Killing Show

Chapter 50: Rebels



Bai Jing'an took a step back subconsciously, staring at the gorgeous snake-shaped storage body entrenched in gifts from the company, sponsors and fans.

It felt like stepping on the ground, and the real world presented a colorful and vicious hell. He clenched his fist tightly, as if he could defend against something.

Then he took a breath, reached out and took out the storage body. The snake squirmed in his hand, and he held on tighter than necessary.

Bai Jing'an returned to the living room, and sat on the sofa in Xia Tian to check the defense system of the house. When he saw him coming in, he immediately looked up, probably paying attention to his movements.

He was sitting among a bunch of screens, integrating messy information, wearing a dark blue shirt, looking very homely in the morning light.

"What is it?" Xia Tian said.

"It's nothing." Bai Jing'an said, "It's a demonstration."

He took out the storage body in a casual manner and threw it on the table.

Xia Tian suddenly stood up from the sofa, took two steps back, tripped and almost fell.

He subconsciously grabbed the gun with one hand, but he didn't really pull out the gun, he just held on to the handle tightly. He immediately realized that he was overreacting and forced himself to stop and pretend to be calm.

When checking the network information before, Xia Tian blocked all the advertisements of the guest show with the newly obtained authority, and later simply hid in the temple... I couldn't even take a look at it.

Sometimes if you want to survive in this world, you have to turn your head away, close the abyss deep in your soul, and pretend you don't care.

In the end all that was left was hatred and anger, wondering who would pay the price.

Bai Jing'an wanted to say something, maybe it was a joke, pretending it wasn't important. At this moment, the storage body was automatically connected to Xia Tian's terminal on the table.

The video suddenly popped up, it was that nightmarish copulation.

The holographic picture has been enhanced with details.

Xia Tian pressed on him, the lines from his shoulders to his waist were smooth, full of murderous looks, the welts on his back were still brutal, his appearance was incomplete but extremely sexy. His own legs were wrapped around Xia Tian's waist, his body trembling and tense, with fingerprints, hickey marks and tooth marks all over. Xia Tian pressed one hand on the sharpened bedpost, the wound was deep enough to show the bone, and the blood color made the whole thing tragic like a battlefield.

Their lower bodies are joined together and they are having sex.

At that moment, Bai Jing'an's mind went blank, and the sound effects were first-class. The living room heard the bumping, panting, and lustful water sounds. He heard himself crying, but there was no sound in Xia Tian.

The memory that was forcibly pressed deep in the mind exploded, sweeping everything, the memory of that moment was extremely clear, the feeling when the lower body was invaded, the high-spirited desire—

Xia Tian took two steps back in embarrassment, he stood in the corner of the living room, holding the gun, as if he was going to rush to kill something, but also looked like he couldn't move his fingertips, it would be completely shattered if he moved.

In the picture, Bai Jingan's spirit has completely collapsed, his eyes are full of frenzied fear, but his body is completely open, trembling because of another person's intrusion.

He heard himself say in broken tones, "I'm going to kill 'em... I'm going to kill 'em, all of them..."

From the beginning to the end, Xia Tian had no expression on his face, and the slightest expression disappeared. He fucked him steadily, sexy and deadly, but it seemed as if his soul had been sucked away by those people.

And he nervously repeated a few broken sentences under him, completely shattered, shaking under the impact of another person. The most secret and dark things of his soul were brought to light in the sunshine of the Upper Town.

He heard himself call out a name, mourning and despairing as if his soul was shattered: "Xiao Sang—"

At that moment, Bai Jingan's whole body was icy cold, his whole body had goosebumps, and the shudder rushed from his spine to his brain. He once again stood in the abyss in his heart.

He... There is almost nothing left, only a little bit of flesh in the deepest part of hell, which has been festering, trying to hide, but was forcibly exposed.

The last thing left by the virus, extreme anger, despair, and a little happiness and hope that had been unrealistic, shattered into dregs, floating in the depths of the corrupt hell, screaming out in this nightmarish pleasure.

Cursing, moaning, pleading with tears.

At this moment, Xia Tian, who was standing in the corner of the room, raised his gun and shot towards the storage body.

The glass shattered, but the snake was fine, and the horrific scene of intercourse continued in the living room. Xia Tian shot again, there was almost no pause in the middle, and what he hit was his portable terminal.

The phone shattered, the energy bomb completely evaporated it, and the copulation scene finally disappeared.

The room was dead silent.

Xia Tian held the gun tightly, staring at the remnant, the gold-striped snake crawled in the broken glass, it might be connected to other terminals at any time, and continue to play the nightmarish scene.

