Killing Show

Chapter 3: Robbery



In summer, a small group of them stood in the dense jungle in ancient single clothes.

The surrounding scenery is beautiful, and it must have taken a lot of time for the props team. In the future, it can be used to develop various games or sell holographic models.

There are miniature cameras everywhere in the forest, but they are hidden very skillfully and cannot be seen.

When Xia Tian came in, his hair was still wet, and he had been worried that he would lose face if he entered the arena, but at the beginning, he was full of thoughts about finding someone to kill, so he didn't feel so nauseous anymore.

He looked up and saw a squirrel in the top of a tree. It saw him too, running in horror, not looking like a robot—the TV station sometimes provided some real animals. maybe eat it

Xia Tian was wearing a black linen coat, the back was torn in a large area, as if someone had hacked it, and then roughly sewn it together. I don't know if it's because someone actually died wearing it, or if the organizer deliberately made it so that someone died wearing it.

Bai Jing'an was wearing a white suit, with the demeanor of a distant and cold military adviser. However, the color of the clothes is randomly determined, so that no one can judge the occupation based on it.

Even so, there must be a lot of network logistics active on the field. Thinking of them, Xia Tian wants to laugh wildly.

"Wow!" Latie looked around - Xia Tian didn't care what he was wearing, "I've never been to the real woods. The woods in the park are all private, and you won't be allowed to enter without a password."

Xia Tian didn't speak, thinking that he had never seen the real woods, but he wouldn't shout like this in front of the camera.

Bai Jing'an walked to the nearby hillside and looked around at the terrain.

Since teleportation is random, they need to determine the location based on the surrounding terrain, where the resource point is, and how to walk there.

The slope of the hill is not big, but it is enough to see the size of the forest, as well as the surrounding vegetation and rivers. Bai Jing'an took a look, said "Yes", walked down, and said, "It's about two kilometers northwest of the third resource point."

"Let's go there now!" Latie said, took a step towards an unknown direction, then turned back and said, "Hurry up, if you don't go, everything will be robbed!"

"We're not going to the resource point." Bai Jing'an said, turned around and walked in another direction.

Latie was stunned for a moment, and he looked at the wrong direction he had chosen with nostalgia. Bai Jing'an looked at the surrounding environment while walking, it looked like he was taking a walk, but he was definitely not walking.

He said, "We rob others."

On TV, when tactical planners evaluate the situation and formulate plans, they generally have some iconic actions.

Push your glasses, touch your chin, or just keep emphasizing yourself... Anyway, make some "I'm doing something cool and extremely difficult" look, so that the audience outside the venue will not understand.

But Bai Jing'an's appearance when he did this was not commercial, it didn't look like he was participating in a killing show at all, but a tour guide who hated his job, taking tourists to see the dilapidated attractions he had visited a thousand times, looking bored , Distracted and unlovable posture, watching even the people next to him start to get bored.

The weary guide quickly led them through a grove and across a small river to a spot suitable for a sneak attack.

Looking around in Xia Tian, this place is not dangerous enough to make people feel vigilant, so they deliberately bypass it, but it is also enough for people who ambush here to take advantage of a lot.

In a few days, someone will definitely occupy this place. But now the game has just started, and everyone is running to the resource point, preparing for a big battle, so this place is so quiet and quiet, no one pays attention.

According to Bai Jing'an, in this place, they can always wait for a team that not only has supplies, but also can swallow them with certainty.

He calmly talked about his tactics with his robbery companions, and set an attack signal. Xia Tian looked at him with interest, Bai Jing'an lowered his eyes, occasionally meeting his gaze, it was all cold and boring.

"I think we should go to the resource point, and everyone should go to the resource point." Latie said, "I think... we should consider the issue of honor."

—It is the heroism, struggle, and witnesses of hundreds of millions of people promoted by the Killing Show.

"Our every move will appear before the eyes of countless audiences at the terminal," he said, "We will defend our honor in front of the whole world!"

No one paid any attention to him, and followed Bai Jingan to check the ambush point.

