King of Assassins

Chapter 4: Crimson Heart


A small window was opened on the iron gate, and a pair of cold and bright eyes looked Gao Xuan up and down.

The other party was silent for a while before opening the iron gate.

The heavy iron door hinges made a dry twisting sound that could be heard far away in the corridor.

"You look reluctant. Why don't you want to receive guests?"

Gao Xuan walked in with a swagger, "I'm telling you, even though you're the top star, you can't act like a big shot."

There was a flash of surprise in 33's eyes. 088 was usually very talkative, but he was a little abnormal today.

First, he was wearing sunglasses, and his eyes were closed behind them. Second, there was a sense of indulgence between 088's eyebrows.

In this base, all students lived very cautiously. All the students who indulged themselves had died long ago.

More importantly, not even sunglasses can hide the strong self-confidence that 088 has in control of everything.

It’s like a slave suddenly becomes the master. The person hasn’t changed, but his spirit and energy are completely different.

The changes in 088 made 33 feel a little bit at a loss.

The fierce competition makes many students wary of each other and hostile to each other.

However, her relationship with 088 is different.

On the surface, they ignore each other and are even hostile to each other, but in private they are partners, comrades-in-arms, brothers who share life and death.

"Don't be afraid of your confused look. I'm not crazy."

Gao Xuan said domineeringly: "Today we will kill all the guys who bullied us, seek justice, and take back our lost freedom!"

Gao Xuan took a deep breath with an intoxicated look on his face, "The air of freedom smells so sweet."

33 was silent for a moment and then said, "What are your plans?"

"I like your calmness, carefulness, and your ability to plan before taking action!"

Gao Xuan was very happy that 33 did not ask him like a fool why he was crazy, nor did he hesitate, but asked him directly about his plan.

This is a decision, but also a trust in him.

33 frowned slightly: "Don't waste time."

Private communication between team members is strictly prohibited. Even though they have passed the hell training and will soon leave the base.

This provision remains in effect.

There are cameras everywhere in the corridor, and Gao Xuan's whereabouts will definitely alert the security team.

According to 33's estimate, the other party will arrive within ten minutes. No matter what 088 wants to do, he must hurry up.

33 has a pretty face, but there is a purple-red scar running diagonally across her face. As the scar shrinks, her whole face looks a little hideous.

Because of the scar, when she frowned, one eyebrow was high and the other was low. Fortunately, her bright eyes saved everything, making her look unusually energetic.

Gao Xuan knew that 33 had cut the scar herself to prevent others from coveting her beauty and to reduce trouble.

It is more difficult for female trainees to survive in the base than for male trainees.

"Don't worry, we have plenty of time."

Gao Xuan reached out and gently smoothed 33's frown. Her eyebrows were long and black, with a naturally curved brow peak. Her tall eyebrows were extremely beautiful.

33 was not used to this kind of physical contact. She clenched her fists tightly, and her muscles were in a state of accumulating energy to explode.

That was Gao Xuan. If anyone else dared to come up like this, 33 would definitely blow his head off with one punch.

Gao Xuan could understand 33's nervousness. He consoled her by saying, "Why are you so nervous? You're not even as pretty as me. My looks are 100 points, but yours are only 10 points."

33's body slowly relaxed. She thought seriously for a moment: "Two points."

"Hahaha, you don't have to be so modest."

Gao Xuan smiled and said, "Before we start the rebellion, we have one more important thing to do."

33 didn't say anything, but just looked at Gao Xuan and motioned him to speak quickly.

"We are human beings, not machines. We should have our own names, not just numbers to represent ourselves."

Gao Xuan said to 33 seriously: "Remember, my name is Gao Xuan, not 088."

33 didn't quite understand. She had grown up in the base and had only learned about fighting and killing. She didn't have a deep understanding of these things.

Gao Xuan, 088, in her opinion there is not much difference.

Gao Xuan didn't care whether 33 understood or not. He grabbed 33's shoulders and said, "I remember your last name is Yun. From today on, your name will be Yun Qingshang. Yun means cloud, Qing means clear as water, and Shang means clothes."

"Remember it?"

Yun Qingchang hesitated for a moment before nodding.

"what's your name?"

"Yun, Qingshang!"

Gao Xuan nodded and smiled approvingly: "Very good, Comrade Yun Qingshang, let's get started!"

Yun Qingchang didn't say anything, but a strong fighting spirit burned in her bright eyes.

The ceremonial name is not important. Being able to fight side by side with Gao Xuan is the real meaning.

Gao Xuan asked curiously: "Aren't you afraid?"

He was not afraid because he was reborn, everything was under his control, and he was confident enough.

Yun Qingchang, however, knew nothing and just joined him in a rebellion. From the perspective of strength comparison, it was like hitting a rock with an egg.

Yun Qingchang said coldly: "It's just death."

Gao Xuan was somewhat moved, "What a man! Awesome!"

He turned and comforted her, "Don't worry, I'll take you flying!"

The students at the Icefield Underground Base all enter the base when they are six or seven years old.

