Killing Show

Chapter 25: Kill one by one



Afterwards, Haida watched Xia Tian's interview video, and the effect was very good.

The media repeatedly quoted He Yu asking Xia Tian's opinion on the execution, Xia Tian said "I will do the same thing as him because I have a younger sister". The tone was as if the king had given some murderer amnesty and declared him a paladin.

In the video, Xia Tian looks like a young man next door, but I don't know if it's because of the lighting. There is a sense of purity in his demeanor, which seems... well, like Cassandra said, a little divine style. Even if this face says something crazy, you can hardly doubt it, you just want to follow him all the way to the dark.

Now, all the fans in Xia Tian are in a carnival together, and the gesture of falling and exploding that he made at the end is spreading like crazy. Seeing this scene, Haida trembled.

There's something very violent about that smile... and this frantic communication.

Those people believe that Xia Tian's words can give them the right to kill and get the pardon of the gods.

The topic of moral change in society was not unheard of before, but people were not interested in it, and now everyone is interested and following the trend.

When Xia Tian talked about it in front of the camera, when that handsome face appeared, he gestured and mentioned his feelings, the whole thing clearly showed his personal style and unique provocativeness. That's what stars are capable of.

Soon, everyone started talking about it.

No one is independent of the wave of entertainment. All the media began to add branches and leaves to this new epidemic in order to get a share. They fabricated what Xia Tian said, and expanded it into a set of solid theories that can respond to any doubts, to gain attention.

Of course, the stars didn't know about it, and after the interview, they quickly entered the fourth round of the event.

This round is known for its cruelty, length, and high death rate. More and more eyes are staring at the third-point field, and the planners are gearing up for disaster.

As time goes by, Haida will soon realize that if they can come out alive in Xia Tian, what they will welcome is an unimaginable deadly carnival.

The arena is naturally floating, but according to the setting, they are in the surface era, and the location is said to be in the depths of the ocean.

When Xia Tian came to this area, there was almost a moment of trance, the waters were endless, as if it was really the surface age. But that's not the case, this is just a game arena in Fuyu Uptown.

The owner of the isolated island is said to be a super-rich man who controls the world's economy and has all kinds of strange and terrifying technological patents, which have surpassed the current era for decades.

Now, a group of called heirs are packed on a luxury cruise ship and headed to the island. They came from all over the world and were notified that they were deemed worthy to inherit the kingdom.

The sun is shining all the way, there are beautiful women on the cruise ship, and there is unlimited supply of snacks and drinks. The later the game, the more exquisite the stage, the more luxurious the scenery, and the richer the composition of the personnel. The fourth round obviously won't be like last time, only a group of men fought in the field.

It's just that the setting is nothing like the Hot Skies-style sunny vacation island of summer fantasy. Although the entire "garden" has pavilions, towers, or rare plants, the sea is eerie, and the house is haunted... Maybe it will be haunted.

When they approached the island, the sky became overcast with dark clouds, light rain began to fall, and lightning moved from time to time, as if a disaster was about to happen. The stage backgrounds are really conscientious.

Xia Tian also ran into Mo An on the cruise ship, the latter glared at him immediately, but acted like he was forced to be pulled away by his companion because of the overall situation - that teammate was quite winking.

Xia Tian also tried to put on an unfriendly appearance, and then the two tried to avoid each other as much as possible.

As far as hiding skills are concerned, Mo An is definitely a top-notch master. The journey was not short, and Xia Tian never saw him once.

By the time we reached the island, it was already dark.

They disembarked in a scene full of foreboding. Several servants with gloomy faces came to receive them. They looked like mourners in horror movies, and they must be special actors.

If you encounter such a scene in reality, it's best to just leave, but as a player in the killing show, you have no choice. They took the suitcases and followed the servants into the gloomy and dark arena.

Xia Tian felt that Joe Boss must have been on the island reality show for a long time. He was afraid that people would type him, so he didn't satisfy the audience's desire to see the sunny island at all. The arenas sitting on the sea are not in the same dimension as the resort sea. They put on a cold and sinister posture, vowing to draw a clear line with "Hot Sky".

