King of Assassins

Chapter 54: Kind of handsome


Only Gao Xuan can appreciate this wonderful painting.

Moreover, he could see more.

The bullet fired from the Kungunir heavy sniper rifle, driven by high-energy gunpowder, has a muzzle velocity of 2,800 meters per second, nearly seven times the speed of sound.

Air resistance will reduce the speed of the bullet after it leaves the barrel, but the speed of the bullet is still very terrifying.

The bullet, propelled by powerful kinetic energy, penetrated the back of Fang Zhenshan's head, and the kinetic energy spread through his body tissue, blasting Fang Zhenshan's upper body into a pile of debris. He died instantly.

The bullet passed through the air leaving a long ballistic trace, and the impact of the airflow formed a sonic boom, which gradually spread behind the bullet.

The sharp whistling sound caused countless petals to sway in the Jingu flower fields, and the golden petals flew up along with the whistling sound.

Under the righteous moonlight, dots of golden light swayed in the air, as if cheering for the distant sniper bullets.

Guns shoot into the sky and flowers dance under the moon.

Guns and people, flowers and the moon, movement and stillness, light and shadow, life and death, all come together in an instant, forming a painting with powerful tension.

"Brother, your head looks pretty cool when it explodes!"

Gao Xuan whistled silently. It felt great to have control over other people's life and death.

Gao Xuan was intoxicated for a few tenths of a second before he put the gun into the Yin Demon Amulet. As for the other two brothers of the Fang family, there was no need to kill them. It would be more beneficial to keep them alive. He activated the stealth function and merged into the air, disappearing without a trace.

By the time Fang Zhenlin and Fang Zhenhai reacted and sent people out to search, nothing was found.

The surveillance system of Jingu Garden was unable to capture any footage.

The only way to determine that the sniper fired the shot was from 3,000 meters away, based on the traces left on the Jingu flower field. And the shot was fired from mid-air.

Fang Zhenshan, the chairman of Fanglian Group and an eighth-level source power expert, was killed by a single shot. The black dragon amulet on Fang Zhenshan's body also failed to work.

With Fang Zhenshan's ability, he could activate the Black Dragon Amulet within one hundredth of a second and withstand the shot. However, he was unable to react at all.

There was no doubt that the one who did it was Ghost Gun. He was the only one who was good at long-range sniping and could block all the target's perception.

Fang Zhenlin and Fang Zhenhai were both very angry. They hired the Ghost Gun to kill Wei Yue, but not only did the Ghost Gun fail, it actually killed Fang Zhenshan instead!

You must know that Fang Zhenshan is the chairman of the group and the highest person in charge of the Black Dragon Society in Mingjing.

He holds a lot of power, but also holds a lot of secrets. He is the core of the entire group.

Fang Zhenshan's sudden death was a major blow to the Fanglian Group. Moreover, what should be done with Fang Zhenshan's vacant position

Fang Zhenlin and Fang Zhenhai both quickly realized this problem, and the two brothers looked at each other with a little more vigilance.

When the eldest brother Fang Zhenshan was around, the brothers were all deputies, each with different responsibilities, and there was no distinction between them in terms of superiority or inferiority.

Now that the boss is gone, the question is who will take over.

Of course, the two were brothers, so they wouldn't tear each other apart right away. But in their hearts, they both had their own ideas. They also knew that the other party would not give in.

In fact, the two of them also knew that the most urgent task now was to unite and cooperate to resist the foreign enemies together. However, neither of them trusted the other. This made it difficult.

Twenty minutes later, Zhao Yong hurried to Jingu Garden.

As the captain of the special patrol team, Zhao Yong was responsible for handling emergencies. Of course, his main responsibility was to deal with extraordinary forces such as cultivators, psychics, and aliens.

Therefore, Zhao Yong always carries his exoskeleton armor with him wherever he goes, because he may encounter danger at any time and anywhere.

After inspecting the scene, Zhao Yong could only remain silent.

A shot blew up Fang Zhenshan from three thousand meters away. This ghost gun is so damn scary!

No matter how fast the bullet's initial velocity is, it still takes more than a second from the time it leaves the chamber to hitting Fang Zhenshan.

For an expert, this time is too long. If Fang Zhenshan had been a little alert, he would not have been shot.

The ghost gun's ability to block target sensing is so fucking disgusting!

