King of Assassins

Chapter 15: Probe


The cave is spacious enough, clean and safe, but a little cold.

Wang Hongen took a look around and was very satisfied with the environment.

In the primeval forest, the most troublesome things are all kinds of ferocious beasts, poisonous insects, and various unpredictable dangers.

Living in a cave is at least safe enough.

After the expedition team set up the tents, they split into two teams and went to work separately.

The girls were taken by Xu Yin to investigate the surrounding environment.

Wang Hongen took a tour guide and a group of boys to explore the volcanic area.

A safe path must be found so the expedition team can go deeper into the volcanic area.

As soon as the expedition team left, the bustling cave immediately became deserted.

"Are they the ones you are waiting for?" Yun Qingchang asked.

Yun Qingchang has been trained as a killer since childhood. He is not good at communication, but he has a sharp eye for observing people.

She saw clearly that only Wang Hongen and Xu Yin were level 5 experts in the expedition team. The other students were only level 1 or 2. Not worth mentioning.

Not to mention Gao Xuan's magical sword, she could defeat the entire expedition team by herself.

In the wilderness, no matter what they do, no one will discover them.

Yun Qingchang was a little confused about what Gao Xuan was waiting for.

"Just be patient."

Gao Xuan said softly, "If we want to enter society with a legal identity, we can't do anything wrong. This expedition team will be very useful to us. Especially Xu Yin."

He paused and reminded, "Wang Hongen is very dangerous, don't underestimate him."

"What specific plans do you have?"

Yun Qingchang felt that she needed to know more before she could help Gao Xuan.

Gao Xuan smiled and said, "There is an ancient relic deep in the volcanic area, and there are good things hidden inside. Let's try our luck, maybe we can get great benefits."

The Dragon Pupil is hidden deep in the volcano. It was during this adventure that Wang Hongen obtained the Dragon Pupil, and later became a peerless warrior famous throughout the galaxy.

However, Wang Hongen was a sinister and despicable man. Seeing that the human race was in a bad situation, he actually betrayed the human race and dealt a fatal blow to the human race.

The fate of the entire human race has changed because of this.

Gao Xuan had dealt with Wang Hongen several times before his rebirth, and he was extremely disgusted with this guy.

It was precisely because the two sides had met before that Gao Xuan knew some of Wang Hongen's past.

It was during Wang Hongen's investigation in the Bailong Mountains that he obtained the Dragon Pupil, which changed his destiny.

However, this kind of matter is extremely secretive, and Gao Xuan only knows a rough outline of it.

Gao Xuan was reborn and came back just in time, so he took Yun Qingshang to the Bailong Mountains first.

Gao Xuan also went in to search, but failed to find the ancient ruins. He could only wait patiently for Wang Hongen.

Anyway, as long as you keep an eye on Wang Hongen, you can always get the Tianlong Pupil.

As for Xu Yin and the others, they were all ordinary people who knew nothing about it and had nothing to do with this matter.

These were all the information he gained from his rebirth. Gao Xuan had no way of explaining them clearly to Yun Qingshang, so he simply stopped talking.

"Are we just targeting Wang Hongen?" Yun Qingshang asked.

"I'll just keep an eye on it."

Gao Xuan said: "You only need to protect me."

Yun Qingchang didn't say anything. Of course she had to protect Gao Xuan. Gao Xuan was more important than her own life. But she didn't want to tell Gao Xuan about this, and there was no need to show it.

It was already very dark when Wang Hongen led a group of people back to the cave.

Xu Yin had already had dinner with a group of girls, together with Gao Xuan and Yun Qingshang. The food was simple, but everyone was in high spirits.

At this moment, a group of people were chatting around Gao Xuan.

Xu Yin felt a little embarrassed when she saw Wang Hongen, who looked exhausted. "Professor Wang, please eat quickly. I've saved some for you."

Wang Hongen was not in the mood to eat, but a group of boys were almost starving to death. Their eyes turned green when they heard about eating.

"You guys eat first."

Wang Hongen is a sinister and despicable person, but he usually appears to be righteous and impeccable in his appearance, and he has a very good reputation in school.

