This group of people all had guns, panicked, very assertive, and disorganized.

Bai Jing'an has been busy being the leader of the youth army all morning.

"You look handsome on TV, and your fans soared." Xia Tian said, "But it's a bit pathetic."

"I've been repeating 'no' and 'stop' all morning. I'm not so much fighting dinosaurs as I am being a kindergarten teacher."

As they spoke, they were heading to the party on a luxurious anti-gravity shuttle, and they could see the buildings on the clouds in the distance.

It seems to be solidified by light and clouds, and the sun shines on it, making it look sacred and transparent. Xia Tian has also been in and out of many mansions, this one is still the most expensive he has ever seen, the price is immeasurable.

When they got in, the party had already started.

Although the mansion was like a fairyland and the invitations were serious, what was going on inside was a tasteless extravagant carnival of young people.

All drinking, dancing, eating and having sex. Haida said that old Mr. Minkoff decided to let his son do the banquet, and it turned out like this. Because Mr. Minkov said "I want to be more lively".

From Xia Tian's point of view, that little Mr. Minkov obviously didn't care about the banquet. This is what parties do when you don't give a damn.

The hall is full of people. The stones used to build the house here are pure natural, without traces of stencil printing, and the light is clear. The fabrics are all handmade, there are wood paneled fireplaces and trim on the walls, and the wood grows naturally. Handicrafts are made by masters and are priceless. Now these things are piled up everywhere, and one will be broken every now and then.

The food is varied and all natural.

Xia Tian tasted a snack and immediately decided to take all the things on that plate away. Bai Jing'an also expressed his great appreciation for the food at the party, and then brought a few plates.

It's the ideal party for the perfect party, where you can spend astronomical sums without being ingeniously intrusive, and you're sure all guests are well fed. Xia Tian thought, this is the way of hospitality.

But it's almost impossible to "eat well" at a banquet in Uptown. One minute after Xia Tian came to the banquet, there were three people asking him out for sex, so he and Bai Jing'an decided to find a room to be quiet for a while and have a good meal.

Even when Xia Tian opened a few doors, someone was "doing business", and the room smelled of hallucinogens. When a guy saw him, he asked him to join like a grandpa, and Xia Tian slammed the door directly.

In the end they found a corner of a balcony, and after that, several rooms were hidden in the sunlight, and Xia Tian opened the door, and it was finally quiet this time.

It was dark in the room, and all the curtains were drawn tightly. After entering, the two found that the house was in a mess, with the residue of garbage scattered around, as if it had just experienced a big explosion.

Then he saw the boy.

The other was sitting cross-legged on a wool rug with his back to them. Like many young people, there are all kinds of joint terminals, snack scraps, and a few guns around him-this kind of banquet can't bring guns, but it is obviously not a problem for the children of powerful people.

He was wearing a white shirt, with a thin figure, and looked very young from the back, with half-length hair scattered on his shoulders, and his body was tightly stretched.

Later, Xia Tian thought, he realized something was wrong at that time, the child sitting in that pile of garbage looked like another piece of residue after the explosion.

And he always has a keen sense of smell for anything related to death.

At this time, the child raised his hand and picked up a gun. It was an old model musket, .45 caliber, with a blasting boost added.

He deftly pulled the safety off and aimed it at his head.

Xia Tian was startled, threw the plate on Bai Jing'an, rushed over, and grabbed the boy's wrist. At the same moment, the child pulled the trigger, Xia Tian felt the violent recoil of the gun, the bullet hit the ceiling, leaving a large imprint, the sound was so loud that it made people's eardrums roar.

If the gun hits him, nothing will be left of his head, no matter how good the medical equipment is, it won't save him.

The debris from the zenith fell down, and Xia Tian faintly heard a burst of cheers from downstairs, as if the gunshots were the rhythm of a dance.

And if he hadn't grabbed the child's wrist and deflected the gun, the man would have been a headless corpse.

The vibration of the gunshot in the eardrum lasted for a long time, no one spoke, and the child turned to look at him.

He was fifteen years old at most, at the age of madness, fearlessness and extreme vulnerability, his skin was pale, and he looked childish, innocent and innocent. Light-colored hair falling down her shoulders, no tattoos, dressed like a good baby in a typical nice family.

But he is absolutely not.

The moment he saw his eyes, Xia Tian realized that this was a trapped dying animal. And nothing is more dangerous than this animal.

