Killing Show

Chapter 34: punish



It's hard to believe that human strength can defeat such a thing, but the fighters are calm and well-trained.

Bai Jing'an fired three shots at the extremely deformed white ghost. Wei Xi was sure that he was testing, he was obviously much weaker, but the way he stared at this thing seemed to be looking at a prey, cold and deadly.

He turned his head and made gestures with the companions beside him to discuss tactics. His eyes were focused and murderous, and he was never the one who was first seen at the lottery ceremony in a dress, with a gentle appearance, and came to the wrong place like himself. He was born to belong on the battlefield.

The next moment, the white ghost's tentacles danced wildly and rushed towards the crowd, every attack was fatal.

And the soldiers quickly divided into two parts, pulling it to both sides with firepower, separating its huge "wings", and attacking the clam-like body.

Although in Wei Xi's view, the body part is equally hard, the gunfire has almost no effect on it, which is hopeless. The time and effort that the organizers have taken to create this masterpiece will definitely allow it to kill enough people, rip off enough heads, and teach enough people a lesson.

The fighters knew that too. The moment they saw it, they knew it would be a difficult, bloody, head-to-head confrontation, without any tricks, they could only use their lives to pad it. They are used to it too.

Will work eventually, if they hit enough times.

Or enough people died.

When the tentacles hit the warrior, he reacted quickly and raised his gun to block it. But the power of the "wings" was so great that it bent the alloy gun barrel and pierced straight through his lungs.

Wei Xi saw him shake slightly, but kept his feet steady.

He knew he couldn't escape, the tentacles would drag him along—

Wei Xi didn't know if he thought about it at that moment, all he saw was that the man paused, then suddenly rushed straight towards the monster, shooting at its head one after another, and no more dodge.

Another tentacle impaled him, but the bullets from his energy gun landed on it.

It didn't even have blood, Wei Xi thought horribly, the wound was just a pale crack, like a huge and weird porcelain that had been turned into a monster by an evil spell.

In the end, when he died, he was riddled with wounds, and it was hard to believe that people could still live like this.

And at the moment when he rushed to the closest to the monster, something on the soldier exploded. Wei Xi couldn't see the details, there was a mass of flesh and gunfire intertwined, it was a kind of thick and terrifying vortex, but people couldn't move their eyes away.

Then, he saw Xia Tian rushing into the vortex without hesitation, holding a gun in his hand.

What Xia Tian took was a Warhawk Punisher series large-caliber energy gun, equipped with two types of energy amplifiers, additional energy bars, and wrapped with heat-insulating tape. It was a weird and deadly monster.

He is a top-notch expert in gun modification. Wei Xi doesn't know when he did it. It was the first time he saw someone who could do gun modification in such a fighting intensity.

As Xia Tian walked forward, the figure fell into the flames of the explosion and countless deadly tentacles, and would disappear at any time.

Then he fired, and a huge flame burst out from his hand, as if a sun had exploded in his hand, and all the dirty things seemed to disappear under this light.

Then he threw the scrapped gun to the ground, grabbed a concussion gun and continued to move forward without retreating.

At this moment, the flames dissipated... Wei Xi saw that the monster's broken face was still there, and the skull was as hard as an alloy cast.

He felt like he had stopped breathing.

Although he has always known that Xia Tian, like himself, has nowhere to go and has fallen to this point. This is the most savage place in the world, and like all those Kill Show contestants, he has to fight for a chance to survive. He wasn't even a few years older than himself.

But a certain part of his heart always believed that Xia Tian was invincible. His eyes follow him unconsciously like many people do, trusting him to give the answers to all questions.

At this moment, Wei Xi saw dirty tentacles piercing Xia Tian's body—

But the man kept rushing towards the monster, his posture was the same as that of the soldier who died just now, and he was not at all calmer or different.

All the firearms were firing, most of the monster's body was covered in flames, and an incomplete tentacle rushed towards Xia Tian, and he didn't hide, Bai Jing'an shot in that direction.

Xia Tian didn't look back, kept walking, and all the bullets and flames of the soldiers avoided him, like spreading a pair of huge flame wings on his side.

He looked directly into the thing's eyes. It was a pair of tyrannical and crazy eyes, but Xia Tian never avoided anyone's eyes.

He put the barrel of the gun straight into its mouth and fired.

Xia Tian fired three shots in a row until the energy bar was finished. Half of its body was blown away, but this kind of thing is not to be taken lightly.