And the area where the video was left was a miserable wreckage, which seemed to form a vortex, scorching hot, erotic and terrifying, full of strong erosiveness.

Xia Tian stared fiercely at the storage body, apparently thinking about how to destroy this thing.

Bai Jing'an bent down to pick it up, turned his head to look at Xia Tian, the man quickly took a step back.

Bai Jingan stood still, the hot vortex still existed there.

Impossible to return to the original state.

The abyss is there, huge and unknown, untouchable.

Bai Jing'an took a breath, put the storage body into his pocket, and stared at Xia Tian.

Bai Jing'an was standing in the wreck-like living room. He was also a fragment, old and tattered, and could never be put together completely.

"I... have to watch this," Bai Jing'an said to Xia Tian, "I want to know what I said when I had a nervous breakdown in the last paragraph."

Looking at him, Xia Tian has completely retreated to the corner.

He opened his lips to say something, but no sound came out. In the end he nodded and tried his best to smile at Bai Jing'an.

He was standing by the window, outside was a sea of poppy flowers, burning in the sun like a large piece of bright red blood. He was pale, clutching the gun tightly, standing at the far corner of the dilapidated living room, looking helpless and pitiful.

Bai Jing'an wanted to say something, wanted to comfort him, but his mind went blank again, and he didn't know what to do.

He turned his head and returned to his room with the storage body. The lobby of the company villa is still bright, the floor is a cool dark color that does not reflect any light, and all the bright and normal colors are extinguished there.

He felt that Xia Tian was looking at him from behind, as if this was the last chance to see him.

At noon, Xia Tian sent a text message to Bai Jing'an through the room's system, asking him if he wanted to come out for dinner.

Bai Jing'an thought, he didn't even dare to go near his house.

He was staring at the images of that nightmare, paranoidly looking for traces of his past frame by frame.

Bits and pieces of flashbacks under Uptown's powerful drugs, the last bits of the virus that left him when he was in the deepest part of hell.

That corrupt hell has always been there, pitch black and bottomless, he can't see it, he just can't.

But a part of himself was there too, his past self, the flesh and dregs left in hell, what he had said, what he had done, who he remembered...he had to know.

In that furious anger, this desire was very clear, it was himself. It is impossible for him to get rid of himself.

He has to remember.

He stared coldly at his utterly broken self, adjusting the soundtrack, judging lip-shape—what did he say? What the hell is that last bit of residue

At the last moment, he lived there for a long time. He probably had a good fighting ability, but no one could protect him. He used to be optimistic, but day after day in hell... watching relatives, friends, and all loved ones die in front of him one by one, and he couldn't hold on to any of them...

In the end, the whole hometown was lost and became a feast for those people.

He trembled to see Xia Tian.

In the video, he cums under the man's penis for the second time, and the humiliation is crushing. Xia Tian stopped moving, lowered his head, his shoulder blades tightened, like a pair of broken wings, enduring great pain.

Bai Jing'an knew how it would be a test of willpower to stop at this time, but Xia Tian's actions were always orderly, and he never crossed that line. This is never the satisfaction of desire, but a fierce battle on the battlefield of desire.

It's crazy sex, but even the way they do it is restrained, just thinking about getting it done.

Bai Jing'an saw himself struggling messily, his eyes were full of wild hatred and desire, he heard cursing and sobbing, he was irrational and extremely miserable.

Xia Tian has always crushed him to death, for a moment, the man trembled and stroked his hair with bloody hands, although nothing could soothe him.

Different from frantic sex, he saw the man approach carefully and gently kiss his forehead again and again.

He didn't speak, his pupils were dark, as if he had sunk into the depths of hell, but he moved cautiously.

Bai Jing'an closed his eyes.

He heard his whimpering, pleading and cursing in the video, but Xia Tian never made any sound.

He opened his eyes, reached out to touch the face of Xia Tian in the holographic image, that person didn't have the slightest expression, pressed on him, fell to such a point, still looked like a protector.

Bai Jingan walked out of the room, cleaned up the living room in Xia Tian, prepared lunch, sat on a chair in the dining room, and played with cotton candy. He took off the bandage and was testing his recovery.

Seeing Bai Jingan coming out, he looked up at him, showing a cautious smile. He tied the cartoon hair tie, under the sun, it was so beautiful that it belonged. The gentlest person he has ever met.

He remembered that he had seen some advertising images of guest shows before, except for the big scenes of explosions and escapes, they were almost all those... things in the cage in summer.

Made it extremely erotic, as if all his struggles, anger, and handsomeness... His long hair, his smile, his tears when he was in extreme pain, the bright and proud things in his bones are just for people to enjoy.

