Killing Show

Chapter 52: Another god of war



Georg lives on the top three floors of Sin City.

This is an ultra-modern building, recognized as a prostitute in the upper city, and countless highly restricted shows were filmed here. It is said that the walls of Sin City are always growing and changing, and new and exquisite patterns are built under the requirements of the film contract, or plagiarized and self-replicated according to the old version over and over again.

Beauties and luxury goods flow in and out of this place like flowing water, and there are various types of monsters, and the unused ones are directly pulled to the underground area for destruction.

When Xia Tian and Bai Jingan arrived here, the sky was completely overcast, and the yellow light from the roof of Sin City illuminated the low clouds, as if something strange was about to be born from the darkness.

Georg gave permission, and they boarded a non-straight VIP sightseeing elevator of nearly 30 square meters, equipped with sofas and wine cabinets, and screen walls on all sides, for viewing purposes.

Bai Jing'an turned off the tour mode, the wall became pitch black, and the world reflected was illusory and bottomless.

But the audio could not be turned off, and the two of them spent a lot of effort to find the parameter settings. When the tour guide robot introduced "the largest group sex scene in the floating city that cannot be missed", they finally got it done, without knowing what drugs the TV station used Let the participants "discard the sense of shame".

The sightseeing elevator is like a closed eggshell, passing through the body of the black giant, stopping from time to time, but I don't know what is outside.

Xia Tian stood at the corner of the elevator, leaning against the wall, studying the function list in the marshmallow and the God of War scepter, with his eyes downcast, the light of the wall lamp fell on him. He didn't even look at Bai Jing'an.

Bai Jing'an stared at the dark wall without looking at him, and the sightseeing elevator started to go up.

At this moment, the light suddenly flickered, and Xia Tian quickly put his hand on the gun, scanning the surroundings.

The display screen kept flashing, indicating that the elevator was on the "Degenerate Floor", which was still far away from Georg's office. Bai Jing'an stretched out his hand to press the up button, the screen flickered chaotically, and the elevator didn't respond.

Bai Jing'an opened the maintenance page with a cold face, and Xia Tian also came over to look at it, and found a bunch of fault lights on.

At this moment, the light flickered again, and the whole world seemed to flicker for a moment, the shielded black disappeared like a cloud, the elevator became transparent, and switched to the visiting mode again.

They can clearly see the situation outside, a doomsday-like promiscuous hell.

The variant streetscape in the N7 area is used, with iconic buildings and overall style atmosphere, the fluorescent lights are deliberately brightened, other details are perfect, the sewers are locked, but most of them are destroyed from below.

But in this "massacre", it is naked men and women who are having sex with monsters.

The tour guide robot suddenly turned on, with a brisk voice, and said, " another derivative entertainment of the massacre in N District. The number of deaths in the N District incident exceeded 3.5 million. In that month, Bai Lin, the leader of the rebel army, and the residents of the entire region were locked in the encapsulation net—"

Bai Jingan watched with chills all over his body. The streets were meticulously crafted. He saw the bones of the dead in the past, broken old-fashioned firearms, children's toy cars, and even tattered signs of the resistance army painted on them.

Horrible creatures that can only be created by human imagination can be seen everywhere, and they are having sex with human men and women. The scene is extremely curious, like the end of the collapse of everything.

A few people are still very familiar. They were probably stars or something in the past. After flashing, they lose their value, and the contract will be transferred here to squeeze the remaining value and perform extreme pornographic performances.

They wear all kinds of revealing clothes, some are naked, pretending to be fleeing refugees, but with only cold weapons in their hands, they fight monsters pretendingly. The purpose of fighting is copulation, and blood and pornography are boiling unscrupulously in the pretended N7 area.

The elevator stopped, and outside was a residential house decorated with New Year's decorations. Several porn stars were having sex with monsters, and the picture was vivid. The sound masking was suddenly lifted, and they could clearly hear copulating bumps, groans, screams, and begging, and one was dying, severely asphyxiated, but fascinated.

Bai Jing'an heard someone yelling: "Hold on, Bai Lin will save us—"

He felt a heavy blow to his heart, and he swayed a bit, almost unable to stand still. A man yelled extremely obscene words and phrases, pretending to be struggling, but facing the elevator, he revealed the intersection with the monster. The lines kept coming and going, this group of people were playing a small team of rebels, one of them was a husband and wife, and there was a child, about thirteen or fourteen years old, pretending to know Bai Lin, calling him "Big Brother", saying that he would definitely come of.

They screamed at being fucked by the monster, and shouted that Bai Lin would come to save them, as long as they were alive, they would definitely come. There is another joke.

Bai Jingan took a step back trembling, he wanted to vomit, but he didn't want to vomit here.

At this time, he felt Xia Tian grabbed him, pulled him behind him, fired two shots at the stereo, and the sound disappeared.

His hands are warm and calming.

Looking over Xia Tian's shoulder, Bai Jing'an could see that the man who played the elder brother had an orgasm, his eyes were blank, and he let out a sweet cry. The monster was still thrusting tirelessly, everyone was immersed in desire, the one facing him still didn't forget to read his lines during copulation, from the mouth movements, Bai Jing'an could see that he called Bai Lin's name again.

Xia Tian blocked the hellish scene in front of him, but behind Bai Jing'an another copulation was entering its climax, there were no lines, he could only see the uniform of that man's Hellfire repair shop.