Xia Tian wanted to say "Can you stop being stupid", when he suddenly turned his head to look at the end of the path. Bai Jing'an also turned his head to look. A few seconds later, there was a faint sound of chaotic footsteps and complaints.

La Tie picked up the dagger and rushed forward, Xia Tian grabbed him, covered his mouth and dragged him into the bushes, Bai Jing'an made a gesture to tell them to be quiet.

Twenty seconds later, a squad ran across the ambush area defenseless, blaming each other.

They don't know where they are, and they don't have a tactical plan in the team, so they haven't been able to figure out their position until now. What a fucking bad luck.

A few people said something like "This time it must be finished", and left here without knowing it, and Xia Tian's team quietly lurked behind the bushes.

Then three different teams passed by, some were rabble and some were troublesome characters, but the game had just started, and everyone was empty-handed, eager to find resources, and did not intend to conflict with anyone.

La Tie desperately wanted to rush out, Xia Tian dragged him tightly.

Latie has never been suitable for this arena. I don’t know that no matter how you promote bravery, this kind of competition is in the final analysis a game of trying to survive through various calculations.

They don't attack because it's not profitable, they wait until after the battle happens. At that time, some people will die on the spot, and some will return with a full load.

Then, it's time for them to do it.

Xia Tian didn't know how the battle at the resource point was. There were no explosions, flying cars, or large-scale holographic projections in the medieval battlefield, only the most primitive blood-to-blood fighting.

He could only see the ferocity of the battle from the fleeing teams.

The organizers set up the third resource point next to a lake, the scenery will be beautiful, when the battle happens, the blood will dye the lake red. When they sell merch, they can give the lake a bloody and dramatic name.

At first, most of the victors just passed by from a distance, and did not get close. It was not until half an hour later that the first team passed through the ambush point.

It was a team of three, Bai Jing'an didn't send a signal when they passed, Xia Tian took a look and knew that this team was a tough nut to crack.

All three are professionals, with a lot of supplies, and obviously won a big victory in the previous battle. There is blood all over their bodies, but if you look closely, you will find that they are all spattered, and there is almost no damage themselves.

They approached slowly, Xia Tian lay still, this group of people was talking about the battle of the resource point, the tone was relaxed. Xia Tian heard a familiar voice jump out, saying: "Okay, we should unite—"

He suddenly realized that he had heard this voice.

At the end of the second round of competition, Xia Tian was singled out - quarreling with Bai Jingan, Bai Jingan told him to leave. He wandered around an abandoned building, his ears buzzing from a rocket launcher, so he didn't notice them until he was very close.

The men were standing behind a ruined wall, arguing.

Xia Tian dodged and hid behind the wall, these people were noisy, and someone's wailing was interspersed with it. It sounded like a young man named Luo Qingtian found a young man in the closet. The other party handed over the scoring device and yelled to surrender.

Luo Qingtian asked this guy to crawl out of the closet, take off his clothes, and dance for him. He was quite obedient, but Luo Qingtian felt that he "danced too badly", so he shot him in the lower body.

The gunshots and screams attracted several other companions, and one of them yelled at Luo Qingtian: "How annoying you are, the screams may attract people nearby, who knows how long this match will last!"

"He must be nervous because he can't dance well," said another.

Another one sounded like a newcomer, with a trembling voice, and said, "This, this is still a child. Since the scorer is taken and the person is abolished, let's...forget it?"

Several other people disagreed, saying that who knows if they will hold grudges after being rescued, and men who have suffered sexual setbacks hold grudges the most.

Then they chatted as if no one else was there, and the boy's voice became hoarse.

— This kind of thing is very common in the kill show, which is a circle of lawless land, and the contestants will do all kinds of things for fun.

The planning team will edit the screen before releasing it, and sometimes it will be cut out directly because it does not match the player's style.

The rookie who didn't know the rules was still trying to save him endlessly, and he was saying, "We don't have to do this, he's already—"

Xia Tian heard a "bang", that was the sound of bullets passing through the skull.

The other side finally quieted down, Luo Qingtian said seriously: "Stop arguing, we are a team and we should work together."

Three seconds of silence, at this moment, the game is over.

The end scene of The Killing Show is a sight to behold, like stepping out of hell into the candy world.