After a group of people went to eat, Xu Yin asked with concern: "Professor Wang, is everything not going well?"

Wang Hongen shook his head: "The fire scene is very complicated. There are still embers hidden in many places. It only takes a strong wind to reignite it. The situation around the volcano is even more complicated. We must be careful."

"We have plenty of time, just wait a few days. As long as there is a heavy rain or two, these won't be a problem." Xu Yin comforted them, she also felt that there was no need to take risks.

Wang Hongen was anxious to find the ancient ruins, but he couldn't tell anyone else about this.

He suppressed his anxiety and nodded calmly: "Well, we'll wait a few days. Safety is important."

Xu Yin didn't think much about it. Although their team was called an inspection team, it was actually similar to a spring outing.

She came to the Bailong Mountains mainly to learn about the various folk customs of the primitive tribes, and she didn't care about the volcano investigation.

After dinner, Wang Hongen stood alone on the hillside and looked out at the starry sky.

The average altitude of the Bailong Mountains is more than 1,000 meters, and the air is good. Standing on the hillside and looking over, you can see the sky full of shining stars, and the starry sky is as deep blue as satin, which is particularly beautiful.

"Professor Wang is worried."

Gao Xuan slowly walked to Wang Hongen and said with a smile, "If it's about going deeper into the volcanic area, I can help."

Wang Hongen looked at Gao Xuan with some suspicion. He didn’t quite understand what Gao Xuan meant.

"We mountain people are straightforward, so I'll just speak frankly."

Gao Xuan said: "I have eye problems, but I was born with telepathy. So I can observe the world without my eyes, and I can observe very detailed and deep. I can find a safe way in and out."

Gao Xuan said slowly: "When the volcano erupted, I relied on this ability to bring Qing Chang out alive."

"Where are the rest of your tribesmen?" Wang Hongen had actually noticed a long time ago that more than a dozen people were missing from the cave. He just didn't want to get involved, but now he wanted to find out clearly.

"Well, the rest of the tribe is dead."

"My condolences."

"It's a natural disaster, it's destined by heaven. They left first, it's nothing." Gao Xuan was very calm.

Wang Hongen knew that the tribes here all believed in primitive beliefs, and most of them viewed death as returning home. So they were not sad when talking about death.

He thought for a moment and said, "Are you sure?"

Gao Xuan smiled: "I don't joke about my own life."

"What do you want?"

Wang Hongen believes in transactions of interest, but not in free help.

"This is easy. Qingchang and I are tired of primitive life, and the people in the tribe have also gone. We want to go to Mingjing to study at university."

Gao Xuan said: "This shouldn't be a problem for Professor Wang."

Wang Hongen deliberately hesitated for a moment, "You don't have academic qualifications, so it's difficult for me to do it."

It was easy for him to admit two students, but he had to put pressure on Gao Xuan to make him appreciate it.

Just a few simple words can deepen the other person's gratitude. This little trick is very effective.

Gao Xuan said: "Qingchang's swordsmanship is very good, and my telepathic ability should also be very special. I won't embarrass Professor Wang."

"Hahaha… "

Wang Hongen felt that Gao Xuan was very smart and there was no need for him to play tricks on others. Moreover, if he wanted to get what he wanted this time, all the accompanying personnel would have to be dealt with.

Only in this way can complete confidentiality be maintained.

He should be more generous with the dead.

If nothing can be found, admitting Gao Xuan and Yun Qingshang will not be a problem.

"It's a deal."

In order to test Gao Xuan, Wang Hongen stretched out his right hand silently.

He had extremely precise control over his muscles and source power. When he stretched out his hand, there was hardly any fluctuation in the air, let alone any sound.

Gao Xuan raised his hand accurately and high-fived him, "It's a pleasure to work with you, Professor Wang."

Wang Hongen looked calm, but his heart was in turmoil. This kid's telepathy was truly evil!

Thanks to leader Daozong, and thanks to tungtai for the 10,000-dollar reward~

Thanks to the infinite painters in the world, the pale knight, I am Xue Pan, Dart Maosi, Ren~Beautiful Dusk, and my account was lost and I won’t recharge it anymore. All the friends who gave me rewards~

(End of this chapter)