King of Assassins

Chapter 40: Upright and awe-inspiring


"The killer today was very powerful."

After returning home, Yun Qingchang did not pay attention to the landing capsule placed in her bedroom, but discussed today's killer with Gao Xuan.

Yun Qingchang had been able to go through brutal training and had developed a keen sense of danger. But she didn't feel anything after the other party opened fire. This was too scary.

Explosive sniper bullets at six times the speed of sound pose a certain threat to exoskeleton armor.

No matter how a cultivator practices, the human body is ultimately made of flesh and blood. A cultivator below the silver level will surely die if hit by this bullet.

If Gao Xuan hadn't been there today, Wei Yue would have been dead. She and everyone else would have been killed together.

"Ghost gun."

Gao Xuan introduced: "This is a famous killer in Dongzhou. On the dark web killer ranking list, Ghost Gun has always been ranked in the top ten."

"There is also a killer ranking list?"

Yun Qingchang was a little surprised. It sounded ridiculous that such a shady person like a killer would be ranked.

"It's normal. Killers also need to take orders and do business. The more famous you are, the better the business."

Gao Xuan said nonchalantly: "After all, this is a business. Of course, we have to follow economic laws. The people like to rank killers, so killers must be ranked."

He added with some envy: "The commissions of the top ten killers are very high. Although they are notoriously dangerous, they also earn a lot."

The top-ranked killers not only earn higher incomes, but also get more dark web points.

The reason why Gao Xuan asked Yun Qingshang to be his killer was that his real purpose was to earn more dark web points and enter the Momen Temple as soon as possible.

The Momen Temple is hidden in the deepest part of the dark web and is the oldest assassin organization in human history.

The Momen Temple has three core purposes: one: protecting the human race, two: balance, and three: xenophobia.

Protecting the human race is the highest core purpose of the Mo Sect, which is also the so-called "righteousness".

Where justice lies, I will never regret even if I die nine times.

The second is balance: the balance of yin and yang, the balance of high and low, the balance of good and evil, and the balance of strong and weak.

Mohism believes that human society is huge and complex, and the most important thing to maintain the stability of human social structure is balance.

Mo Men is a small weight that moves between the two poles to maintain balance and ensure the stability of the human social structure.

Therefore, the Mo Sect lurks in the shadows, using assassinations to maintain the balance of humanity.

Third, those who are not of my race must have different hearts.

All foreigners can be killed.

In Gao Xuan's previous life, he ran away from the Blood God Society and joined the Mo Sect. He still recognized the purpose of the Mo Sect.

Until the human race was on the verge of extinction, he was temporarily promoted to the seventh sage of the Momen Temple due to special circumstances and learned many of the core secrets of the Momen Temple.

The Momen Temple is extremely powerful and is one of the most powerful secret organizations in human society.

After being reborn, Gao Xuan must hold on to this thigh.

These things were too complicated, and there was no need for him to talk to Yun Qingchang about them.

Gao Xuan patted Yun Qingchang's shoulder vigorously and said, "Girl, whether our sunny boy can enter Mingjing, no, the top ten of Dongzhou killer list depends on you."

“How do you calculate the ranking?”

Yun Qingchang still didn't quite understand. A killer's job was to kill people, so he had to keep a low profile. Ranking was too fancy.

"There is a set of scoring rules. It's quite complicated."

Gao Xuan said: "The easiest way is to kill the killer on the ranking list and directly replace the other party's position."

"Can I enter the top ten killers in Dongzhou by killing Gui Qiang?"

Yun Qingchang thought this method was ridiculous. Killing Ghost Gun did not mean that one was more powerful than Ghost Gun.

"That's it anyway, what else can I do?"

Gao Xuan said with a smile: "Are we going to hold a killer skills competition, where everyone competes in each item?"

Yun Qingchang curled up into a ball, hugging her legs. She said faintly, "This is not funny. It was really dangerous today. We almost died."

