King of Assassins

Chapter 117: Evil God


There are always many missed opportunities in life.

Bai Yutang felt very sorry that she didn't meet Gao Xuan at the best time.

Now, it's all a little late.

Bai Yutang felt that she was not worthy of Gao Xuan and was not qualified to stay with Gao Xuan forever.

"Sister Tang, you're awake."

Gao Xuan was also awakened by Bai Yutang. He reached out and embraced Bai Yutang and said seriously: "Sister Tang, you are so beautiful."

Bai Yutang smiled and said, "I have a question. Have you reached the highest level of sweet talk? Why are they so nice to hear and so likable?"

"I'm telling the truth."

Gao Xuan was very sincere: "If you don't believe me, look at Gao Xiaoer."

Bai Yutang slapped Gao Xuan in annoyance: "You are naughty."

She said to Gao Xuan with some regret: "I really hope we can stay like this forever."

Gao Xuan said: "We can be together forever."

"Humans are so fragile. There are countless dangers in this world."

"It's not that dangerous. Don't worry, Sister Tang. I will protect you."

Bai Yutang slowly put her head in Gao Xuan's arms and asked softly, "Ah Xuan, do you believe in God?"


Gao Xuan gently stroked Bai Yutang's smooth long hair. He said nonchalantly, "I know there are many charlatans who pretend to be gods. There may be powerful lives in the universe, but there is no omniscient and omnipotent god."

"No, there is a true God in this universe."

Bai Yutang raised his head and said to Gao Xuan seriously: "The true God may not be omnipotent and omniscient, but he has infinite power. If we believe in the true God, we will be blessed and protected."


Gao Xuan was somewhat surprised: "Sister Tang, don't be fooled by this charlatan."

Bai Yutang shook her head and said, "I'm not stupid. The power of the true God is beyond your imagination. Ah Xuan, you must believe me. Would Sister Tang lie to you?"

Gao Xuan had a strange expression on his face, as if he didn't know what to say.

Bai Yutang understood Gao Xuan. Modern education does not talk about mystery, let alone religion. Everything is explained by modern scientific views. It is normal for Gao Xuan not to believe in God.

"Ah Xuan, in fact, the top dignitaries all believe in God. They can have smooth sailing because the gods are blessing them."

Bai Yutang was very serious, but Gao Xuan didn't care much. "Even if that's the case, what does it have to do with us?"

"Ah Xuan, we are too weak. Only the gods can protect us. Only the gods can make our wishes come true."

Bai Yutang looked straight at Gao Xuan with his bright eyes, but unfortunately, Gao Xuan had his eyes closed and he couldn't see what he was thinking.

Bai Yutang thought for a moment and said, "Ah Xuan, you have to trust Sister Tang. I won't harm you."

This reason was obviously very convincing, and Gao Xuan was obviously moved: "Of course I believe Sister Tang."

Bai Yutang pulled Gao Xuan's hand and went to the top floor. She opened the heavy security door and took Gao Xuan into the secret room.

The secret room is more than ten meters high and covers an area of more than two hundred square meters. There is a huge human-shaped statue in front.

The statue was sitting on a wide chair, wearing a black robe, with a blurry face and only a pair of strange and deep red eyes.

Any normal person would think that this statue is abnormal. Not only because of its dark and mysterious style, but also because of the unsettling aura it exudes.

There is a table in front of the statue, on which are placed some strange things, such as bones, gems, etc. They look more like tributes.

Gao Xuan showed surprise on his face, but he was very happy in his heart because he saw Xiaohong again!

The God of Blood, also known as the Lord of Destruction, is the evil god who controls the life and death of all life in the universe. Xiaohong is Gao Xuan's nickname for him.

In his previous life, Gao Xuan had no idea how many times he had worshiped this evil god. But until the destruction of mankind, he had never seen the true form of this evil god.

In terms of level, the God of Blood is indeed very, very high.

However, this evil god is far from being omniscient and omnipotent. It is also difficult for the evil god to detect what his followers are thinking.