The tentacles finally softened, becoming like rotting skin.

Xia Tian shook for a while, Bai Jing'an walked over to support him.

"How many times have I told you not to rush!" Bai Jing'an said.

He raised his hand and gave Xia Tian a hemostatic needle and sealing gel, the temporary treatment can only go to this extent. Xia Tian was pulling out an energy gun, Bai Jingan gave him two energy boxes, Xia Tian smiled at him.

Wei Xi looked at them and felt an inexplicable chill.

No, he thought, not enough people have died, the "masters" are still hungry, more people must die—

A force suddenly pulled him from under his feet, and Wei Xi fell to the ground, hitting his head on the corner of the table, and something dragged him two or three meters away in an instant.

In a fit of pain and dizziness, he heard Eric call his name, saw the man jump onto a table covered with iron, and fired at the thing that was dragging him, the bullets splashed a series of sparks around. .

In the next second, the light dimmed, and the monster dragged him deeper into the cave. Wei Xi fumbled to find the gun, seeing the hideous and grotesque creatures in countless jars, there was a bottomless abyss, and he couldn't tell whether it was up or down.

He fired a shot in the confusion, and it seemed to hit something, but the dragging action only paused, and pulled him out several meters.

All his teammates disappeared.

In about three seconds, Wei Xi's heart was suddenly empty, and he realized that he was finished.

But it was only three seconds, and then he saw Xia Tian, followed by deadly gunfire.

He struggled twice and fired again, but to little effect. While dragging, Wei Xi could only see that the monster holding him was moving extremely fast, with four human-like feet, crawling like an evil spirit growing in a garbage dump.

But in the chaotic perspective, he can always see Xia Tian's figure.

He saw the man pass through a huge glass jar two people tall, a white ghost like a ball of vomit leaped out of the shadows, Xia Tian turned sideways, his footsteps did not stop, and let its sharp claws clamp on him A deep bloodstain was drawn on his body, and he shot at the monster that grabbed Wei Xi.

Then a series of gunshots and explosions erupted behind him, apparently the Claw Monster blocked Bai Jing'an and Eric behind him, but they quickly resolved it.

Xia Tian stepped over the dumped airtight jar, and the distance between Wei Xi and Wei Xi narrowed again. Another monster jumped down from the ceiling and bit his neck, when it was about to touch him, Bai Jing'an behind him shot it flying.

Xia Tian seemed to have known that Bai Jing'an would have such an attack, without looking at the thing, he shot the head of the monster holding Wei Xi. It was still crawling forward mechanically, and another shot broke its tentacled hold on his tail.

The pulling force finally disappeared, Wei Xi struggled to stand up—

At this moment, a mutated creature jumped down from behind, its sharp claws grabbed his throat, and the claws pierced his neck. Wei Xi clearly realized that it was about to swipe to the right and cut its throat—

Xia Tian raised his hand and fired two shots.

The first shot broke its arm, and the second shot past Wesie's ear smashed the monster's head and tore the white monstrosity from him into the darkness behind him.

Wei Xi stood there in a state of collapse. He narrowly escaped death twice within a few minutes. He felt that he should be grateful for his collapse, but part of his spirit—even when being dragged around by monsters—still stared at the beating program in the corner of his vision. , the world composed of numbers is changing rapidly and becoming clearer.

He swayed, supported something to stand firm, raised his finger to point in the opposite direction, and said to Xia Tian: "The launch tower is in that direction, and the positioning is accurate to within three meters!"

Xia Tian smiled at him.

He looked very embarrassed, but he had a nice smile. It is reasonable for the TV station to praise him as a star. He smiles brightly, as if the world is peaceful and happy.

Wei Xi also smiled subconsciously. At that moment, he was sure that the matter would end there.

He will come back to the team, like it has happened so many times, it seems like it will be forever.

At this moment, he saw Xia Tian was stunned for a moment, with his eyes wide open, looking behind him.

The man looked up slowly... At the same time, Wei Xi also felt it. The monster crawled out of the abyss at some point, rising from behind him, and it was a huge and unnatural shadow that enveloped him.

Wei Xi felt cold all over, it should be over, they were in danger, but it was resolved—

He looked at Xia Tian helplessly, behind that person was another battlefield, no one could spare his hands, the monsters whimpered and screamed, mingled with the human body, and finally turned into broken flesh and blood.