People from the TV station probably knew Bai Lin from the Ministry of Defense for the first time. What they thought was that they could put him on the star list, shape him, and claim that he was the God of War—but no one would say that Bai Lin’s hype was annoying. He didn’t get paid. Haven't been to Uptown, and even died.

People talk about his paranoia, anger, and choices, talk about what he's lost, and Uptown has made countless versions of everything about him, and there have been several movies and games in the month of the Holocaust alone.

In what mood did he watch his companions die one by one? What do you think when you watch your hometown get destroyed in the most disgusting way, and become the scene of massacre that everyone in the upper city wants to watch

His life has been played out in countless sensational, violent and pornographic ways that people discuss, buy and watch again and again. It has some power in itself that attracts people.

Those who died were consumed step by step to the extreme in this way, extracting every cent of value.

The N-block incident was an epic-level successful marketing in Uptown. They consumed the Rebel Army, pretending it was powerful, and consumed Bai Lin, saying that he was an omnipotent hero. He was the first god of war in Uptown.

Capital has tasted the sweetness of "truth", and the amount of money is astonishing.

Summer is the second.

They consumed him because he was restless, angry, hateful, good-looking, and always against them. Uptown also needs a new God of War to stimulate consumption.

People commented on Xia Tian's resistance and pain, and consumed all kinds of products derived from it, his relatives, comrades in arms... his body.

They devoured it, and then drove away.

The elevator moved with difficulty, the light struggled and flickered as if it couldn't be turned on, and the surroundings were strange and crazy foreign worlds.

After a while, the elevator stopped suddenly and the door opened.

Bai Jing'an found that they were standing at the entrance of an alley, and he could see old cardboard boxes and household items scattered around the corners. The brands and styles were full of sense of the times. Someone's groan came from a dark corner, extremely excited, with an inhuman voice, and yelled extremely obscene words.

At this moment, a monster that looked like a combination of a squid and a spider crawled out from the broken wall at the corner of the alley, turned its head, and saw them.

It rushed towards it non-stop for a second, with countless tentacles waving, covered with suction cups, countless. It was covered with blood and unknown mucus, Bai Jing'an saw the round vertical pupils of the lower creatures.

He reached for the gun, only to realize at the same time that the gun had misfired. On the nano weapon menu, all the heat weapon functions are grayed out.

And in an instant, this thing had already rushed forward, its tentacles wrapping around his waist.

At the same time, Bai Jing'an chose the longest sword, and sliced open its head with a slanted sword.

It still didn't stop moving, and the remaining eye looked at him without blinking, pressing on him. But at the same moment, Xia Tian reversed and split it in half.

He watched viciously, the monster was still writhing, but it had no ability to move.

He quickly glanced at Bai Jing'an, confirmed that he was fine, and walked out. The elevator door was wide open, and it didn't mean to run. The mobile phone showed no signal, it was a joke.

"Silencer?" Xia Tian said.

"Large force field, it should be bigger." Bai Jing'an said, and went to check the information of Sin City in the terminal. They are now at the northerly position on the west side—

"Southeast direction." Xia Tian said.

"Well," Bai Jing'an said, pointing to a direction, "Four hundred meters ahead, you should be able to find the base station."

"I've been meaning to try out the new City Slayer feature—"

At this moment, Xia Tian's cell phone rang.

He glanced at the calling number and answered the call.

Georg's voice came from the opposite side: "I'm really sorry, the elevator has been having problems recently, and it's in the 'Degenerate N7 Area', right? It's done, come up."

Xia Tian hung up the phone with a cold face, the two exchanged glances, and walked back to the elevator. Everyone knows that this is not a technical error, but a "friendship cameo" disguised as an elevator accident, which is enough to double the sales of this pornographic show.

The elevator started running again, and there was a stench in the air.

Xia Tian stared at his trousers, Bai Jing'an turned his head to look, there was some kind of suspicious mucus stained there at some point. He knew what it was at a glance, someone's semen.

Xia Tian stared at it for a few seconds, then grabbed the tablecloth on the coffee table to wipe the trousers, felt that it was not clean, then grabbed a bottle of pink sparkling wine next to it and sprinkled it, nervously trying to get rid of that thing.

Bai Jing'an said: "Summer!"

Xia Tian turned to look at him, it was the expression of a tense, angry and hurt person, Bai Jing'an found that he didn't know what to say to him.

He thought of the summer when he took off his clothes on the field indifferently. During the commemorative show, they found some candy, sat in the car and ate it in the summer, and licked the sweetness on their fingers after eating. Bai Jing'an stared at him for several seconds, the man pulled out his fingertips in a daze... At that time, he thought, why is this man so stupid. Now he misses that time very much.

He raised his hand hesitantly, and patted Xia Tian on the shoulder.

Looking at him sideways in Xia Tian, Bai Jing'an felt the tightness of the man's muscles under the palm, the heat of the body and the ups and downs of breathing, and then he realized that he had indeed comforted him, and Xia Tian slowly relaxed under his palm.

The man looked at him, unconsciously licked his lower lip, the color of the tip of his tongue... Bai Jing'an quickly put down his hand.

Xia Tian looked away, and finally stopped tossing his trousers, but still stared gloomyly.

The elevator door opened, and there was a living room outside.

