Killing Show

Chapter 62: dawn(1)



Uptown has made up countless stories, and no matter which one it is in, this is the moment to end.

Damn dead, should live alive, everyone has their own ending.

Cities fell down with trails of flames, rivers soared into the sky, buildings collapsed in large numbers, and flames scattered and burst like water, engulfing layers of buildings, roads, and billboards.

A large number of cameras in the main arena lost contact, and Xia Tian fell from the exploding building together with countless insect corpses, and then the image fell into darkness, and the God of War seemed to fall into the eternal night.

The party in the floating city is the craziest moment. Countless bloody, incomplete and crazy souls live in this paradise city, without self-control, falling into ecstasy, desire, anger, or crazy sense of responsibility.

Floating Gold Group, Bingshan Private Security, Ministry of Defense... All the arsenals were opened up, turned into a series of codes and spread like crazy. Every believer in killing has the ability to destroy on a large scale.

The loss of contact between Xia Tian and Bai Lin only made the carnival of the believers more bloody, and the whole world fell into hell with the God of War.

Yakovsky was still sitting in the corner of the Void Salon.

He could leave and no one cared or asked for his opinion anymore. He just doesn't know where to go.

After centuries of partying, the hidden disease in the roots of Uptown finally broke out in full force, and the powerful experienced some violent twists and turns—quarreling, incomprehension or indifference, some died, and some left the place.

They have enough resources to escape, God knows how much wealth some families have amassed over hundreds of years.

Jakovsky had no idea what they would do or how they would live after they left. They never knew how to live, but they didn't want to die.

Before leaving, Mr. Minkov told Weixingmo that "destruction is the only god worshiped in the upper city", and he was right.

The decadence is irreversible, and only the order of destruction remains in the world.

The best builders and programmers have participated in the destruction. They are always lifelong contract workers in a certain department, and the shortest contract is also counted from 50 years. They have no future, so naturally they don't care about the present.

For example, Tian Xiaoluo, her contract was transferred from the Ministry of Defense, and death will not end... Yakovsky suddenly thought, where is Tian Xiaoluo?

He scrambled to search the cameras—horrible images, the gory imaginations of Killshow fans—and called her.

The phone went dead.

Yakovsky used all his authority to investigate, and his mind was full of horrible pictures. Except when drunk, his mind could never get rid of these things.

Then he found it, she was at home. Sunshine Town Apartment in Jiguang District.

Yakovsky dropped the bottle, exited the simulation equipment, grabbed the survival kit, rushed out of the room where he had been out for nearly a month, and ran outside.

It's shattering outside, everyone's partying, and he hasn't run in a long time.

In the midst of urgency and embarrassment, he felt the last sliver of fresh desire.

It was his precious little sister who used to run around after him, full of weird ideas, but he couldn't remember when they stopped talking.

He never took good care of her. He can't do it.

They are masters at isolating themselves.

Jakovsky jumped into the car and rushed into the street. Floating cities are falling one after another, and because of safety protocols, most of the falls are gentle.

It must have been spectacular from downtown, with the skyline ablaze and the wonderland city screaming down. People there would flee in panic, but Uptown didn't care, they yelled and laughed, played music, and immersed themselves in a carnival of blood and fire.

People in the city soon discovered that what fell was a piece of rotten soil that was infested with maggots and completely decayed.

Yakovsky hurriedly set the destination. Tian Xiaoluo's address has always been at the top of the program list, but he has never used it. He tried to recall the last time he had spoken to her, but couldn't remember anything.

Probably because he didn't know what to say to her, to admit to her what he had done, or to hear her cry about what she had done again.

Life is full of powerlessness and hopelessness, and you sink day by day, so ashamed of everything that you don't want to say a word. But it doesn't matter, the world is full of such silent people, alcohol and drugs can help them block their pain, and technology has made real life disappear.

He once swore that he would visit her when he had time, have a good talk with her, and fulfill his brother's responsibility.

And now, it's the last moment.

A group of young men wearing devil masks attacked Yakovsky's car and fired rockets at him.

Yakovsky searched for a missile counterattack from the Internet, but he didn't control it well and blew up half the street. The city is full of struggles of this size.

He got up from the overturned car, half of his body was covered in blood, and a steel rod went through his body, but it didn't hurt too much.

He ignored it, and looked around for the direction of Tian Xiaoluo's house. In the corner of his sight is still a virtual vision, which is already a part of his body.

The camera flickered, and the broadcast resumed. Bai Lin was driving the air shuttle all the way up, destroying everything around him.

The epee of orbital strike fell and fell around Xia Tian, ​​tearing apart the nightmarish city and turning it into an abyss.

Yakovsky realized what Bai Lin wanted to do, he couldn't get to him before Xia Tian landed, so he destroyed the whole land.

Load-bearing beams shattered, and gravity tore apart large swaths of tunnels and buildings at the same time.

A large list of weapons was opened in front of Bai Lin, and another blow landed, the light was magnificent, like the light of a sunrise in the darkness, and the bugs turned into flying ash in the high temperature.

It was a passage of pure death. This time, the whole world looked at Bai Lin who had failed to protect his family again, and everyone stood by him and helped him defend it.

I don't know how many killing show players have been swallowed by this hell, but this one probably won't be able to swallow it.

There are always infinite words in their eyes and touches, and any words and interpretations will be dimmed in front of this relationship, and they are the food of this peaceful, indifferent and bloody world. People eat them bit by bit, filling their empty stomachs.

Yakovki clutched his wound, and walked towards Tian Xiaoluo's house step by step. There were wounds everywhere on the street. In a collapsed building, a temporary show was going on, killing people and hanging them on the eaves.

He ignored everything and looked for the building where Tian Xiaoluo was. All the houses here were the same, but he could recognize her at a glance.

Yakovsky went upstairs, and the elevator opened automatically, showing the floor and authority of Tian Xiaoluo's house. She always included his permission to enter, but he never came.

He entered the door, took off the virtual terminal, and threw it on the ground. The ubiquitous death disappeared, and he saw his sister's living room, as before, a mess, full of electronic products, and life seemed to be dealt with casually.

Then he saw her.

She was sitting in a corner of the bedroom, wearing a crumpled pajamas printed with stars, surrounded by countless screens, constantly adjusting, changing light and shadow, like a grand symphony.

Her eyes are focused, and she looks relaxed and confident in the task window, like she was when she was a child. But it is no longer that era, she still looks sweet, but her eyes are full of destructive light.

Jakovsky knew what she was doing, he always knew, but never asked. He doesn't want to talk.

She was so engrossed in her work that she didn't see him, Yakovsky looked at her silently for a moment, turned around, and sat cross-legged outside the door where she couldn't see, the blood kept flowing, but he didn't care, Just pull out the stainless steel wine bottle.

During the guest show, she rushed out of the room and twisted her foot. He chased out and heard her crying in the utility room, while he stood outside for a long time, and finally he could only sit down on the floor separated by a wall, and took out the wine bottle. She didn't come out, and he sat all night, which was all he knew about company.

There was a tremor in the depths of the floating city, and the main city was about to fall.

She didn't seem to feel it. She had lost the line between life and death a long time ago, and neither had he.

He took another sip of wine, sat against the wall, and stayed with her.

The arena shattered, and the abyss that Xia Tian opened to the earth fell down.

Bai Lin rushed up with the dilapidated air shuttle, countless corpses and building panels passed by, and then he saw him.

He once thought about how he found Xia Tian in this huge collapse, but he saw him at a glance. No one could confuse such a man as he had seen him for the first time at the draw.