The videos of the guest show were selling like crazy, except for those parts about resistance and passion, he knew what many people were actually doing with those videos.

If the most miserable pictures of myself are still on the desks of the rich and powerful for pleasure and up for sale, the summer ones have already been priced and become food, alcohol and psychedelic drugs at high-fever uptown carnival parties.

Bai Jing'an had a strong desire, walked over, hugged him with all his strength, rubbed his hair, and told him everything would be fine.

He also wanted to pin him against the wall, threaten him, force him to tell him how much pain he was in, make him cry, and want him to take off his shirt to see how much the whiplash in his back healed—

Pretending that all the memories and tremors and humiliations and fears and twisted longings were gone, they were fine and nothing was taken from them.

That desire is so strong, burns the soul, unrealistically wants to threaten and kill something, wants to destroy the world, as long as it can restore everything to the way it was before, let them return to the way they were before, without any grievances, joking with each other, get him back Hard to find life.

But he couldn't do that, the threat couldn't have worked.

And he knew that he would never let Xia Tian take off his clothes indifferently, and that person would never kiss him again just because he was joking.

He will never forget the touch of Xia Tian's lips and teeth, and he will never forget that he likes to bite people on the bed. When he is in a hurry, the bite will hurt, but it will make people excited.

He won't forget the feeling of their bodies together, the part of that person inside him, the shape of his... cock, the soft kisses in lust, and the fire of desire in his eyes... when he was staring at him so tenderly.

But this was the greatest humiliation of that person's life, and he probably wished he could die.

The abyss is there.

Bai Jing'an thought, no matter what, he would restore everything to the original state.

Can't mention the incident at that time again, he thought with a kind of paranoia that he didn't care, don't reach out to touch Xia Tian again.

Never touch it again.

until everything is restored.

At this moment, the doorbell rang.

The first reaction of the two killing show stars was to grab a gun, and they made all kinds of preparations to deal with the enemy. The sudden desire to kill replaced all the awkwardness and subtlety.

But then they realized that it was just the doorbell ringing and they needed to find out.

Bai Jing'an quickly dragged across the floating screen, called up the camera, and found a lot of people standing outside, suspected of being reporters, not looking for trouble.

But it's hard to say, the two exchanged glances. Holding a gun in one hand, Xia Tian went outside to open the door, while Bai Jing'an was behind to prepare for it.

When Xia Tian opened the door, the flash of the camera instantly overwhelmed him, and countless questions came over him. Xia Tian put his hands behind his back with a blank expression, and hid the gun, but he was not sincere at all.

Bai Jing'an tried to hear what these people were asking, when a man walking in the front spoke.

With a smile on his face, he said with confidence, "You two, we are from the police station in the main city of Fukong. There is a murder case. I hope you two can go back and assist in the investigation."

At that moment, Bai Jing'an remembered why he felt familiar. He knew this person. He was the head of the police station in the main city.

Before the guest show, a policeman came to ask about the case at the end of the second round. Bai Jingan paid attention to the relevant information and saw a photo of this person on the homepage of the police station. But later, he found out that the police station was doing all kinds of news hype, and the development was still abnormal, so he stopped paying attention.

Now, the men were apparently -- with reporters -- preparing for a surprise attack. Otherwise, it is impossible for them not to receive any notification.

"We've got the evidence," said a younger policeman behind the man in charge, the guy who asked for their alibi after the second round before the guest show.

He seemed to be speaking to the reporters rather than speaking to them.

"Since you two dare to do it, let's stop asking nonsense and go back to the police station with us." He said.

Xia Tian looked at them with a cold face. In front of countless cameras, he had an undisguised look on his face. Bai Jing'an saw that the gun he was holding was tightened.

"We are eating." Xia Tian said.

"Gentlemen, we all know what you've done, you're in big trouble..." said the lead officer.

"Then I have to finish the meal first." Xia Tian said.

He didn't even hide the gun anymore, he just carried it in his hand, looking like he had nowhere to go.

The reporters were clamoring excitedly again, and the leading police officer was a little at a loss. The Killing Show contestants are not easy to catch, and their homes are usually an arsenal. But the smell of gunpowder made him extra excited, he said: "Don't think you are the 'God of War'—"

Xia Tian slammed the door shut.

The midday light didn't seem to illuminate him at all, he was exhausted and irritable, staring at the closed door, he could still hear the noise outside. Those people just want more reactions. Your Excellency God of War, every photo and every piece of news can make the click-through rate soar, and people are so hungry that they eat everything from him.

