King of Assassins

Chapter 63: Complain


When several bodyguards were about to shoot, Gao Xuan suddenly stomped his feet.

Gao Xuan stomped his right foot silently, and the solid marble-paved corridor floor rippled like waves.

The twelve methods of the five elements, the so-called five elements are splitting, collapsing, drilling, blasting and shocking.

Gao Xuan used the shock fist on his legs. Although the high-frequency shock source of power was silent, its destructive power was the strongest.

The shockwaves of the kick were transmitted through the ground to the feet of several bodyguards, disrupting their balance.

The feet of several bodyguards with guns were shaking and rising, like small boats in a raging tide, rising and falling with the waves.

You have to know that the human body is a whole. In order to aim, bodyguards adopt a very standard shooting posture, and the body maintains a very stable structure.

The balance was suddenly destroyed and the bodyguards could no longer aim accurately.

Gao Xuan took advantage of this opportunity and rushed forward.

He was as fast as a high-speed train starting up, and he didn't need any moves at all, he just crashed forward.

He hit the four bodyguards hard, and they flew away like bowling pins hit by a bowling ball.

Gao Xuan not only had a fast attack speed, but when he hit the four bodyguards, he used all his strength to transform his source of energy into explosive force and exploded out.

This is different from the violent impact of the cannon fist, but the explosive force of dynamite exploding and shattering everything. This kind of explosive force can also penetrate and transmit, causing great harm to the human body.

The air was blown apart by the explosive force released by Gao Xuan, making a crisp sound like firecrackers exploding.

The four bodyguards had their hands and feet broken and twisted, blood gushing out of their mouths, and they were lying on the ground, breathing out but not breathing in.

At this moment, the marble floor, which had endured the violent shock, also exploded with a loud bang, and fragments and dust flew everywhere.

When Gao Xuan turned around, there were people lying on the ground in the corridor. No one was awake. They were all unconscious and seriously injured.

In comparison, Xu Feng, who was the first to shout and curse, was the least injured. Even so, Xu Feng would not wake up for several hours.

So many people came here in a big way. If Gao Xuan killed them all, he would not be able to stay in Mingjing City, let alone go to university.

Gao Xuan didn't hate this group of people. They were part of society, just like flies and mosquitoes were part of nature, always existing and inexhaustible.

Of course, we can't just leave these people alone. When they wake up, who knows how much trouble they will cause.

It's a complicated matter, but it's not unsolvable. There's no need to go to extremes now.

Gao Xuan glanced at the intact door and was glad that this high-end residential building was of good quality and good sound insulation.

After the battle, Yun Qingchang was not disturbed at all.

"Contact Wei Yue."

Gao Xuan gave a voice command to the smartwatch. Wei Yue owed him a big favor and was undoubtedly the best person to solve the problem.

Wei Yue also thought highly of Gao Xuan and quickly connected the video.

"Ms. Wei, I have a problem and would like to ask you to help me deal with it."

Gao Xuan clicked on the virtual light screen, and the situation at the scene was recorded on the light screen.

Wei Yue was speechless as she looked at the unconscious people on the ground. She thought Gao Xuan was quite smart. Although he talked a lot, he knew when to advance and when to retreat, and knew what was good and what was bad. How could it end up like this

"There was a guy called An Hu and another called Xu Feng. They came to cause trouble for me. I was acting in self-defense."

Gao Xuan explained, "I think these people are arrogant and will not admit defeat."

"An Hu, Xu Feng, I understand. Leave it to me."

Wei Yue was very understanding and took the initiative to take over the matter before Gao Xuan could finish his words.

Gao Xuan had saved her life, and now that Gao Xuan had come to her for help, she couldn't refuse.

An Hu, Xu Feng and other second-generations were only injured, which was not a big problem. After all, Wei Yue was the chairman of Yuanlong Group, so she had the ability and qualifications to deal with the aftermath.

"Thank you, Ms. Wei, you helped me a lot."

"You don't have to be so polite. Not to mention that you saved me, it's just that we are really related, so I should help."

Wei Yue was very polite. She directly stated that this was not a big problem and could not be compared with the grace of saving her life.

"You can't say that. This is a big problem for me."

Gao Xuan said seriously: "Without Ms. Wei's help, I can only flee now."

"It's not that serious. Hehe..."

Wei Yue really liked Gao Xuan's honesty. This matter was not a problem for her, but it was a big trouble for Gao Xuan. She also admired Gao Xuan's sobriety and rationality.