Something must have happened to him, no one knew, but it was fermenting in his body. It was an unbearable restlessness in the blood, the fire in the eyes was gloomy, and the fingers trembled uncontrollably. Everything around, light, stones, laughter, cloth... was full of gasoline, and a towering fire could be ignited at any time.

No matter how well he was dressed, he could still recognize that breath.

The child stared at him as if he had done something heinous, but then he looked at Bai Jing'an again and suddenly smiled.

The aura of destruction disappeared, he smiled politely, he was a young man from a powerful family.

"Just arrived?" said the boy, deftly and nonchalantly tucking the gun into the back of his waist and covering it with his clothes.

The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke, but he stood up from the carpet as if nothing had happened.

Bai Jing'an didn't speak, and Xia Tian also kept his mouth shut. For this kind of thing about the rich and powerful in the upper city, just pretend not to see it.

The attempted suicide patted the residue of gunpowder on his shirt, and some remained in his hair, but he ignored it, and smiled absently at the two guests, under which the dark fire was buried deep.

"I love new people," he said, "always bring something new."

He turned and left, no one stopped him, Xia Tian hoped that he would never see this kid again, he was too familiar with the breath of dangerous elements.

Seeing that kid leave, he immediately turned his head to count the food he stuffed on Bai Jingan's body - he didn't spill a single plate, he was really quick-sighted.

The child walked to the corridor, and Xia Tian heard someone joked with him from a distance.

He didn't hear what it was, but he heard the boy laugh lightly.

"Of course, I hope all the people who come to my birthday party that I don't know have a good time," the boy said. "It's like the end of the world."

Only then did Xia Tian realize who this person was. He is the only son of Mr. Minkoff, the host of today's party.

The top big shot in Uptown in the future.

Xia Tian took a particularly delicious piece of cake from Bai Jing'an's hand, and while finishing it, he picked up the gun that Mr. Minkov threw on the ground to check the model.

No wonder no one cares about him making such a huge pile of dangerous items. He can blow up the house if he likes.

This model is more commonly used by Bai Jingan, Xia Tian gave it to him, and went to get another one for himself. "As the future boss of the company," he said to Bai Jing'an, "he looks like he wants to destroy the world."

"Yes." Bai Jing'an said, and tried to aim.

"But at this age, what he wants to destroy is only himself."

They took their guns and sat on the corner sofa to share Shun’s refreshments. Bai Jing'an shared with Xia Tian half a plate of particularly delicious nut cakes.

Xia Tian can't understand this suicide. God knows how much money this child spent to raise, how much money he will have when he grows up, and what kind of power he will have.

But he understood the rage in his bones, the inexplicable despair, and the urgent desire to destroy something.

Mr. Minkoff would definitely be a good seed if he were to engage in a killing show or become a mercenary, but unfortunately, he was born in a family of top elites in the upper city, which sounds like a nightmare.



Xia Tian and Bai Jing'an met the son of the rich and powerful again in a specimen display area of the mansion.

It's rare to come to the floating house once, so of course you have to look around. They passed through the brightly lit hall, and there were door after door in the house, like a child's fantasy adventure, each with something different behind it. It's just that in the floating city, most of them walked into a nightmare in the end.

Xia Tian and Bai Jing'an entered a labyrinth of specimens. The corpses of countless creatures stood in the decorative cabinets of the mansion, and their eyes gleamed in the darkness.

In the upper world, specimen collection is a common hobby, and the two walked in while solving snacks. The first specimen was quite normal, but as it continued to move forward, things around it became more and more weird.

Some of them are human beings, and some are weird animals. They are all in some terrible situation, some are mutated, some are seriously injured and dying, and then some kind of technology permanently specimens the corpses and fixes them for human use. appreciate.

Xia Tian recognized some deformed specimens of fighting dogs in the lower city and souvenirs of the massacre in District N, and they were entangled and difficult to distinguish.

He stopped, looked back, and looked thoughtful.

"Did you feel it?" he said.

"What?" Bai Jing'an said.

"Someone is following."

Bai Jing'an looked at him, and then at the back. Xia Tian said: "It's been a while."

"I'm probably too embarrassed to come out." Bai Jing'an said, "I'll go get some drinks. You can check the situation. Don't kill people randomly."

Xia Tian showed him a bright smile, expressing that definitely not, Bai Jingan gave him a distrustful look, turned and walked away.