Without even thinking about it, Bai Lin controlled the air shuttle to turn sharply downwards, rushing towards Xia Tian. He didn't care about tunnels, bugs or any other obstacles, turned on the power to the maximum, just stared at Xia Tian firmly.

The scene was extremely strange, with occasional glimmers of broken self-luminous lamps, the surroundings were dark, and Bai Lin rushed towards the abyss. He doesn't care about anything, if he can't hold Xia Tian, ​​then safety, sanity and future are meaningless.

The world trembled and shattered around him, and passed by again, Bai Lin stood up on the high-speed air shuttle, the wind pressure tore him, and the passing sign left a deep wound on his shoulder.

He felt nothing, hooked the broken car door with one foot, and stared at Xia Tian.

Below is a billboard that merged into a large piece. On the solid ground, countless people's distorted faces looked at nothingness. Bai Lin rushed down, his body plunged into the abyss, and he reached out to grab it desperately.

He caught it.

At the last moment, he grabbed Xia Tian's back collar, and his body was slipped two inches, but he tightened his fingers and did not loosen at all.

The ground approached in a blink of an eye, Bai Lin turned on the firepower to the maximum, the ground shattered, revealing the bloody inside below, and continued to collapse frantically.

The air shuttle rushed into hell, Bai Lin slammed the steering wheel with one free hand, the anti-gravity shuttle made a sharp turn, and rushed upwards.

Bai Linhe dragged Xia Tian to the air shuttle, and he knelt on the floor to check Xia Tian's situation.

The man lay quietly, very pale, so cold, not breathing, horribly wounded, and almost completely torn apart by the horrific and long fight.

Bai Lin fumbled with one hand to grab the medical kit next to him, and took out a first-aid injection, but he didn't even notice that it was injected into the artery, while constantly testing Xia Tian's heartbeat and breathing. He wasn't sure if it was all in vain, maybe... he was dead, just a stone's throw away from him, and once again his hands were bloody, leaving nothing behind.

The world collapsed around him, Bai Lin reached out and brushed his messy hair behind his ears.

He tore open the entire medical kit and was still trying to give first aid. He can't stop, if Xia Tian is gone... he can't stop for the rest of his life.

He will always stop before the light that is just one step away, die here, and fall into hell forever.

Bai Lin touched the last emergency injection and injected it directly into Xia Tian's heart.

The man still didn't respond, and Bai Lin couldn't find any medical supplies no matter how hard he searched. He was stunned for a while, then withdrew his hand and hugged him carefully, thinking that he would never let go again. Never let go.

"Summer," he said, his voice trembling and extremely fragile, "Summer."

The man lay quietly in his arms, and he brushed his messy hair behind his ears carefully again, kissed him carefully, buried his face in his neck, and whispered his name, as if it would wake him up .

The floating shuttle hovered upwards, flames and insect corpses fell in pieces, and the scene was like hell.

The zenith of the arena has been shattered, the real sky is pressed down, the sky will be bright, and a clear light will shine in the east.

The sky and the earth are like a tightly-fitting egg, and now a line of cracks has been cracked, revealing the pure gleam of the outside world. I don't know whether it is hope or disaster.

At this moment, Bai Lin felt Xia Tian took a deep breath and moved.

He hugged him harder, not sure if he was hallucinating.

Then he felt the man raise a hand and lightly grab his clothes. His breath brushed weakly against his skin.

Bai Lin began to cry, trembling unceasingly, as if he was still the broken young man many years ago.

For a long time, he felt that person's fingertips rubbed against him, so soft, as if he was acting like a baby, only Xia Tian would do this. The person in his arms said, "Don't cry..."

Bai Lin just hugged him tightly, crying in a mess, without image, he didn't care at all, he didn't want to stop.

The anti-gravity shuttle rose higher and higher, the land, tunnels, and bugs receded, and other players who escaped from the crash could be seen in the distance.

Fire and death unfolded under their feet, boundless. The dark sky was dyed crimson, and the giant beast was dead.

Bai Lin gently wiped the blood on Xia Tian's face with his sleeve, the man put his hand on the back of his neck, Bai Lin bent down and kissed him. He didn't care about the camera, he didn't care about anything else, and they went up with the shuttle, kissing ecstatically.

The world sank around them, burning with endless destruction and death.

But what does it matter.


Yakovsky saw Xiao Minkov from the surveillance video outside Tian Xiaoluo's house.

That person drove a seemingly low-key but absolutely super luxurious air shuttle, and his personal defense force field circulated around him. In the blood-stained night, he was like a small ball of lightning, both dazzling and full of terror of destruction.

He was casually wearing a T-shirt, but he looked like a rich man—of course he was.

Except at the banquet, Yakovsky rarely saw him in reality, let alone this appearance.

Mr. Minkoff was a strong man, and his only son was even more terrifying.

People in that family always have a wrong understanding of important relationships, and like many powerful people, they are trapped in chaotic and dark desires. It must be like being in the fetal membrane, there is no exit, and it will distort and alienate you irresistibly.

When you get in touch, you will find that the rich and powerful are like aliens. They will inevitably become what Qi Xiashang predicted, monsters produced by the high fever and madness of the mother's womb in human society.

Distortion will eventually produce ferocity, and Jakovsky has always felt that this family will sooner or later make a money to destroy the world. Now it did appear.

Xiao Minkov said to Tian Xiaoluo: "Get in the car."

Tian Xiaoluo was stunned for a moment, then looked up at him, the man said to her from the void outside the window on the thirty-ninth floor: "This matter is not over yet."

Tian Xiaoluo stood still for a while, reached out to close the main screen, and jumped up from the floor with a light gesture.

"I saw," she said, "some bastards got away."

"I remember every one of them," Minkov said.

Tian Xiaoluo grabbed a pile of terminals on the ground, climbed onto the window sill with bare feet, knocked on the rear compartment, the shielding force field was removed, and threw a bunch of things into the back seat of Xiao Minkov's car, turning the luxury car into a garbage dump .

"Is it necessary to bring them all?" Little Minkov said.

"Yes." Tian Xiaoluo said.

She turned around and picked up a large box of storage sticks, jumped into the car, pushed the things to the back roughly, reset the virtual screen, and was ready to go.

Deep in the ground, the destructive power that has been hiding in the depths of the high-rise buildings surged up again.

Yakovsky sat on the sloping floor without speaking. He didn't say hello or tell them to stop for a ride.

He couldn't speak.

There were too many ghosts, and he couldn't go anywhere with these things, start any new life.

He sat in the cemetery, unable to find a way out, and now, he no longer wants to find it.

But that's okay, she'll survive.

The world will be in chaos, and life won't be easy, but the cage is broken, and there will be no Uptown, endless contracts, and death for starving people to consume.

In this world, maybe she'll have a life worth living.

Yakovsky sat outside the door, listening to the sound of his sister getting into the car, and was happily talking about how to find those powerful people and how to kill them. Under him, blood soaked a large area of ​​the floor. He never made a sound, but slowly raised his hand, picked up the terminal he had thrown away before, and put it on.

He saw Tian Xiaoluo leaving in the air shuttle, he didn't use the camera to track it, just watched the light disappear into the night.

Images of the endless destruction of Uptown flooded in. This is his world.

Yakovsky took another sip of wine and closed his eyes. At dawn, the endless darkness engulfed him.

The main city of Fujin fell under Tian Xiaoluo's feet.

It’s like a jewel box the size of a world. Lamps, billboards, explosions and flames spread out on the black velvety ground. There are not only the lights of neat and exquisite office buildings, but also a large number of billboards of different colors and shapes, holographic advertisements. Flashing and wandering, attracting attention.

Explosions occurred below from time to time, and strong music could be faintly heard on the floating shuttle.