This design-forward living room is built on a lustful hell, with a fireplace and a wine cooler that builds one wall. The two Killing Show stars walked in and looked at this luxurious garbage dump, which had a little bit of every element, like the scene of a large-scale disaster.

Georg was sitting on the sofa, holding a wine glass, and when he saw them coming in, he got up and opened his arms, showing a smile.

In the parlance of the circle, Georg is a party animal.

There are no nights in his world, he craves pleasure, indulges endlessly in drugs and sex, work is part of the thrill.

Georg was wearing a black nightgown, but the belt was open, and just a pair of briefs, embellished with countless sequins, so that at first glance, only the place can be seen - and it is still erect. His eyes were temporarily genetically modified to appear bright yellow like animals.

He wanted to give the two of them a hug, but with Xia Tian's expression, anyone who dared to hug him would call him dead, so he took two steps and stopped with a smile.

"Well, anyway, our two big stars are here." Georg said, "Have a drink?"

"No." Bai Jing'an said.

Qiao Ge glanced at him, showing a strange smile, Bai Jing'an looked back with a cold face.

"This is good wine, don't blame me for not reminding you." Georg said, pouring himself another glass.

He pointed to the sofa opposite and motioned for them to come and sit.

"I'm afraid you don't know that something happened just now." He said while drinking a glass of pink mixed wine, "There is an extreme hacker organization in the Temple of War, called 'Infinite Fall', which hinted at something in the temple just now. "

The two stars listened expressionlessly, and Xia Tian began to rub his trousers on the sofa nervously again.

"They said they have a nano-interactive virus in their hands." Georg said, "It can change the properties of the floating engine and make that thing..."

He whistled.

"Crack, fall down."

The two remained expressionless. The fire was burning in this dimly lit garbage dump, and the shadows were shaking, and there was a posture of a storm.

"It may not be true, even if it is true, it will be difficult to release, but this shows a sign." Georg said, "The rebels want to find a systematic way to destroy the floating city. This will not help sales at all, It’s good for them to be excited, and it’s okay to blow up the floating engine. Some people suffer, but more people make money. But it’s too systematic.”

He leaned on the sofa, picked up a plate of snacks, and said, "I want you to hold a press conference, slow down the pace, and prolong this marketing battle a little longer. There is a manuscript..."

He called out to the smart housekeeper and told it to call up the "New Rebel Manifesto" and send it to Xia Tian and Bai Jing'an's terminals.

The manuscript was sent immediately.

Bai Jing'an looked down, the tone of the speech was provocative and sincere, and he didn't deny that they were the leaders of the rebel army - they definitely wanted to continue to use this to make money. The manuscript took the chicken soup route, saying, "Uptown is the hometown of all of you. We must protect this place together and continue to live a happy life in the sun."

Xia Tian scanned the speech script at a glance and laughed. The voice was cold to the bone.

"What if I don't?" Xia Tian said.

Georg sighed exaggeratedly: "I know you have an illusion that if you have more fans, you can really start a revolution and fight against the city." He said, "Even your sister is hiding."

He shook his head, his face shaking with the illusory firelight in the living room.

"It's not a revolution, Summer," he said. "It's marketing, it's life itself. Too much materialism leaves people empty, and we create fandom to help them spend their money. No enemies. Never."

He sat on the couch with his arms outstretched, his panties gleaming gold in the dark.

"Go and read the manuscript, baby," he said, "this is a business, there is no need to fight and kill. When you are over, the audience will no longer pay the bill, and the rich and powerful will be bored. I will give you an amnesty, and everyone will be happy .”

Xia Tian turned off the terminal, looked at Georg coldly, the gun under his coat was exposed, and his posture was arrogant.

"I won't tell," he said.

"Don't be so dramatic, baby," Georg said, raising his eyebrows and smiling at him. "Well, you're a big star. I won't do anything to you. It's too expensive to destroy you. So I have to threaten you." gone."

He leaned forward, looked at Xia Tian, and said: "If you are not obedient, your 'Xiao Bai' will be in trouble."

Xia Tian's expression looked like he wanted to kill him, and he didn't intend to hide it at all.

"Oh, what's the matter with me?" Bai Jing'an said coldly.

Georg looked at him meaningfully.

Bai Jing'an could feel him taking two deep breaths to control his urgent emotions. He was about to drop a bomb.

"Your trouble," Georg said, "once your crimes are made public, no one in Uptown can protect you. Although a death-penalty entertainment center has been sank, Uptown does not include private operators without a license. There are three hundred and twenty seats. Go and let everyone play for a while... "

He stopped, stared at Bai Jing'an, and started giggling again. Bai Jing'an was terrified by his laughter.

"But that's not good. The heat can't continue to rise, and it will destroy the maximum amount of profit." Georg continued, "Did you never think that this thing might explode, 'Xiaobai'?"

He gave a big grin, so excited it twisted a little.

"I always thought you looked familiar." He continued, "You don't know how long it took me to check you, 'Xiaobai', I checked all your consumption from birth to now, and found that you were between twelve and ten Bought only the basics at the age of five, looking like it was for a municipal inspection. I guess you weren't even uptown at the time.

"That's when I thought, whether you're back home or not, I'm going to have to hype this up—'First Rebel Uptown,' what a thrill."

He laughed again, his mouth wide open, like a monster crawling out of the darkness in this light.

