Killing Show

Chapter 24: Temple of War



The joker game system was developed from the killing game system, and it is really played well in this category.

The game where a group of people are stuck in an isolated place, someone keeps dying, and everyone has to find out who the killer is before the time runs out, everyone loves it—only the audience, and the players like it to a limited extent.

But from Bai Jing'an's point of view, it's really not worthwhile for the Asaijin team competition to play tricks. The players are going to kill each other. Will there be any difference if there are multiple murderers who want to kill everyone

At this point, though, it's best not to try to guess what's going on in the organizer's mind. They may just be on a whim, or to match the promotion of a game or TV series, or develop other means of making money, using ghost cards to increase gimmicks.

In short, if you are asked to smoke, you can smoke.

With a cold face, Bai Jing'an was wearing a mysterious black robe. As a representative of the team, he stood in front of a huge round table with the other thirty-five team leaders in the third arena to draw the "card of destiny".

—The purpose of having a round table is to allow everyone to see the instant reaction of others when they get a card, and to see how calm you can be.

The sense of ritual is strong, and it matches their identities quite well.

They say they are stars, but in fact they have long been abandoned by civilized life. Bai Jingan thought, the pervert in the execution room in the memorial show is right. If it was in ancient times, they were the kind who were selected to be tied to the stake and purged Order, people for entertainment.

They live in another barbaric world, and there is only one way to survive.

In short, no matter what, it will not be easy to investigate the person who got the ghost card first, because everyone in the Asaijin team competition is killing everyone, and there are too many clues, so there are no clues to follow at all.

While thinking, Bai Jing'an drew his cards expressionlessly. This is what people like them have to think about all day long.

He glanced down at the cards in his hand, expressionless.

What he held in his hand was the big murderous card.

The ghost card is placed on the table in the preparation room. The picture is a transformation of God of War, standing on the pile of skeletons with a huge sword in his hand, smiling as if the end of the world is coming.

"So, we are a joker." Xia Tian said.

Wei Xi stared at the card, as if hoping to change it with the power of thought, Eric said: "This is what was arranged earlier."

A few of them sat on the sofa in the preparation room, discussing the current situation.

And when they were seated, the supplementary mission statement had already been sent, and they got a new identity, they were no longer friends from the same school whose family was in decline, but killed these few people, pretending to be their names and identities. Avengers of this island.

The president of the business empire, "Mr. Shi", once conducted a large-scale biological experiment project, which killed their family members. And most of the heirs who came here participated in this work—they were qualified to inherit only after they proved their ruthlessness.

The four members of their team met in pain and formed an impromptu team to avenge the villains who killed their family.

"I like this setting." Xia Tian said.

"This kind of person is good to play in a movie," Eric said, "but it's not so interesting to be in a kill show. We can just touch the fish, but now we have to destroy the whole process. We can’t let the event end smoothly. And when the game reaches halftime, the organizers will definitely try to expose our identities—”

"The protagonist's treatment." Wei Xi said.

He turned his head to look at Xia Tian, who sat there with an ignorant expression as much as possible.

"If they were trying to make us angry, it must have been sitting in an office and dreaming up this idea," Eric said. "This is not a human thing."

"We can kill them all." Xia Tian said.

Eric looked at him for a few seconds, put on a serious posture, and wanted to say something more, but Bai Jing'an suddenly said: "Well, it's okay to kill them all."

"Or you can get the inheritance right yourself," Xia Tian said.

Bai Jing'an nodded.

Eric looked at Xia Tian, then at Bai Jing'an, not sure if there was some joke between the two that he didn't know about.

"Um, maybe we can just hold out until the end of the game..." he said, flipping through the mission book, "Why didn't I see the end time?"

"There is no end time." Bai Jing'an said, "Either we get the inheritance, or kill everyone."

Eric cursed.

The surroundings were silent for a while, and finally Xia Tian said: "In short, killing them all can be included in the options, right?"

"There's nothing 'in short'!" Eric said.

"That, everyone!" Wei Xi stared at the terminal screen and shouted at them, "Have you seen this?"

"What?" Xia Tian said.

"Another one died." Wei Xi said.