A large floating dance party.

From the first anti-gravity city up into the sky, they are throwing an endless party, away from reality day by day. "Happy" is exhausting, its crushed corpse buried under bright lights.

Now, the land of celebration was slowly slanting under the night, sinking towards the land they had left for a long time, the building materials were crumbling, and the screams echoed in the night.

The party is coming to an end.

The final round of The Kill Show ends without a rainbow and without a host to announce the "heroes" victory.

The field became a large piece of burnt ruins, falling to the ground, shapeless.

Bai Lin took Xia Tian to the place agreed with Xiao Minkov.

It didn't take long to make a plan with Xiao Minkov, and the two of them made a plan-without the all-consuming medical institutions of the Fujin Group, they needed a backup route.

The stars of the Killing Show are never lunatics who do not consider the consequences in the propaganda. People like them walk between life and death, and they are always good at calculating. They will consider every retreat, counting to the last bullet.

All those tragic deaths are nothing but man-made landscapes.

The floating shuttle that Bai Lin snatched from the arena was wobbly after such a big battle, and would fall apart at any time. Bai Lin tried his best to rescue him. He felt that he was probably a good car repairer in the lower city. This state could squeeze out the last bit of potential of the car, preventing it from going into strike, and dexterously dodged several random bombings.

Xia Tian curled up in the tattered carriage, watching him quietly.

After Bai Lin handled the anti-gravity shuttle, he immediately returned to Xia Tian, ​​carefully picking him up. It was cold up there, and they had little to keep warm.

He held Xia Tian's hand, that hand was very cold, after a while, Xia Tian whispered to him: "I want to sleep for a while."

Bai Lin kissed his hair, and the man slowly slid down in his arms, as if dying. Bai Lin used a little force to hug him more firmly. He kept one hand on the side of his neck, feeling for a pulse.

The connection point is a large anti-gravity shuttle like a floating space, like a pitch-black fish, swimming in the night and fire.

Bai Lin stopped the air shuttle, picked up Xia Tian, ​​and jumped onto the anti-gravity zone. Several doctors rushed over to check the situation, each of them had a very unsightly face, and immediately started emergency treatment for Xia Tian.

No one asked questions, and no one wanted to pull Bai Lin aside to treat the wound, Bai Lin has been standing beside Xia Tian, ​​staring at him at all times.

The man's injuries were terrible, and the doctors quickly stopped the bleeding and checked the internal organs, but the focus was on the punishment chip and the built-in earphones. Several people chatted quickly, all talking in technical terms, and their faces were terribly ugly.

"Bai, Bailin." Haitian said, as if calling out a name from a myth.

She was dressed as a researcher—it was said that she had been a medical student before, and that she had taken completely unrelated jobs to pay off her student loans.

"The things in Xia Tian's body are very troublesome. They are closely connected with the nerves. They are still biological. They have the instinct of growth and control." She said, "The purpose of their creation is to lock people up, and they cannot be removed in essence."

"We may have a major surgery, but it's never been done before," said another doctor. "After all..."

He made a gesture, and Bai Lin knew what he meant.

The power of the floating gold group and the dignitaries is unquestionable. The chain will always be a chain. They have never thought of taking it out since it was put in. It will only continue to grow until the parasite is destroyed.

"We don't know what the outcome will be, there could be unknown damage—" the doctor continued.

"What will happen?" Bai Lin said.

"We can't say for sure," Haida said, "his... brain will be damaged, maybe... he won't be able to wake up."

Bai Lin was speechless for a moment, and Huitian said dryly, "Think about it..."

A floating shuttle drove over from a distance.

It was Little Minkov's car, which drove like a shooting star, flew over in the night sky, threw it into the parking area, and jumped out of the car without stopping.

He was still wearing the black T-shirt with the bombs on it, his hair was messy, and he looked like a crazy kid. Seeing Bai Lin and Xia Tian, ​​he was taken aback for a moment and then laughed.

Tian Xiaoluo immediately came over to check, Xiao Minkov stood on the edge of the darkness for a few seconds before coming over.

The doctor quickly began to explain to him what was going on, and he stood beside Xia Tian, ​​looking at him. The roar of the wind came from outside the defensive field, and an explosion occurred very close, illuminating the dark clouds, and the firelight illuminated the void layer upon layer.

Xia Tian lay quietly, his clothes were soaked in blood, Little Minkov reached out and touched his shoulder.

"Nice job," he said.

Then he raised his hand and threw something to Bai Lin.

"End of the spree," he said.

Bai Lin stretched out his hand to catch it, and what Xiao Minkov threw over was a memory body, made like a hovering golden snake.

"There is only one copy of the video of the guest show." Xiao Minkov said, "No one will see this insulting thing again in the future."

Bai Lin held it tightly, the guest show was a nightmare, but when he recalled it after such a long time, only Xia Tian's restrained tenderness and protection at all costs were in his mind.

Another explosion spread from above, Bai Lin didn't know what kind of weapon it was, it burned up the entire sky. The sun rises in the night and comes for destruction.

He looked up at the sky, the bright light illuminating his face. It's a pity that Xia Tian didn't see it, he would like it very much.

Awesome fireworks.

Bai Lin turned his head, and said to the doctor: "Do the operation. If Xia Tian wakes up, he will say that he can't stand the chain in his body for a second."

They did that surgery, removed the chains of the powerful.

Afterwards, Xia Tian kept sleeping, and the doctor in charge said that he did not know when he would wake up, and further observation was needed.

But Bai Lin knew that he would wake up, open his eyes, and smile at him, telling him that things were finally alright. They will live in a new world, or in ruins, but what does it matter, they are on the corpse of "God of Destiny".

A new world will always emerge.

He stayed with him all the time, watching the man sleep and recover day by day.

Summer slept for a week.

During these seven days, the floating city continued to crash, and the naked and gloomy sky appeared, and the sky was always faintly bright or dark red.

The next day there was a problem with the weather control program, and instead of sunshine, it started to rain. The overwhelming rain washes over the world, and the flames reflect the color of the water like blood. There was fighting and death everywhere, there were too many weapons, and the revelry continued, and Uptowners were used to long parties.

The rain became heavier and heavier, and by the third day it was pouring down, covering the whole world in chaos. The rave party goes on, with shimmering lights, screams and music amidst the remains of Uptown. From time to time in the sky, the corpse of a floating city fell to the ground, making a loud bang, and igniting the doomed flames in the heavy rain.

On the fourth day, the rain dwindled, and the space between the sky and the earth was dark and empty, and there was nothing else. The wreckage of the upper city lay in the rain, and the sound of people was becoming less and less, and there were corpses everywhere.

The rain stopped on the fifth day, and the sky was gloomy on the ground, unable to distinguish the boundaries. The bright city floating in the sky disappeared, as if being swallowed, and the sky and the earth were empty. Occasional light flashes across the dark ground, then disappears again.

On the sixth day, the chaos of the weather control program tended to stop, the gloomy sky rose slowly, and occasionally the light behind the dark clouds could be seen. In the evening, the clouds dispersed in some areas, and the golden red sunset shone on the barren ground. The scene was sacred, just like a religious painting.

On the seventh day, the sun came out.

The dark clouds all dissipated, the blue sky was like washing, and the sun shone unscrupulously on the earth.

The remnants of the plants swayed among the ruins, the broken branches sprouted new shoots, the people hiding in the houses raised their heads, and the people in the lower city opened their eyes in amazement, seeing the sun for the first time.

These people who have lived in the dark for generations discuss the fall, they have all fantasized about heaven on the slab, and they will always talk about rebellion. They never thought that the upper city would fall from the sky, and it would be extremely complicated and beautiful, but they themselves had already been destroyed.

