King of Assassins

Chapter 6: camouflage


Yun Qingshang and Gao Xuan are in the same group of students and they have a close relationship. She is very clear about Gao Xuan's abilities.

Among the 49 graduating students, Gao Xuan's combat effectiveness should be ranked in the bottom ten.

If it was a life-and-death fight between her and Gao Xuan, she was confident that she could defeat Gao Xuan within ten moves.

Just now, Gao Xuan swung twelve swords in a row within 0.2 seconds and moved seven steps.

Even though Yun Qingchang was wearing the Crimson Heart, she was unable to see the details of Gao Xuan's movements.

She couldn't even see the sword in Gao Xuan's hand, she only remembered the extremely sharp and cold blood-red blade light.

No wonder Gao Xuan was able to kill Xu Hui. With such a fast sword, Xu Hui would surely die.

When did Gao Xuan become so terrifying

As a killer who had gone through hell training, Yun Qingchang knew very well how terrifying Gao Xuan was in this state. It could even be called terrifying.

Gao Xuan spun the God-Slaying Sword twice in a dashing manner. He lowered his head slightly, and his long bangs covered his sunglasses, making him look like a melancholy and deep swordsman. "How about it? Am I handsome?"

Without waiting for Yun Qingchang to speak, Gao Xuan said, "Speak with your conscience. Don't praise me just because we are friends. Make an objective, fair, and realistic evaluation."


Yun Qingchang thought for a moment and said, "If you could shut up, I would think you'd be more handsome."

"In fact, my heart is cold and my brain is wise, but my mouth doesn't obey my heart or my brain, and I am helpless..."

Gao Xuan was really helpless. It was all the fault of the six-winged cicada.

The problem is that it can't be explained very clearly.

Yun Qingchang actually believed Gao Xuan's explanation to some extent.

Gao Xuan has been talking non-stop since he was six years old. Everyone in the base knows that he is a chatterbox.

Perhaps because this talkative character was so successful, everyone unconsciously ignored Gao Xuan.

What kind of threat can a chatterbox pose? Everyone subconsciously thinks so.

Yun Qingchang always thought so until Gao Xuan saved her life.

From then on, Yun Qingchang discovered how powerful Gao Xuan was.

Gao Xuan's insidiousness, cunningness and cruelty were all concealed by his talkative appearance.

It's terrible that a six-year-old child can be so scheming and create his own persona.

So, when Gao Xuan demonstrated his incredible swordsmanship, Yun Qingchang accepted it all calmly.

"The vulture is dying..."

Yun Qingchang asked Gao Xuan: "What should we do next?"

Gao Xuan just said something about holding back and not doing anything rash. But he just came up and killed everyone. Yun Qingchang was also a little speechless about this.

Vulture used his good left hand to cover his throat tightly, but he couldn't stop the blood gushing out of his throat.

But he was very strong and even after losing so much blood, he was still conscious.

The pain of suffocation had already turned his face purple and black, and his two small eyes were bulging. It was obvious that he was about to die.

As for the other guards, they were already dead.

Gao Xuan tapped the vulture's forehead with the bottom of the scabbard and said, "Remember his appearance and use the Crimson Heart to imitate him. Is that okay?"

Yun Qingchang frowned slightly. To be honest, this is not easy.

The Crimson Heart can be transformed at will, but what it becomes depends on one's ability.

Fortunately, Yun Qingchang had learned how to disguise herself and was quite proficient at it. She could quickly capture a person's facial features and body characteristics and imitate them.

With the Scarlet Heart that can change shape at will, this kind of imitation becomes much easier.

Yun Qingchang faced the vulture's face and used the Crimson Heart to continuously adjust its external form.

The dying vulture watched Yun Qingchang's face slowly turn into his own, his eyes filled with horror.

"I told you to cover it, but the blood is still oozing out..."

Gao Xuan squatted beside the vulture and asked enthusiastically, "Are you still lacking oxygen? Your ugly face has turned purple and red, and your yellow eyeballs are bulging out.

Isn't it very uncomfortable? I wanted you to live a few more minutes, but you insisted on dying. I am helpless too!"

Vulture couldn't speak, but he heard it clearly. The pain of suffocation made him wish he could die immediately, and Gao Xuan's words made him even more angry.

"Suffocation is one of the greatest pains a human can experience. This is a rare opportunity. You can only experience it once, so don't waste it."

Gao Xuan was still chattering, but Vulture could no longer hold on.

In less than a minute, the vulture's legs spread out and the man was dead.

Gao Xuan sighed with some regret and said, "I haven't repaid you for all the care you've shown me over the years. How can I feel bad that you left so easily like this?"

As he spoke, he kept fiddling with the vulture's head with his scabbard: "Look at how you look like you're dying. Are you really that unwilling? And you're so ugly. You'll be an eyesore even after you die, don't you know that..."

"Don't move."

Yun Qingchang's head was almost numb, and Gao Xuan's movements made her a little dizzy.

“I want to show it from multiple angles.”

Gao Xuan pointed at the vulture's neck and said, "Look, there are a bunch of small warts here, and you haven't even managed to make them out. And this shoulder, he's left-handed, so his left shoulder is thicker..."

Gao Xuan pointed out Yun Qingchang's faults for a long time, but Yun Qingchang accepted his advice very humbly.

The two studied the vulture's corpse for more than ten minutes, and Yun Qingchang finally looked like a vulture.

Yun Qingchang, however, was not very satisfied as many details did not match.

Gao Xuan said nonchalantly, "Zhou Lang hasn't been to the base for several years. He is unfamiliar with vultures. He won't pay attention to so many details. It will be enough for you to deceive the surveillance's gait recognition and facial recognition."