Thinking of the sniper bullet that passed by, Yun Qingchang felt a little cold in her heart. Facing such a strange gunman, even with the Crimson Heart, she was not sure that she would not die, let alone protect Gao Xuan.

What happened today made her feel useless and filled with frustration.

Gao Xuan could understand Yun Qingchang's thoughts. After all, she was a killer who had undergone brutal training.

Even though Yun Qingchang doesn't like killing people, she is very confident in her strength and skills.

Yun Qingchang certainly felt very uncomfortable when she suddenly encountered a powerful killer and was crushed in all aspects.

Gao Xuan comforted him, "It's okay. I'll kill Gui Qiang in a couple of days to vent your anger for you."

To be honest, the ghost gun was indeed very powerful. He didn't feel any problems before the ghost gun fired.

Because the ghost gun was not aimed at him, but at Wei Yue.

It was not until the ghost gun fired and threatened Gao Xuan that he immediately sensed it and made an accurate judgment that he had time to save Wei Zhenzhen and Wei Yue.

After the ghost gun fired three shots in a row without success, it immediately fled.

However, Guiqiang did not know that Gao Xuan had left a spiritual mark on him.

As long as the Ghost Gun is within the Mingjing City, it cannot escape his perception.

The reason Gao Xuan wanted to wait for two days was that he didn't want to jump too much.

He saved Wei Yue today and has already made a lot of headlines.

Wei Yue and the law enforcement department were working together to find the ghost gun, so it was not appropriate for him to be in the spotlight at this time.

After Gui Qiang failed, he would not act rashly again. It would not be too late for him to act after the storm had died down in two days.

Moreover, the ghost gun marked with the spiritual imprint came out from the dark and into the light. It was no longer a threat.

Gao Xuan thinks the ghost gun is not a problem, but Yun Qingchang doesn't think so.

Yun Qingchang said seriously: "My strength is still too weak. I want to absorb the blood of the Heavenly Dragon."

"Your foundation is unstable now. If you absorb the blood of the Heavenly Dragon, you will most likely be transformed into another life form."

Gao Xuan shook his head: "You should practice the Dragon King Art well. When the Dragon King Art reaches level seven, then consider the Heavenly Dragon Blood. Don't worry, I have arranged everything for you."

Yun Qingchang asked curiously: "What arrangements?"

"A black dragon will have a black dragon scale."

Gao Xuan said: "I will go and get it for you after some time."

"That's too dangerous."

Yun Qingchang had also learned relevant knowledge in the base and knew that the Black Dragon Society was a very powerful evil god organization. She didn't want Gao Xuan to take risks.

Gao Xuan shook his head and said, "No matter what, I have to go to the Black Dragon Society headquarters."

Fang Zhenshan failed to assassinate Wei Yue this time, and he will definitely investigate the reason for the failure. He should not be able to escape Fang Zhenshan's sight. Therefore, he must find a chance to deal with Fang Zhenshan and get rid of the trouble.

Fang Zhenshan also holds an important position in the Black Dragon Society. Killing him would also stimulate the Black Dragon Society and intensify the conflict between the Black Dragon Society and the Blood God Society.

Moreover, he has to take some risks for Yun Qingchang.

"Then I'll go with you." Yun Qingshang said.

Gao Xuan smiled and said, "I don't need you now. When you reach level ten, your gene sequence breaks through to the silver level, and your brows form a star wheel, then you will be qualified to help me."


Yun Qingchang was a little confused. The conditions Gao Xuan mentioned were very high, and she didn’t know how long it would take her to practice to achieve them.

"In fact, low-level cultivation is not that troublesome. Just follow the right path, take the right medicine, and reorganize the gene sequence, and you will be able to reach this level very quickly."

Gao Xuan thought for a moment and said, "Wei Yue can also help us. The Skywalker gene medicine she developed is very useful."

Yun Qingchang looked at Gao Xuan with some suspicion: "Is this why you approached Wei Zhenzhen?"

"What a coincidence."