A group of people walked through it, surrounded by dense trees, baring their teeth and claws, as if they wanted to swallow all the tiny human beings who broke into this place.

The design of the house is simple and elegant, hidden among the trees, and the eaves and aisles are decorated with statues of weird beasts—it doesn't look like real life, it probably comes from mythology, and it looks malicious.

Up to now, there is nothing left of the classical style of the surface era. Some of them are all "XX elements".

This house follows the old and decaying style, with wind chimes hanging in the corners and transparent tiles adorning the top, winding and deep corridors leading to the depths of the garden.

However, as a contestant of the Killing Show, Xia Tian didn't have the heart to look at the scenery, he scanned around, thinking that the sniper in this pattern was useless.

They walked deeper and deeper into the garden, and then they saw the hall in the distance.

The main hall is quite lively, brightly lit, and a large dinner party has been prepared. The servant NPC took the luggage of the guests and took them to their respective rooms, where a month's daily necessities were prepared, and the cabinets also had clothes for various occasions.

These people have signed contracts with TV stations. In this kind of competition, the mortality rate is about one-third.

The one who led Xia Tian's team to the residence was a girl with a graceful walk. She took them to a separate courtyard. In the night, the dark gray old houses were covered by dark and lush branches and leaves. It was a good place for haunting.

She handed them the key with a simple design that can be used as a peripheral, and told the people in the team that only they own the key to the room, please don't lose it, and then left.

Xia Tian opened the door, and other people followed in, and found that although the appearance was not very good, the equipment inside was very modern.

The living room is spacious enough for a tactical presentation session, with a wet bar, good wine, and sofas. On the coffee table stood a white vase with an elegant logo, with freshly plucked roses in it, and an elegant invitation letter.

Bai Jing'an walked over to open it, and said respectfully, he hoped that the distinguished guests would change into more formal clothes and head to the banquet hall. According to the wish of the deceased owner, the mansion will hold a dinner to welcome them. The lawyer in charge at the banquet will announce the old man's last words.

It was also written on the invitation that Mr. Shi hoped that they would all be happy and that death was inevitable so that it would not affect their enjoyment of life.

"Before the banquet, should we continue to discuss tactics?" Eric said.

It was supposed to be discussed before going on stage, but in the end it was all spent on the history of social and moral changes.

"Let's kill someone first." Bai Jing'an said, turning to look at Xia Tian, "Who do you hate the most?"

Xia Tian thought about it.

"Yang Chen." He said, "Have you seen the videos of his private killing shows? And the interviews, I've never seen someone who did that kind of thing and still feel so good about himself! Guan Yunzhi's child killing Xiuquan was planned by him, why is nothing wrong with him!"

—He's talking about the guy who died in the second execution.

"Maybe it's not easy to kill." Eric said, "After all, it's just a fan event."

"I can kill." Xia Tian said.

"Okay, let's start with him." Bai Jing'an said.

Eric stared at the two of them. Wei Xi had been checking the network system since he landed on the island, and now he also raised his head to take a look.

Bai Jing'an looked around at them and said, "Then, let's come one by one."


Xia Tian changed into a dress.

The costume designer really put a lot of thought into designing clothes for him. This dress is a bit retro, black, with dark red stitching, showing through slightly, and the lining is the same color. It has an expensive and crisp aura of a rich man, perfectly complements his figure, and looks like a battle uniform.

Since Xia Tian can be called a "star", his clothes have always been designed by a special person, and there are also people who help him take care of the website, reply to messages, and write interviews.

He couldn't figure out who these people were, and sometimes felt that they were not interested in him, that although they knew everything about him, they were working together to create a figure similar to him, but subtly different.

When Xia Tian went out, he saw Bai Jing'an also coming out of the next room in formal attire.

The elegant style of Bai Jingan's dress may have the effect of being gentle and personable, but when he goes to the battlefield, that person has an overwhelming aura. He no longer looked like a quiet schemer, but a murderer who would hold a red wine at a banquet and kill everyone without spilling a drop.

After the commemorative show incident, Bai Jing'an had a certain change. Not as he had seen him at first, when he was like snow on a distant mountaintop, far away from the whole world. Now, the old dangerous disposition deep in his body is more and more revealed, making him more like a sharp sword about to be unsheathed, right next to him, within reach, reflecting coldness and sharpness in hell of light.