The key is how the ghost gun can lock Fang Zhenshan's position? Not to mention the distance of 3,000 meters, the walls of the villa are thick enough and have a special coating to prevent outsiders from spying.

There is also a jammer in the room that can interfere with all precision positioning equipment.

The ghost gun killed Fang Zhenshan with a single blind shot through the thick wall

A sharpshooter who can block target sensing and ignore all defenses and interference to lock onto the target's position. Such a shooter is too terrifying!

Zhao Yong felt cold all over at the thought and felt unsafe wherever he stood.

Looking at the brothers Fang Zhenlin and Fang Zhenhai, who seemed to be on good terms but were actually at odds with each other, Zhao Yong knew that the situation was out of control.

Zhao Yong's status was the same as Fang Zhenlin and Fang Zhenhai, and he was not qualified to give orders to the two brothers. This was another internal matter of the Fang family.

Even the top brass of the Black Dragon Society would not intervene without fully understanding the situation.

All this gave Zhao Yong a headache. First, Zhao Feng was killed, and then Fang Zhenshan was killed.

The two of them are the backbone of the Black Dragon Society in Mingjing, and their status is even more important than his.

With the death of these two, the Black Dragon Society lost at least 50% of its power in Mingjing.

It would be fine if the Ghost Gun was ordered by Wei Yue, but I am afraid that the Blood God Society is behind the Ghost Gun.

The Black Dragon Society's influence is spread all over Pegasus, and it is a huge organization that ranks among the top on the entire planet.

As for the Blood God Society, they are sneaky and will only hide in the dark and plot intrigues.

To be honest, Zhao Yong didn't care much about the Blood God Society. In his opinion, they were just a group of slightly crazy followers of the evil god.

The Black Dragon Society also believes in the Dragon God, but the Dragon God is not as evil as the gods of the Blood God Society. The Dragon God has a clear purpose and is very rational.

The members of the Black Dragon Society are very clear-headed. They are doing business with the Dragon God. They work for the Dragon God in order to gain benefits from him.

The Dragon God does not have much influence on the Black Dragon Society. The real people in charge are actually the president, elders and other high-level officials.

The Blood God Society is an evil organization that does things without any reason or purpose.

So Zhao Yong looked down on the Blood God Society. It was just that the people in the Blood God Society were not normal, so he didn't want to provoke them.

Zhao Yong thought of the ghostly assassin and the ghost gun that killed the enemy with blind sniping. This was indeed the mysterious and gloomy style of the Blood God Society.

No matter what the Blood God Society wants to do, this time they are going to find out the mastermind behind it.

As for Wei Yue's Yuanlong Group, although it is powerful, it stands in the open. There is nothing to be afraid of.

No matter what measures are taken, the most important thing is to block the news.

As the official person in charge of the case, Zhao Yong immediately sealed off Jingu Garden and, together with Fang Zhenlin and Fang Zhenhai, issued severe warnings to all those who knew about the case.

Fortunately, not many people really knew the truth. Most people only knew that the room was shot at, and they didn't know that Fang Zhenshan had been sniped.

At this time, the Fang brothers and Zhao Yong were trying their best to control the situation and had no intention of tracking down the murderer.

Now that we know it was Ghost Gun who did it, there will always be ways to find this guy afterwards.

Zhao Yong and the others could never have imagined that the Ghost Gun had already been replaced by a different person.

Gao Xuan returned home, took a shower and changed into comfortable pajamas. He lay comfortably on the bed, logged into the dark web with his Ghost Gun ID and sent a message to Wei Yue.

Wei Yue's personal communication ID is of course confidential, but it is not top secret. After all, this ID is used to communicate with other people.

Gui Qiang had already found out Wei Yue’s personal communication ID, saving Gao Xuan the trouble.

Communications via the dark web are a bit troublesome, but they can avoid most network tracking methods.

Wei Yue, who was chatting with his daughter in the room, took a casual look at the private message he received, but found that the caller was shown as unknown.

A communication ID of her level has extremely high authority and can block communications from all kinds of unrelated people.

Normally, an unknown communication party like this is not qualified to contact her.

There were no complicated codes in the message, only five words: Fang Zhenshan is dead.

Thanks to coolgun, The Other Shore Forest 2020, Xianyunbu, Xiaobai's Kindness, Ziyangyu, I am Xue Pan, Dart Maosi, Lanling Aristocratic Family Xiao Family and other friends for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)