Unless the God of Blood descends and incarnates, using his powerful force to forcibly seize a person's memory, he can know the person's true inner thoughts.

As a high-level intelligent life form, humans have a very strong spirituality. As their cultivation level improves, this spirituality will become stronger and stronger.

This is like a human being and an ant, there is a huge gap in the level of life. Humans can manipulate ants at will and decide their life and death.

However, even if people open the skull of an ant, they still don’t know what the ant is thinking.

No powerful life can directly explore the human heart.

Standing in front of the statue of the God of Blood, Gao Xuan was not worried at all. Not to mention that it was a statue, even if it was an incarnation, he would not be able to see through his thoughts.

Of course, if the incarnation of the God of Blood really comes, the situation will become very bad.

Gao Xuan believed that the God of Blood was not so free as to waste his attention on him.

"This is the Lord of Destruction who controls life and death, and has endless power."

Bai Yutang pulled Gao Xuan and said, "Kneel down quickly."

Gao Xuan seemed reluctant: "Sister Tang, this guy doesn't look serious."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Bai Yutang pleaded with Gao Xuan anxiously: "Ah Xuan, I will never hurt you. Believe me."

"I believe Sister Tang, but..."

Gao Xuan seemed a little hesitant, and Bai Yutang didn't think much about it. It would have been strange if Gao Xuan believed it without hesitation.

After these days of contact, Bai Yutang has already gotten to know Gao Xuan very well.

Although Gao Xuan is playful, interested in novel things, and enjoys luxury, he has his own opinions and will rarely change his mind once he has made a decision.

Normally, Bai Yutang should spend some more time slowly corrupting Gao Xuan until he completely falls into the trap and has no choice but to join the organization.

However, Bai Yutang couldn't bear to use those methods on Gao Xuan. After she turned fifteen, she no longer believed in love. But in Gao Xuan, she found that kind of heart-pounding feeling.

Bai Yutang didn’t know if this was love, and she didn’t want to analyze it. She just wanted to be nicer to Gao Xuan.

Although the Blood God Society has a bad reputation and has done many bad things, it is a very, very powerful organization, with power covering the entire alliance.

Joining such an organization is a good thing for Gao Xuan. No matter how talented Gao Xuan is, he is still at the bottom. If he wants to cross the class, he will inevitably infringe on the interests of many people.

Only the Blood God Society can protect him and make him a strong man.

Bai Yutang said: "Ah Xuan, when you are weak, you should rely on the strong. This is the way for the weak to survive."

"We are not weak." Gao Xuan disagreed.

"Strength and weakness are relative."

Bai Yutang said earnestly: "Ah Xuan, your swordsmanship is very powerful, but can you beat a level 10 swordsman?"

"Maybe. How do you know if you don't try?" Gao Xuan was very confident.

"Then can you beat the Silver Swordsman?"

"We definitely can't win now." Gao Xuan said realistically.

Bai Yutang continued, "Swordsmen, Sword Saints, and many business tycoons, chaebols, and various powerful organizations. In front of these forces, we are insignificant.

"In order to control our own destiny, we must rely on the strong. This is the only way to survive in the dark jungle and have the opportunity to continue to grow. Is this right?"

Gao Xuan thought for a moment and said, "That's true, but it's not that exaggerated."

"No, it's more exaggerated than you think."

Bai Yutang said: "You have only been in Mingjing for two months, and you have already offended a lot of powerful children. It's just that they didn't touch you because of Wei Yue's face. When Wei Zhenzhen left, you assumed that you were abandoned by the Wei family. Will those powerful children let you go

"There are also people like Hong Anfu. When they see someone as outstanding as you, they naturally want to plunder your genes. There are evil people everywhere in this universe. We must be vigilant and protect ourselves."

Bai Yutang said solemnly: "Ah Xuan, if you trust me, just listen to me."

Gao Xuan said helplessly: "Okay."