The world is one.

Bai Lin contacted Eric and Wei Xi three days later.

Most of the contestants in the five rounds took the air shuttle to escape in time. People like them are all professional in evacuation.

A group of people fled in the heavy rain and got involved in a magical "tribal" battle. A group of people found a new method of carnival in the huge building complex of the starry sky where the Fujin Group fell to the ground. They separated twisted classes among the endless houses, self-luminous lights and billboards, fought, and began to give Xia Tian conferred the gods.

"It's exciting to think about it." Tian Xiaoluo said.

The former administrator of the Temple of War has cut his hair short, stopped making cute looks, and no longer keeps mood-controlling drugs in his pocket. Although she has lost her family now—it is said that she went to find her brother, but she couldn’t find him, too many people died, and she kept talking about how to kill, but the depression and despair before have disappeared.

"At the end of the killing show, most of the cameras failed, and they concluded that Xia Tian was dead," Yu An said, "and claimed that he was the incarnation of the God of War, who came to destroy the world, and then returned to the god's seat or something. There is no shortage in the upper city This material."

"Death is always mythologized," Weissey said.

He was dressed in a mercenary-style attire, although he still looked gentle, but there were weapons in his pockets, and the desperado's temperament was revealed from his gestures.

"They thought he was dead," Eric said, "if they knew he was alive, it would be..."

He didn't finish speaking, everyone was a little hairy, and they knew what kind of disaster would happen without thinking about it. This insane obsession is a hungry monster that wrings Uptown to pieces and will destroy him entirely.

Xia Tian and Bai Lin need to die.

And then, Bai Lin thought, the aftermath of this God of War theme party would last for many years.


The Temple of War can still be logged in in certain ways, but even if it can't, the God of War is never forgotten. It and the endless corpses exist forever in a corner of time and space, ancient and new.

This time, the sacrifice at the feet of the God of War is the entire upper world.

Bai Lin found the video of Qi Xiashang's death here. It was a very creative massacre for several hours. The people who did it were well-equipped and must have planned for a long time. With emptiness in his demeanor, he did everything Qi Xiashang ever did or tried to do to Xia Tian. Screaming, pleading, and questioning meant nothing to him. He can't hear.

When meeting Xiao Minkov, Bai Lin met this man once. He looked gentle, polite and always smiling. But it was a mask, because it was worn for too long and grew on the face. Even his concentration toward the bright is dark.

Xiao Minkov called him Qi Lan, he never approached the direction where Xia Tian was, but stood far away in the darkness, as if the light from Xia Tian would burn him.

Bai Lin didn't know when he left, he disappeared soundlessly from the edge of the crowd in a hurry. Little Minkov said he didn't know where he was going, and he didn't care.

The world is suddenly so big and full of secrets, you can go anywhere and no one will ever know.

Haida came to check on Xia Tian's recovery every day, she was sober, and no longer couldn't work without a glass of wine. According to her, being a doctor is not for getting drunk all the time.

When Xia Tian was about to have an operation, Bai Lin leaned over to kiss him, he heard a few gasps, and Hui Tian said from behind: "Fuck!"

Until now, she still has a bad acceptance of their relationship, and she seems terrified at the slightest intimacy. Once, he couldn't help but said to Bai Lin: "Don't you think the lineup between the two of you is too gorgeous?!"

Bai Lin could understand.

This kind of relationship was a nuclear-explosive weapon a week ago. And from time to time he dreams uptown and finds out how dire the consequences of this love affair will be, that the best relationship of his life is a nightmare in the upworld.

All they want is to be with the person they like and to have dignity. This pursuit is so simple, but it can only be obtained after the destruction of the world.

"That was in the past." Bai Lin said.

From now on, Xia Tian is just Xia Tian, ​​and he is just Xiaobai.

He leaned over and kissed Xia Tian's hair again, not feeling sorry for the destruction of the world at all.

Didi didn't make any fuss about their relationship. According to her, she had already entrusted Xia Tian to Bai Lin. The current development couldn't be better, and even her worries about his life-long affairs were resolved. Really no more cost-effective.

These days, she stayed in front of Xia Tian's bed every day, she seemed to be used to her brother's injury, and she just watched quietly. She keeps marshmallows and chocolates — the scepter of Mars — within easy reach during the summer.

"He always wants to find a weapon as soon as he wakes up." She said to Bai Lin, "Sometimes it is very safe, but he just doesn't stop... Later I thought, probably because he knows that there is no safe place in the world."

—Little Minkoff put her up in the lower town before, delaying long enough. It must have been terrible to be up against a man like Mr. Minkoff, and he didn't know what happened in the middle, but this sinister war in the shadows lasted to the end and won the last three days.

He didn't know how Didi spent these days. He only knew that Tilan gave her an adjusted tactical vision a while ago, with a bunch of illegal permissions attached, and she was already quite proficient in using it.

She still had a gun, and no one took it away, and no one said that a child should not have a gun, and someone introduced her to new guns and how to modify them.

After dawn, it's still a long, dark, menacing day, and it's best to carry guns and see if you can really survive until the clouds clear and the sun shines.

At least she will never enter the killing show, there will be no people from the whole world staring at her, endlessly squeezing out her blood and emotions, and using that fire to light up decay and ignorance.

"One time when he came back from a particularly bad injury, my sister was so angry, he kept laughing and said, 'It's okay, no one will die in the next city'." Didi said to him, "He always hurt himself very badly, Don't care about anything."

She looked at Bai Lin seriously and said, "Thank you."

Bai Lin looked at the sleeping Xia Tian, ​​touched his arm with his fingertips, feeling the heat of that person. He seemed to be at the end of a nightmare and hadn't woken up yet. But he will wake up soon, after all they have waited so long.

"He..." he said softly, "he has been working hard to take care of me."

Xia Tian has indeed woken up.

On the seventh day, the weather was fine and the sky was blue. A morning glory outside the window of the simple residence opened several flowers, swaying gently in the breeze.

Bai Lin was sleeping next to him, with one hand on Xia Tian's body, leaning towards him like approaching a light source when it's cold.

Half asleep, he felt someone stroke his hair. He woke up, but didn't open his eyes, just leaned over, stretched out his arms to hug Xia Tian, ​​and buried his face in his chest.

Outside the window, the gust of wind swept across the empty land, whistling and roaring.

Xia Tian's fingers pressed against his neck, which was a little higher than his body temperature, rubbing gently soothingly, so comfortable that his skin became numb. Bai Lin hugged him even harder. Hearing the sound of his heartbeat, he felt happy and safe. The world was still full of unknowns, but there was nothing difficult to overcome.

They hugged each other in this room that seemed to stand outside the world, and after a while, he heard Xia Tian say: "I'm hungry."

Bai Lin filled the room looking for food for him, thinking maybe he should call Xiao Minkov or Didi, but at this moment, he just wanted to be alone with Xia Tian from a childish point of view.

He cooked porridge for him, brought it to him when it was cold, and sat in the morning light in summer, wearing white pajamas, with long hair hanging on his shoulders, waiting for his meal. He lights up the whole world.

Bai Lin handed over the bowl, and watched him eat intently from the side, trying hard to control the expression on his face. He found himself laughing all the time.

Xia Tian took two sips and looked at him, Bai Lin stared intently.

He was a little embarrassed and wanted to say something, so he smiled jokingly at Bai Lin and said, "You keep staring, do you want to feed me?"

Bai Lin was stunned for a moment, took the bowl from Xia Tian's hand, moved a little towards him, scooped a spoon seriously, and handed it to his mouth.