The gloomy sky in the doomsday style suddenly changed, laser fireworks bloomed one after another, colorful, grand and festive, majestic music sounded slowly, as if the whole world was singing passionately.

A holographic projection of the presenter appears in the sky, with a big smile, beautiful hair, and only slightly contrived gowns in the style of ancient warriors.

"Heroes, you have proved your courage and strength!" he said.

On the ground, all those who were hiding, killing and fleeing stopped their movements and looked up at the sky.

The host continued: "Injured, please stay where you are, and the medical staff will start treatment as soon as possible. Shengjin Medical Supplies provides services for the heroes this time—"

He went on to speak of courage and feasting, mingled with the names of a host of sponsors. Under this picture-panel sky, the killing is over, the living survive the round, and the moment of carnival follows. The killer and the victim come together to drink, do drugs, have sex, and stuff their bellies to the brim.

Someone in the team ahead said, "Finally!"

Someone nearby cheered in unison, and these people left.

Xia Tian came out and looked down at the corpse. It is indeed a child, it should have just turned sixteen, the minimum age for participation, and the lanugo has not yet faded.

He fell into the ruins without any clothes on, Luo Qingtian had crippled his lower body and made a hole in his head, the ground was soaked in blood. No one took a second look.

Someone was crying in the distance, but Xia Tian didn't have the energy to turn around to see who it was. It happens everywhere.

He looked away, and walked wearily towards the exit where the rainbow effect was created in the sky.

Halfway through the walk, he saw Bai Jing'an coming out of his hiding place. That person didn't see him, but just swept across the scarred ground of the arena, and the light of fireworks reflected on his face and eyes.

His hair was disheveled, his clothes were terribly dirty, and he was downcast. Under the beautiful scenery all over the sky, he looked a bit bleak, like a lost ghost.


Now, Xia Tian has entered a new round of the arena, the game has just started, and met this team again.

After the battle at the resource point, there were only three people left in the team... The one who died was the newcomer who spoke good words. It's normal, he's the only guy on the team who isn't compatible and professional. This kind of person always dies with wit and wit.

A few people walked onto the path, talking about the next tactics, saying to find a place to ambush, and then find someone to "play" or something.

However, as masters, they are still vigilant in their steps.

Xia Tian stared at the person who walked in the middle of the team and was under key protection.

This is Luo Qingtian. She dyed her very cool silver hair. The color is pure under the gloomy sky. She must have spent a lot of money. It was the top 3 most successful hairstyles in the killing show last year. It is said that it fully demonstrates the cold, arrogant and inorganic demeanor of the tactical expert.

The face was equally beautiful and exquisite, and could satisfy any discerning audience. In the official image of Killing Show, he is set as a player who doesn't understand world affairs and has no ordinary desires, and can handle everything rationally. The massacre that day was never broadcast on the TV station.

The sky was pressing down dimly, turning the whole world into a lifeless gray-white. The voices of those people came faintly, like mildew on the bread, moving steadily.

After Xia Tian checked Luo Qingtian's information. This person was born in the T9 district of the lower city, but he is not a local because his father is the local administrator.

When he was nine years old, his father got a transfer order, and his family moved back to Floating Void City. He excelled in school and scored extremely high on IQ tests, but from an early age he showed a keen interest in killing shows and joined the business not long after he became an adult.

——In the beginning, the Killing Show was just a game for rich people in the upper city to watch the executioners kill and kill for fun, but with the development of the entertainment industry over the years, the wealthy class also began to appear on the field from time to time. The praise of the entertainment industry makes the villains full of charm. In this sky city full of drunkenness and soft drugs, people worship people with blood on their hands. They wear crowns for evil, as if it is some kind of legend.

And Luo Qingtian seemed to have found her hometown, she didn't just play games like most rich people, but stayed in this bloody land for a long time.

His resume always reminded Xia Tian of that brat who was the chief executive in his hometown, who had a tireless interest in cruel things, and the whip made him so agile that it made him ache all over his body just thinking about it.

He'd sworn to kill him, and... never got around to it.