"Until two days ago, I found your regional experimental vaccination records."

Bai Jing'an looked at him uncertainly, not knowing how that had anything to do with what he wanted to say.

—The major companies in the floating city often contact the local government for charity activities, which are actually drug experiments with a higher level of security. If you want to inquire about the vaccinations or experimental treatments performed by the people in the floating city, you will get an extremely complicated and incomprehensible document.

"During the massacre in Area N, some bacteria-carrying organisms did reach the ground. You said that you were bitten by a mouse, which makes sense." Georg said, "except that you have been vaccinated with the 'Unity Ⅸ' vaccine from Star Studios. , making you 50% immune to the studio's related products, including the 17-3 type."

Bai Jing'an looked uncertainly at the record of Georg sliding over and knew it was true. He never thought of checking the specific range of immunity before, it doesn't make sense.

He did go downtown and was part of the Rebel Caucus, but he also did have the 17-3 doesn't make sense.

"It doesn't make sense at all," Georg said. "I considered all the possibilities, and finally, I came to a conclusion."

He looked at Xia Tian and Bai Jing'an, although they were dressed crazy and ridiculous, but their expressions were serious, their eyes were bright, and a fire of ecstasy was burning from within.

The two killing show contestants stared at him.

"You are not Bai Jing'an at all." Qiao Ge said.

He looks at him, hands clenched, it's a dump, but he acts like it's some epic place where words make it happen.

Make illusions, dreams and ideals come true.

He said, "You finally saw the sun, Bai Lin."


It was dark in the hall, and the fire was burning, and the light flickered and rose in the darkness.

The firelight also shone on Georg's luxurious briefs, reflecting countless fine light.

The master plan goes on.

"There is no doubt that Bai Jing'an is a top network logistician. He modified all his identity information, even including the final gene modification authority, and gave you everything he has." He said, "Because of what? He was seriously injured , knowing that I can't survive, or knowing that you have no chance since entering the encapsulation network, and starting to plan to transfer all your identities and rights to the leader Bai Lin

"What was he thinking when he died?"

Georg sighed contentedly, leaning on the sofa decorated with messy mosaics, holding a glass of pink strawberry liqueur.

"He must love you very much... Of course, in District N, who doesn't love Bai Lin." He giggled, "I like to think about this, it's so touching, it makes me get an erection! Take it to play for more than ten years."

Bai Jing'an listened to Qiao Ge with a blank face, as if he couldn't understand his words. He was mostly in the dark, and the rising firelight reflected some pale faces, which looked sharp and steep again.

Georg looked into his eyes, obviously enjoying himself.

He snapped his fingers dramatically, and the butler robot opened a hologram.

The figure lit up, life-size, standing by a street lamp, looking up at something.

It has been a long time, the shooting conditions are not good, and the image is not very clear due to the influence of interference equipment, but it has been restored to the greatest extent, and it looks like a real person in an instant.

It was a very young face, under the light, it was like a knife made of ice, with concentration and sharpness in its bones, but some places were too childish, which made people worry.

There was an impending smile on his lips, and that smile must have been cold and excited and murderous, expecting something terrible to happen.

This face is too proud and sharp, it doesn't look like Bai Jing'an at first glance. To be exact, as early as half a year ago, no one would have linked these two people together.

But now... this is him.

In the past half a year, many people have seen Bai Jingan's expression: the scorching killing intent illuminates him from within, and he shines recklessly on the dark battlefield.

"This is the clearest image I can find of Bai Lin, and I spent a lot of money to restore it. Of course, you are related by blood, and it's normal to look alike, but..." Qiao Ge said, looking at Bai Jing'an, smiling smugly.

"Just looking at this photo makes everything clear, doesn't it?"

He's leaning back on the couch in those ridiculously shiny panties, smiling theatrically.

"You escaped from the encapsulation area, but you didn't know where to go." He continued interestingly, "You were seriously injured and confused, and in this regard, your medical report is indeed true. I guess you wandered in the lower city for a while, and finally came to the upper city according to the identity information on the portable terminal... You were seventeen years old when the massacre, only two years older than Bai Jingan, and you have lived in seclusion since you came here, so young Difference equals non-existence.

"You survived as Bai Jing'an, not sure who you are, and began to live in a world where the sun was too bright, and here, the incident in N District was an endless carnival. I'm curious what you're thinking... Everyone will be dying of curiosity. My God! The massacre in N District is really a marketing festival, an inexhaustible treasure trove, and has created so many exciting topics! And stars!"

He looked at the old hologram.

At that time, Bai Lin was as young as a knife, his fair face was splattered with blood, and he had a smile that made him very young. A lock of hair on his forehead was sticking up like a small tuft of jumping fire.

Georg looked at it intently for a while, and there was something about this face that particularly attracted him, no matter how much he admired it, he never got tired of it.

"The floating city will go crazy for you, Bai Lin." He said.

He put down his drink and walked up to the short-haired man.

Bai Lin, the first generation God of War, leader of the rebel army. Live and grow up.

He was wearing dark gray clothes, the parts in the shadows were bottomless black, and the lines under the light only reflected a little orange-red light. Georg stared at it intently, trying to find out something from the darkness. He was not sure himself, but felt scratching his heart.

He stretched out his hand unconsciously, wanting to get closer, exposing him completely to the light, looking deeply into those eyes, and swallowing his soul. There's something terribly fascinating about him that makes the world real for a brief moment.