As Gao Xuan spoke, he took off all of Vulture's weapons and equipment, and helped Yun Qingshang put them on one by one.

Yun Qingchang was a little worried: "I have never been to the core office area, I am afraid it will be difficult to get in."

"Don't worry. To maintain confidentiality, the base uses low-level optical computers with very low levels of artificial intelligence. The authority levels are identified by chips and passwords."

Gao Xuan pointed at the watch on Yun Qingchang's hand and said, "There's an authorization chip inside. It will be automatically recognized. No problem."

After being reborn, Gao Xuan knew the situation of the base very well.

Gao Xuan said: "I'll take care of the scene, and then we'll go see Zhou Lang."

He drew out the God-Slaying Sword and made it fade into thin air. The bodies of the vulture and several guards immediately turned into a ball of blood light and merged into the God-Slaying Sword.

In just a few seconds, only a pile of guns remained on the rough concrete floor, and the bodies and bloodstains disappeared.

The God-Slaying Sword absorbed Xu Hui's flesh and blood, and recovered a little bit of its strength. It was very easy to absorb the flesh and blood of a few more guards.

As for items like clothes, the God-Slaying Sword didn't need them. Gao Xuan just melted these materials together in order to clean up the scene.

Although doing so requires extra energy, it can save countless troubles.

Yun Qingchang was stunned. She always thought that the sword in Gao Xuan's hand was very evil, but it was too weird that it could directly melt flesh and blood into light.

As a well-trained killer, Yun Qingchang has learned a lot of scientific knowledge such as physics and chemistry.

Although the Crimson Heart was very strange, she could still understand how the power worked, but the God-Slaying Sword overturned her scientific view.

Gao Xuan sheathed his sword. He could clearly feel the excitement coming from the demon's mumbling.

After absorbing Vulture and others, the God-Slaying Sword gained a little bit of power again.

If Xu Hui is considered as a unit, then the vulture plus five guards is roughly equal to half a unit.

The God-Slaying Sword might have been hungry for too long, and it became excited after absorbing a little flesh and blood.

Now the exciting emotions conveyed by the Sword of God-Slaying were clearly urging Gao Xuan to continue killing.

Unfortunately, the devilish whispers of the God-Slaying Sword had no effect on Gao Xuan.

Gao Xuan put the God-Slaying Sword into his left hand. He made a silent gesture to Yun Qingchang: "My sword is a magic sword. Remember to keep it a secret for me."

Yun Qingchang nodded seriously: "I will never tell you even if I die."

"Don't be so serious. This kind of thing can't be kept secret for long."

The God-Slaying Sword must be used at all times, and it is impossible to kill everyone every time. Gao Xuan just hopes to delay the growth period as much as possible.

Gao Xuan didn't say much about this issue. He turned and said, "Let's go find Zhou Lang now. Just say you have something urgent to report. Zhou Lang will meet with us..."

Gao Xuan also explained some details to Yun Qingshang, so that she would not know anything and be exposed on the spot.

The core office area is an independent area with strong security measures and several secret escape passages.

If Zhou Lang sensed something was wrong and ran away early, Gao Xuan would not be sure to keep Zhou Lang.

In fact, Zhou Lang was just a pawn, so it didn't matter if he escaped. The key was that Zhou Lang would reveal his and Yun Qingshang's identities.

Gao Xuan knew very well how terrifying the Blood God Society was. Compared to the behemoth that was the Blood God Society, the current God-Slaying Sword was insignificant.

Only when the God-Slaying Sword grows to its limit will it be qualified to compete with the Blood God Society.

Gao Xuan did not explain the pros and cons to Yun Qingchang. If Yun Qingchang knew about this, it would only increase her burden.

As long as he could sneak into the core office area and meet Zhou Lang, he could settle the grudges at the base, find a place to start a new life, slowly accumulate strength, and wait for an opportunity.

Yun Qingchang, disguised as a vulture, was behind, and Gao Xuan was in front, and the two entered the elevator.

After Yun Qingchang swiped her smart watch, the two took the elevator to the third floor.

The two men came to the security gate, and the guard in charge of checking security just glanced at the vulture and opened the security gate.

The underground base has been running smoothly for more than ten years, and the guards have long lost their vigilance.

The core office area is extremely clean and tidy, with a modern technological style. The walls are made of silver glass and the lighting is all intelligently hidden.

Compared with here, the training space dozens of floors underground is like a doghouse.

Gao Xuan led the way silently in front, bringing Yun Qingshang to the door of Zhou Lang's office.

The door was a sliding alloy door that looked very heavy. There were two armed robots standing in front of the door.

The silver-white alloy shell is shining, and in his hand he is holding a Type 3 Thunder shotgun. The heavy barrel is very intimidating.

The hundreds of steel balls ejected from this type of shotgun can easily penetrate a human body. The power is terrifying. The large coverage area makes it the nemesis of all kinds of fancy fighting techniques.

Gao Xuan lowered his head and said nothing, nor did he dare to gesture to Yun Qingchang. He could sense that there were many cameras around, watching him and Yun Qingchang from all directions.

You must not move at this time.

Fortunately, Yun Qingchang was very calm. She walked up to the armed robot and said in a vulture voice: "Boss Zhou, I have something urgent to report..."

Gao Xuan believed that the powerful imitation function of the Crimson Heart was enough to deceive voiceprint recognition.

The armed robot intercom was in Zhou Lang's hand, but Zhou Lang inside remained silent.

Yun Qingchang didn't get a response, and she couldn't help feeling a little nervous. Could it be that Zhou Lang discovered something

Thanks to Mr. Niu, Plainclothes, Liuyue1988, I love this book, and I owe a lot to a few people for their tips. Thank you for your recommendations, collections, and clicks. Thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)