Then Xia Tian turned his head and showed a smile to Bai Jingan.

"Let's go eat," he said.

Bai Jing'an nodded and put the gun away.

He doesn't feel hungry, but he wants to go back to the dining room with Xia Tian and solve their lunch.

There's big trouble, he thought, but he was vaguely relieved. They will once again ignore the abyss in their hearts and meet everything as comrades-in-arms.

They... have to be just comrades in arms.


The people from the police station brought three black tank-style armored vehicles. Under the black paint, there was a kind of high-temperature smoldering red shading, like a flame vehicle from hell, very photogenic.

Along with them came a group of policemen in riot gear, looking as if they were about to fight a war. But probably just want to show a sense of presence in front of reporters.

God of War's new residence is an open garden, cloudy weather, the place where the clouds press down to the ground is as dark as a mountain, and the direction toward the sun is bright white.

While they were eating, more people gathered here, making this place like the scene of a small killing show.

The leading police officer wore a new uniform and led his police force to stand in the garden with a murderous look. He introduced himself as Wan Chenglie, the head of the police station in the main city.

He showed the arrest warrant to Xia Tian and Bai Jing'an, then raised his hand, and the people behind handed over a pair of high-end control devices.

This thing looks like a black shark, shining in the sun, it is a sky-high price product, and it cannot be activated even if it is handcuffed with nano-level weapons.

Xia Tian took a step forward and stood in front of Bai Jingan.

"Come and try it," he said.

Wan Chenglie stared at him, they confronted each other for a few seconds, the senior police officer stepped forward and said, "We found his DNA in the 405 Feed Factory, Xia Tian."

Xia Tian listened expressionlessly, held a gun, and stood provocatively in front of him and his big battle.

Under the bright sun, the sea of poppies in full bloom was like wildly burning flames on the battlefield. Bai Jing'an stood beside him, keeping a distance where he could make a tactical response at any time, looking like a pair of criminals.

Wan Chenglie's eyes did not leave Xia Tian's face for a moment, his eyes were full of enthusiasm, as if he was some old enemy in life.

Bai Jing'an was thinking about what happened that night, wondering if he missed anything that could be used as evidence, Wan Chenglie raised his voice and said, "He Dingliu, do you still remember?!"

Bai Jing'an was stunned for a moment, thinking: Who

"The general of the Ministry of Defense, who single-handedly facilitated the outsourcing of the massacre in District N to the Fujin Group, was the first to sign the virus plan." Wan Chenglie said coldly, "He was later dispatched to Bingshan Private Security, named The case under you also includes the T2 suppression and the ghost song incident, you guys are very well informed—”

Xia Tian quickly glanced at Bai Jing'an, his eyes were blank, Bai Jing'an also looked back at him, his eyes were almost as erratic as his.

"He is one of the real culprits of the massacre in District N," Wan Chenglie said, "Don't say you don't know!"

The partner in crime across the way put on a cool look and listened blankly.

New reporters continued to gather in this direction, and they didn't know how to get access.

Surrounded by the signs of the top program groups in the upper city, the space was in a state of high fever, and most people just listened excitedly, but when Wan Chenglie said that name, several faces became nervous and raised their hands to make a phone call.

At the same time, the entire upper city was watching this scene, as if there were countless hungry eyes under the noon sun.

The police were obviously not in a hurry to let him and Xia Tian get in the car, they wished they could have a public trial under the camera.

Officer Wan took a step towards Xia Tian, showing a predatory smile, teeth gleaming in the sun.

"You hid well, we almost found the wrong person." He said, "But who would have thought that a waste picker would see the picture of you going to the 405 Feed Factory in the middle of the night.

"If you died in the killing show in the third round, you would have been turned into a pile of tattered recycled resources and completely forgotten, but now, who in the upper city doesn't know God of War!

"Your plan is great, but we're not in the business of—"

Bai Jing'an suddenly realized who Wan Chenglie was talking about.

They once saw an expensive shirt in the waste pile of the feed factory. Someone stabbed the deceased more than a dozen times, and Xia Tian studied it for a long time, saying that this shirt could not be recycled.

Someone came to the feed mill before them and destroyed a corpse.

Bai Jing'an logged on to the homepage of the police station as quickly as possible to search for relevant information.

The atmosphere at the scene fermented, Wan Chenglie sternly said to them in front of the camera: "Stop pretending, you have been planning this murder since a year ago.

"You have planted security loopholes around Mr. He since March last year. This is a well-planned, ruthless murder that spanned a year and two months. It has to be said that it is a real masterpiece.