The four of them met in the living room before heading to dinner together.

Along the way, everyone dressed up formally, each more beautiful than the other. It is said to be a killing show, but it seems to be attending a fashion show.

The hall was brightly lit, burning in the shadowy garden. Although the president just passed away, the banquet was very luxurious. Just like their clothes, it was a feast for advertisers. Take out any good things, and put a label on them whenever you find an opportunity.

There are also many handsome men and beauties at the scene, wearing sexy clothes to shuttle around to decorate the arena, they are NPCs with life and will.

Most viewers think that these people just sleep with the players and relieve them of stress. In previous killing shows, the death rate of this kind of people is also high.

Xia Tian casually picked up a glass of wine, while Eric was putting the empty glass back, Wei Xi's eyes never let go of the phone. This is the case with network logistics.

He is trying to break into the local LAN, view images from all the cameras in the building, and hack into the access control equipment. Network logistics may be powerless, but if you don't have it in your team, you're blind.

Ever since the discussion on how to kill people began, Wei Xi had been in high spirits, completely gone from his listless look before. On the way, he also enthusiastically made a list for Xia Tian, describing in detail who he thinks should be damned, he is simply a senior expert. Haitian asked them to be picky when killing people, but Xia Tian felt that this place was rich in resources, so he didn't have to worry about not being able to start work.

He was wandering around the banquet hall with a glass of wine, and he received many interesting looks from men and women along the way, and he smiled back at them all, not intending to have sex with anyone here at all.

All the scenes in the arena were watched by a bunch of planners, and meetings were held to discuss. He simply didn't know how anyone could get along with others here without pressure. Ever since the bunch of crazy things happened to him, all Xia Tian's fantasies about Shangcheng turned into nightmares, and he avoided all such things.

Eric said that he would not care about such things after living a few more rounds. In the end, this kind of competition will make you realize that everything you insist on in life is meaningless, and only enjoyment is the real thing. of.

He's probably right. That's the case with many veterans of the kill show, where the normal part of their temperament is destroyed in the day-to-day show, and dignity and future dissipate like dust.

At this moment, someone in the banquet knocked on the wall of the cup. The sound was clear and clear. Everyone fell silent and turned their heads to look in that direction.

"Heirs." A man's voice said, he is the lawyer in charge, with silver hair and boss demeanor. This person's surname is Ange, he was a well-known figure in the Killing Show back then, and he was also the host of the fourth round.

Xia Tian saw him several times at the banquet, most of the time he was drunk and unconscious. But now, after the stylist's tossing, she is quite graceful.

Anger went on to say: "When you come here, you must all be interested in Mr. Shi's legacy. In the last period of his life, he spent a lot of time finding you, listed them as the heirs of the legacy, and gave me a... um , a seven-hundred-page will."

He paused for a moment, and some people around him laughed, and then he continued.

"This fully demonstrates his confidence in everyone." Anger said, "But I don't think everyone wants to listen to me read the 700-page detailed rules... but would rather drink some wine, find a beautiful bed partner, and have a good time. Have some fun. So I streamlined it."

He held out his hand, and a servant in an expensive uniform next to him handed over a few pages. He picked it up pretendingly, and began to read the claim of succession.

The surroundings fell silent, and the official announced the general rules before the start of the game, but the higher-ups always like to cheat players, and they can only count when they read it directly at the banquet.

"There are many of you now, but they are of little value. But one of you will prove yourself to be the honorable heir and get everything." Ange said to the young talents in the room, "Mr. Shi believes that the only way to choose The chosen heir is the most ideal, the most vicious, the most ruthless, and the most cunning, who can rule his kingdom."

— This is of course illogical. Why would a room of people kill each other to inherit a business empire? What does it mean to fight hard? But this is a kill show, no logic needed.

The lawyer in charge continued: "You are empty-handed now, and the weapons are somewhere in the garden, and you can take them as needed. You must destroy the enemy and prove that you have the ability to inherit a business empire."

He gestured.