Xia Tian stayed for a while, subconsciously ate it, and said, "I'm just joking."

"I know." Bai Lin said, taking another spoonful.

Xia Tian ate obediently, smiled at him again, and waited for the next spoonful.

Outside this safe zone, the stage has disappeared, the gods on the clouds have died or are exiled, and the earth is like a newborn, without frames and lines, and it is no longer a hell of desire.

Some dignitaries fled with resources, "Tyrant" and other mutant creatures in the arena said they fell to the ground and died. However, according to the news I heard recently, some kind of monster appeared outside, living in the lake, secretly catching people and eating them. Much like the white ghost they ran into in the fourth round.

Uptown puts gene bombs in all the mutated creatures, but it's never foolproof. There are probably monsters roaming the ruins, especially those highly intelligent species.

Bai Lin fed Xia Tian porridge, while chatting with him about outside affairs, without the slightest fear.

When the stage disappears and the "God of Destiny" dies, they are no longer dolls of desire, and what they will face is chaos and crisis. They both know a lot.

Xia Tian ate half a bowl of porridge, couldn't eat any more, and said he was going to take a bath.

He jumped off the bed and shook a bit, Bai Lin stretched out his hand to help him.

"It's okay." Xia Tian said, "Get up soon."

With a relaxed expression on his face, he even rubbed Bai Lin's hair and walked to the bathroom. Even with all that he has suffered, the man is always full of energy. And Uptown puts him in a corner, in the place of anger and desire, for people to watch.

"I'll go find you clothes." Bai Lin said.

He went to the closet to find clothes for Xia Tian, ​​and for a moment he thought about what he should wear this time out, company... Then he realized that Xia Tian no longer needed to worry about which brand of clothes to wear, how to match them, and how to communicate with the stylist .

He can wear whatever he likes, no more cameras, no competitions and publicity, his life and dignity are no longer the nourishment of the city of nothingness, he—

Bai Lin stopped, his hands were shaking.

The opposite glass reflected his appearance, holding his summer clothes, thinking about his future life... He didn't have the slightest alienation and indifference before, he was real and fragile, but so happy.

Bai Lin put the clothes away, opened the bathroom door and walked in.

Xia Tian was taking a bath, when he heard the sound, he turned to look at him. Under the light, the water in the shower is like countless splashes of light, and he seems to be standing in the center of the sun.

There are still old wounds on his body, I don't know if they will disappear. He is tall and has long legs, and his limbs are full of strength. He is wild and explosive like a large carnivore, elegant and deadly, and extremely sexy, making it impossible to look away.

With no chains left, he is free.

Bai Lin walked towards him, the water quickly drenched his body, he didn't care, he just raised his arms to hug Xia Tian, ​​and leaned over to kiss him.

The man kissed back passionately, pulled his clothes with one hand, and called "Xiaobai" in a nasal voice. They kiss each other repeatedly, relaxed and content, for as long as they want.

Light splashes of water completely enveloped them.


Xia Tian and Bai Lin were going to settle down in N7 area, but the situation there was chaotic, and the whole world didn't seem to be suitable for settlement.

But Xia Tian's physical condition is not very good, and he needs a doctor to check him at any time, so he and Bai Lin stay in Xiao Minkov's resource area for the time being.

A while ago, a new floating area was raised on the west side, which is an enlarged version of the mansion of a certain powerful family. Little Minkov went for a wander, and this morning Xia Tian saw the flames of the base being destroyed.

The fire was burning very big, and Xia Tian suspected that Minkov didn't need to set such a big fire. But it's really pretty.

This benefactor really found a lifelong hobby.

——When he came to Xiao Minkov's resource point, Xia Tian knew how much resources the rich and powerful had in their hands. The engines on their sports cars were enough to float a small anti-gravity city. On the wasteland, this group of people who have squeezed out all the resources can still live a luxurious life as long as they want to. According to Xiao Minkov, they don't care about the world, and feel that they have evolved into high-end creatures.

Xia Tian didn't know where Mr. Minkov had gone, and Xiao Minkov didn't mention a word, and occasionally his face was very ugly when he heard it.

Xia Tian knew that they had disputed and negotiated, but did not know the details. The pair of little Minkovs were like a serious wound infection, and the sky could be gloomy just to mention it.

These days, Xia Tian's body has already recovered seven or seven eighty-eight, spent a lot of time in the training room, he needs to maintain the body's precise reaction ability.

The resource point is not very safe, the area is not too big, and most of the people have already left. Last night, when passing through a huge lake, they encountered a group of mutated creatures with sharp claws and fleshy wings. A fierce battle.

Little Minkoff rushed into the house, his hair disheveled, wearing a casual coat, probably with a gun or a high-quality bomb in it.

Xia Tian once felt that this person was more like a desperado, rather than a dignitary who appeared at the banquet in formal attire, and now he is similar to what he thought at the time.

Xia Tian and Xiao Bai were making dinner, and the child excitedly yelled at them: "Do you want to go hunting?"

Bai Lin was chopping vegetables, Xia Tian prepared a pot of suspicious sauce, the two turned to look at him.

"I found someone you two know," Xiao Minkov said, reaching out to eat the cut fruit next to him, "Ge Xin, he was so annoying on the guest show, I heard that an anti-gravity zone was built, and it was said that the floating city would be restored , is raising slaves—”

"I remember him." Bai Lin said.

Xia Tian also remembers. They remember each one.

He remembered the pain caused by this powerful man, and the careless smile on his face. Xia Tian also saw him at the banquet later, and had a good time playing with the specimens at the dinner with Jingting.

Xia Tian lowered his head, tasted the sauce, and felt that killing people was a little more sure than cooking.

He smiled at Little Minkoff, thinking that this line hadn't been said in a long time.

He asked: "How to kill?"


Extra episode

"in love"


Bai Lin was sitting in the VIP rest area of ​​the Fujin TV Headquarters building, waiting to go home together after the filming ended in summer.

They had sex two days ago, and this time there was no coercion, it was completely active, voluntary and enjoyable.

It was raining heavily in the upper city that day, the sky was cloudy and cold above, but the bedroom was like a separate world, bright and peaceful, he didn't want to care about anything, he just wanted to be with Xia Tian.

Three days had passed since then, and the weather in the upper city hadn't cleared yet, but the company had assigned a lot of work, and the two of them were too busy to touch the ground. There was a film to be made in summer, and Bai Lin was dragged into a tactical game show, so he didn't have time to do anything at all. Contact is just an occasional light touch of fingertips, or a comrade-in-arms-style shoulder-to-shoulder hook.

There was only one time when he was dozing off in the rest area, Xia Tian's hand was under the blanket and touched down along the abdomen, Bai Lin couldn't respond, he could only hold his fingers. The man's fingertips rubbed against his palm, which made people feel itchy, and Bai Lin's toes curled up.

Bai Lin feels that he is a determined person, but any contact with Xia Tian now makes his mind agitated. Haitian said that he could calm down a bit after filming today, but all he thought about was going back tonight and what to do with Xia Tian.

The workload is heavy, the outlook remains dark, but life somehow becomes exciting.

The big screen above was broadcasting the "Bright Moment" special of the summer, and the man's fame was at the height of his power, shining in the sky of Uptown, and he could be seen everywhere.

Right now it's the "Light of the Sky" program on Fujinsantai. The host, Le Fengyan, revolves around Xia Tian. He is an old hand and has experienced many big scenes, but he can't speak right now. .

Xia Tian was dressed in a slim black formal suit, and accepted the interview with a cold face, with a face of not being close to strangers, so cool as hell.

But Bai Lin knew how sweet he was when he laughed, how clingy he was when he acted coquettishly, and how easy he was to dance when he was happy. summer.