Several people looked at him, and Wei Xi said, "'Execution' and 'private law punishment'! They killed another one!"

The network logistics enlarged the page, and the headline on the page read "Another Execution?!" in horror, with a picture of a burning skull and a tattered battle flag standing behind it.

Indeed, someone died, and it was Xia Tian's fans who committed the crime.

The fire they started hadn't died down since the first execution, and his Summer Flame is now basically the Rebel website.

The media has been fanning the flames, and now there is finally a second victim.

The one who died this time was still a rich man, and he wasn't involved in any lawsuits, but he was too concerned about the lives of the children, and he found some homeless children from the downtown area-it was quite easy to find-and formed a children's version of The Killing Show.

There were rumors about this before, but this time the murderer found evidence and released a video.

And unlike Wei Zhen's execution, this time it was definitely not a personal grudge. The perpetrators planned meticulously, the evidence was collected, and the murder was dramatic and bloody.

He died in a decorative metal frame, a long sword pierced through him, nailed into the wall, blood and internal organs flowed out, a shocking mass. The corpse hung there like a gory art painting.

These people also put promotional images on the front page of Summer Flame.

The media swarmed, and blood was everywhere on the news programs in Uptown for a while, and unabridged videos of children's killing shows were scattered everywhere.

The evidence video is very anti-human and includes a scene of the victim spouting at a banquet: "Children are real fighters. They are brave and fearless. They have hope even in dire situations. Sometimes we adults should have Crashed, but they—”

Wei Xi reached out to turn it off, and the picture stopped on the excited face of the man, and the small screen behind him showed the picture of the children soaked in blood.

In the end all he said was, "How could anyone do such a thing?"

There was silence around him, and no one answered him, so what can he say at this time.

Finally Eric said, "Come on, we all know people are freaks, this kind of thing..." He gestured, looking exhausted, "It's pretty normal, isn't it? There's no morals here, everything they do is just For the fun."

He was silent for a while, and finally added to Xia Tian: "They will definitely interview you once before the game, you should prepare."

Xia Tian was still watching the news, he turned to look at Eric, who said: "The formation will not be small."

"The murderer didn't stand up this time." Bai Jing'an said, "They planned carefully and directly removed all the defense locks of the victim. This is not a cheap lock."

"I also cleaned all the cameras without leaving any traces." Wei Xi said, "This is not an ordinary technical difficulty."

Bai Jing'an thought for a while, then said, "Maybe it's a team."

The surrounding fell silent again. This statement is surprising, but it is not surprising when you think about it. Since there are so many people who hate the rich and powerful, they can naturally get together and regard murder as a job.

The news was talking about tracking down the murderer, Wei Xi said: "They can't find anyone."

The coldness in his eyes flashed like a blade.

"These people can do this kind of thing, and there is a way for people to be invisible." He continued.

"And the media will continue to describe the murderer as a hero." Eric said, "Those people vented their anger and received praise from the media, and they may continue to kill."

"And there are more people who want to imitate." Bai Jing'an said.

"There is going to be a carnival in the upper city." Xia Tian said, when his cell phone rang.

He connected it, and Haida called, and the large interviewing force was coming this way.

Xia Tian hoped that they had finished the interview. His recent image is too high-end, full of leadership style, and he really doesn't have the ability to think for himself.

From a certain point of view, the interview words are quite exciting, but there are serious traces of rush work, and some of them are copied and pasted from the papers.

Eric flipped through it and said, "Can someone translate this manuscript into human language?"

"It's talking about the deviation of social morality." Bai Jing'an said.

Xia Tian continued to watch without raising his head. Since it was his fans who made the trouble, and they were still using his name, he had to go to the interview.

There are frequent disturbances by fans, but no one is more worry-free than him.

"You can't use this for interviews," Eric said, "This is not an interview script, it's "The Evolution of Social Ethics."

"The company may want to create a hero, or a leader." Wei Xi said, "and leaders of all generations have to have a theory. Although it doesn't have to be so complicated at all, the theory of revolution is always simple and full of provocative—"

"But they want to sell an upgraded version of "Rebel Bible." Bai Jing'an said.