"Before I mentioned the hidden treasures. These things are hidden in various places in the garden. I will not tell you how many there are and how to find them. I believe it will not be too difficult. And the person who finally collects all the fragments will be able to open them. 'Treasure' - that is the box where Mr. Shi's inheritance rights are stored, and the genetic certification has been completed. From then on, there will never be a more noble and richer young man than you in the world."

He smiled at them.

"Let me remind you that just because you're smart enough to get the treasure quickly doesn't mean you own it. Only the strongest own it," he said. "Well, if someone doesn't like the game , you can leave immediately, no one will obstruct you."

He stopped for two seconds, and there was silence around him, no one left. No one wants to be blacklisted.

"If no one leaves, I declare that the succession game begins now. The game will not end until the next heir is selected." The lawyer in charge said, bowed to everyone, turned and walked away.

The banquet hall quickly resumed its hustle and bustle, talking and picking up girls—just from the perspective of horror movies, this really fully expresses a certain kind of scene where human nature is inherently evil.

In the middle of the banquet, Yang Chen went to the bathroom, Xia Tian put down the wine glass and followed him from behind.

Yang Chen is tall and tall, with a cold expression, and a scar across half of his face, which was left when he killed an NPC in 197. Generally, NPCs are not so difficult to deal with, but that one is determined not to die.

Medical technology is now a piece of cake to remove scars, but the contestants of the kill show generally keep these items, at first as a show off of old battles, and now as a commodity feature.

The wound on Xia Tian's neck also remains, although it is not obvious, but it can still be seen if you look closely. Haida didn't allow him to remove it, saying that the company had regulations and it was written in the contract. Why does this contract stipulate everything in the fuck

When he opened the door, Yang Chen was the only one in the bathroom, urinating. Seeing him coming in, the man glanced at him vigilantly, but ignored him. But Xia Tian closed the door, then stood at the door and stared at him.

After three seconds like this, Yang Chen turned his head and said viciously, "What are you looking at?"

Xia Tian pointed and said, "I don't want to splash on my body."

The other party frowned, and when Xia Tian saw that he was finished, he smiled brightly at him and walked over, hiding a table knife in his sleeve.

The process took about thirty seconds or so.

There's something inherently different about a kill show fight than a fight, you don't walk in with a knife because you're not trying to threaten the guy, and you don't care if he's going to surrender or not. You have only one purpose: to kill him.

You don't mind if you're going to get punched, and you don't back away when the other guy throws a fist, planning a counterattack. You only think about one thing, how to seize the opportunity, use everything around you, and kill people at the fastest speed.

Xia Tian dodged Yang Chen's punch, but he didn't retreat, he moved forward, stabbed him in the lower abdomen, and pulled down.

Yang Chen gave him a knee bump, but it can be ignored. Xia Tian retreated quickly, the man still wanted to attack, and then looked at his lower abdomen in disbelief, the dress was already stained red with blood.

He rushed towards him, Xia Tian retreated again, Yang Chen staggered all the way, bleeding more and more. When he rushed forward and his footsteps were unstable, Xia Tian kicked the wound in his lower abdomen.

Yang Chen fell to the ground, Xia Tian walked towards him, grabbed his hair, holding a knife in the other hand.

The man stretched out his hand to block, the two of them were in a stalemate for five seconds, Xia Tian cut his throat.

He died quickly. The contestants of the Killing Show always have such a time.

Xia Tian stood up, with some blood on his sleeves. He looked at himself in the mirror. He was dressed in a neat suit, handsome, and looked like a young man.

He walked to the washstand, put the blood-stained knife aside, washed off a few drops of splashed blood, and tidied up his appearance.

Then he picked up the knife without washing the blood off it, opened the door, and walked outside to the bustling banquet. Behind him, the man's blood flowed out quietly, and there was still a short time before the blood coagulated.

Xia Tian met a small man in the corridor, rushed to the bathroom, and smiled politely at him. Xia Tian returned the smile. At this time, everyone was still polite. The banquet started less than half an hour ago, and few people wanted to kill people.

Behind him, the man opened the bathroom door.

Xia Tian kept walking forward, the back was very quiet, you wouldn't hear screams at this time. Nobody here screams.