Xia Tian continued to move forward, the surroundings were getting colder and colder, there was no human voice, only the empty eyes of countless specimens, reflecting other corpses, so weird that even the crazy guests outside were not interested.

He listened to the footsteps behind him. After Bai Jing'an left, the stalker got closer and closer to him.

Xia Tian stood in front of a display case, pretending to appreciate specimens.

This thing looks like a person is splitting, the face on the right side is sleeping or dead, peaceful and serene. The protruding part of the left body is ferocious and violent, with fangs, trying to tear the body apart and crawl out, but the longing tongue is frozen in the air.

Xia Tian didn't know how this thing came out, if it was really human, it must have violated dozens of genetic laws, but the owner obviously didn't mind.

The surroundings are getting darker, and the light source cannot be seen clearly, only a little light is faintly revealed from the corners, and the atmosphere is gloomy. The monster seemed to come alive again in the darkness, and would choose to devour anyone at any time.

At this time, a voice sounded from behind: "I thought it was you just now. I didn't expect you to receive an invitation letter from Mr. Minkov, so I thought, I should buy you a drink."

Xia Tian turned his head, the man was standing not far behind. He was of medium height and a healthy dark tan, an uptowner who always had plenty of sun. He probably drank a lot, but it's not sure if he was a little drunk or just had cloudy eyes.

He fixedly stared at Xia Tian, Xia Tian had received many unfriendly gazes in his life, but these eyes still gave him goosebumps.

"I loved how you were at the memorial show, it was beautiful," the other continued, "especially when he nailed you to the gurney—"

He licked his lips.

"I'm not like them, I noticed you in the second round. You are like a wild beast, pretending to be submissive, but looking at people with pure hostility. I just wanted to... pet the fur of such an animal , I have to tie you up, break your limbs, and then... you can finally feel whatever you want, and you can feel whatever you want... "

He stretched out his hand, his fingertips trembling, as if to caress.

His expression made Xia Tian retreat a little subconsciously, reaching out to touch the gun. His injury has already healed, but when this person said it with this expression, his hands and feet seemed to hurt sharply again, and there was also a kind of insane weakness. The bastard's words are still in his ears, saying that he will be trained until he is obedient. But the more it hurts, the angrier he gets.

"That's when I thought, I'm going to get you one day, how hard it can be. And you're just... exciting and worth all the money and effort."

Xia Tian suddenly realized who he was.

He remembers him. At the celebration banquet at the end of the third round, this person touched his hair and commented on the texture. He remembered the touch of his fingers sliding down his chest... His expression at that time...

"Don't look like this, Xia Tian, it's like this in the world." The man continued, "You still don't know what the real dignitaries look like here, you need a backstage, and I promise I'm the right one."

"You are from Honey Pavilion." Xia Tian said.

The person opposite laughed and made a gesture of surrender.

"Just for fun," he said. "I know what you're thinking. You want to use violence. When you don't know how to respond, violence is the most direct.

"But it's useless. In order to make money, the TV station speaks as if you have the right to choose, but you don't. In summer, you are the toys that people satisfy their desire to destroy. Lust is no different from the desire to kill, and what I offer is that you can have best option."

He walked towards Xia Tian slowly.

"You're a smart man," he said, "and you should have known you had no other choice."

Xia Tian looked into his eyes, his words were probably right... no, it was indeed right. He had heard many such words in his life.

At that moment, what was going through his mind was that this man must have a boat.

Zhi Leng, Fu Sen, and this...

He can get three together.

Xia Tian did not speak. The dignitaries of Honey Pavilion showed a smile, thinking that he agreed, after all, this deal is very secure no matter how you look at it.

He reached out to touch his waist, Xia Tian showed a smile, leaned forward, and brought his lips close to his ear.

Xia Tian said: "I don't care."

The man was stunned for a while, even though he was not lightly drunk, the murderous intent in the soft words made him sober up in an instant.

He ducked his head, a gun pressed against his chest...and the prey pulled the trigger.

Because of the closeness, the gunfire was dull, like breaking a bottle wrapped in cloth.

The dignitary took two steps back because of the impact, and a few drops of blood fell on the ground. He wasn't sure what was going on for a moment, then looked down and saw the big hole in his chest.

Xia Tian watched his expression change from self-satisfied to bewildered, and then to shocked, as if he couldn't comprehend that his body would be destroyed. This scene is truly unforgettable.