It's the basis of all that marketing, driving people crazy, asking and deducing, hungry for answers.

But he stopped, Xia Tian sat beside the man, put his hand on the gun, the safety was on, the warning light was on dangerously, staring at him viciously.

Georg took a step back, scanning them.

He laughs and spreads his hands as if introducing a pair of extremely expensive merchandise.

"Two generations of God of War," he said, "is a spectacle."

"Bai Jing'an" still didn't say a word, staring fixedly at the image of the bright young man in the hall, the old photo was incomplete, still overflowing with murderous aura.

Georg turned around and poured himself another glass of wine to calm himself down.

In front of him is a legendary figure who has only existed in words, photos, and the huge and colorful corpse that has performed countless incidents in the N area in the upper city for so many years. He longed to know what that person looked like after the boundless fantasies.

Now is not the time, but he is in the palm of his hand now, he can slowly "study".

"Both of you must know that until now, Bai Lin is still the first-ranked wanted criminal and will never be pardoned." Georg said, shaking the pink liquid in the cup, "If you are not obedient, I will have to report to the higher authorities. I don't know what those people will do to you, Bai Lin. Just thinking about it makes me shiver."

He turned his head to look at Xia Tian, the position of the new God of War was close to the fireplace, and the firelight illuminated him. Georg said: "So you will be obedient, what I tell you to tell the media, you will say what, isn't it, Xia Tian?"

He gave an obscene and obscene smile.

"After all," he said, "you 'love him' so much, too."

Xia Tian looked at him expressionlessly, since what happened just now, he has always stood in front of "Bai Jing'an", as if he wanted to fight against the whole world for him.

Georg thought it was funny, but at this moment he could clearly feel that Xia Tian was calculating and thinking, and his expression made people feel a little hairy. But he had taken a lot of drugs before, and the sense of crisis was vague and distant, and soon disappeared.

Xia Tian said: "You can still say it."

"Don't be so suspicious, you are the star of the killing show, and I am the master planner, we should establish a friendly cooperative relationship." Georg said, "Anyway, the rich and powerful don't need to know about it,' the legendary rebel The leader's return' will only make the hot spots expand rapidly, and the good days of making money will end in three days. But this matter should be slow."

Xia Tian looked at him with cold contempt in his eyes, of course they were not stupid, they could tell a lie at a glance.

"Give me an answer, Xia Tian," said Georg, shaking the phone dramatically, "Before you answer, you need to know that your 'Xiaobai' is only one-touch dial away from entertainment death."

At this moment, Bai Jing'an's gaze finally moved away from the photo, scanning Xia Tian, the gun in his hand and the master plan. Georg couldn't see his expression clearly. In the shadows, it seemed that the ghost of an old warrior was coldly assessing the situation.

"Cough, relax, you two," Georg said, "A dozen gun barrels are pointed at you, and the AI is not a fan of the Rebels. Even if you two kill me, it's impossible to get out of here alive."

Xia Tian finally spoke and said, "Okay, I'll say."

Georg smiled. These two are smart people. People often think that killers only fight and kill, but they are shrewd. In the jungle, you have to be smart enough to know how to weigh threats and benefits to survive.

"Wonderful," Georg said, "I'm glad we've had such a good time working together."

He put down his glass and took a step towards them both, wanting a hug or something. He stared at the short-haired young man in the shadows, never wanting to touch anything in his life.

But Xia Tian stood up abruptly, pulled his comrade up, and said, "Let's go here."

Georg blurted out: "I didn't say you can leave."

Xia Tian stared at him, his eyes were very scary.

"Don't be so serious, let's toast to the new partnership," Georg said.

He poured two glasses of wine and turned to look at the two of them. They didn't intend to raise their glasses at all, and their positions seemed to be rather gloomy.

"To be honest, Xia Tian, you've been in this circle for almost a year, so you should have fun." Georg said, "Do you still remember my original invitation? I'm serious."

Xia Tian was taken aback.

Georg thought that Xia Tian had experienced a deep psychological struggle when he rejected him, but now he realized that this kid really couldn't remember at all.

—At the banquet at the end of the third round, Georg, as the master planner of the new department, went to say hello to the most outstanding newcomer of this round. In view of the top-notch conditions of these two newcomers, and what he saw was whether he could have some fun, so he enthusiastically suggested that Xia Tian take Bai Jingan to his room later, so that the three of them could "have a good time".

Xia Tian looked like he was listening to the Arabian Nights, and Georg wanted to describe it to him in detail. There is nothing more exciting than letting a young child know about the dirty things in the world.

But then a sponsor pulled him away, and the exchange didn't continue. Georg also thought at the time that there was always a chance.

Now, with a sweet voice, he said to Xia Tian, who had become God of War and fell into his hands again: "We can find a time and have some fun together."

The man didn't look surprised anymore, he was used to it. He looked at Georg coldly and said, "Is this a threat?"

"I don't want you to think so," Georg said, "but you can take it for granted."

His yellow eyes had the hint of a hungry beast, and he said, "I've always been a little curious about your staying power. That drug worked well, but it wasn't that amazing."

Xia Tian's complexion became extremely ugly, and Georg turned his head to look at the person behind him.

The real Bai Lin.