Staring at Luo Qingtian's pure snow-like long hair from behind the bushes in summer, he felt the tingling burning from the depths of his body, thinking, this is definitely a kind of fate.

The team cautiously walked through the ambush site, continuing to talk about finding someone to "play with", while Luo Qingtian was saying "If someone likes to watch, we will be safe".

Xia Tian thought, if he could seize the opportunity and jump in front of this person, he could kill him before everyone reacted.

He could slash into him, blood would spurt from the arteries, and the man would have a second or two to realize that there was no hope for him anymore. Then he will die.

Xia Tian clenches his fist, loosens it, and clenches it again. A desire to burn him to death enveloped him, he really, really... didn't like Luo Qingtian's hair.

That snow-cold long hair, handsome face, and those indifferent eyes. In these eyes, everything in the world is a series of bloody plans, no pain, no death, no retribution.

With just one cut, that face will disappear. Blood will stain his silver hair, there is no trace of beauty to speak of...

No, maybe it's pretty.

Xia Tian clenched the handle of the knife tightly, his body tensed, and just as he was about to jump down, someone grabbed his shoulder from behind.

He turned his head, Bai Jing'an came behind at some point and stared at him.

For a moment, Xia Tian wanted to wave his hand away, telling him to do what he should do, but Bai Jing'an had a lot of strength in his hand, as if he would never let go unless he made it clear.

Xia Tian has never had the habit of discussing with others before doing things, but the time is limited, so he definitely can't do anything if he drags him like this.

So he quickly showed a bright smile at the man, and made two battle gestures - "Kill Luo Qingtian first, and the battle will end within a minute."

This is a crazy plan, Bai Jing'an looked at him blankly, but he was clearly thinking quickly, and then he responded with a few concise gestures to make amendments to Xia Tian's plan.

Within seconds, this cold tactical plan had factored the desire to kill into its efficiency calculations. They quickly exchanged a few details, and then Bai Jing'an pointed down, indicating "do it".

Xia Tian jumped down, and the attack began.

Bai Jing'an looked down from behind him. Under the cloudy sky, his expression was icy cold and murderous. He was extremely focused, as if all the light was focused on him.

Something of his old nature loomed, flashed.

Xia Tian moved swiftly, like a hunting carnivorous creature, it landed steadily in front of Luo Qingtian.

No one reacted, at the moment of falling, Xia Tian swung down the short sword in his hand, cutting into his neck.

Luo Qingtian reacted quickly, reaching out to grab the crossbow at her waist, but her fingertips only slipped on it—Xiamen's knife was extremely fast and powerful, it severed the artery, and almost cut off the whole head.

He died almost immediately.

At the same moment, the person behind him reacted and turned around with a sword.

There was no way to dodge the sword, Xia Tian grabbed Luo Qingtian's collar and took a step forward, taking off a little strength. The blade cut through his poorly mended linen coat, tearing flesh, but the bones were fine and could go on.

His hand was still holding the handle of the knife, and the blade was deeply stuck into Luo Qingtian's bone. The blow was too powerful and he couldn't pull it out for a while.

During those two seconds, he stared fixedly at Luo Qingtian's eyes. Realizing that he was going to die, that face showed anger and disbelief. Xia Tian laughed, his face was spattered with blood, but he laughed presumptuously and gloated.

This person can no longer put on a beautiful strategizing appearance to control the fate of others, and his face that feels good about himself is forever frozen in pain.

At the same time, the warrior behind him slashed his sword to the bottom, unable to withdraw his hand for a while. Xia Tian took a step back and turned to the left, exposing Luo Qingtian's body to the man's eyes, and hit him on the face with an elbow.

He heard the cracking sound of bones, and glanced sideways at the other person's face, the blood stained the man's chin, but he just stared at the silver-haired corpse in disbelief.

As a corpse, he's pretty pretty.

La Tie hid a little far away, and when he saw a fight here, he rushed up immediately.

He ambush far away to prevent people from escaping after the attack, but obviously not now, all the fighting is in place, and it will be over in thirty seconds.

Xia Tian grabbed the collar of Luo Qingtian's corpse with one hand, keeping it standing, blocking the last guy in chain mail in front of the team.

