King of Assassins

Chapter 46: The Seventh Sage


There are huge bronze pillars, black gold floor tiles, and murals carved on the green walls.

The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, the Qin Emperor and the Han Emperor, Confucius and Zhuangzi, all the way to rockets and spacecrafts and interstellar migrations. The most brilliant moments in human history are all engraved on the walls.

Endless stars shine in the deep blue dome, and the vast Milky Way rotates slowly like four cantilevers.

There are twelve tall bronze thrones arranged in a circle on one side of the hall.

Above the throne are inscribed the oldest Chinese characters, representing the order of the bronze throne.

There are now nine bronze thrones covered with a layer of green light, which means that these nine thrones already have owners.

Gao Xuan, standing in the center of the hall, naturally looked at the throne marked with number seven.

The throne was empty, obviously it had no owner yet.

"Congratulations on passing the test and becoming the seventh sage."

Nuwa appeared at some point in time and casually tapped Gao Xuan's left chest. A bronze plaque representing the Seventh Sage appeared on his chest.


Gao Xuan was very polite to Nuwa. Although Nuwa was just an anthropomorphic character of the Heart of Data, she represented the human side of the Heart of Data and had her own independent personality.

Because of Nuwa's personality, she would have her likes and dislikes for sages. If she thought a sage was good, she would give him certain extra points.

Of course, this benefit is extremely hidden and will not affect the overall situation.

But for Gao Xuan, it is very important to have a good relationship with Nuwa.

The Seventh Sage is one of the highest administrators of the Dark Web, but there are nine other sages whose authority is equal to or even higher than his.

Fortunately, the sages only have the right to nominate, and do not have the power to expel sages. Even if the nine sages unite, it will not work.

Sages have enormous authority and represent endless interests. No one likes him, the seventh sage who suddenly appeared.

Moreover, no one knows his background.

Those who can become sages are also the top strong men among humans. They are all conceited and proud, and act decisively and forcefully.

These sages cannot be measured simply by good and evil.

If Gao Xuan dared to tell the sage the secret of his rebirth, the other party would use any means to control him first and then try to dig out all his memories.

At his current level, he has no qualifications to form an alliance with the sage. Only when he is strong enough will he be qualified to talk about the alliance.

For some time to come, he will be the enemy of all sages.

The Heart of Numbers is absolutely rational and will not side with any particular sage. Due to the constraints of the rules, it will not reveal any information about the sages.

However, the incarnation of Nuwa has a human character, which makes her an ally that can be won over.

Gao Xuan knew some secrets of Nuwa and her preferences, so it was not difficult for him to have a good relationship with her.

Nuwa was also very interested in Gao Xuan. Her eyes were always on Gao Xuan, and countless data streams were surging in the depths of her eyes.

"Since the establishment of the Sage Assessment at the Momen Holy Temple, you are the first person to pass the assessment and become a Sage."

Nuwa's voice was very cold, and there was a sense of superiority, reserve and aloofness in it.

Gao Xuan knew that this was Nuwa's disguise. Her true character was not so solemn. He smiled and said, "I am a genius."

"Your clearance record is almost perfect. It's hard to believe that a pure-blooded human can achieve this."

Nuwa said with a complicated look, "Even if I were to do it myself, my score wouldn't be higher than yours. It makes me feel like you knew the answer in advance."

Nuwa said it was a feeling, but in fact it was the conclusion she came to after careful calculations.

"We've never met, how can I get the answer beforehand?"

Gao Xuan was very calm: "This is not logical at all."

Nuwa said thoughtfully: "It is indeed not very logical. However, this universe itself is not completely logical. For example, strange objects, the rules of time and space, etc., their systems all have parts that cannot be explained by logic..."


Gao Xuan did not explain. He strode towards the throne of the Seventh Sage. "The universe may not follow logic, but the Momen Holy Temple must abide by the rules of logic. I passed the assessment and obtained the position of the Seventh Sage."

Gao Xuan spoke as he sat on the throne of the Seventh Sage. The bronze nameplate on his body established a connection with the throne, and countless data began to be transmitted.

The Seventh Sage's Throne is itself a powerful optical computer with the highest authority in the dark web.

The data tide composed of countless data streams was like a river pouring down from the sky. The surging and endless flow of data immediately submerged Gao Xuan.