"I've been thinking, He Dingliu has a secret identity and is very popular in the upper circles, how did he form such a great enemy. We have checked all the possibilities, do you know what we found in the process?"

He stopped on purpose, and the people around him listened intently with bated breath.

"He Dingliu," Wan Chenglie said, "is the number one on the assassination blacklist of the Lower City Rebels."

The crowd erupted into a burst of excitement, and under the sun, it was like an endless gunpowder magazine, ready to ignite spontaneously at any time.

Xia Tian listened with a blank face, Bai Jing'an thought, he probably had the same thing in his mind - Rebel Army

Why did it start again, is it annoying

Over the years, the events in District N have always been the king of the entertainment industry in Uptown, and the most exciting and performed part of it is the rebel army.

——The heroes of the lower city who have been operating secretly have such a dark and angry past, and the desire for revenge has always been burning in the darkness and has never been extinguished.

There is almost a conspiracy theory that involves the Rebels. Every year, a film crew goes down town to film "Rebel Quest", and anyone who doesn't like them will be given such a title.

This organization does not exist, and it is useless to explain it.

There is actually an assassination list, which must have been compiled by a group of media workers themselves.

"Someone gave you information about He Dingliu's identity," Wan Chenglie said to Xia Tian, "You came to Shangcheng, met Bai Jing'an, and made a plan. In order to get close to him, you even participated in the killing show—"

Every sentence he said is very skillful, of course, he can hear the huge dark conspiracy hidden under it, and most of them can find the prototype in some TV series.

Not far away, a reporter shouted: "It is said that the current master planner of Killing Show, Georg, is also on the assassination list. Are you going to kill him?"

His voice was high and hyperactive, and it rose like a high-rising lead wire in a sunny garden.

"How many of you are there, and to what extent have you infiltrated the upper city?!" Someone called again.

Bai Jing'an thought, in an unknown place, Half the World has obviously confirmed the identity of their fantasy TV drama hero team.

He can't understand. These people never seem to have imagined that the Rebels didn't exist. Impossible to exist! They belong only to movies, TV series, documentaries, games and novels.

But for nearly a decade, Uptown's media has created an industry that continually discusses, unearths, and consumes that cornered riot and the ensuing carnage.

They created and disassembled every element, categorically wrapped in shiny wrappers, for cash.

The corpses sold well, and everyone uptown bought them. The angry, bloody ghosts of the lower city were diluted and melted into the bright sunshine of the upper world. Everyone's veins mixed with alcohol became a part of the floating city in a shiny, seductive and high-rated coat.

In the boiling soup pot of Uptown with enough psychedelics, the Resistance is real.

Bai Jing'an swept past a row of armored vehicles, riot police, and journalists with fanatical expressions. The garden was full of flowers in wild colors, like a battlefield.

These people don't look like they're here to fight, they're here to fight.

toward a ghost.

Bai Jing'an drew a floating screen towards Xia Tian, and that person looked sideways.

The above is the general situation of the case summarized by Bai Jing'an.

On the evening of May 17th, Lieutenant General He Dingliu disappeared from the psychedelic feast when he participated in the celebration banquet as the guest guide of the team competition, and no one saw where he went.

The police in the main city investigated the scene, but the banquet camera network was hacked like a sieve, and no video evidence could be found.

But in the end, they still locked a suspect.

According to the information, it was a young woman named Tilan. Most likely the murderer.

This person must have been at the banquet at the end of the second round, at the same place and almost the same time as their murders.

And they chose the same place to dump the corpse.

They all came to the 405 Feed Factory, and what they did was probably just a front and rear foot.

Xia Tian scanned the information at hand, the orange light was shining in the contact lens, Bai Jing'an couldn't help but look at him, under the sunlight, Xia Tian's pupils seemed to be very rich in the color of honey.

"That witness loves you madly, Xia Tian, and regards you as the savior from hell." Wan Chenglie said, "We used the latest confession agent before he told the story."

From the beginning to the end, his eyes did not move away from Xia Tian for a second.

He's no longer the star of a killing show, but a rebel leader in a conspiracy theory of immense power and, for the most part, a tragic hero.

Bai Jing'an doesn't like his gaze, he knows this gaze... He wants to touch Xia Tian.

Everyone around is like this. As if trapped in hell, hungry and thirsty for a long time, and Xia Tian is a god high in the clouds, and a small part of the brilliant light can be touched by a touch.

This made Bai Jing'an irritable, the sun was shining here, but it was like being trapped in a lair full of hungry creatures.

Xia Tian glanced at this group of people, he came from the darkest part of the lower city, his eyes were cold, always sharp and painful, and the sun could never illuminate them.