On the big screen, Le Fengyan excitedly said to Xia Tian: "Yes, the concept of 'revenge principle' and execution has always existed, but your existence has made those virtual, game or personal behaviors become a trend and become a trend. It is true, and countless people are proud of it, and want to pursue—”

However, what was shown on the big screen was not "Light of the Sky", but the second broadcast of "Shadow in the Cloud".

This is a program that intercepts videos and complains, with a funny style of personal attacks. There are many such things in Shangcheng, and all the new programs also have eye-catching reminders of giving up rights. If you want to be famous these days, you should rub your self-esteem away early.

The complaining host said that Le Fengyan "slept all the way up", and made various jokes about it.

"Looking at his horny mockup, he can't even tell the difference between a mop and a person at the party," Tucao host said, "but he probably doesn't mind if it's too clear, and he probably prefers a mop."

On the big screen, Le Fengyan continued: "You have that kind of power, just like the sun—"

"Don't look at it, if you look at it, it's straight," the Tucao host said with malicious glee, "I won't stab you, I'd better find a mop and be realistic, after all, it will never be soft."

Just at this time, Xia Lian passed by with a glass of red wine and greeted Xia Tian.

She's a petite girl with long hair draped over her shoulders, always smiling, from District K, and a felony Kill Show. Because of the name, the company has been dragging her to promote it with Xia Tian, ​​and they have become acquaintances.

Xia Tian raised his hand to greet her, showing a rare smile.

An idea looms like a shadow and begins to spread...

Bai Lin grabbed the wine glass, it was stupid, but he couldn't get rid of it.

He remembered that not long ago, Xia Tian made a joke while watching a TV series. He doesn't even remember the plot, it seems like two people love each other, going to bed one way or another. Xia Tian once heard Didi talk about the plot, probably one person slept with another person by accident, and the latter was very upset. He commented in a brisk tone: "Then it will be fine if he goes back to sleep again?"

Bai Lin, who was still Bai Jing'an at the time, thought, this person's way of judging things is really simple and rude.

But at this moment he thought of Xia Tian's appearance on the bed.

It was the first time, but she cooperated completely. When he entered, he just hugged him, buried his face in his chest, and didn't even scream. Later, I asked him to call, and he called to him... He pulled Xia Tian's hand away to play with his penis, and he honestly just grabbed the bed sheet and let him toss.

When it got too hard, Xia Tian couldn't help biting him, the bite only hurt a little, trying to control it, it was more like sex...

Bai Lin clenched his hands unconsciously, recalling now, a part of his body felt an unbearable longing.

But at such a moment, sitting in the warm hall, he was inexplicably cold. On the big screen, Le Fengyan was saying to Xia Tian: "You have top-notch qualifications to kill people or become a heartthrob!"

What happened in the guest show, Xia Tian... Do you think this is a way to make yourself happy and pay back something?

He was sure that Xia Tian liked it, but...

Knowing Xia Tian for so long, that person has never shown any interest in men, and never mentioned it. He occasionally talked about the past, and there were girls coming and going around him. He's always had an aversion to things like non-consensual sex, and he'll stop at nothing to make up for something...

This is so stupid, he should be more rational, Xia Tian would not do this, he would not sleep with him for this kind of thing... But at this moment, Bai Lin still felt chills in his bones.

The interview was still playing on the screen, Bai Lin was sitting there, and heard Xia Tian's voice not far behind him. He was talking to Haida about taking a break, and the filming ended.

Bai Lin didn't look back, knowing what Xia Tian looks like now, wearing a simple T-shirt, outlining a perfect figure, smiling beautifully, gathering sunshine from all over the world.

Thinking of that possibility, Bai Lin only felt a burst of anger.

How stupid is he? !

Xia Tian walked towards him and grabbed Bai Lin's shoulders.

A mass of warmth suddenly enveloped him, his body froze, and the man said: "Xiaobai, I just made a guest appearance as myself—"

Bai Lin smelled a little perfume from the sponsor on the summer clothes, like the smell of freshly cut grass. He is familiar with this power, and he is also familiar with this person's shoulder to shoulder with him without hesitation. He is so important in his life, illuminating the otherwise dark world.

Xia Tian said to him: "I found out that it is a romance drama, but Haitian said that he can go home at night after filming."

As he spoke, he smoothed Bai Lin's hair casually, he hid for a while, Xia Tian's hand still touched his hair, it was very warm.

Bai Lin stretched out his hand to block it, Xia Tian was taken aback.

Bai Lin didn't say a word, there are cameras everywhere, it's not the right time to say anything, any more actions can make the media excited and perform various functions.

He tried his best to smile towards Xia Tian, ​​expressing that it was all right. Something was churning in his stomach, and he was too confused to think clearly. He has never been like this.

Haitian came over to greet him, Bai Lin also smiled at her, and turned to confirm the next step.

He felt that Xia Tian had been staring at him.

There was only one shot of Bai Lin in the promotional video that day, and it was shot quickly, followed by a bunch of interviews.

Xia Tian kept looking at him, Bai Lin could almost feel his brain spinning, thinking about what went wrong. But Xia Tian never thinks for a long time.

During an interview, the man walked up to the camera, put his arms around Bai Lin's shoulders, smiled at the reporter, and said, "Let me borrow it."

The reporter and the staff smiled at him at the same time, saying that he could borrow whatever he wanted.

Bai Lin didn't move, his body stiffened by Xia Tian's arms, thinking that this person might drag him to the lounge and ask what happened. He'll make it clear to him then, that they'll be friends anyway—

Xia Tian didn't have the patience to drag him to the lounge at all, when he passed through the corridor, he saw the door of a utility room, so he opened it and dragged Bai Lin in.

Bai Lin confusedly thought that this door should be locked... Then he realized that Xia Tian now has the authority to open almost all doors, and can set the highest level of hiding. If he doesn't want to, no one can find him.

He couldn't believe it took him three seconds to remember, his mind was completely out of order.

Xia Tian pressed him against the wall and stared at him.

"What's wrong?" he said.

Bai Lin froze there, and it took several seconds before he could speak, which was more difficult than he imagined.

"You..." he said, "You don't have to do this."

Xia Tian looked at him, holding his hand firmly, but his eyes were a bit dazed.

"You didn't do anything wrong." Bai Lin said, "You don't have to return anything to me."

"What?" Xia Tian said.

He was wearing a black overcoat of the "Brilliant" brand, his hair was tossed by the hair stylist and tied into a small ball at the back, he looked so innocent, so handsome, and extremely sexy.

Bai Lin wanted to touch him, but tried his best not to do so.

"You don't have to... sleep with me," Bai Lin said, "It's so stupid. I like you, but it has nothing to do with you. You just... I promise, we will be best brothers no matter what, and we will be good .”

He spoke clearly and felt himself regain his composure.

"You don't owe me anything, understand?" he said.

Xia Tian looked at him, and suddenly reached out to touch his hair, Bai Lin took a step back, bumped into the cabinet, and looked at him as if facing a formidable enemy.

Xia Tian stops the action.

Bai Lin stared at him, waiting for a response.

He imagined Xia Tian's response.

Maybe a little embarrassed, saying that he thought it was a good idea to go to bed. Or he would just walk away with a sigh, come back to him afterwards, try to clarify the situation, then Bai Lin will ensure that everything goes well, he has to...

Xia Tian suddenly took a step towards him, pressed one hand on the wall next to Bai Lin, and clasped his chin with the other, leaned over to kiss him.

Bai Lin put his hand on his shoulder, kept a distance, and shouted: "Xiamen!"