The man could no longer support his body, fell to the ground, and Xia Tian walked half a circle around him, his footsteps were easy, like a carnivore that had successfully preyed on it.

In his not too long life, Xia Tian often wondered if he was crazy. Many people have emphasized this to him.

He knew he had no choice, that things were messed up and hopeless... and he knew how it would be better, the man's advice was good.

But he just can't do it.

He looked down to watch the rich pervert cough blood at his feet.

Then Xia Tian squatted down, stretched out his hand to press his wound, the man screamed, and he felt blood and flesh soaking through his fingertips.

He smiled and looked into the man's eyes, the pain in his eyes, maybe a hint of pleading. He watched his dying struggle, the light in his eyes finally dimming into a dead void.

The blood on his fingertips turned cold, and his anger also cooled down, and his hands no longer trembled.

The world is fascinated by death, and Xia Tian thinks he is the same, because it can give this moment of icy tranquility.

He feels better.

Xia Tian stood up, the bastard who was still describing how he was tortured a minute ago was dead, black and red blood spread quietly on the floor.

He turned his head, and Bai Jing'an was watching him, holding two glasses of mixed wine in his hand.

He raised his hand and handed Xia Tian a cup, Xia Tian took it.

"I told you not to kill people indiscriminately." Bai Jing'an said.

"He asked for it." Xia Tian said.

"From Honey Court?"

Xia Tian did not speak, the name Honey Pavilion brought a gloomy atmosphere, it was no longer just an attempted rape, it represented all the things in the world, those superficial but presumptuous desires to destroy everything.

"What did he do?" Bai Jing'an said.

Xia Tian showed a smile to him.

"He wanted to buy me a drink."

Bai Jing'an nodded, expressing that this was indeed unforgivable.

He turned half a circle around the corpse and said, "It's a bit troublesome to kill people in this place, and it's hard to clean up the video evidence. When it's done, the results of your trial will come down."

Xia Tian looked at him with an expression that was as innocent as possible and eager to help.

Bai Jing'an said: "The server must be destroyed."

Xia Tian raised his eyebrows: "Then I'm afraid..."

"Blow up this place." Bai Jing'an said.

"how to do?"

Bai Jing'an didn't speak, they heard a brisk voice saying, "I like this idea."


Xia Tian and Bai Jing'an turned their heads, and saw Mr. Minkov sitting on the display case, next to a mutated dog specimen that died tragically and was half dissected, with an uncontrollable smile—not a happy smile, but a kind of madness, The laugh that makes people nervous, and will chop off people's heads with an ax in the next second.

Xia Tian didn't know when he hid there, but this was his home, of course he knew any corners that could hide people.

The future dignitary glanced at the corpse with the cold curiosity of a carnivorous bird discovering an animal corpse.

He jumped down from the display panel and said, "The Honey Pavilion, they have been looking for death for a long time."

Xia Tian stuffed the gun back into his pocket, expressing that he would not return it.

He has a natural hostility towards the powerful, but he doesn't think there is anything scary about this kid. There was something familiar about him, closer to an outlaw. With this kind of person, all you have to do is hold your gun and talk carefully.

"I like to blow up houses," continued Mr. Minkoff cheerfully, approaching the two murderers, indifferent to the possible danger.

He said, "How did it explode?"

"If you want to help," Bai Jing'an said, "you can delete the video."

"But I like blowing up houses," said the kid. "That sounds exciting. I don't know why I didn't think of it before."

Standing among countless bloody specimens, he looks good, with a smile on his lips, but the space seems to be distorted by his smile.

Bai Jing'an sized him up and said, "You don't look like you want to blow up houses."

A crack suddenly appeared in Minkov's smile, as if there was a deep hole in the sentence, and he fell into it. The child stood by the wall with his hands in his pockets, his fists clenched.

Then he said, "Oh, what do you think I want to do?"

Xia Tian suddenly realized that Xiao Minkov stood in this house of his own, but he actually looked like he had nowhere to go. He knew this kind of people, always standing in the corner, cornered, as if something terribly terrible was forcing them—

The most dangerous thing about this kind of people is that they want the whole world to disappear, because the world itself is the enemy.

After Xiao Minkov finished speaking, the surroundings were quiet for a while, and no one spoke. His surname is Minkoff. This is not a gangster in a downtown bar. You must be careful with every word you say to this kind of person.