But he suddenly smiled, this smile was defiant, and it was as bright as all the light gathered on him.

"He should have died long ago," he said.

Someone nearby screamed softly.

The poppies were in full swing as if they were crazy, and the bloodstains from the lower city spread in the world under the sun in a brilliant and gorgeous manner.

Bai Jingan rubbed the black gun handle with his fingertips, it felt frosty to the touch, and he remembered the heat and recoil of each shot. When excited, he always wants to grab the gun.

He said: "But the confession of a confession cannot be used as evidence."

Everyone turned to look at him.

"The judicial interpretation of the criminal procedure just came out on November 13th last year." Bai Jing'an said, "It is said that in view of the fact that psychedelic drugs cause 30% of human memory to be false, confessional agents are related to all brain imaging. Technology is no longer part of legal evidence, and this is an age when the real and the ghost are indistinguishable—"

He was familiar with all the laws, new judicial interpretations, and cases related to crime in Uptown, and it was always useful to know more about such things.

The police stared at him dumbfounded, and a group of reporters lowered their heads to inquire. The laws of the upper city change every month due to the game of the upper class, and ordinary people don't care at all.

"It's a pity, I think he may be hallucinating." Xia Tian said to the camera, "You know how popular movies about the Rebels in Uptown are."

"I know you did it!" A tall policeman said viciously, "The rebels have always existed, and you never gave up!"

The two "high-ranking rebels" looked at him expressionlessly.

"You can't find evidence." Bai Jing'an said coldly.

His tone was calm and determined, the sun shrouded him like a scorching white flame, and it seemed that he had no temperature.

A group of reporters were taking pictures, and he guessed that he looked like a serial killer or an evil boss.

Wan Chenglie looked at him fiercely, waved his hand, and said, "Go back to the police station first!"

—Although his face was full of hatred, Bai Jing'an was sure that letting them go this trip was just to make the case more popular and the plot more symbolic, which would increase the official click rate by dozens of times.

At this moment, he saw Wan Chenglie step forward, wanting to pull Xia Tian's arm—

He raised his hand without thinking, and put the gun on his head.

The surroundings were silent for a moment, but it was almost boiling.

"He will go by himself." Bai Jing'an said.

Wan Chenglie froze there, Bai Jingan held the trigger with his hand on, the safety was on, he could shoot his head at any time.

Xia Tian turned to look at Bai Jing'an, his shirt was dark blue, outlining the elegant and powerful figure of a warrior, a few strands of hair were scattered, turning golden brown in the sun, it looked very warm, making one want to reach out and touch it.

Wan Chenglie raised his hand and took two steps back.

At this time, Xia Tian suddenly smiled at Bai Jing'an, the smile was dazzling under the sun, the light was like destruction.

It was a laugh among comrades in arms, so Bai Jing'an also laughed.

He could feel that everyone was looking at him, and he stood calmly under the blazing sun, at the center of everyone's eyes. It's not difficult at all. He also didn't mind at all what the people they photographed looked like.

That's what he is.


When Xia Tian and Bai Jingan walked towards the police car, the reporter chased after them and kept asking questions. At noon, the garden was in full bloom, and the voices of people formed a frantic roar.

"Besides He Dingliu, have you killed other important people?"

"You are already capable enough to get the list of those who are really in power at the top, so what's your purpose?"

"Are you the leader of the rebel army?!"

Xia Tian walked to the side of the car and turned to look at them.

For a while, everyone fell silent.

Xia Tian stood under the light, the shadow was equally strong, making his whole figure dim, as if confronting the bright world.

They looked at him as if he was not made of flesh and blood, but made of gold, gems, gunpowder, gunfire... or some kind of very symbolic treasure, not belonging to the mediocre and chaotic world.

They looked at him as war was imminent, fanatics looked at their gods.

Bai Jing'an and Xia Tian exchanged glances, he could clearly see the playful coldness in Xia Tian's eyes. The sunlight slanted a little, and he cast a dark shadow, so thick that it couldn't be melted away, but the appearance under the light was breathtaking.

Nearly a decade ago, the Downtown Monster was dismembered, priced and turned into entertainment.

But after so many years of brewing, focusing, and cultivating, the illusory thing has grown stronger and stronger in people's sights, and finally frantically tried to find an entity to attach to.

The scorching sun was burning in the upper city, revealing a bone-chilling chill. Countless ghosts opened their eyes.

Xia Tian didn't say a word, turned around and returned to the car, looking like he was on the throne.

He sat down against the black alloy car, stretched his legs, and smiled towards the sunshine outside.