But it didn't work at all, Xia Tian kissed his hair, then his cheeks and the corners of his lips. "I don't," he said, "I don't."

Bai Lin struggled a bit, but failed, he had never successfully resisted Xia Tian.

The man's kiss was warm, urgent and gentle. Bai Lin tried hard to control his breathing, tried to stand still, and said, "Come on, let's go home... um..."

Xia Tian kissed his lips, and his tongue stuck into his mouth, his whole body was tense, trying hard to stand still. Xia Tian just drank wine, he thought, very strong, the aftertaste is like... strawberry, very sweet.

He knows how much joy this person can bring him, a memory that can never be erased from the brain and is just as devastating that you can never go back to the way you were before.

The man kissed deeper, Bai Lin put his hands on his waist, his fingertips were trembling. He was dizzy and couldn't help kissing back.

Bai Lin never knew that he was so careless. He has lived in the upper city for so many years, and he has seen many restricted-level scenes. He has always felt bored, but now he is addicted to it, and feels that as long as Xia Tian can continue to kiss him, it doesn't matter.

The man bit the tip of his tongue, biting it a bit hard, Bai Lin trembled, grabbed Xia Tian by the collar, and pushed him away, his breath was broken, trying to control it, but he was not sure if his next action was to push him hard. He pressed against the wall.

Xia Tian's hair was almost all loose, three buttons were undone in the tearing just now, and he smiled triumphantly at him. His lips were rosy and shiny from the kiss, and they opened slightly, Bai Lin wanted to kiss him again, taste the taste of the wine between his lips and teeth, until he was out of breath.

He also saw himself in Xia Tian's eyes, the gray pupils were full of aggression, but he tried hard to suppress it and did not move.

"Listen, let's talk when we get back." He said sullenly, "Go and finish the work outside, I just want you to know... Summer!"

Xia Tian kissed him again, pulling his clothes with one hand. Bai Lin struggled a bit, the man pressed him even tighter, they knew each other too well, they always knew each other's intentions.

And he was already hard, so fucking irrational.

"Stop!" he said.

Xia Tian has already ripped off his trousers, lowered his head and kept kissing and licking the wounds on his shoulders, he is particularly fascinated by these old wounds. His knees were inserted between Bai Lin's legs, and his thighs pressed against his genitals, rubbing against him from time to time. Bai Lin leaned against the wall, holding his shoulder with one hand, unable to stand upright, feeling very fragile.

When Xia Tian wanted something, he couldn't stop it, there was never any way. Xia Tian wanted to kill people, go to bed, and destroy the world, but he finally did it together with him, and he did it happily.

Xia Tian went to pull his trousers again, his hands went up the back waist, and touched a long wound. The man's movements were urgent and chaotic, his canine teeth bit his shoulder, and Bai Lin let out an unbearable gasp.

Everything was so chaotic, enthusiastic, and at a loss, and the huge emotions in my heart overflowed and were uncontrollable, making the whole person chaotic and completely irrational.

Bai Lin had seen a lot of utility room "games" on TV, but he had never cared about them. This was one of the countless pretense-exciting sexual games in Uptown.

But now they are in a broken utility room, their trousers are half-faded, leaning against the wall, Xia Tian is pressing him, his eyes are full of aggression, his pupils dilate, his color becomes darker, his longing is almost overflowing.

If it's just pretending, Bai Lin thought, it's simply a show of acting.


But then Xia Tian stood still for a few seconds, put down his hands, took a breath, and separated a little distance.

Bai Lin knew what he wanted to do, he wanted it, wanted to enter... wanted to fuck him. He's always been that aggressive guy. But he's trying to control it, like he was on a guest show, not wanting to hurt him a bit.

"You..." Bai Lin said. He wanted to say "let's finish the matter and talk about it when we go back." He should be very calm in his imagination, but his voice was hoarse and full of lust.

He paused in embarrassment, cleared his throat, and prepared to continue. But he couldn't tell why he was still holding on to Xia Tian's collar tightly with one hand, as if he didn't want to end this lingering relationship.

He lowered his head, Xia Tian has already erected, very obvious.

Bai Lin stretched out his hand, stroked it, and rubbed it slowly. Xia Tian lowered his head, his body was tense, Bai Lin took a step towards him, his breathing intertwined, Xia Tian's hair trembled with his breathing.

Still not sure why, he unzipped Xia Tian's belt, unzipped the zipper, and put his hands in his trousers... Maybe just to be sure. It was fully erect in there, hot, and of good size, the way a guy wants it so badly.

Xia Tian looked up at him, his eyes were dark, like a wild leopard, the wildness in his bones was completely teased, no restraint, no one else, close at hand.

Bai Lin's heart beat fast.

He has only done two times with Xia Tian since the guest show, both of which are above, he can't think about... the things below, thinking about it makes him terrified. But he knew it was now.

In this glance, they vaguely reached a certain consensus. Xia Tian leaned over to kiss him again, this time the movement was slow but full of tension, every move suppressed desire.

Bai Lin cautiously returned the kiss, at this moment, Xia Tian suddenly used both hands to pick him up and put him on a narrow decorative edge in the utility room.

Bai Lin hung half of his body, his trousers were half ripped off, feeling very exposed, he trembled a little, but tried to calm himself down.

He saw Xia Tian pull out a tube of lubricant from his pocket, and visually guessed it was the small bottle of "God of War custom" at home.

"You take this thing with you?" Bai Lin said.

"I have been looking for opportunities." Xia Tian said. Different from his aggressive movements, he spoke in a nasal voice, resting his chin on Bai Lin's neck, and rubbing his nose against his neck.

Bai Lin suddenly felt that his worry was silly. Xia Tian is the same as him, all he wants to find a little chance to touch each other during the work break.

Xia Tian likes him, really... really wants to.

He watched Xia Tian press open the bottle, and the red liquid flowed out - this thing doesn't need to be twisted, it's really convenient and fast. He rested his head on Xia Tian's shoulder, his heartbeat was terribly fast, but he felt joy inexplicably, this emotion was incomprehensible and illogical.

He felt Xia Tian's fingers poking in from below, his body tensed up, his knees rubbed against Xia Tian's waist, and the cloth rubbed against each other, making a soft sound.

He thought of the guest show again for a moment, that time...

Xia Tian's movements stopped, Bai Lin didn't move, he was stuck between Xia Tian and the decorative edge, his lower body was hanging in the air, his clothes were disheveled, he was still holding onto his shoulder, waiting.

Then Xia Tian's fingers pushed inward steadily, they didn't speak, their breaths intertwined, which made people feel at ease.

Impossible not to remember, both of them. But things will work out.

There was a temporary performance in the corridor outside the utility room, the music suddenly turned up, and the light turned red, seeping in through the crack of the door.

They didn't care, Bai Lin could clearly feel Xia Tian's fiery erection rubbing against his thigh.

Xia Tian's fingers were urgently expanding in his body, and there was a slight sound of water, and Bai Lin's scalp felt numb... The intrusion was so strong that the man's breath brushed against his skin, and he couldn't escape it.

Bai Lin gritted his teeth and tried to relax, he can solve this, the guest show won't drag him down forever.

Xia Tian pulled out his finger, his back acupuncture point contracted, and he felt a chill. The man leaned closer to him again, Bai Lin knew that he was about to come in.

But then Xia Tian stopped, he was confirming. Bai Lin clasped his shoulder with one hand, and said in as calm a voice as possible: "I'm fine, I'm fine..."

Xia Tian separated a little distance and looked at him, Bai Lin saw himself in his eyes, trying to keep his face as sinking as water, as if it was no big deal.