Xia Tian also stared at him, there was no confusion or confusion in his eyes, he looked very calm, with a kind of cold focus, calculating all the possibilities.

Their eyes met, and their lives hung on the threads.

Wei Xi firmly grasped Xia Tian's eyes. He always felt that the saying of using winks to signal on TV was absurd. There must be an action. He never knew what other people's eyes meant. But at that moment, he found that everything could not be more clear.

In an instant, he saw the signal in Xia Tian's eyes: Run!

Without hesitation, Wei Xi rushed forward at the fastest speed in his life. Xia Tian shot behind him, the speed was extremely fast, the bullets flew past his hair and skirt, Wei Xi didn't know what was behind him, but he knew that each of Xia Tian's shots hit an attack towards himself.

And even in this environment, the man's gun was always steady, and he knew how to handle the most critical situations.

This should be the most critical situation, shouldn't it

But when his life was hanging by a thread, he saw something above Xia Tian's head.

A filthy "angel" crawled out of one of the caves above, silently and without warning, and there shouldn't be vertical caves here.

Its strands of tentacles slowly opened, facing Xia Tian, and the man was so engrossed in his direction that he didn't even notice...

Wei Xi opened his lips, wanting to scream. Maybe Xia Tian saw something in his eyes at that moment... but it was too late.

At the last moment, Xia Tian hid for a while.

He knew there was something behind him, but he didn't know what it was, and he didn't know from which side it was attacking, and the tiny dodge at the last moment was based on pure intuition.

At the same moment, the monster rushed down, twisting its dirty tentacles together, piercing through Xia Tian's right shoulder from behind.

The impact was so great that he fell to the ground—later he thought, it probably wanted to pass through the lungs and disable Xia Tian’s ability to move—the tentacles were deeply embedded in the ground, fixing him there.

Xia Tian firmly grasped the gun and aimed at the monster behind Wei Xi... But he failed to shoot again, and in the next second, another tentacle pierced his arm.

With a jerk of his fingers, the gun slid out, and he looked up at Wei Xi.

Wei Xi shook, but did not fall. Network logistics looked down and saw dozens of tentacles twisted together by another monster, like a pale twisted spear, completely piercing his lower abdomen and hitting the spine.

Then the tentacles behind him were pulled back abruptly, Wei Xi was dragged and fell to the ground.

He saw Xia Tian's expression, which was only a short distance away from him.

Behind them, gunfire blared, and it was hard to tell whether there was no more hope or that things were going well. But in this corner, everything seems quiet and precise.

In just a few seconds, Bai Jing'an had already arrived, he got something, hit the monster on the top of Xia Tian's head, and it burned violently.

It was a kind of dark red, like a necrotic fire, which was probably temporarily prepared with something. It struggled to escape, but it didn't know what to escape, so it rushed towards the soldiers frantically.

Another mutated creature behind Wei Xi found the opponent, and crawled over him to the battlefield. It was a huge group of torture instruments, dragging countless pincers, tentacles, and madly growing malicious eyes.

Wei Xi lay on the ground, only now felt the pain... He knew how painful it could be, but at this moment, the most unbearable thing was the cold and numbness. He can't feel anything anymore.

But his brain was very clear, and he realized that this was revenge.

From beginning to end, White Specter's attacks were targeted.

Against him.

He clearly recalled what Bai Jingan and Xia Tian said on the way here. The scenery along the way is beautiful, and everything seems very promising, at least Wei Xi thinks it is quite hopeful.

Bai Jing'an said: "It won't end like this."

"Well," Xia Tian said, "Anyway, I have learned a lot."

He smiled at Bai Jingan, looking a little sad, and the latter patted his arm.

The two of them are the stars of Fujin TV's family card, they live in the same place, and there is an aura between them that cannot be penetrated. The TV station's eyesight is indeed top-notch, and it can see this unique thing at a glance.

At that time, Wei Xi thought, yes, they have learned a lot, so what can happen.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that the quagmire of this method is bottomless.

Everything he encountered was because he and his teammates failed to listen to the planning team, to be a puppet on a string, to go to the place they arranged, to suffer and die in the prescribed way.

They must lose a comrade in arms.

Wei Xi felt disgusted, he thought he understood the word, but at this moment, he didn't know how disgusting could go.

He would die on the spot, as ugly as possible, as punishment for his teammates.


Xia Tian grabbed Wei Xi's blood-soaked collar, dragged him away from the dark lake at the edge of the cave, and put him in the place where the rocket launcher was fixed before.