The warrior of the city sat in the shadows, a short distance from the light, which split into sharp lines. His smile is proud and grim, never an uptown show thing. He belonged to the angry darkness on the surface, and never stopped rebelling. No one deserves to be someone else's plaything.

On the floating city, countless pupils are shining because of mysterious and dark things. And the whole garden is still dead silent, it's hard to imagine so many people being so quiet.

That huge and angry ghost is about to come back to life on the god of war.

Must be resurrected.

Jakovsky was passed out in the bathroom, surrounded by a pile of empty wine bottles.

The assistant rushed in and shook him awake fiercely, with a look of excitement...or nervousness, he probably couldn't tell the difference. Yakovsky had a splitting headache, curled up in the empty bottle with his head in his arms, and really wanted to die again.

The man yelled, "Something has happened!"

Jakovsky remained motionless, thinking that there was something going on all day in Uptown, a feast, a catastrophe, a masterpiece, and a phenomenon—he now has a roll of "phenomenon" toilet paper next to him—not worth going to the bathroom. move up.

"They discovered that Xia Tian and Bai Jing'an are high-level rebels!" the assistant called again.

Yakovsky's mind went blank for a while, thinking that he might be dreaming, or hallucinating from taking too many drugs.

The Rebels are a common element in uptown entertainment, with all kinds of explosions, wars, destruction, and apocalypse. In the dream there are actually Xia Tian and Bai Jing'an, it's really a masterpiece, it's guaranteed to drive addicts crazy for a long time—

He woke up suddenly.

It was a cold, creepy wake up, like in a horror movie where you open your eyes in a dark room and find yourself in the same room as a monster, breathing against the back of your neck.

He struggled to sit up from a pile of empty wine bottles, pressing his hangover head, his hands shaking badly. The assistant was still yelling, but seeing his expression, he closed his mouth uncertainly.

Jakovsky saw himself in his eyes, so bad that people thought it was the end of the world, and everyone should scream and run for their lives.

So he smiled to show that the current situation was nothing but normal, but the expression on the other side was even more horrifying. He looked like a mythical lunatic who portends disaster, and no one liked him.

"Talk slowly," he said to him.

"The police say that Xia Tian and Bai Jing'an are high-level rebels, and they have already obtained conclusive evidence. People from the rebels may have infiltrated many important departments in the upper city!" The assistant said, "They have been there all the time, Mr. Yakovsky , it's going crazy out there, we have a makeshift planning team, and everyone's waiting—"

At this moment, the chief assistant rushed over and gave him a shot of palliative medicine.

Within three seconds, the pain subsided slowly under the coaxing of modern medical technology, hiding deep in the bone marrow, waiting for the next outbreak.

Yakovsky stood up crookedly while leaning on the toilet, and the assistant supported him.

"Briefing," he said.

As the assistants trained to send the video briefing, Jakovsky washed his face in this apocalyptic prelude, poured another half glass of wine, and flung himself into a chair while watching.

On his throne, countless relevant videos, surveillance, and briefings are opened in sequence around him, and the world is displayed in the form of data, which is clear, tragic and crazy.

Three hours after the police station in the main city arrested Xia Tian and Bai Jing'an, the Fujin Group released them on bail.

The evidence is useless, it is basically a script, and it will be delayed for three hours because the company wants to use this matter to stir up a wave of heat.

This is the Rebel Army, the object of conspiracy theories in Uptown for nearly ten years, the hero nailed to the rock, the god in illusion, the opponent and lover in the dream of the entire floating world. No matter what, you have to take advantage of it.

During these three hours, everyone was guessing what terrible encounters Xia Tian and Bai Jing'an, the two "high-ranking rebels", would have at the police station.

Yakovsky was sure that those people were thinking too much. These two people were the top figures in the entertainment industry in the upper city, and a mere police station couldn't bully them.

Their most horrific encounter at the police station is likely to be the endless autographs.

However, Yakovsky still instructed the people below to carry out all kinds of terrible guesses and analysis, which heightened the sense of crisis and created an atmosphere that was about to explode.

The main video clip on the official website was also quickly in place, stirring people's hearts.

Yakovsky watched the video, Xia Tian and Bai Jing'an... didn't touch each other, but kept a distance as supportive comrades, and exchanged glances from time to time. The shadows still exist, but the exchange of eyes is not only for tactical intentions, but more for habit and peace of mind.

No power can separate them.

Xia Tian and Bai Jing'an were leaving the police station, the sun had already slanted to the west, oozing red with uneasiness.