Gao Xuan kept his mind focused, no matter how turbulent the data flow was, it could not hurt his spirit.

A torrent of data surged up into the sky, and a huge pillar of light rose across the entire Mo Men Temple, spanning the abyss of data streams.

The oscillating data stream emitted an ethereal singing sound like the sound of nature, spreading along the Skynet.

Within a few seconds, an important update of the dark web core data was initiated.

The huge data flow fluctuations covered all levels of the dark web. This subtle and hidden influence was so subtle that almost no one could detect the abnormality.

The other sages received the information feedback first and knew that great changes had taken place in the Momen Temple.

It's just that at this special moment, the Momen Temple was completely blocked due to the core data update.

Even the Supreme Sage has no right to enter the Holy Temple of Momen.

Although the nine sages all attached great importance to the changes in the Mo Men Temple, they could only wait outside for the update to be completed.

Gao Xuan, sitting on the seventh sage's throne, had no intention of paying attention to changes in the outside world.

The six-winged cicada in his sea of consciousness spread its three pairs of transparent wings and chirped loudly in the torrent of data.

The mysterious six-winged cicada actually developed a sense of virtual data flow.

Gao Xuan was not surprised by this as it was the same in his previous life.

Virtual data is ultimately a kind of information, a kind of information transmitted through unique logical records.

The six-winged cicada has the highest spirituality. The so-called spirituality means the ability to see through and sense all information changes.

Gao Xuan sat on the throne of the seventh sage and established a direct connection with the core of the dark web and the heart of data.

At the same time, the core underlying logical architecture of the dark web was also open to Gao Xuan.

Instantly, an endless stream of data is pouring in, and no human being can process it.

No intelligent life can even process this data. Only the Data Heart can receive and analyze such a huge data stream.

The six-winged cicada is also unable to handle huge data flows. It has only established a subtle connection with the heart of data and understood the logic of virtual data operation.

For the six-winged cicada, sensing data, just like sensing sound and color, has become its instinct.

To put it simply, the six-winged cicada can also play a role on the virtual network. This is very important to Gao Xuan.

If he wants to seize the and steal the virtual godhood, he must have a plug-in.

The Digital Heart is absolutely rational, and it will not help any sage do private things. Nuwa may help, but the authority she can use is limited.

Gao Xuan could only count on the six-winged cicada. Fortunately, the six-winged cicada did not disappoint him.

The God-Slaying Sword, the Dragon Eye, and the Seventh Sage, all three steps of the plan were almost perfectly successful.

Although the Seventh Sage was the third step of his plan, Gao Xuan never thought that it could be completed in a short time. He estimated that it would take at least one year and two months to complete this plan.

Gao Xuan was very satisfied with this, and he would always say to himself: Well done.

It's a pity that he can't show off in his circle of friends. Gao Xuan can't help but feel a little lonely.

The data stream quickly dissipated and turned into a translucent white light shield that enveloped the throne, completely covering Gao Xuan.

Nuwa floated to Gao Xuan's side and looked at him with interest: "You are really amazing that you can understand the data stream."

Gao Xuan shook his head: "Not that I can understand it."

"I understand. It's a rare object."

Nuwa nodded: "I don't like strange things, logic, or data."

Gao Xuan smiled without saying anything. The Data Heart itself was a strange object, and it even looked down on other strange objects.

"I just thought of a few possibilities, and I want to discuss them with you."

Nuwa said she wanted to discuss it, but she didn't give Gao Xuan a chance to refuse.

She said to herself, "I have calculated repeatedly, and the probability that you know the answer to the test in advance is more than 99.9%."

Nuwa said seriously, "Based on this premise, I have analyzed several possibilities. First, you have the ability to predict. Therefore, you can always know the correct answer in advance when facing the test. Second, you stole the answer from my database."

"So what's your conclusion?" Gao Xuan asked.

"There's no way my database could be stolen."

Nuwa is very confident about this. Data processing is her core strength. If there is a problem with this, she will completely collapse.

Nuwa said confidently: "The only possibility is that you can foresee it in advance. There are several types of foreseeing. I listened to the poem you recited and judged that you might be a reborn person."

Thanks to Dingdang Laodou, coolgun, Gao Feihang, Lanling Noble Family Xiao, Xianyunbu, Jiejie Bug, I am Xue Pan and other friends for their rewards~

(End of this chapter)