King of Assassins

Chapter 10: Illuminate yourself


Yun Qingchang was unconscious for an unknown amount of time before she woke up groggily.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she felt something was wrong. The place she was in was very small, dark, damp, moldy and cold. The furnishings in the room were also extremely simple.

The key room was still shaking up and down, making people feel very insecure.

"This is on the ship..."

Yun Qingchang immediately came to her senses. Although she had never been on a real ship, she had experienced it many times in virtual reality training. She was not unfamiliar with ships.

"you're awake."

Gao Xuan, who was sitting in the opposite corner lazily and in a daze, immediately noticed Yun Qingchang's unusual movement.

He came close to Yun Qingchang and stuffed a nutrient into her mouth: "Eat, and then go back to sleep. It will take us a few more days to reach land."

Yun Qingchang didn’t think too much. As long as Gao Xuan was by her side, she wouldn’t have to be hesitant or afraid even if she was in hell.

She obediently ate ten highly concentrated nutrient supplements, and after her body's needs were fully replenished, she fell into a deep sleep again uncontrollably.

"Sleep well, baby, I'll take care of everything..."

Gao Xuan sighed and said, "It's a pity that I don't have a suitable identity to go online. I have been suffering in this shabby place for more than ten days."

There are communication satellites everywhere in the sky above Pegasus, and Skynet signals cover the entire world.

However, Gao Xuan did not have a suitable identity to log into Skynet, and suddenly logging into Skynet would definitely leave a lot of digital traces.

If anything goes wrong afterwards, it’s inevitable that he will be traced back.

The small lower cabin was extremely boring, and there was no one to talk to, so Gao Xuan could only endure it.

Gao Xuan had been lying there for a while when he heard footsteps in the corridor. Although there was a wall between them, he could clearly see the details of the two people in his mind.

One is 193.33654 cm tall and weighs 162114.24457 grams, while the other is much shorter, only 165.54471 cm tall and weighs 64457.24574 grams.

The two men were also carrying pistols, daggers, gas masks, and two poison gas bombs.

It can be said that the preparations were quite thorough.

Both of them had dark complexions, chapped faces, and unusually dry and yellow hair, which were the characteristics of sailors who lived on the water for many years.

During the past ten days on the ship, Gao Xuan had not been really idle.

Taking advantage of this leisure time, he organized what he had learned and built a database for himself.

In a few years, with the advancement of optical brain technology and the increasing advancement of artificial intelligence, it will be able to conduct in-depth and detailed observations of the human body. Humans will also get used to using optical brain chips to manage themselves.

From thoughts to body, everything can be analyzed and expressed using data. This is what is called the true data age.

Gao Xuan doesn’t have such an advanced optical computer chip, nor does he know how to install that thing in his brain.

The so-called data-based analysis is basically about analyzing yourself in depth and detail.

Just like when people go to the hospital for a physical examination, they can get various data through various equipment and instruments.

Data such as blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, etc. are the digitization of the human body.

However, the examination instruments have their limitations, and many data cannot be quantified, such as emotional state, including IQ and so on.

The six-winged cicada is a top-level golden treasure, better than all scientific instruments and all intelligent optical computers.

In the entire universe, the six-winged cicada is the one who knows Gao Xuan best.

Through the six-winged cicada, Gao Xuan can gain insight into his own body and mind, and then express it in the simplest form of data.

Name: Gao Xuan.

Age: 18 years old.

Sex: Male.

Height: 188.88888 cm.


Physical fitness: 13 (the standard for a healthy 20-year-old male is 10)

Spirit: 28

Strength: 12

Agility: 15

Source power level: Level 3. (Black Iron)

Aurora Swordsmanship: Level 5. (Gold)

Flying Swallow Double Blade Technique: Level 5 (Gold)

Six-winged Cicada: Gold-level rare item. (Bronze)

God-Slaying Sword: Gold-level rare item. (Bronze)

Raven's Twin Blades: Made of titanium steel.

Crossbow Pistol: A fine pistol.

These data all come from Gao Xuan's own data analysis.

The four data items of spirit, physique, agility and strength are quantified based on the data of an ordinary 20-year-old healthy man.

The human body is complex and sophisticated, with source power, supernatural powers, body, and spirit all affecting each other. Therefore, Gao Xuan's strength and agility are very ordinary, even worse than Yun Qingshang's.

The only difference is the spirit value, which is as high as 28 points.

Such spiritual power is stronger than that of ordinary gold-level warriors.

Before Gao Xuan’s rebirth, he was the infamous and feared king of assassins: Tian Chan.

Among the many gold masters, Gao Xuan might not be the strongest, but he is recognized as the most spiritual.

He has always been the only one who kills people, but no one can catch him.

Such powerful spiritual power is the basis for Gao Xuan to control the Sword of God-Slaying.

Therefore, Gao Xuan killed Xu Hui and Zhou Lang like killing a chicken. As for the others, there is no need to mention them.

Due to the limitation of external factors such as source power, the highest level of Pegasus is source power level 10, which is the top level of bronze.

Gao Xuan now holds the God-Slaying Sword in his hand, and can fight against any strong enemy above level ten.

Just like the two guys who came in from the door, they were just there to deliver their food.