"Well, it's much easier to understand that way," Eric said.

While talking, Bai Jing'an sat on the sofa next to Xia Tian, drawing key points and markings on the pile of interviews, discussing with him how to say it would be better, the scene is not so much interview preparation, it is better to say it is a pre-exam review scene.

Xia Tian took a good lesson in the history of social and moral changes caused by the killing show.

- The history of killing as a game goes back to the earliest days of human history. The predecessor of the modern killing show began with a program called "Dark Fighting" on Fujin TV. The original contestants were six death-row prisoners who had signed a compensation agreement. The TV station had done enough public opinion offensive, and even compensated most of the income to the family members of the deceased, but the media still choked the sky.

By the time Fujin TV's "Doomsday Race" was broadcast the following year, people had incorporated it into their lives and turned it into a fashionable thing in modern life.

Since then, such programs have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and The Killing Show has officially entered the era of commercial marketing.

Now, all serious discussions are outdated, and the human world has entered an era where criminals are stars and murderers are idols.

People look for validation and projections on people like them, and everyone thinks it's a big deal to kill someone who doesn't agree with each other in a minute.

The Kill Show evokes something in the nature of the well-to-do, settled people of Uptown, their preoccupied, heart-pounding, adrenaline-pumping, all agitated. Death is always exciting.

So they finally turned death into game data repeatedly. Xia Tian thought, in this floating world, few people know what death is.


The image designers designed Xia Tian to look like he came down from the training ground and just took a shower.

They changed him into a loose white T-shirt, and found a makeup artist named Cassandra, who is said to be a top talent in the industry, and ordinary people can't hire him at all.

She only studied Xia Tian's face for twenty minutes, and then finished the work within five minutes.

He Yu was full of momentum. She brought her entourage to the interview site and made preparations quickly. And her inquiry was straightforward, with a sharp sense of wanting to break the casserole and ask the bottom line, and there were almost no pleasantries.

She started by saying, "Did you know they built you a temple?"

"What?" Xia Tian said, this shock is absolutely not fake.

"I also just received the message." The host said, "Let's go in from the simulation mode—"

She raised her hand and opened the floating home page.

Xia Tian raised his head, and in the simulation mode, a huge steel door appeared out of nowhere in the interview area, looking dilapidated and old, as if it came from the darkness deep in time. A fire burns above the door, with the inscription "Never give up hope" engraved in the fire.

"They call it the 'War God Temple'," He Yu said, "They say that all the people burned here are sacrifices, and they are sinful people. And the statues—"

She pushed open the door.

After pushing it away, what is presented is not a spectacular building, but a desert of the surface age, as if it has been weathered in an unknown corner for a long time.

"It's you," she said.

Xia Tian looked up. Standing in the wasteland, the God of War statue is unexpectedly not exquisite, but has the texture of an ancient stone statue. It held a large thermal weapon with an unknown style, but it was very imposing. Only then did Xia Tian realize that this was an ancient battlefield, and there were a large number of corpses under his feet.

The skeleton seemed to be very old, but Xia Tian recognized the appearance of some people and mutated creatures he had killed, and the skeleton was weathered in the desert at the foot of the god statue.

Some of the stones and bones had moss growing on them, as if there had been water here but had dried up with time.

The statue faced the distance, showing an exhausted yet uncompromising posture. It doesn't look like him at all, Xia Tian thought, but something bigger and ancient, although it is simulated modeling, it has a creepy sense of reality.

"This place seems to be thousands of years old," he said.

"Believers say that it is responsible for revenge and resistance, which is the oldest human emotion, and now they have finally retrieved it from the desert. They say Ares is a false god, and the palace of the false god will surely collapse." He Yu said. .

She turned her head to look not far from her feet, Xia Tian followed her gaze, a man was ripped open by a sword and nailed there. The corpse seems to have been decomposing in the wilderness for a long time, it is really lifelike, and the timeline is accurate.

The host clicked, and the screen replayed, and the corpse opened its eyes, showing a dying appearance. With fear in his eyes, he kept begging, and then died slowly, nailed to the feet of the god again.