During the first kill at the opening banquet, several shareholders of Fujin TV Station went to the main station to observe the test of the new simulation sensor.

It is said that this thing can directly stimulate the brain and accomplish things that cannot be done in the physical aspect, such as continuous orgasms, reverse sex sex, or extreme pain, and it is best used in games.

The one who came over had a thunderous name, but it was because Tian Xiaoluo was related to the chief director and knew a little about the circle, otherwise he wouldn't even have the chance to feel famous.

The planning team was extremely busy, but Yakovsky still found time to accompany him. Tian Xiaoluo did not slip away and was also in the reception team.

Now she is far behind, and Yakovsky wants her to keep an eye on Xia Tian's planning group... Although it is not appropriate to call it a group now, it is a rather large-scale team.

Tian Xiaoluo was in a hurry. There were five parties talking in her earphones at the same time, and the voices kept coming and going, and the noise was so loud that it hadn't stopped since she went online.

In the contact lens on her right is the window for Xia Tian's mission - they privately call Xia Tian "the boss", and that person is complaining about why Yang Chen is obviously a pervert, but he got away instead. Eric sarcastically said that it might be because it was difficult to kill, and Xia Tian said "I can kill it".

She heard Mo Xing sigh in a priestly tone: "After the sacrifice was accepted, we got the oracle—"

"The oracle says that someone is going to be unlucky!"

"The oracle says, the massacre of the unjust has begun!"

They have started to speak in this tone since the public relations direction of Xia Xia's image was issued last time. The more they speak, the more proficient they are, and they can't change it.

Although in order to avoid occupying the channel, it is stipulated that only one person can speak at a time in a group, but the group of people chattered, their voices were high-pitched, and their emotions were agitated, which did not stop at all. Tian Xiaoluo has been with many groups before, but he has never seen such a joyous one.

Her mood also became inexplicably agitated because of these quarrels... But it couldn't be seen on her face. She followed behind the group of top predators in the world expressionlessly, and there was no room for any mistakes in front of such people.

Tian Xiaoluo was left behind, engrossed in another kill, the first time in a long time that she longed to see someone die in a kill show.

Although Yang Chen is not worse than other people she has seen - not because he is not bad, but because there are too many perverts in the killing show, and most of them can't get double-digit number plates.

But those disgusting and imaginative child killing shows are all arranged by him, so why can he survive? !

She watched Xia Tian leave the bathroom with a bloody knife, she trembled all over for some reason, her earphones were in a mess, and someone shouted: "Close up to the camera, hurry up!"

"Adjust the color to make the red more prominent, which can perfectly set off—"

"That knife looks so beautiful in his hand!"

Tian Xiaoluo felt almost the pleasure of revenge, although it was not revenge. She said to herself, this is one of countless marketing lies, but some emotions still believe it regardless, and want to rely on the past. So fucking horny.

She couldn't remember when the boy came over.

He had been among the visiting crowd before, but was left behind with her.

The child was only fourteen or fifteen years old, or a little younger, with light-colored hair scattered on his shoulders, and a gray and silver hairpin pinned casually. Before that, she gave him a sneaky sideways look, thinking that with his appearance and his family background, he would definitely be a bloody type in the future.

Tian Xiaoluo was concentrating on looking at the real-time image in the pane, when he heard a voice saying: "Are you Wang Xiaotian?"

This distant name suddenly appeared, Tian Xiaoluo suddenly turned his head to look, and it was the boy who spoke. He looked at her with great interest, and said, "You worked with Tilan, Roan, and Amber in the Ministry of Defense to make interactive viruses, didn't you?"

Tian Xiaoluo's mind went blank for a while, and someone in the headset was shouting: "First kill!"

Few people knew about this, not even her brother, at least he couldn't call out the names of the entire team in one breath.

Then she thought, this kid who came to this place at this age must be the son of some powerful person, so he knows everything about the Ministry of Defense. They are the ones who are really in power in this world.

She didn't know which, she cared nothing about such things and had no illusions about Prince Charming. In this world, romance movies are just dreams, and reality is a dark horror version.

"Yes." She said dryly, not fully recovering from the exciting world in the earphones.

