King of Assassins

Chapter 16: excited


Three thousand years ago, humans discovered the existence of source power.

After three thousand years, humans have basically mastered the characteristics of source power and developed a complete life evolution system.

When human life evolves, it will have many special powers, which are collectively called supernatural powers.

For example, if one cultivates the source power purely and reaches the fifth level of source power, and strengthens the body in all aspects, completely surpassing the limits of the human body, then he is qualified to be called a transcendent.

If you want to cross the limit of level five, you need genetic mutation to complete an evolution of the essence of life.

Of course, there are also some people who are born with genetic mutations and have various superpowers, such as fire breathing, water spraying, refrigeration, including telepathy and so on.

These are all innate powers, which can be said to be completely personal talents. They are born extraordinary.

With current technology, it is difficult to completely reverse engineer all superpowers.

However, the level of supernatural powers must be equal to the energy level.

In other words, superpowers are necessarily subject to energy limitations.

No matter how low-level superpowers are transformed, their power is always limited.

All supernatural powers can be divided into four levels: black iron, bronze, silver, and gold.

Level 1 to 5 of the source power level is the black iron level. Level 6 to 10 is bronze. Level 11 to 15 is silver. Level 16 to 20 is gold.

Supernatural powers, including rare objects, are also divided into energy levels in the same way.

As long as one reaches the silver level, he will be an extraordinary master. At the gold level, he will be a peerless powerhouse who can travel across the galaxy.

For example, Wang Hongen, who has a Level 5 Source Power, is already at the peak of Black Iron. Because his Source Power is obtained through hard training, he can almost crush all Black Iron-level psychics in a head-on battle.

Moreover, people born with super powers are rare after all, and it is difficult to improve the power of low-level super powers through practice.

On the contrary, solid practice of source power is the right way to increase strength.

Wang Hongen had seen some low-level psychics, and he looked down on these people.

However, Gao Xuan's telepathy was beyond his comprehension, and he did not know the scope and operating principle of telepathy, which made him a little uneasy.

It would be terrifying if telepathy could sense people’s emotions or even their thoughts!

Wang Hongen was feeling a little guilty, but then he heard Gao Xuan say, "Professor Wang, I'm a little tired. I'm going to rest first."

He explained: "The wider the range of telepathy, the more details you can sense, and the greater the consumption. There are too many people and too many things to do today, and I am a little exhausted."

"Is that so? Then go and have a rest."

Wang Hongen felt that this statement made sense. No matter how strange the supernatural powers appeared, they were ultimately a form of energy circulation.

Using telepathy is definitely different from observing with your eyes.

Wang Hongen watched Gao Xuan's back slowly disappearing into the distance. He gently waved at Gao Xuan, but Gao Xuan did not respond at all.

Wang Hongen's eyes sparkled. Of course, he didn't completely believe Gao Xuan. But low-level psychics had limited power and could never have any supernatural powers. He didn't need to worry too much.

With the help of Gao Xuan's psychic powers, he should be able to find the ancient ruins quickly.

When Wang Hongen returned to the cave, there was a small lamp in the middle of the cave, and the light was dim like a candle.

Gao Xuan had already fallen asleep on the stone slab. Yun Qingchang was lying next to Gao Xuan, the two of them were very close, their postures were very natural, but it didn't make people have any other associations.

However, the students of Mingjing University, although each of them had an independent tent, were chatting animatedly and the atmosphere was ambiguous.

When they saw Wang Hongen come in, the voices of the group of people chatting became much lower.

Wang Hongen chatted with Xu Yin and several leading students, briefly discussed tomorrow's plans, and then went to rest.

Seeing that Wang Hongen had fallen asleep, the members of the expedition team gradually fell silent.

Having consumed too much energy during the day, the group of young people quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Yun Qingchang couldn't fall asleep the whole time. She was not used to so many outsiders coming. The open space without any barriers made her feel even less safe.

Yun Qingchang observed Wang Hongen for a while and found that he did not move. However, Wang Hongen's tent must have been specially made, and no sound could be heard.

Xu Yin was much more open and her tent was also very ordinary. Yun Qingchang could clearly hear her conversation with Wei Zhenzhen.

"Sister Yin, Gao Xuan's eye disease should be treatable by implanting an electronic prosthetic eye. I'll pay for his surgery."

Wei Zhenzhen is obsessed with Gao Xuan's eye disease. Such a perfect man should not have a disability.

"Electronic prosthetic eyes are too ugly and will destroy the beauty."

Simply from an aesthetic point of view, Xu Yin could not accept Gao Xuan having a pair of electronic prosthetic eyes.

The electronic prosthetic eye has a very mechanical feel, and the blue-red glow when it's working is even more ugly. Well, it's ugly even on a robot.

Not to mention that it was paired with Gao Xuan's nearly perfect face! That would completely destroy Gao Xuan's stunning beauty.

Wei Zhenzhen also thought it made sense. She gritted her teeth and said, "I'll pay for him to clone a pair of eyes. That's no problem."

Nowadays, medical technology is advanced and it is not difficult to clone human organs. The difficult part is that it requires multiple approvals and is very expensive.

Only if Wei Zhenzhen's family is really rich would she dare to say such things.

Xu Yin shook her head slightly. "Professor Wang just said that Gao Xuan has telepathy, so he can move freely without any inconvenience. He should not need an eye transplant."

"Eye transplants are for beauty..."

Wei Zhenzhen said with resentment: "He has lost the window to his soul now, which always makes people feel bad."

"I'm afraid he won't accept your kindness..."

Although Gao Xuan was very enthusiastic and cheerful, Xu Yin always had a feeling that Gao Xuan was not easy to approach, and would not accept other people's arrangements casually.

"Brother Gao Xuan is very easy to talk to. I am doing this for his own good, so why would he be unwilling..."

Wei Zhenzhen said self-righteously: "I can help him solve all the problems."

Xu Yin sighed inwardly, Wei Zhenzhen was really naive. It was not the turn of outsiders to make decisions for Gao Xuan in this matter.

Wei Zhenzhen talked to Xu Yin for a long time, and finally couldn't resist the sleepiness and fell asleep.

Xu Yin didn't sleep, she and Wang Hongen agreed that each of them would keep watch for three hours to prevent any accidents.

The night passed without incident.

The next morning, the young students were resurrected in full condition.

They found Yun Qingchang making breakfast, and a group of people gathered around to help. Although they couldn't do anything well, they were all very excited and happy.

The year-round chill in the cave was melted away by the enthusiasm and vitality of the young people.

After eating a breakfast that tasted a bit strange, Gao Xuan followed Wang Hongen with a wooden stick.

This time Wang Hongen only brought a guide who was familiar with the mountain conditions. The others were left in the camp.

Xu Yin was also not idle. She led the expedition team to collect exotic plants, rocks, soil samples, etc.

It was not until dark that Gao Xuan, Wang Hongen and the tour guide came back.

After dinner, Gao Xuan, looking very tired, went to rest first.

Wang Hongen found Xu Yin and said, "Gao Xuan's telepathy is very powerful. We have found a safe path. Tomorrow we can go deeper into the volcanic area..."

Xu Yin felt that Wang Hongen was a little too excited, and the strange light in his eyes made her a little scared.

"Is everyone going?"

"With Gao Xuan leading the way, there's no danger."

Wang Hongen's expression became serious: "This expedition will have high credit rewards. Since they have come here, how can they not go deeper into the volcanic area to take a look..."

(End of this chapter)