At a very young age, students receive various brainwashing educations, requiring everyone to be loyal to the organization.

Children have no concept of good and evil, nor do they have the ability to distinguish between good and bad, right and wrong.

This kind of brainwashing education is very effective. Even if the trainees are killed during training, they are extremely loyal to the organization.

However, there will always be some people who will have a sense of resistance.

Even children cannot hide themselves. Students who have a rebellious mentality will be eliminated quickly. Their bodies will be fed to sharks.

Through brainwashing education, coupled with cold, cruel and high-pressure tactics, all trainees will eventually become what the organization wants them to be.

Gao Xuan and Yun Qingshang were special cases. They hated the base very much, but they had no strength, so they could only endure it.

If Gao Xuan had not been reborn, both of them would have left the base smoothly and gone out to work for the Blood God Society.

A few years later, Yun Qingchang died tragically in battle to save him.

Gao Xuan escaped by chance. He hid in the dark and waited patiently for the opportunity to take revenge.

But even a hundred years later, when humanity was on the verge of extinction, he still couldn't find the real mastermind behind the Blood God Society.

As a result, a galaxy-destroying explosion brought Gao Xuan back to the age of eighteen, giving him a chance to start over.

The timing is just right.

The Beikun Icefield Underground Base is a very small project within the Blood God Society.

The students are going to hold a graduation ceremony, so Zhou Lang is staying at the base these days.

Zhou Lang is much stronger than the old and frail Xu Hui. He would never have thought that someone among the students could kill him!

Just with this point, Gao Xuan is already confident of victory.

Yun Qingchang is also a loyal warrior who has stood the test of time and is worthy of trust.

Gao Xuan took out a ruby brooch from his pocket and said to Yun Qingshang, "This thing is called the Crimson Heart. It will randomly produce a tattoo every day, causing the wearer to feel intense pain for a long time. After wearing it, the pain will accompany you for the rest of your life."


Gao Xuan said awkwardly: "Also, there will be random bleeding. You women are good at this. You just need to prepare more sanitary napkins..."

"What is the use?"

The Crimson Heart is very beautiful and its negative effects are also very strange, but Yun Qingchang only cares about what this thing is used for.

"A silver-level item that can change its appearance according to the host's wishes. It has super strong protection and can improve the host's speed and reaction. It is one of the most suitable silver-level items for combat.

You can think of it as a high-level biochemical armor. It's really lucky to find it in the underground vault."

Gao Xuan felt a little emotional. It was such a pleasant surprise to get the Crimson Heart.

At this stage, the Crimson Heart is actually not weaker than the Sword of Godslayer, and its applicability is a hundred times better than the Sword of Godslayer.

The Crimson Heart can transform at will, which means that it can not only transform into a body armor, but also transform into weapons, and even change a person's physical appearance. This is very abnormal.

"nice one."

After training in hell, Yun Qingchang had long been accustomed to pain. The negative effects of the Crimson Heart were no problem for her at all.

"Why don't you ask why I gave you the Crimson Heart?"

Yun Qingchang asked back: "Is this necessary?"

She didn't like to do useless things or say useless words. Since Gao Xuan gave her the Crimson Heart, she would not refuse politely.

Even if the Crimson Heart is fatally dangerous, it doesn't matter.

At the beginning, she was rescued by Gao Xuan when she was in great despair.

From that moment on, Gao Xuan became the light of her soul, dispelling the endless darkness, coldness and cruelty.

Gao Xuan was her only coordinate in this cruel world. Only with Gao Xuan could she determine her own position and the state of her existence.

She was willing to trust Gao Xuan unconditionally, and even obey Gao Xuan unconditionally.

So, when Gao Xuan came to her and said he wanted to rebel, she agreed without hesitation.

Although she hated the base, she had never thought of resisting. The difference in strength between the two sides was too great, and resistance would only mean death.

However, if Gao Xuan wants to resist and fight, she will resolutely follow Gao Xuan.

But she wouldn't tell Gao Xuan about this, and there was no need to.

Gao Xuan sighed and said, "Well, you trust me so much. I am a little touched."

He explained: "In fact, the Crimson Heart can only be worn by beautiful and pure women. I can't use it even if I have surgery."


Yun Qingchang's indifferent reaction made Gao Xuan feel that explaining was a complete waste of time.

He said unhappily: "Are you ready? It hurts a little. But I believe you can bear it for 1, 2..."

When Gao Xuan shouted 2, he stabbed the Crimson Heart into Yun Qingshang's heart. This thing must penetrate deep into the heart and establish a close connection with the host in order to be effective.

Although Gao Xuan closed his eyes, he could still clearly observe Yun Qingshang's painful expression, her trembling body, the sweat oozing from her forehead, neck and back, and her face as pale as paper.

Yun Qingchang has always been tough, and it must have been very unpleasant for Crimson Heart to have been made to lose her composure like this.

Gao Xuan said: "Follow me, under the crimson starry sky, pain is the only reality."

"Under the crimson starry sky, pain is the only reality."

(End of this chapter)