He fantasized about him while masturbating, directed a dozen shows featuring him, and played drag games. He'd seen a sex tape of him and a summer guest once - what a fucking classic idea! Just a sex scene, and he was pretty sure it was the most sensual, exciting and adrenaline-pumping fuck he'd ever seen in his life.

The one who completely collapsed in front of the camera, exposing his extremely broken soul, was Bai Lin, the god of war.

The powerful ripped apart the bloody darkness of the N-Block massacre in such a erotic way, presented it in front of the camera, and it was extremely artistic.

The appearance of this old leader makes people eager to hold it in their hands and study it carefully. Every time he saw him, Georg's mind was filled with all kinds of nasty scenes.

Xia Tian suddenly grabbed Bai Jingan—maybe he should be called Bai Lin—and dragged him back, blocking himself in front.

Georg couldn't help laughing. It was not the first time for this kid tonight. What did he think he could do? He couldn't protect himself, and he was sure to die completely, but he felt that he could be a protector.

"Okay, I won't touch him for now." He said, and started giggling again, "I just... see him and think of him on the bed. Even if Bai Lin, the God of War, is on the bed, he is really the best in the abuse department, I think All the sex scenes you can't get enough of him, you fucked him up—"

He stopped, Summer put the gun against his head, finger on the trigger.

At the same time, thirteen gun barrels in the room pointed at Xia Tian, and the AI entered a state of high alert. Xia Tian stabbed his forehead with the muzzle, trembling a little, trying to control his anger, he said: "Don't think I dare not kill you!"

Georg subconsciously felt that Xia Tian didn't dare, he was just pretending... But reason told him that Xia Tian was serious, he had seen him kill people too many times. You can't make sense of these kill show guys, they're out of their minds.

At this moment, the person behind suddenly said: "Let's think about it."

He grabbed Xia Tian's arm and pulled it back.

At this moment, he appeared in the light of the fire, but it was still dim, sinking too much into the tomb, and it was impossible to judge.

Xia Tian reluctantly took a step back, looking at Georg as if standing in front of an abyss, just wanting to kill him regardless.

But he backed away, and the barrel left Georg's head. The ghost of the old days dragged him out, and after walking a few steps, he looked back at Georg fiercely.

Georg felt that he should be afraid, but the thought that came to his mind was, "It must be exciting to have a fight with this kid."

Bai Lin dragged Xia Tian out of the room, Georg wanted to emphasize that the conversation was not over yet, but the two had already entered the elevator and pressed the door close button.

The orange-red light of the elevator shone on the God of War in the lower city, and the fire seemed to be burning from the depths of his soul.

Georg stared at those two people unconsciously, while Bai Lin held the new God of War's hand, his movements were determined and unquestionable. There is no doubt that he is the same person in the photo, the ambiguity and illusion of the firelight in the living room can't stain him at all, he is clear, cold, suppressing a huge anger, and the gap is being unified.

Xia Tian struggled for a while and wanted to withdraw his hand, but the other person didn't let go.

He turned his head to look at Xia Tian. Xia Tian is also looking at him.

Then the elevator doors closed.


On the way home, Georg sent them a press conference itinerary, a speech on "Protecting the Uptown Family," and the restored hologram of Bai Lin, and everything related to this related information. Bai Jing'an... Bai Lin glanced sullenly, but didn't speak. The car drove back all the way, and the neon lights of the upper city in the second half of the night became more frantic. In the tomb-like night, the light and shadow became more and more illusory and chaotic.

After returning home, he took a bottle of wine, walked to the sofa and sat down, opened the terminal, checked the evidence sent by Georg to confirm the authenticity.

He confirmed from the source of the vaccine information to the original experimental records of the Xingmang Studio, and then to all the medical examination records of "Bai Jing'an" before the age of thirteen. The part trapped in the shadow was pitch black, and the outline under the light was as thin as ice.

He was wearing a gray shirt, the sleeves were folded to the elbow, Xia Tian could faintly see a wound extending to the arm. He is very skilled at doing network logistics, but his murderous appearance is undoubtedly a soldier.

Xia Tian thought of the astonishing number of wounds on his body... torn apart in the massacre, and survived bloody and delirious. Can't really live, can't die, wanders like a ghost.

He had kissed those ashes-like wounds, he had licked, bitten, and remembered the touch between his lips and teeth... After the guest show, this thing burned his nerves like poisonous fire, driving people crazy.

The rich and powerful called him top-notch pornography, how alluring he was, and how addictive he was.

And he was the instrument of the crime, and he remembered how he entered him, how the man shuddered helplessly every time he thrust, how he sobbed and groaned. He remembered the pleasure, and the desire to destroy and possess.

He felt so sick of himself, he wanted to disappear, with those utterly shameful memories—

On the sofa, another person was staring at the screen, the pale and cold light did not illuminate him at all.

Xia Tian thinks that he will want to stay by himself, the wound is too tragic, it can only be touched in the deepest and silent darkness.

He stared at the floor and said, "I'm going back to my room, if you need..."

"There you are," said the man.

Xia Tian turned his head to look at him, the man was still staring at the floating screen, countless data lit up in his eyes, and then disappeared in the huge darkness.

He didn't speak, sat down next to the man, and split the screen to come over.

Xia Tian sat very aside, as he had been doing these days, trying not to get too close to him. The two searched for information in silence to confirm the authenticity of the evidence sent by Georg.

