King of Assassins

Chapter 23: Sunshine Boy (bleeding ocean for the leader Kunlun Sword


“What you learn should be put into practice.”

Seeing that Yun Qingchang was unmoved, Gao Xuan used his eloquent tongue and tried his best to brainwash Yun Qingchang.

"You've suffered so much, struggled between life and death, and learned all these skills. How can you give up all you've learned? You'd be doing yourself a disservice..."

Yun Qingchang said seriously: "I don't like killing people."

"I don't like killing people either. I also like to play games, play with girls, enjoy delicious food, and enjoy everything beautiful."

Gao Xuan said seriously: "The universe is a huge dark jungle. Life that only knows how to eat, drink and have fun can only become prey. I don't want to be prey, I want to be a hunter."

He sighed and said, "Although the universe is vast, there is no pure land. There is no room for any pure land. The strong plunder everything and control everything. The weak can only obey and accept. A beautiful world without any struggle is just the most beautiful fantasy."

Yun Qingchang remained silent. She felt that Gao Xuan was exaggerating a bit.

Although modern society has strict social classes, basic living standards can still be guaranteed.

With their abilities, it wouldn't be difficult for them to make it into the middle class.

Being a killer and killing people is not a small risk. Moreover, Gao Xuan did it more out of personal interest.

This chatterbox is more cruel and ruthless than anyone else!

Gao Xuan saw Yun Qingchang's suspicion, and he said unhappily: "Hey, do you suspect that I'm lying to you? You actually doubt your class brothers and your comrades-in-arms. You make me so sad..."

"I am a little skeptical."

Yun Qingchang frankly admitted that she had decided to protect Gao Xuan forever, but that did not mean she had to listen to Gao Xuan in everything.

For example, she didn't want to support Gao Xuan's unreliable ideas.

"You actually admitted it!"

Gao Xuan looked sad: "If you still have a little respect for our friendship, take back your words."

Yun Qingchang stood there quietly, not saying a word no matter what Gao Xuan said.

"You are resisting silently."

Gao Xuan sighed, "Okay, I'll tell you the truth. First, the Blood God Society has many branches on Pegasus. These guys are all in the same group as Zhou Lang, so they must be dealt with, right

Also, there are many Eldar lurking among us, and they must be killed, right?"

Gao Xuan said: "Since we have to kill someone anyway, we might as well take the opportunity to make some money..."


Yun Qingchang knew nothing about this and was a little confused when she heard the word.

Gao Xuan explained the situation of the Eldar again, "In fact, there are many other races lurking in our human society. Including the Zerg, the Shadow Tribe, and all kinds of messy life..."

There are all kinds of strange life forms in the universe. When humans step into the galaxy, they will inevitably have to deal with these life forms.

It's just that humans are so numerous and their overall strength is so strong that most of the smaller races either stay away from humans or lurk among them.

"The Human Alliance has expanded too quickly and has already infringed upon the interests of some powerful races in the galaxy. A war will soon break out in the galaxy..."

Gao Xuan recounted his situation before his rebirth, of course, he spoke in a speculative tone.

"Does this have anything to do with us?"

Yun Qingchang felt that these were too far away and the level was too high. Even if the world was really about to be destroyed, they could not do anything.

"Don't underestimate yourself. Maybe we can save humanity."

Gao Xuan said: "At the very least we have to survive and preserve the human bloodline."


"So we have to start with the small things around us. Killing people is not only to eliminate the enemy, but also to temper ourselves, and in the end we can make money. It's killing three birds with one stone, killing three birds with one stone, and hitting three holes with one stick..."

Yun Qingchang looked at Gao Xuan with some confusion. She always felt that Gao Xuan seemed to be driving.

"We'll first create a fake identity, then register a name with the assassin association on the dark web. Then we can take orders."

Gao Xuan said excitedly: "What do you want to be called?"

"Hmm?" Yun Qingshang didn't quite understand.

"It's the killer's code name."

When Gao Xuan saw Yun Qingshang's confused look, he knew he couldn't count on her.

He thought for a moment and said, "Why not call him Sunshine Boy? He is positive and energetic. It will leave a lasting impression..."

"From your expression, you don't seem to agree. So, you call me handsome brother? Deadly little cutie?"

Gao Xuan has a strong execution ability. After dinner, he took Yun Qingshang to the East Section 11 of the No. 9 Ring Road.

The Ming capital city is divided into ring lines according to housing prices, with the central area being the most expensive and the outer rings becoming cheaper.

Through economic means, the Ming capital naturally separated different social classes.

The people living on the 9th and 10th ring lines are the lowest class in society. Most of these people are unemployed and rely on union relief for their survival.

The 9th and 10th ring roads were also the most chaotic and dangerous areas. At night, the Alliance Law Enforcement Team would not easily enter this area.

In many places here, Skynet signals are blocked artificially.

Especially the eastern section of Loop Line 9, which is a decadent neighborhood known to everyone.

The subway network connecting Beijing and the city is controlled by artificial intelligence and operates 24 hours a day. It is the first choice for ordinary people to travel.

In the subway car, Gao Xuan and Yun Qingshang sat opposite each other. Both of them wore black hooded windbreakers and large masks. Gao Xuan also wore closed sunglasses.