The man was completely stunned, staring at the corpse, not knowing what to do. When a tactical plan dies suddenly, everyone will experience a little bit of confusion, especially if the death is an extremely smart, handsome and elegant plan who can do everything.

But the stunned time will not be too long, the guy behind Xia Tian received an elbow, and after a moment of stagnation, Jianfeng immediately turned back.

Xia Tian dodged sideways, pulled the corpse towards him, and the opponent's sword slanted into Luo Qingtian's body from his right rib.

The man shivered for a moment, any fighter knows the feeling of a sword cutting into a human body, if it is someone like Luo Qingtian—or your teammate—you will never forget it in your life.

He stared at Luo Qingtian's body in a daze, with a panicked look on his face, Xia Tian turned around, dodged behind him, his arms stuck around his neck.

Out of control is only a moment, but it is enough for people like Xia Tian.

He grabbed his neck with one hand, clasped the back of his head with the other, and twisted it violently.

A textbook standard killing move, skillful and neat, full of evil spirit.

At the last moment, that person subconsciously wanted to grab the body of Luo Qingtian who was about to fall, and then everything was over.

The second, Summer thought, and then—

He stretched out his hand suddenly, and grabbed a piece of the blood-stained sword in front of his lower abdomen, but he was still a step too slow, and the small half of the sword tip had already pierced into his body.

He raised his head, looked over the two corpses, and saw the only player who was still alive.

He couldn't remember his name for a moment, but only remembered a pair of eyes full of murderous intent. In the blink of an eye, that's all that's left, no points, ads, or money, either you die or I die.

After this person realized what happened, a sword pierced Luo Qingtian's body from behind, and also pierced another accomplice's, piercing Xia Tian's lower abdomen.

Xia Tian firmly grasped the blade of the sword, blood flowed down his fingers, from this angle, he could see the dirty hair of Luo Qingtian's corpse, the corpse was riddled with holes.

He smiled into the angry eyes opposite the dead body, with a bright and handsome smile, and said, "Your lives are not so precious."

At this moment, Latie finally rushed to the front, raised his dagger and slashed at the last person—Xiamen suddenly remembered that his name was Futing.

Fu Ting drew out the scimitar at his waist with his left hand to block the blow.

While holding the iron knife, his sword stopped and stabbed in the direction of Xia Tian, what a fucking desperado. Xia Tian clenched his hands tightly, and more blood fell on the ground. Fortunately, the quality of this sword is not very good.

But he forgot one thing: there is no one behind Xia Tian, so there is no need to confront him.

Xia Tian took a step back, the tip of Fu Ting's sword was pulled away from his body, blood gushed out, he ignored it, pulled a small knife from his waist, and threw it towards the head of the person opposite.

This action was not aggressive, but he had to dodge it anyway, Fon Ting dodged sideways, but within a second, Xia Tian had already taken two steps forward and came to him.

Fu Ting tried to draw the sword again, but only pulled out two inches. His long sword was stuck in the dead body, his machete was deadlocked, and he was trapped.

He knew what to do, had to get the sword out at any cost—

But it was too late. He saw Xia Tian raised his hand, holding a small crossbow, pointing at his head.

Luo Qingtian's crossbow was hanging on his waist. He had just snatched it from a resource point, but it hadn't been used yet.

In the end, he only saw Xia Tian's smile, it was a bright and brilliant smile, but it was as cold as ice.

The man pulled the trigger, and the short arrow shot through his head.


Bai Jing'an had been watching from above, and now he finally jumped down to inspect the results of the battle.

The doctor also poked his head out from behind the tree. Seeing the tragedy in front of him, he bent down and vomited.

Xia Tian handed the crossbow to Bai Jing'an, Tactical Planning took it, weighed it, put it in his waist, then walked through the corpses all over the place, and counted the spoils.

In the shadow of the hillside, there was a hint of madness on his calm water face.

Xia Tian glanced at him, remembering that in Zhi Leng's suite, his first reaction when he saw the corpse was to stuff it with a box, and suddenly realized that he would not object to this robbery at all. He is that kind of person.