Xia Tian suddenly leaned over, kissing his hair non-stop, and at the same time spread his legs further apart.

Bai Lin slipped, unconsciously clinging to Xia Tian, ​​and then felt that man's penis pressed against the opening of the hole, and a part of it squeezed in.

He tried to breathe calmly, Xia Tian held his waist with both hands, and dragged him towards him. Bai Lin couldn't even sit on the narrow edge of the decoration, and slid down, another person's avatar slowly inserted into his body, unstoppable.

He struggled a bit, but he couldn't exert any strength from this angle. Xia Tian completely controlled him, pressed him down steadily, and the penis inserted a large section in an instant. Bai Lin almost cried out, he hugged Xia Tian tightly and tried his best to suppress the panic.

He didn't feel pain—he wasn't afraid of pain, but he was out of control. So hot, so chaotic, so messed up.

They were short of breath, intertwined with each other, Xia Tian loosened the strength in his hand, and the penis completely entered Bai Lin's body.

At that moment, Bai Lin stopped breathing. It was so deep, it filled him completely, it was painful, but there was a tingling in the friction, and he shivered, terrified...he knew what the tingling would bring.

Xia Tian also shivered at the same time, bit Bai Lin's shoulder, and groaned with unbearable desire.

The voice made Bai Lin's hair stand on end, he was at a loss...he shouldn't be like this, but at this moment he was completely confused, and his heart was still overflowing with something he didn't know what it was.

Something irrational, full of joy, exhilarated by arousing another's desire and leaving him bewildered and helpless. Want to satisfy him, give him everything.

The two maintained a joint state, Xia Tian pressed him against the wall, his chin pressed against his neck socket, and then he pushed hard again, hitting a certain point inside. He knows where that place is.

Bai Lin tensed up suddenly, and let out a gasp, his voice was broken, not like his own.

Xia Tian was in his body, it became even harder, his arms firmly trapped him between the walls, crushing that point again.

Bai Lin struggled to breathe, heard himself making a nasal sound like a sob, and he tried hard to control it.

Xia Tian went up again, Bai Lin grabbed him in a panic, he didn't know where to put his hands and feet, the pleasure hit his body, and his mind went blank.

He needs to slow down his breath, and... then...

He can't help it... He doesn't know how to do it, Xia Tian's penis has completely entered his body, constantly grinding on the sensitive point, sometimes suddenly thrusting, without warning.

Bai Lin's fingers tightened and opened again, his body stretched to the extreme, he suddenly lowered his head, biting Xia Tian's clothes hard.

He can't... lose control, he has to... guarantee...

He didn't know what he was going to do, he just... just couldn't...

He felt the dark, cold abyss in his heart, where stood a broken and mad man, repeating that to be calm, he had to fix this, to control everything.

Bai Lin always said that he didn't remember the guest show, but he did. At least remember the most humiliating part, the three orgasms under the watchful eyes of everyone, and finally completely collapsed...

He was always sensible, but finally he was completely torn apart under the eyes of those people—

He endured all that because he firmly held on to one thought: He would take Xia Tian back at all costs.

And when he finally fell into the abyss, there was still a vague and naive idea in his mind... too emotional and not rational at all.

He thought: Xia Tian will also bring him back.


"Xiaobai, Xiaobai," Xia Tian said, kissing him repeatedly, so urgently, "You are so kind, Xiaobai... you are so tight inside..."

"Shut up!" Bai Lin said.

His voice was broken, and he was out of breath, but it only made Xia Tian more excited. The man hugged him up with both hands. He was completely embedded in Xia Tian's penis, wrapped around his waist awkwardly, so as not to fall off.

He slipped, grabbed it frantically, and cursed. Xia Tian turned around suddenly, the angle of the penis in his body changed, Bai Lin shivered and almost jumped up.

But he didn't break away, he never broke away from Xia Tian.

The man put him on the cover of a broken small 3D printer next to him, and kept kissing him. He kissed people endlessly, and even bit when he was excited. I can't use my strength.

The utility room is littered with broken stuff waiting to be recycled. The items are all new. There are no old items in the world. Everything that is not so good will be quickly destroyed, keep up with the trend, and be re-produced.

Bai Lin was lying on the black board, his lower body hanging in the air, the sunlight from the frosted window came in, his clothes were disheveled, his lower body was exposed, his legs were wrapped around Xia Tian's waist...

The man looked down at the place where they joined, his eyes focused. Bai Lin trembled, he wanted to shrink back, Xia Tian held his waist tightly.

Bai Lin told himself that it was nothing, that he had seen everything he needed to see... But the man's gaze made him curl up his toes, so concentrated, he would record everything at this moment, without missing a single thing.

"Don't look!" he said.

Xia Tian smiled at him. In the soft sunlight, his hair was disheveled, sensual, sexy as hell.

"You obviously like it." He said, and pushed again, "You are so tight behind..."

Bai Lin covered his face with his arms, so ashamed that he didn't know what to say, but Xia Tian pulled his arms away, pressed them to the side, focused on him, and continued to fuck him.

Bai Lin couldn't maintain his composure at all, and he didn't dare to think about what he was like now. He's a good fighter, but the thrill is different, it eats you up, it melts you down, it makes you believe that anything can be resolved and nothing matters when you're with that guy.

But that is a lie.

He struggled to control his breathing, trying to find a little rhythm, but Xia Tian's penis pressed that point, slowed down, and began to pound hard again. The pleasure made Bai Lin's mind completely blank, and he shouted: "Xiamen... you... ah! ah—"

His eyes were red, his legs had no strength to wrap around Xia Tian's waist, so he could only hang on.

He gritted his teeth, but the man pressed hard, he raised his neck, fully unfolded under Xia Tian, ​​and heard his prolonged moan, overflowing with desire, so sweet. Now he can take whatever he wants, and he has no resistance at all.

For a while, Bai Lin was sure that Xia Tian was about to ejaculate, but then the man slowed down and stared at him, eyes full of love. Bai Lin realized what he was doing.

"Don't..." he said, his voice low and pleading, "it's ok... we... still have work..."

Xia Tian leaned over to kiss him, as if he couldn't kiss enough, and never wanted to end.

"I like being inside Xiaobai," Xia Tian said, "I want to stay a little longer... Xiaobai's inside is so hot..."

Bai Lin was so ashamed that his hands were shaking, this man really could say anything. But his penis became harder and harder, ready to ejaculate at any time.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai," Xia Tian said, kissing him, "you completely wrapped me in will tremble if you touch it..."

Bai Lin couldn't say anything anymore, he opened his lips, and every time Xia Tian pressed his head, he let out trembling groans, Xia Tian was still muttering something, Bai Lin felt that he was as confused as himself, and he didn't know what he was doing. what to say.

The man kept grinding the sensitive points in his body, followed by another round of dashing, the little remaining strength in Bai Lin's body was completely squeezed out. His whole body was tense, his eyes were red, he completely lost control, he could no longer think about anything, and completely surrendered himself.

The intimacy is extremely extreme, and while getting pleasure, it also makes the other party get great happiness.

Xia Tian wants, he likes him...they like each other. It was just such a simple thing, but it made him so excited that he couldn't control it. Many years later, he suddenly realized that he was so young and had no self-control in front of sex.

He was covered in sweat, trembling uncontrollably because of the pleasure, and he had no strength to scruple on shame.

The utility room was narrow and very quiet, Bai Lin could hear the sound of the water pumping and thrusting, as well as his own moaning brokenly, and he couldn't speak a complete sentence.

He's so full, he's out of work and "it's in the fucking utility room" for a second, just pleasure. Warmth overflowed, and the empty and sad parts of the body were filled, and there was no more darkness and loss.