It was a sneaky look, but in this megacity, no one cared.

Everyone else in the subway car was wearing all kinds of colorful and bizarre clothes. People like Gao Xuan and Yun Qingshang looked completely out of place in the car.

Coming out of the station was a law enforcement robot, which also ignored the two men.

Law enforcement robots can only stop crime if they clearly identify that someone has committed a crime.

Block 11 is very lively, with colorful neon lights forming huge billboards and various virtual images dancing wildly between the floors.

The streets are full of women in revealing clothes and seductive outfits, or fierce men with fat faces, or skinny vendors with vulgar expressions.

Most of the guests who were seeking pleasure were drunk, staggering and talking nonsense.

To ordinary people, this place is bizarre and full of indulgence and decadence.

As Gao Xuan and Yun Qingchang walked along, they met several women who came to chat with them on the street.

"Want to play? Fifty credit points will let you go to heaven..."

"Come and play, I'm proficient in thirty-six moves and various role-playing games. You can play whatever you want..."

There were also sneaky vendors who followed Gao Xuan and whispered to him, "Super cool bliss electronic card, load it and you can enjoy bliss. It only costs 200 points."

Gao Xuan did not stop for a moment. He and Yun Qingchang looked so cold and stern that no one dared to stop them.

"This is it..."

Gao Xuan pointed to the Iron Fist Bar in front and said, "This is a branch of the Blood God Society in Mingjing. Although it's a bit run-down, it's very powerful."

The four big scarlet characters of Iron Fist Bar stand out among the flashy lights.

Gao Xuan pushed open the door of the bar, and the noisy and frenetic music inside came in like a surging tide, drowning both him and Yun Qingchang.

In the dim bar, colorful spotlights flashed. Two plump women with almost no clothes on were twisting wildly on the small stage in the center of the bar.

The guests around shook their heads to the beat of the music and threw out a few virtual gold coins from time to time.

These gold coins are actually credit points, but they are displayed as gold coin special effects when thrown out.

The gold coins scattered on the stage were sparkling and dazzling.

The waitresses who came and went were all dressed very lightly. The drunken guests would reach out and pinch or clap their hands from time to time.

Yun Qingchang frowned slightly. This chaotic scene made her feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, she disguised herself as a cold-faced man, so no one came to harass her.

Gao Xuan was very interested in the vulgar performance. He stopped and watched for a long time before taking Yun Qingshang to a private room in the bar.

At the door of the box at the end of the corridor, stood two burly men in black short-sleeved shirts.

The two big men had metal prosthetic arms and even metal armor plates on their chests, which protruded high from their short sleeves.

Nowadays, metal prosthetic technology is very mature. It is more flexible than human limbs, stronger, and not afraid of various injuries.

Almost all violent gang members will modify some parts of their bodies. This can not only improve their combat effectiveness, but also be more deterrent.

Although this modification is simple, it is not cheap. Moreover, the natural body feeling will be lost after the modification.

Most importantly, the human body is very compatible with the Force, but the modified metal prosthesis is not compatible with the Force.

A true master will never make random changes to his body.

Anyone who shows off his metal prosthesis is almost certainly a gangster.

The two thugs looked Gao Xuan up and down, and one of them's electronic prosthetic eye glowed red, obviously scanning Gao Xuan and Yun Qingshang.

Gao Xuan didn't care. This low-level electronic eye was just a metal detector. It couldn't see anything else.

"What are you doing?" A big man scanned and confirmed that Gao Xuan and the others were not carrying any dangerous weapons before asking.

"I'm here to do some business with the old dog."

Gao Xuan was very skilled. He had dealt with this group of guys many times in his previous life.

After hearing what Gao Xuan said, the two big men's expressions eased a little.

One of the big men used the communicator to ask for instructions from inside, then pushed open the door and motioned Gao Xuan and Yun Qingshang to go in.

The box was not very big. Several guys with fierce faces were lying on the sofa. The table was filled with various drinks and snacks.

Seeing Gao Xuan and Yun Qingshang coming in, a big man sitting in the bureau asked lazily: "Which gang are you from?"

This big man had very short eyebrows, like two black moles growing on his eyebrows. He also had little hair. His chin was long and protruding forward, and he really looked a bit like a four-eyed dog. He was the owner of this bar, Old Dog.


Gao Xuan said: "I just want to buy a batch of smart watches with ID numbers."

Skynet is everywhere, if you want to do assassin business, you have to disguise your identity. Lao Gou is an expert in this area.

The old dog glanced at Gao Xuan who was covered tightly with a mask, "You are still sneaking around in front of me, do you know the rules?"

"Didn't you hear what the boss said? Why don't you take off the sanitary napkin covering your face?"

"What the hell is there to be ashamed of?"

When a group of bodyguards and thugs saw that Gao Xuan didn't say anything, they all stood up cursing, and two of them even took out pistols and pointed them at Gao Xuan and Yun Qingshang.

Gao Xuan turned his head to Yun Qingchang and said, "Why are you still standing there? Protect me."

"Oh." Yun Qingshang responded blankly.

(End of this chapter)