The source of all the information given by Georg is very clear, without any trace of alteration, otherwise he would not have sent it. Xia Tian is sure of this.

This person was born in a private network program called "Privacy Search", and he is a master at making waves in the virtual space. He knows how to grab the most intimate and painful parts of a person's life and consume them as best he can.

Xia Tian couldn't help thinking about the name Bai Lin, which belonged to the dark lower city, another ghost who died in the massacre. He had been proud, happy, powerful, charismatic, and full of friends, and Uptown had consumed him to the extreme, brilliant and utterly sad soul.

The name smelled of gunpowder and blood. The God of Destruction, who was born in the endless void and frenzy, shuddered just thinking about it.

That's his Xiaobai.

The person next to him stopped suddenly and stared at the screen.

The decoding was still flashing on it, and an advertisement was inserted, swallowing each piece of the screen like a black hole, the room darkened, and everything turned into a pitch-black silhouette.

He clenched his hands tightly.

"You..." he said to Xia Tian, "You said you saw... met..."

Xia Tian took a deep look at him, those gray pupils were dimmed in the dim light of the advertisement, but he could almost see the depressed, sad and bloody soul in them.

"Well, it happened a long time ago." Xia Tian said, " laughed heartlessly with a group of brothers, as if they were the happiest people in the world."

The other party said nothing, and after a while, he said softly: "I can't remember."

His voice was so low that it was almost inaudible, and Xia Tian remembered seeing the person in the photo in Sin City, young as a cluster of fire that had just ignited.

"Of course you can't," he said. "They've ruined a big part of your brain."

"I only remember Xiaosang." The person in the dark said, "She is dead in my arms, and she can't laugh anymore. They tortured her for a long time, and I couldn't close her eyes. Shut up... some injuries I don't even know how to do, I've been wondering, how the hell did they-"

He looked at his hands, the corpse of the past tragic death was still in his hands, dripping with blood, refusing to die.

"I forgot for a long, long time..."

Xia Tian carefully stretched out his hand and pressed it on his shoulder. He was shaking so badly that he would turn into ashes at any moment.

"The building boards... were pressed there, and the lights were always on. I broke a lot, and I couldn't bear them to keep shining on me, on the decaying corpse." He said, "There are so many bugs..."

He suddenly turned his head to look at Xia Tian.

"You were there, weren't you?" he said, "What was it like...?"

Xia Tian looked at him, and after a few seconds, he spoke.

"When it happened, the weather was just starting to heat up in the N District, and the city smelled of insect repellant, and that's what we grew up with in downtown."

"Ah..." said the person next to me, "I remember that taste. It's kind of sweet."

"If there is a sign of disaster, it is a sudden large-scale increase of camera bugs." Xia Tian said, "It is about the size of bugs, some can fly, and some crawl on the ground, and the big ones are as big as eyeballs. Sometimes they will climb on lights. Blocking the light is annoying."

"I remember that thing, it was there, but it suddenly overwhelmed the sky in those few days." The other party said, "I still think... something is going to happen."

"Yes, something happened." Xia Tian said.

"It started when people were going around saying that the whole area was sealed off, and there was a monster coming out, I don't know what it was. People nailed building panels to the windows, built houses into forts, and everyone had guns. I was in the N19 area. Working in a joint family garage, we prepared ourselves to die, because life was bad enough anyway.

"We, like three days later, realized... there was no such thing as 'kill the monster and defend your homeland', the monster was our fellow man, and we ourselves would become... that way, eat our loved ones. Uptown TV was so creative.

"Xiaotang... is the son of my boss in that repair shop. He is three years older than me. He has top-notch driving skills and good marksmanship. He always likes to control me and Xiaoxu. He was the first one to mutate. First he had a fever, and then...

"The one in Shangcheng is called 'Xingpi', his skin started to melt, his body also became thinner and thinner, and teeth grew out of his skin... It's like a scene from a horror game, it's not real at all, he's still sane , Said that he was hungry, wanted to eat raw meat... and laughed and said that we should kill him, all the people who die on TV are soft-hearted people...

"Boss Cheng... is his father, who locked him in the bedroom, and when he was delivering meals the next day, he rushed over and bit his throat. He turned into... something like human skin, his mother rushed over, he Roll up her right leg and eat up bit by bit...

"He looked so weird, as if he had been melted by some vicious magic, lying there like a large shadow like human skin, wriggling... still talking, saying that he was so hungry, so hungry, so hungry...

"He killed three people, nailed the window, and we couldn't escape for a while... It chewed up the body and started eating, and the sound was so clear. I fired, I fired fifteen shots, and it just... never died." Xia Tian explain.

"The whole time, those cameras were filming."

Bai Lin listened intently, but at this moment he shivered.

"We escaped, and then Xiao Luo mutated, she was only... seven years old, she became... very big, she..." Xia Tian continued, looking like she was about to vomit at any time.

He said, "I also killed it."

"There are cameras everywhere."

He stopped for a while.

The sky of the building board is gray and calm, never changing. Below is a sea of blood and carrion, and the swarms are sent by the malevolent and mad gods of the cloud heaven to watch the wretchedness of hell.

They crawl and fly, lights flicker, and ghostly shadows appear below.

Xiao Xu destroyed more than a dozen of them like riveting them, shooting them with guns, stomping on them, and smashing them with building boards. She asked Xia Tian if people in the upper city would be very happy to see these. Xia Tian said probably will.