In the real-time video, everyone can see that Xia Tian's gun is casually inserted in the back of his waist, and there is no intention to hide it. The sun has plated a layer of burning orange on his long hair. fur.

Bai Jing'an walked beside him, not like a tactical planner, but more like a warrior honed by blood and gunfire, reflecting the cold light in the calm building.

The two of them were chatting about a battle during the riots in District N. Xia Tian said: "—The scene is so big that explosions can be seen from far away."

"I like explosions." Bai Jing'an said.

Xia Tian laughed, and Bai Jingan also smiled at him, his language and body movements were extremely familiar, relaxed and at ease. The shadows are still there, but together they seem to fill in all the gaps.

Sometimes it is very simple to destroy something in this world, but sometimes it is extremely difficult.

There's always something like that, the good stuff, and in hell it has to stay the same.

Yakovsky watched them pass through the bright floor-to-ceiling windows of the hall, stepping on the modern buildings of the main city as if walking on a battlefield.

Xia Tian started to tell Bai Jingan about a kill again, with a bright and dangerous smile, Bai Jingan looked at him intently. The blazing sun stretched around them, and the two fiends gestured and talked with each other, and the air was full of murderous intent.

Jakovsky heard Xia Tian say: "I really like explosions—"

At the same time, a red warning curve on the main screen suddenly rose, like a mournful and sharp note.

All the floating screens around reacted, as if someone dropped a boulder from the void, and the waves flooded the city in an instant, and blood gushed out, creating chaos.

Jakovsky stayed there, and almost all the screens in front of him began to show the same picture.

It was an overhead video of Floating Void City, and he wasn't sure where it was at the moment. Cities are alike these days, endlessly replicating each other, with the same chains of hotels, restaurants, malls, and gyms. It's just that some places are more prosperous, and the flesh and blood in the gutters are denser.

On the west side of this crazily growing city, a huge collapse is taking place.

Large areas of buildings collapsed as easily as boxes made of paper, lakes and streams roared and splashed, trees trembled in despair, fell to the ground and broke. The giant floating beast that ate countless flesh and blood was on the verge of death, and let out a mournful roar that resounded through the heaven and earth.

Someone is shouting: "The floating engine in the Black Forest District of the Western City of the Seventh Satellite City!"


Jakovsky thought, to be precise, the Purgatory Death Penalty Amusement Park on the west edge of the seventh satellite city... sank.

More close-range information frantically flooded into his field of vision, and he looked at the familiar gardens and abandoned buildings.

It is an important shooting area for several TV stations—including the main TV station and the private network station—mainly engaged in torture games for executed prisoners.

The entertainment-related industries of condemned prisoners in the world are extremely huge, and there are a lot of shady conflicts of interest. It has swallowed up countless innocent people who have gotten into trouble or are too good-looking. The place of Nurgle.

Now, this delicate and cruel toy shattered and fell downward, and the darkness below was like an abyss.

The follow-up information flooded in like a wave, and an organization immediately declared responsibility.

On the screen, the flame-burning ruin sign of the Rebel Army quickly lit up, dazzling red.

This group of people called themselves the Rebel Army. The local security company guessed that there were nearly 300 people. They carried heavy weapons. After a fierce gun battle, more than 20 people died, and they rushed into the heavily protected floating engine maintenance area.

No longer clever viral intrusions, but massive, planned, purely violent destruction.

While looking at the red attention curve on the Internet, Yakovsky quickly checked the information announcing responsibility.

Ordinary people just write a paragraph, this group of people literally wrote a book, expressing that the crimes of this entertainment park are completely unspeakable, and also requesting the authorities to release Xia Tian and Bai Jing'an immediately.

Yakovsky didn't know who the leader was, but he knew that before today, this person was definitely not a rebel.

They were half an hour ago.

The host of the report said in an excited tone that war is coming, "These people have a clear retreat plan, and they are definitely not pure thugs who commit suicide attacks! Now the local police and security companies have stepped in to hunt them down, but they have no clue yet!"

He talks like he's on fire in front of the camera.

That's because before this, this group of "rebels" must have fantasized about how to destroy that place many times, Yakovsky thought, until the police station in the main city firmly stated that the God of War was the "high-level rebels" in front of the camera, Xia Tian and Bai Jing'an laughed unscrupulously under the scorching sun.

All anger and destructive desires have found an outlet.

He looked out the window and laughed maniacally.

The afternoon sun was scorching orange and shrouded the calm main city.

But a shadow of incomparable magnitude descended. It was the dead raised from hell, dark justice, irresistible, like retribution.

Everyone believes so.

And will die of this deluded, miserable, hopeless fanaticism.