"The murderer let it go." He Yu said, "This is really a massive act of chasing stars. I have seen all kinds of crazy fans, and the one who built the temple was the first one."

Xia Tian thinks that this is not a matter of chasing stars, it is simply crazy.

He thought for a moment of calling Minkoff Jr. to see if he did it, but then remembered that he was still in solitary confinement. The confinement was so complete that he seemed to disappear from this world completely.

If not... well, there are a lot of crazy people in the world anyway.

He Yu didn't turn off the video, so they seemed to be sitting and chatting in this dilapidated temple where the god of war had been forgotten—and now discovered by star chasers.

"This tendency reflects the current trend of social thought." He Yu said, "Let's talk about this execution. There is a popular saying recently that childhood is a cultural product that is created, but It's outdated now. We can make kids do things that were not allowed before, without guilt. The deceased was one of those people who had that idea."

"I have a younger sister." Xia Tian said, "If someone asks her to 'go through the proper test of society', I will kill that person, no matter what theories he has."

He Yu smiled.

"I know you don't have any 'regrets' for the dead, I'm surprised that executions are taken for granted by most of society, isn't it crazy?"

"Everyone takes it for granted because in these days, it's taken for granted." Xia Tian said, "It's not difficult to understand. In the early days of Killing Show, abuse for fun was forbidden, but the concept is changing."

He Yu nodded.

"It's hard to imagine that we used to call the kill show a 'just fight,'" she said. "But now, the abuse and rape on the kill show is very common."

"At a celebration dinner, I met an anti-killing show scholar, saying that it is us 'stars' who will lead public morals further and further away. Ethics is an outdated word. Attention, stimulation and coolness are in full swing— "

"At the killing show celebration banquet?"

"Well, he was invited. No one in this world can avoid a kill show."

"how do you say?"

"I said I can't bear such a responsibility." Xia Tian said, "Most of the Killing Show contestants are unlucky ghosts, and they acted according to the requirements of the TV station. It is the media who touted us as popular idols. But when we are popular idols In the world, public morality will of course deviate step by step, and then go in a direction with no bottom line."

"You make it sound like our world is turning into Sodom," He Yu said.

"It was destroyed by gods, isn't it?" Xia Tian said, "But this is an atheistic era, so don't worry about it. Modern civilization will not be destroyed by gods, it will only end by itself."

He Yu crossed his arms and parted his lips, trying to refute, but he didn't say it.

"So," she said, with another smile, "as the first criminal and star to own a temple, what would you like to say to your fans?"

Summer is also not sure how the words came out of his mouth, maybe because they always make him aggressive, and he thinks that's a great answer for his character... No, it's not, he just wanted to say that, his mind was on fire A dark desire arose.

Like all those crazy, destructive thoughts that come into his head, driving him to do deadly things, regardless of the consequences, just for the moment.

He said: "If you want me to say, the world should be destroyed."

He Yu looked at him with wide eyes, and Xia Tian smiled at her. The smile was bright and cold under the strong light of the lighting engineer of "Sky Viewpoint", dazzling and murderous.

He raised his hand, made a falling gesture, approached her gently as if flirting, then opened his palm suddenly, and said, "Boom!"

Haida trembled, she couldn't tell why she trembled, Xia Tian seemed to be joking. He likes to make jokes like this.

Maybe at that moment his smile was too bright, with a kind of real aggressiveness. Now everyone always compares stars to fireworks. If we use this analogy, the fireworks are so brilliant that the whole world seems to disappear after a flash.

She attributed this to the charm of the star, and Xia Tian has always spoken without restraint, and the light is too dazzling.

This time the organizer gave him the joker card, which was a typical image customization. ——Summer will become an angry avenger, fighting alone, and will probably win at a great disadvantage.

The marketing department called it "revolutionary marketing," and everyone wanted to cash in on the frenzy he created while he was alive.

Haida never felt that this was a good thing, but the game in Uptown followed Qian's baton. Money, that's the core of the core, and they'll follow it anywhere, even hell.

She took another sip of coffee and stood up. She had to meet with the team before the fourth round to stress the caveats.