Wei Xi could see that his right hand was basically useless, it was the second time.

The planning team couldn't kill him, they could only try to remove his combat power, but it didn't make him weaker or calmer at all. The man's movements were still sharp, murderous, and desperate.

The fixed turret has been welded, and the young people from before have gone somewhere. There are long bloodstains on the turret, as if someone wanted to stay here at the last moment before death.

The booster is ready, glowing crimson, like the ferocious eyes of a beast in the dark.

Xia Tian adjusted all the output control valves to the maximum, and turned to look for the welding torch. He searched around, shot and smashed the head of a corpse-gnawing monster, kicked the corpse away, found a blood-stained welding torch from below, walked back, and welded all the control valves to death.

Wei Xi fell to the ground, he couldn't feel his body anymore, but in the contact lens, the temporary search program was still collecting and analyzing data, becoming more and more accurate until the location was determined in millimeters. That's great.

Xia Tian was adjusting the angle of the muzzle, Wei Xi reached out to grab Xia Tian's boots, and said, "Over there, at two o'clock—"

"You don't move!" Xia Tian said.

"The launcher is right there—" Wesie said, pointing.

He's pretty sure he's going to die in a kill show. People like him are here to die, aren't they? Just look at how much fun you can have before you die.

He imagined the moment to be horrific, with brutal pain and utter coldness and loneliness.

But at this time he didn't feel that way, all his thoughts were occupied by one thing, his bloody hand was holding on to Xia Tian's trousers, and he shouted: "Did you see it!"

Xia Tian saw it, and Wei Xi saw that his comrades adjusted the muzzle to the direction he said, welded it dead, and yelled something to the front—maybe telling someone to avoid it—and pulled out the safety valve.

The light on the indicator bar instantly became dazzling, and the Destroyer fired in that direction.

A huge light bloomed at the edge of Wei Xi's field of vision.

The ground trembled like a shudder, and the surrounding temperature was very high. The cannon fire hits in succession, one hit, then another.

It will go on and on until the entire barrel and emplacement are destroyed.

The entire field of vision is full of fire, and the cave is full of scorching death. It was as if there were a god of war, and where the point of the sword was pointed, everything burned, and all evil and deformed things burned to death and disappeared.

Wei Xi laughed, the fire of destruction always warms the body and makes people happy.

He turned his head to look at Xia Tian, the pupils of the man's eyes were filled with flames, his appearance was crazy and focused, he was born not knowing to retreat and give up. It was as if some ancient ruined god revived in his eyes, casting a glance of fire and death over this dark place.

Wei Xi wanted to say something, but he only made a mouth shape without making a sound. He's the one who's already leaving.

In the firelight, he saw Eric rushing to him, badly wounded—this man is always insensitive to injuries, and by his expression, he knew that there was no hope for him.

Because he's not submissive, they want him to be obedient... they're always telling them to be obedient.

They want Xia Tian to sleep with people in front of the camera, kill what they want him to kill, pose for him, and they'll let him live until the people who pay him get tired of it. Otherwise he will be punished.

They have so many punishments, Wei Xi has heard this way too much in his life.

He could have accepted the contract, mortgaged his parents' house, and agreed to some "additional sexual services" clause, but he insisted on stealing money from the bank. Not counting one steal, but thousands of times—definitely more than what was written in the verdict—and teaching others how to steal.

Some people said that a person like him went to the wrong place to enter the killing show, and Fujin TV should give a service agreement or something. But Wei Xi knew that he was a criminal at heart.

He wanted to continue feeling the grand explosion, which made him feel warm, but his consciousness slipped uncontrollably into the darkness.

At the last moment, he only felt a little sad. He felt that he was quite rebellious, so why did he fall into such a disgusting way of death as a tool of punishment.

Eric quickly checked Wei Xi's injury and did emergency treatment, but he knew it was useless. He just couldn't resist doing it, as if the process could delay anything.

Their network logistics have lost consciousness, their eyes are out of focus, as if they are listening, perhaps listening to the echo of shells and death. Although there is only a dark and oppressive zenith above, his appearance is like sunlight falling on his eyes.

At a certain moment during the fierce artillery fire, all the white ghosts suddenly stopped, as if they were listening to a certain language in the flames—the language of death.

The flame swept through everything, rolled through the dilapidated and dirty caves, and coated everything with fiery colors, but it was as pure as water, and the dirt was washed away.