And this time, their near-suicidal venture succeeds and pays off handsomely.

Xia Tian also went to search the corpses, originally looking for a sword, but when he saw a small bag of apples, he bent down to pick one up, wiped it on his body, and gnawed it directly.

He's always hungry when he's hurt, even when he's hurting. In any moment of crisis, he would feel hungry, as if food could fill anything.

He stood among the corpses on the ground, gnawing on an apple in a daze, while watching his teammates pack up the loot.

He looked at Luo Qingtian's silver hair stained with blood and mud, looked at the corpses and blood all over the ground, and the burning heat in his heart subsided. He occasionally had such moments of peace after killing.

The sky had been gloomy, but at this moment, the sun finally peeked out from the layers of dark clouds and sprinkled on the battlefield, making the whole world shine brightly.

The bright, blinding light fell on him, and he was covered in blood, as was his face, and his hair was a little messed up. He just killed three people and gnawed an apple in the pile of corpses. His appearance was cold and presumptuous, and he also had a kind of brilliant handsomeness.

Bai Jing'an stared at him coldly, Xia Tian said: "What's wrong?"

Tactical Planning looked away and said, "Nothing."

The doctor looked at the corpse in disbelief, and said: "This... this is the 'Silver Squad', this is Luo Qingtian! My God, this is Futing, Shenjing..."

Xia Tian played with the names of these people for a while, throwing them away, it is no longer worth remembering.

"But how is it possible?" The doctor continued, "They are the 'Silver Squad', they have their own special planning team, do you know what this means?"

Xia Tian finished eating that apple, threw away the core, and went to find the second one.

On the one hand, he enjoys the shock and admiration of others, and also likes to fantasize about future fame, money and a bright future, but at this moment he just feels tired. All the intense and burning things in the body dissipated, and I just wanted to leave my head empty.

The doctor was still staring at him and said, "Do you know what it looks like outside now?!"

Xia Tian didn't know what to say, so he also stared at him, but the other party avoided his eyes, as if there was something scary on his face.

"What's it like?" Ratie asked excitedly.

The doctor said that it must have turned the world upside down, and everyone will replay the battle repeatedly, make special features and cut soundtrack videos, and call them new stars on the battlefield. Latie listened with a smirk on his face.

Bai Jing'an had no interest in this, and boredly pulled out the short arrow from the corpse's head and stuffed it into the quiver slot.

Xia Tian handed an apple to Bai Jingan, the latter said he would not eat it, so Xia Tian started to deal with the second one. While wandering among the corpses, he inspected for any good things and took them all for himself. Basically all food.

Then he picked and picked a few long swords, and finally kept the one of Fu Ting. It was a sword carved with patterns of branches and leaves, and it was still sharp.

He wiped the corpse, wiped off the blood on the sword, and commented reluctantly: "It's better to use a gun."

The doctor stood among a pile of corpses, looking around excitedly, as if he could see the chaos outside the arena through an invisible camera.

A crow perched on a branch, watching the scene before him. Bai Jing'an looked up at it, it stood innocently on the branch, like an ordinary bird, bringing an ominous atmosphere to the battlefield.

"Let's find a hidden place to rest." Bai Jing'an said.

Xia Tian nodded in agreement, Bai Jingan turned and walked in the opposite direction with a gloomy expression. He always has this expression.

Xia Tian followed behind him, seeing Bai Jingan's lock of hair curled up again, he stretched out his hand to press it down.

Bai Jing'an took a deep breath and told himself to be calm. He wondered if he overestimated his patience when he thought he could bear him.

The crow stood quietly on the branch, watching them go.

Fujin TV's 199th Killing Show text, video and realistic live posts were all blown up.

Everyone was asking what happened, and the related video was replayed over and over again, and the click-through rate skyrocketed. Luo Qingtian's team is the favorite team to win the championship. If there is a full-time planning team, it is impossible for them to die on the first day of the paid competition!

As for Luo Qingtian's planning team, when the star in charge died, everyone was dumbfounded. The assistant director called and asked them all to hold a temporary meeting to discuss what to do next.

The meeting room was noisy.