For celebrities, the precautions in the show given by the organizer are very important. This is not the year of a few criminals fighting in a paddock, this is an industry involving huge amounts of money, covering the entire human world. It rotates slowly, the gears are fastened layer by layer, and no one can lose the chain.

Thinking of going to meet them, Haida immediately recalled Xia Tian's expression, his actions, that game-like explosion, and felt a little chilly.

Before the game started, the entire building area was busy as if it was about to start a war. It is indeed war, involving fighting, stratagem, death, and a lot of money.

"Listen, in this round, you are heroes, or at least anti-heroes." Haitian said, and followed Xia Tian's team all the way back to the lounge, "Don't kill those who are trapped because of the contract, kill anyone. A plausible reason, not to mess around.

"By the way, I have to tell the reason. The more righteous indignation the better, you know how to please people!"

Several people in the team looked at her with expressions of "you are really looking for trouble", and she strictly ordered them to follow suit, not to increase the workload of the planning team. This is not a trivial matter. If the wrong person is killed and the TV station fails to rescue them in time, resulting in a conflict of characters, they will be easily abandoned by the organizer and they will find a reason to kill them.

The essence of what they do is the entertainment industry, and it's not that there are really people who need them to kill.

"I'll try my best." Xia Tian said, his tone was not sincere at all.

Bai Jing'an gave a "hmm" and agreed with Xia Tian.

Huitian felt her scalp tingling, she had thought that Bai Jingan would be the one who could appease Xia Tian and control the situation, but now she began to wonder if she was being too optimistic.

She recalled going to Bai Jing'an's house last week, collecting what they had worn and used, and putting them up for auction or putting them in the memorial hall—Xiamen even argued with her for a pair of his "most comfortable underwear".

A recent movie was playing on TV at the time, About the Massacre in N-Block.

This Bai Lin has a youthful and innocent air, an unlucky guy who met a bad guy, and then the bad thing fermented into a big trouble. He stumbled and tried to deal with it, which made people sympathetic.

He's a very down-to-earth, sympathetic guy in this movie, despite launching the biggest riot ever. His younger sister Bai Sang was only twelve or thirty at the time, and the movie made her look like a beautiful girl.

Xia Tian laughed at a plot in the movie, playing the plot where Bai Lin refused to confront an old friend who joined the security force no matter what, and the two revealed their hearts at a critical moment and shook hands to make peace.

Although Haida had never watched a video of the massacre, and would have to edit a killing show, he still had a little idea of the movie.

"But that security captain is not a bad person and should live on," she said.

Xia Tian just came back from the banquet, and he didn't bother to change his clothes, leaning on the sofa, the three buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, his appearance made people blush and heartbeat.

She thinks it has to do with money and fame, and that kind of thing just adds aura. If he was just a poor criminal from downtown, she wouldn't just look at him and start to blush.

"There are so many people in the world who shouldn't die." Xia Tian said, "Who cares."

He sat upright and approached her: "I know a guy with the most dexterous hands I've ever seen. I've never seen such a good magician in Uptown. I learned my coin trick from him."

He tossed a coin, Haitian stared at it subconsciously, Xia Tian stretched out his hand to grab it, then opened his hand, his hand was empty.

He showed a childish smile, as if he was playing a particularly interesting game. It was hard to believe that he was a criminal who killed more than a dozen people.

"He is nice. We did many bad things together when we were young. He loves his mother very much." Xia Tian said, "But one day we ran into... For example, it was a dark road with no other exits, and we were alone A gun in your hand. What else can you do."

He smiled at her, still innocent and innocent. Haida felt a little cold, but in fact, she already knew that under the glamorous shell, this was a cold, bloody world where the jungle preyed on the weak. It's just that the lights in Uptown are so bright that sometimes she forgets that.

“No one backs down. Downtown is a place where you have to think about yourself if you want to survive,” he said. “This is the real world.”

Beside him, Bai Jingan took out a coin from his cuff, and Xia Tian smiled and told him how to do magic tricks, as intimate as a pair of children playing.

She watched this scene and thought that sometimes you can really easily confuse him with the person promoted by the media.

Behind that idealized figure stood a dangerous man from the lower city with the eyes of a cold carnivore.

He belongs there, not under the sun.