She looked up to the sky, just staring at it so hard that she would never rest in peace until she died.

"Afterwards... there were no living people, guns that were not needed everywhere, the house was in a mess, and there were cries, pleadings, all kinds of screams at first... A lot of them were called names... Then there were no more, they were all stumps , the body started to decompose. Most of the lights went out, the light was very dim, and it didn't feel real at all. It was just me and Xiao Xu, I think I would die with her, it's ok... everyone died.

"She mutated on the twentieth day."

Xia Tian stopped again, his hands were shaking so badly that he had to put the cup back on the table.

"I promised to kill her if she mutates, so I can't escape," he said.

He remembered standing there, watching the girl mutate.

She screamed, her limbs stretched, and the shadow of the fence split the light into pieces, still unreal, like a particularly long and spectacular nightmare. It was fine a few days ago.

He was familiar with her, took her hand, knew the smell of motor oil on her body, and believed that he would never be separated. Now, he watched evil unknown forces melt her into the crazy, perverted, money-making monster those in the sky wanted.

"Yes," murmured someone on the side, "you can't escape, you can't escape, you can only... hold a gun, hold a gun..."

He looked at Xia Tian and suddenly reached out to touch his hair.

Xia Tian trembled, but didn't move, he let the man stroke his hair, trying to show him a smile.

The other party didn't take back his hand, but looked at him and stroked his hair with his fingertips. He tore off Xia Tian's hair tie, looked at the pattern of cartoon birds on it, as if he was re-recognizing all this.

Xia Tian clenched his hands, his long hair was in a mess, half covering his face, and he was about to curl up under that person's gaze. He once again remembered what he had done to him, the thoughts in his mind, the desires that flashed in the dark, which looked terrible under this kind of gaze and could not be looked directly at.

But he didn't hide, he couldn't hide.

"Xiaobai," he said, rubbing his hand lightly, "I'm here."

His Xiaobai stopped moving, looked at him for a while, and said softly, "En."

The floating screen next to it was left unattended, and the advertisement took over the entire screen. Layers of light and shadow permeated the surroundings, creating the effect of a mountain falling. The light came on suddenly, and the man sat before him, too clear and sad to look straight at. But then everything fell into darkness again, and he could feel the heat on the little white fingers.

The person opposite finally put down his hand and said, "What next?"

"Later, I went to the temporary station of the Ministry of Defense, which was full of mimetic polyps. I remember that some people with identities died there before the sealing, and the bodies may still be there. I have the access code." Xia Tian said.

Bai Lin didn't ask why he knew these things, but just said: "You are going to die."

"I don't want to just go out and be eaten by monsters, and I don't want to shoot myself in the head," Xia Tian said, "I just... want to do something again, although I know there is no hope.

"I ran into a group of people who came out to find the exit at the temporary station. There were all kinds of people, and the youngest was only eleven years old."

He paused for another moment, and finally said, "I'm the only one who came out alive."

"Are you a rebel?"

"Yes. There was an operation against the garrison of the Ministry of Defense before. I participated in it, so I know the situation there."

"Only thirteen years old."

"Enough." Xia Tian said.

His voice was suppressed and filled with hatred, which still hasn't faded in the slightest.

"Enough for me to know who I am, where I am, who I'm going to kill," he said.

He thought for a while, then suddenly said: "Do you know what is the most ridiculous thing about that speech?"

He raised the corners of his lips: "It says that Shangcheng is my new home."

Xia Tian couldn't help laughing, his long hair was scattered, full of hatred, his smile was as sharp and bright as a blade.

"Uptown," he said, "it's not my fucking home."

Xiaobai also smiled at him.

The sky slowly brightened, and the morning light coated the living room. His smile is like a dark night that cannot be illuminated, and it is also like a burning fire that is about to rise. The light of Uptown could never shine on either of them.

"You have done what must be done, and if it was me, I would also do it." Xia Tian said, "Some things are... impossible to just forget it. It shouldn't just be forgotten."

"You once...guessed," the man said, "Did you?"

Summer scratches his hair.

"I just... feel something is wrong." He said, "You said that some people there call you 'Xiaobai'. The surname Bai is very common in the N7 area, and people generally don't call it that. There, it is generally only called the eldest son of the immediate family. .If you've only lived downtown for two or three years, they're less likely to call you that."

He thought for a while, and then said: "And... I just think you belong to the lower city."

The person on the other side looked at him intently, the morning light was twilight, he was sitting there upright, he looked very real, either a ghost in the old days, or Xiaobai.

He suddenly stretched out his hand again, stroking Xia Tian's hair.

They'd avoided touching each other before, but he seemed to enjoy it now. Xia Tian asked him to touch it uncertainly, and Bai Lin said, "Go to sleep for a while."

Xia Tian didn't think he could fall asleep, and it was almost dawn, but the man looked like he wanted him to sleep for a while. Xia Tian wanted to go upstairs, but Bai Lin looked at him, and he realized that he didn't want him to leave.

So Xia Tian curled up on the sofa, pulled the blanket over, his feet touched Xiao Bai's body, feeling very warm... Bai Lin gently put his hands on his ankles.

Xia Tian didn't dodge, he closed his eyes, knowing that Xiao Bai had been looking at him.