Gao Xuan laughed dryly and waved his hands: "There's no need to make so many calculations. Wei Zhenzhen was a pure accident."

Meeting Wei Zhenzhen in the White Dragon Mountains was indeed an accident. It was not until Wu Caiyun appeared that Gao Xuan connected Wei Zhenzhen with Wei Yue.

Moreover, the fact that he and Wei Zhenzhen had sex together had nothing to do with this matter.

Although Skywalker's gene potion was good, it was not worth selling his body for. And the Sleeping Guard was really useless.

The Skywalker gene medicine is the top secret of Yuanlong Company. It is still in the research and development stage and will not be sold to the outside world.

Only Wei Yue can get the Skywalker gene potion.

Today's contact with Wei Yue is undoubtedly a good start.

He would find opportunities to get in touch with Wei Yue more in the future. For Yun Qingshang, Gao Xuan could also reluctantly have sex with Wei Yue.

By then, when we all become one family, genetic drugs will no longer be a problem.

The most important issue here is that I am afraid Wei Zhenzhen is unwilling...

Gao Xuan suppressed these random thoughts. He felt that he was affected by the negative effects of the Tianlong Pupil and his brain was a little congested.

"I am a man of integrity and would never do such a thing..."

Gao Xuan suppressed his wandering thoughts and said to Yun Qingchang, "Black Dragon Scale, Skywalker Gene Potion, and Sky Dragon Blood, I have arranged these three steps for you. They will allow you to reach level ten within two months. Don't worry."

"I'm counting on you to be the tank against the boss, so you better do your best."

Gao Xuan grabbed Yun Qingshang, his face full of deep expectations.

Yun Qingchang didn’t quite understand what Gao Xuan meant, but she still nodded vigorously.

She turned around and felt something was wrong, so she looked down at her hand on her chest.

"My hand slipped, my hand slipped..."

Gao Xuan laughed dryly and retracted his hand: "I don't have eyes, so it's reasonable to put my hands in the wrong place occasionally, right?"

Yun Qingchang just looked at Gao Xuan quietly, without any shyness or dissatisfaction. She said calmly: "If you really need it, I can sleep with you."

"Uh, uh, I won't do anything to my brothers. I'm not that kind of person."

Gao Xuan was actually a little tempted, but he still rejected Yun Qingshang with righteous indignation.

Fortunately, Wei Zhenzhen suddenly called at this time and Gao Xuan quickly answered the call.

"Brother, please use the landing capsule to surf the Internet. I miss you."

Wei Zhenzhen was heartless and soon forgot about the shock. She couldn't leave the house, so she could only go to Tianwang to look for Gao Xuan.

Seeing Gao Xuan's cold reaction, she hurriedly said, "I'll take you to play something exciting and fun..."

Gao Xuan asked curiously, "The virtual landing capsule is so powerful that it can even be used remotely?"

Wei Zhenzhen had been in bed with Gao Xuan for two days, so she understood these words immediately. Her face was slightly red. "That's not it. I'll take you to play games on It's really fun!"

"oh… "

Gao Xuan thought for a moment and said, "Wait for me, I'll go up to find you."

He is the King of Assassins who was reborn a hundred years later and has no interest in playing games.

However, is different. is a virtual gaming platform that brings together a variety of virtual games.

All Alliance members can log in to no matter where they are. can meet all the needs of players for the game.

20% of the human race stays on all year round. For these people, is their world, their everything.

No one could have imagined that decades later would be transformed into a virtual kingdom of God, allowing an alien race to break through their limits and enter the realm of God.

From that moment on, mankind was destined to be destroyed!

Only by taking over and becoming a god in the virtual kingdom before the aliens can we have a chance to change the destiny of mankind.

All of Gao Xuan’s plans were for this ultimate plan.

Now that he has obtained the landing capsule, it is time for him to check out

Thanks to cpower, hnjfs, Dartmaosi, Liumang Feixue for their tips. Please collect and recommend the new book during the period of its release. Thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)