It looked fantastic and strange, like magic.

For a moment, the blood-thirsty tentacles, claws, and fangs stopped, the endless hunger, pain, and nightmare in the scorching pupils were extinguished, and the orders from a higher level of evil disappeared. The world fell silent, save for the sound of flames and shelling.

The fight ended as abruptly as it had begun.

For a while, everyone stayed there, still unable to react from the end of the life-and-death struggle. Everyone is wounded, teammates are dead or dying.

Beside Xia Tian, the Doomsday Destroyer rocket launcher was still firing mechanically, one shot after another, until the barrel twisted and melted, the turret cracked, and turned into a pile of scrap iron.

The stone wall has not yet started to vibrate, and the quality is very good, but maybe it just happened suddenly, and the organizers have not yet reacted. They always like to have another cave collapse as the finale.

Xia Tian didn't even look at the surrounding situation, and poured out all the things in the ammunition bag.

Firearms and medical supplies are mixed together, and it's hard to tell which is which. He rummaged through it, looking murderous and refusing to accept reality.

Bai Jing'an stared at Xia Tian for a while, took another medical kit from Eric, and handed it to him.

Xia Tian poured things everywhere, and finally found what he wanted.

It was a black syringe with a warning on it. Eric stared at him, Xia Tian tore open the packing bag, and stabbed Wei Xi's neck with a needle.

Wei Xi was already on the verge of death, and there was no further reaction after the injection, only a little shaking with his movements. In the most expensive and violent game in Uptown, he is completely damaged, covered in blood and lifeless.

Eric pressed his hand on Wesie's carotid artery, the skin was so cold that his fingers could freeze. After a while, he finally felt a faint beating, like a hallucination.

He knew what Xia Tian injected him: Feign death injection.

Sometimes there is this thing in the medical bag at the Killing Show. It belongs to the trendy gadgets made by the planning team, and it is basically useless.

As the name suggests, feign death injection is a drug that can minimize the heartbeat and blood flow rate of the seriously injured and delay the time of death. However, on the battlefield, those who are so injured that they cannot be rescued by medical kits, and have to use fake death injections, most of them are so seriously injured that they will not survive for an hour after the injection.

Of course, as long as you don't die at the end of the game, the medical department can drag you back even if you are seriously injured, but the problem is... you never know when the event will end.

Besides, at the moment of great climax, there is no team that is not in dire straits and can survive an unconscious teammate for an hour.

Eric knew that the fourth round couldn't be over within an hour, and it was only a week, and the race wasn't even halfway through! But he just watched Xia Tian's actions, unrealistically expecting that person to come up with any solution.

The surroundings were in a mess, full of corpses of white ghosts, and the airtight cans finally exploded. Some mutated creatures are not dead yet, but their eyes are closed tightly, and they are trapped in a nightmare. It is shocking, and it is a strange massacre scene.

Eric said: "Summer?!"

"It's not over," said a voice. "It's only been a week."

Eric turned his head, and Fei You came over. He was so badly injured that he couldn't even stand upright, and Mo An supported him. His voice was low and mournful, and he didn't see the rest of the team, presumably lost in the carnage forever.

"I'm going to end it now." Xia Tian said viciously.

He stood up and walked outside.

The warriors in the cave turned their heads to look at Xia Tian one after another.

Xia Tian's voice is not too loud, but they have been paying attention to him. When he speaks, words are a unified signal.

A soldier who was not seriously injured stood up, picked up his gun, and followed in his direction. Then another person stood up, and then a third.

Bai Jing'an lowered his head to check Wei Xi's situation, confirmed the effect of the potion, and stood up as well.

Eric wanted to get up, but he lost his footing and fell back. He struggled to stand up again, and said to Bai Jing'an: "What does he want?!"

Tactical planning looked back at him. He was seriously injured, just now Xia Tian went to fix the fort, while Bai Jing'an went to deal with that monster that crawled out of the water... a hodgepodge of monsters.

Without hesitation, he rushed into the countless torture-like organs, and changed three guns in the middle, it was hard to believe that a person could do that. Eric was sure that Bai Jing'an was seriously injured, but he didn't seem to feel it.

"Go finish the game," he said.

The flames left on the battlefield reflected in his eyes, it was gloomy and cold, but also had a taste of recklessness, dark and strong, and it would ignite a fire all over the sky.