"Why are you here?" said the boy. "You are the world's best expert on interactive viruses."

"It's not the best." Tian Xiaoluo said.

The other party thought for a while: "There is only one person who is better than you, and you have different directions."

Tian Xiaoluo stared at him, she wanted to turn around and leave, this is her best way to end the topic. But maybe it was because the emotions just now were still stuffy in her chest, and she couldn't find an outlet, so she blurted out a sentence: "I have work to do, why don't you go in and find your parents?"

The other party was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled at her, whether it was bright or sharp. He said, "I think you're not a bad person."

She stared at him, and he asked, "Do you want a new job?"

He smiled brighter: "Guaranteed to be exciting."

Xia Tian returned to the banquet, put the bloody knife on the table, Bai Jing'an smiled at him, and handed him a glass of champagne.

Someone next to him turned his head to look at the knife, but no one said anything. It's normal for a bloody knife to appear at this kind of banquet.

Around them, word spread quickly that there was a dead body in the bathroom. Xia Tian heard the players whispering, saying that within ten minutes after the competition rules were read out, the first deceased had already appeared.

Of course, there are cameras everywhere, but the identity of the killer is protected. Here the murder was just and ruled, encouraged by the late Mr. Historian's will and the competent attorney.

The blood-stained knife is still on the snow-white dining table, complementing the exquisite tableware, drinks and snacks, showing the theme of the game, and it is definitely worth a close-up.

A certain guy in Yang Chen's team was agitated, grabbing people around and asking who did it, but everyone refused him to make trouble with a handsome look.

Xia Tian could understand the reasons for the panic and anger of that team. Someone was chatting not far away, saying that no matter who made the move, Yang Chen's team is short of someone now, and it is a good prey. There should be many people watching .

The remaining three-person team stood not far away, with ugly faces and very vigilant.

By the fourth round, the field is smaller, there are fewer players, and all teams are full of troublesome characters, and one less can make a big difference.

Xia Tian picked up the bloody knife and knocked on the champagne glass. After he knocked several times, the people in the hall stopped talking and turned their heads to look for the direction of the sound.

"Sorry, I want to interrupt, just now I heard someone asking who killed that guy in the bathroom just now." He said, "I killed it. Isn't the game already started?"

He turned to look at the lawyer in charge NPC, who nodded with a kind smile, indicating that it had indeed started.

Everyone stared in this direction, and Xia Tian continued: "On the one hand, because I have never liked him very much, I think his taste in choosing bed partners is very bad, they are all too young, and people often go to the hospital afterwards. You know Does he have a ship?"

The people around looked at him with unbearable expressions. At this moment, another soldier in Yang Chen's team rushed over from behind with a table knife.

When the man rushed past Bai Jing'an, he suddenly fell to the ground and didn't stand up for a while. Then everyone around noticed that he was clutching his neck tightly, and blood was continuously flowing from the arteries.

Bai Jingan's position changed, and he looked down at him, but no one could clearly see how he moved.

The man struggled to get up, and the people around him made a big circle to avoid getting blood. Bai Jing'an stepped on his back, and he fell to the ground again.

When Bai Jing'an did these things, the wine in the glass did not shake, his expressionless and calm appearance, paired with the elegant and elegant dress, simply reached a new level of abnormality.

The second person was about to pounce, but Eric grabbed him by the neck from behind, and he struggled desperately. The former stabbed a fork into his lower back, and he immediately went limp.

The last team member wanted to escape, Xia Tian put down the cup, picked up a flagon from the table and threw it on his head. The man fell to the ground, and Xia Tian walked over quickly, while continuing to say: "I don't like his children's killing show either, it's too complacent. I know you all participated in it, and you are still speaking for him in the media, I don't like it." I like those speeches, they are so real, like how noble the party is, how happy the dead are."

As he said that, he grabbed the guy's head and slammed it on the ground, and the third time he hit it, he was finished, bleeding everywhere.

Xia Tian stood up and tidied up his coat. He really likes this dress, and he doesn't feel restrained at all when fighting.

Around them, a circle of guys in suits and leather shoes watched them complete the task of destroying the team, and someone blew a whistle from afar.