Of course, there were no good people on this smuggling ship. Although Gao Xuan paid a large sum of money for the smuggling, several sailors wanted to kill Gao Xuan and take all his money.

In just over ten days, Gao Xuan never went out and didn't eat the food they sent him.

The group of people never found a good opportunity.

After several attempts, they discovered that Gao Xuan might have eye problems. The key point was that Yun Qingchang was beautiful, but unconscious. They didn't know what was going on.

Yun Qingchang's beauty further aroused the hostility of this group of people.

Seeing that they would enter the inland sea in two days, there would be more ships by then, and it would be inconvenient to take action. Some guys couldn't help but want to use force.

The two sailors were also quite cautious. They stood at the door, glanced at each other, and quietly pulled out their guns.

Gao Xuan, who always kept his eyes closed, also made them feel very strange. Especially since Gao Xuan was so handsome, it was beyond the limits of human beings.

Such a person must certainly be treated with caution.

However, two pistols should be enough to deal with a blind man.

The short sailor whispered to the big sailor, "I'll knock on the door first. When he opens the door, shoot him. Try not to kill him. Such a handsome man can be sold for a lot of money!"

The big guy nodded vigorously.

The short sailor knocked on the door twice, but there was no movement from inside.

The short sailor was a little confused. He put his ear to the door, trying to listen to what was going on inside.

There was a flash of red light, and a blood-red sword blade suddenly pierced out from the short sailor's ear.

The short sailor's head was pierced by the sword, and he was unable to react and died instantly.

The big sailor was shocked and hadn't figured out what was going on.

The red blade flashed again, and the blade had pierced the big sailor's forehead.

As the blood grew, the two sailors melted into a ball of blood.

Gao Xuan pushed the door open and sneered, "I was a little embarrassed to kill someone to silence him, but you guys came to me, so I won't be polite."

Running away from the Beikun base is not the end, but the beginning.

The Blood God Society's power is spread all over the Milky Way and is extremely large. Although the Beikun Base is only a small branch, the murder of Zhou Lang and Xu Hui will definitely attract the attention of the Blood God Society.

Gao Xuan was very clear that if he and Yun Qingchang revealed any trace, they would have to face endless pursuit by the Blood God Society.

Fortunately, the Beikun base is a fully enclosed base, and all the students' personal data is stored on the base's optical computer.

Because something went wrong with the host Xu Yan, these data were not submitted.

As long as he cleaned up all traces, the Blood God Society would not be able to discover the existence of him and Yun Qingshang.

When choosing the smuggling boat, Gao Xuan immediately took a liking to the captain with a fierce look on his face: he was an elf.

The Eldar are a very special race of life, they are like a ball of condensed green light, without a physical body. The Eldar can only parasitize other races of life.

Parasitic elves will constantly erode the spirits of other lives, eventually taking over their bodies completely.

After humans entered the Galaxy Age, they inevitably came into contact with the Eldar, who also successfully infiltrated the human race and multiplied.

Although humans whose bodies are occupied by the elves still retain human knowledge and memory, their fundamental thinking has been completely changed.

The existence of the Eldar fundamentally destroyed the unity of mankind and the foundation of human society, which directly led to the defeat and destruction of mankind in the Galactic War.

It can be said that the Eldar are the mortal enemies of humans and there is absolutely no possibility of coexistence.

Gao Xuan has the highest spirituality of the six-winged cicada, and is most sensitive to the aura of the spirit race. As long as he comes into close contact, he can immediately recognize the identity of the spirit race.

In his opinion, the Eldar race must be exterminated.

Gao Xuan originally wanted to wait for two more days, but now that the other party had taken the initiative, he would not be polite anymore.

Gao Xuan closed the door casually and went up with the Sword of God-Slaying.

This smuggling boat is not big, with only a dozen sailors and a captain. This boat is mainly used for smuggling and reselling various contraband items.

Smuggling is just a part-time job for them.

The sea was endless and life on the ship was boring. It was time to deal with Gao Xuan again, so a group of sailors gathered in the wheelhouse and chatted with the captain excitedly.

"That boy is so damn good-looking, I think he's even better than his sister!"

"No matter how good-looking he is, he is still a man. I want to play with his sister."

"You know shit"

A group of dirty and smelly sailors were extremely excited when talking about this kind of thing.

Some sensible people even said in a flattering way: "Are there any rules?"

The captain was a bald, red-faced man wearing a leather waistcoat with his arms bare. He looked very large sitting there, and looked very heavy.

He said with a serious face: "Why haven't the big guys come back yet? Go and have a look with a few more people, before anything gets into trouble..."

"Don't look, something's wrong."

Gao Xuan responded outside the door, then pushed the door open and entered the cockpit.

Gao Xuan lowered his head slightly, his long bangs hiding his sunglasses. In his hand was an exquisite and elegant red sword with a sheath.

Mysterious, dangerous, and a bit weird.

Although this group of sailors were knowledgeable, they were a little confused when they suddenly saw Gao Xuan.

Before the sailors could react, the sharp blood-red blade light flashed across the cockpit like a rainbow or a curtain, instantly covering the entire cockpit.

(End of this chapter)