Seeing that Gao Xuan finally agreed, Bai Yutang also breathed a sigh of relief. She rewarded Gao Xuan with a kiss: "Ah Xuan, you are so nice."

Bai Yutang took Gao Xuan and knelt in front of the statue, and she prayed silently for a long time.

The black statue's red eyes suddenly lit up, and a red light fell on Gao Xuan. His chest felt hot, and a blood-red flame mark appeared.

Bai Yutang was overjoyed and pulled Gao Xuan to kowtow and express his gratitude.

Gao Xuan reluctantly followed suit and bowed a few times, then stood up hastily, "Sister Tang, are you done?"

Bai Yutang stood up with a smile: "Okay, from now on, you will have the mark of God on you and will be blessed by God. Moreover, everyone in the organization is your brother or sister."

"Really?" Gao Xuan expressed his doubt.

Bai Yutang said a little embarrassedly: "Well, don't trust others easily. It's okay, I will protect you."

She paused and said, "Our organization is called the Blood God Society. It is divided into twenty levels in total. The highest leader is of course the president of the general assembly, followed by the elders, then deacons of all levels, and then the branch presidents and branch deacons."

Bai Yutang said: "I am the ninth-level deacon of the Pegasus branch."

Gao Xuan asked curiously, "What level am I at?"

Bai Yutang was a little amused: "You just joined the organization, so you can only be an ordinary member. However, I promoted you to level five."

"What's the use of level five? Is there a salary?" Gao Xuan asked.

“There is no salary in the organization. You earn money based on how much work you do.”

Bai Yutang said seriously: "Of course the organization is very rich. As long as things are done well, you can naturally make a lot of money."

"It's still distribution according to work, very scientific..." Gao Xuan complained.

Bai Yutang couldn't help but laugh. She warned, "Remember, we are a secret organization. We must not reveal our identity to outsiders."

"All right."

Gao Xuan thought for a moment and emphasized, "I won't do anything bad."

Bai Yutang nodded: "You don't have to do anything bad."

She said silently in her heart: "I will do all the bad things."

She originally wanted to use Gao Xuan to get close to Wei Yue, but now that they have this relationship, she is reluctant to let Gao Xuan do bad things.

At least, Gao Xuan doesn't need to do bad things now.

Gao Xuan suddenly asked: "How do I get this flame mark? It will be seen when I sleep with a girl."

Bai Yutang couldn't help but glare at Gao Xuan: "You are still thinking about other women!"

"I like Sister Tang, but I also like other beauties."

Gao Xuan said in embarrassment: "This is very difficult to control."

Bai Yutang was a little unhappy, but she still held it in. She said unhappily, "The mark of God will be hidden in two days. It will only appear if you deliberately use the source of power to stimulate it."

"Is it?"

Gao Xuan became interested. He lifted up Bai Yutang's clothes and said, "Let me see Sister Tang's mark."

Bai Yutang knocked Gao Xuan's head a little shyly, but she still obediently revealed the mark.

Her blood-red flame mark was obviously larger, and if you looked closely you could see it was divided into nine pieces of flames.

When the mark appeared, red flames jumped, as if real flames were shining.

Gao Xuan reached out and touched it: "Wow, it's so big..."

"Don't be naughty."

Bai Yutang slapped Gao's hand away, but she was smiling happily. She was in a very good mood after bringing Gao Xuan into the organization and making him one of her own.

After breakfast, Bai Yutang took Gao Xuan shopping.

From head to toe and from top to bottom, Bai Yutang bought a lot of clothes, shoes and hats for Gao Xuan.

The two were happily strolling arm in arm when Bai Yutang saw Jiang Haoran walking towards them.

Jiang Haoran's eyes fell on the hands held by Bai Yutang and Gao Xuan, his face was a little gloomy, but he quickly adjusted himself. He greeted politely and calmly: "Yutang, what a coincidence."

Jiang Haoran glanced at Gao Xuan: "Who is this?"

(End of this chapter)