Finally Xia Tian said: "How do I know, why don't you think about it yourself?"

The boy stared at them viciously for a few seconds. He was young, but he had already begun to reveal the cruelty and danger of the powerful.

Suddenly he called out: "Jurgen!"

Xia Tian was taken aback, but what appeared was a cleaning robot, which deftly stuffed the corpse into the cleaning box... I don't know how it was stuffed, the box was not big, but the dead body disappeared after entering the cleaning box, there might be something advanced decomposition procedure. Then it separates out a sub-machine to clean the blood, which comes with a high-grade cleaning agent.

Five minutes later, the house was clean as if nothing had happened. The life of the rich is higher.

Xia Tian looked at the corpse that disappeared in the box, and said, "Who is this guy?".

Little Minkov shrugged: "I don't know, someone who doesn't matter."

He leaned against the wall, looked at Xia Tian and Bai Jing'an, and while stroking the wound of a dying specimen, he felt a strange intimacy with the pain.

"I can help you delete the video." Finally he said, "I can also help you get the identities of other people in Honey Pavilion. My hacking skills are so-so, but... how do you say, 'someone always Get what you want', I'm that kind of guy."

He raised the corner of his lower lip, not like a smile, but something twisted inside.

"I don't like them," he said.

He dug his fingers into the wound of a specimen's torn body, the slender body was tense, surrounded by countless corpses, as if he was fighting against the whole world.

Then Minkov suddenly smiled at them, something bright and cheerful about young people.

"I like you guys," he said, as if making a decision, "they're making you two rebel leaders or something, I know the imagery stuff, but I still wanted to meet you, I didn't expect... Wow , you two are a pair of carnival killers—”

At this moment, he suddenly froze for a moment, looking at a certain position in the air. Xia Tian knows that it is the icon on the Link contact lens, which can ensure that you are online at any time, keep up with the trend, and will not fall.

"Let's go. Zeus is calling." Xiao Minkov said, turned around and took a few steps outside, stopped again, and walked to Bai Jing'an.

"You still have to tell me how the house was blown up."

Bai Jing'an told him that he has clear steps on how to blow up the house, and the feasibility is also top-notch.

Xia Tian wondered if he observed such a set of things when he entered the house, or he just thought about it when he killed someone before. He almost regretted that the bombing didn't happen—Bai Jing'an was going to turn the specimen room and the core control room into ruins, let them fall directly to the ground, and clean the data without explosives. It's spectacular when you think about it.

He is really an excellent tactical planner, full of destructive power, and can settle everything.

But when Xia Tian came out, he suddenly remembered that although Xiao Minkov had the permission to delete the video, if he used it, the administrator would know that he deleted it... Then he immediately realized that this concern was silly.

People know that he deleted it, and this is the end of the matter.

He doesn't need to deliberately conceal it, everyone will help him cover it up, his surname is Minkov. That's life for the rich. Like a private cleaning service, you can destroy whatever you want and the city will cover it up for you.

After that, Xia Tian met Little Minkov twice on different occasions.

This upper-class figure never participated in large parties, and only occasionally appeared in small gatherings of some powerful people, with the appearance of a gentle and good boy. He has his own small circle, and when he chats happily, he dances like all the children.

His house is still intact, but given the technology he has mastered to make the mansion completely empty, it is not known how long it will be safe.

Once Xia Tian and Bai Jing'an met him at a party, and the main screen was showing a fugitive show for dead criminals. The pursuit was extremely cruel, and it was a bloody hunt in a modern city.

They chatted a few words about how to escape in the upper city, Xiao Minkov also shared an anti-camera program to Xia Tian. According to him, this thing works in a strange way, it doesn't affect the camera in any way - so you can't search from the flicker caused by the video jammer - but it doesn't react to any search program.

In other words, the Fujin Group can capture you, but it cannot separate you from the huge camera data. Considering the number of cameras in the upper city, it is no different from stealth.

Xia Tian looked at it, the code is very core, it is worthy of being shared by the top dignitaries.

"With this thing, can we disappear into the city and escape video surveillance?" Bai Jing'an said.

"They're really desperate to find you, it's useless. I tried." Xiao Minkov said, showing him a gloomy and slightly crazy smile, "Some of them can talk to you frame by frame."

He fiddled with the messy program on the floating screen, and looked beyond the prosperity in front of him to the cold and empty corner.