"Where did that kid come from?!"

"It's terrible, just a few seconds, no warning at all..."

"How could his tactical plan agree to that kind of suicide plan?!"

"It actually worked!"

Everyone spoke very fast and was extremely nervous, but they just didn't dare to ask the most crucial question: Luo Qingtian died, what should they do

This can be said to be an accident, or a mistake. If it is the latter, they will be kicked out of the planning team immediately.

The conference room was bright and clean, but this group of people exuded the rumpled atmosphere of countless all-nighters, with disheveled hair and food-stained clothes, like a pile of garbage waiting to be picked up in a bright room.

As senior planners—the name sounds nice, but everyone has one on their head—each of them has a contract with the TV station for more than 50 years, don't even think about job-hopping, the company can do whatever it wants with you. And these days, you can't lose your job, everyone has a bunch of loans to pay, and if you don't pay the money, you lose more than just the house.

"Are they going to kill him? Punish him?" said one schemer.

"Maybe, you can't just kill a star, unless you are a star yourself." His colleague replied.

The meeting table was quiet for three seconds, and then the discussion broke out like the sky suddenly bursting with light after the night.

"No, they won't kill him, he's good looking—"

"No, he's extremely handsome, and he's also quite popular—"

"He's from N District, very dramatic—"

"Luo Qingtian is dead, this one must be saved to see if I can cultivate it!"

Within three minutes, everyone reached a consensus: From their professional perspective, Xia Tian is worth cultivating. They should put all their resources on it and set up a five-member planning team.

Luo Qingtian? His death is regrettable, but on the other hand, it perfectly sets off the excellence of this newcomer, and the loss is the gain, which is always the case with the killing show. They are very sure that Xia Tian is a first-rate star embryo, and Luo Qingtian will become his solid stepping stone.

Hurry up, before the assistant director comes, they need a rough plan.

Discussions were in full swing on the Internet, but as far as Luo Qingtian was concerned, no one tried to redeem anything.

In a kill show, dead stars have no value.

In the past, I would make a commemorative topic to see if I could sell the accumulated peripherals. Now that 3D printing technology is advancing all the way, there is no need to worry about inventory at all, just throw it into the material preparation area and reorganize it.

In the audience area, everyone is discussing this unexpected surprise attack, analyzing the actions of those few seconds, and Xia Tian's name spreads on the Internet like a plague.

Half an hour after the incident, a young planner who worked in the Internet Department made a column on Luo Qingtian's death on the homepage, accompanied it with a video, collected relevant resources, and opened up a small communication area.

The number of clicks on the link increased rapidly, but no one was discussing the dead, they were all talking about Xia Tian.

They rejoiced at the carnage, seeing the raid not as mere tactics, but as vengeance, light, and justice. They bought virtual fireworks to celebrate, thinking that Xia Tian is a hero and should kill a few more.

A strange fanatical atmosphere rose up, and they repeatedly quoted Xia Tian's phrase "Your life is not so precious", making it directly rushed to the first place on the hot list, and simply began to imagine who the next one would be .

This kind of schadenfreude has something to do with Luo Qingtian's image.

He's a man who really enjoys killing, often without hesitation taking down players who would have had the chance to co-exist—and even stop early as a gesture of friendliness—including popular stars.

No one said anything. Force is the truth these days, and those who are not strong enough deserve death. And to watch this kind of program, you have to be an adult who knows the impermanence of life, and watch some killing show for fear of death.

Anger goes nowhere, but it never goes away.

When he died, countless people in the upper city were waiting to gloat.

—By the way, Xia Tian's phrase "Your life is not so precious" entered the 199th Killing Show's famous quotes and epigrams column. Every session has such a column, recording some interesting words, which have been popular for a while. Also on the list is the phrase "It's better to use a gun".

People suddenly started talking about Xia Tian, asking who he was and what resources he could buy. In the discussions all over the Internet, another angry rebel who was born in the city, a hero who came out of the Shura field loomed.

The planners of The Killing Show are familiar with this process. In the world, capital flows like a behemoth, and attention and resources are silently concentrated in one direction.

A new hero is about to be born.