"I'll send Caiyun to deal with it."

"Okay, you're busy. Goodbye."

Gao Xuan didn't bother to be polite anymore. The two parties weren't that familiar with each other yet, so it wasn't appropriate to chat at this time.

Wu Caiyun arrived very quickly, in just over ten minutes, and she also brought a group of emergency medical personnel.

It took a while for a group of people to load everyone onto the emergency aircraft and take them away.

Wu Caiyun looked at the bloodstains on the ground and said to Gao Xuan with a serious expression: "You should be a smart person, why do you always cause trouble?"

"If I were you, just keep your mouth shut."

Gao Xuan said slowly: "Because when you open your mouth, the water in your brain flows out."


Wu Caiyun was so angry that she really wanted to slap Gao Xuan hard and smash his handsome face.

She took a deep breath to suppress her anger: "Gao Xuan, if the boss hadn't helped you clean up the mess this time, you would be dead. Do you know that?!"

Wu Caiyun added earnestly, "Don't think that just because you have a pretty face and know some martial arts, you can be arrogant and cause trouble. With your background, it's not your turn to be famous in Mingjing City."

"Bring it here."

Gao Xuan extended his hand to Wu Caiyun, who was stunned. She didn't know what he meant: "What do you want?"

“Certificate of qualifications.”

"What qualification certificate?" Wu Caiyun was even more confused.

Gao Xuan asked seriously, "Don't you have the qualification certificate to teach me a lesson?"

"Are you sick? I mean well."

Wu Caiyun was furious. Why did this boy speak in such an irritating way

"Remember, don't lecture others if you are not qualified."

Gao Xuan thought for a moment and added: "Your self-righteous kindness is worthless. Keep it for yourself."

Gao Xuan turned around and walked into the room. He stopped before closing the door, turned around and said to Wu Caiyun, "I'm not angry because of what you said. I just want to remind you out of kindness so that you won't suffer in the future."

He smiled politely again and said, "Sorry to bother you this time, Sister Yun."

Wu Caiyun stared at Gao Xuan with anger in her eyes. Unfortunately, Gao Xuan had his eyes closed, and she didn't know if he could see her angry expression.

"I have something else to do, so I won't invite you in for tea. Goodbye."

Gao Xuan said this as he closed the door and left Wu Caiyun outside.

Wu Caiyun couldn't do anything to Gao Xuan, and she didn't dare to really turn hostile. She turned around and left with a gloomy face.

After returning to the Yuanlong headquarters building, Wu Caiyun reported the matter to Wei Yue in detail.

"Boss, Gao Xuan was too arrogant and ruthless. These people were seriously injured. They almost died."

When Wu Caiyun thought about the injuries of those people, her scalp felt a little tingling.

In a space as small as the corridor, Gao Xuan fought against ten people alone, and he was unharmed, while the opponents were all seriously injured and unconscious.

You have to know that two of the bodyguards are level 5 masters, including An Hu, who is also an excellent level 5 swordsman. Such a group of people still have weapons in their hands, but they don't even have the chance to shoot.

Wu Caiyun couldn't figure out how Gao Xuan did it. If it were her, even if she could knock down a group of people, she would definitely be injured.

"He was very sensible, wasn't he? No one died."

Wei Yue's opinion was completely different. She said with some emotion: "He can control it just right, which proves that he still has some strength left. This boy is really amazing. He is only eighteen years old."

Wu Caiyun was shocked. Unconsciously, she had forgotten Gao Xuan's age.

She couldn't help feeling ashamed when she thought about her state when she was eighteen.

Wei Yue sighed again: "Gao Xuan is truly a man of extraordinary talent, and he will surely have a bright future. Unfortunately, he has a bohemian personality, and is not really a good match for me. If not for this, I would really like to support him with all my strength."

Wu Caiyun said carefully: "I think Gao Xuan is arrogant and does things recklessly. I'm afraid he will fail before he grows up..."

“That’s a real problem.”

Wei Yue knew very well that the powerful class now firmly controlled all resources. If a genius like Gao Xuan could not be utilized by them, he would end up dead.

This is not the radical idea of one individual, but the idea of the entire upper class.

The upper class has a firm grip on resources, so why would they share them with a kid from the lower class? They would rather kill this genius than maintain their monopoly on resources.

Wei Yue thought for a moment and said, "No matter what, Gao Xuan saved our lives. He even saved Zhenzhen twice. I will do my best to help him within my ability."

She said to Wu Caiyun, "You go and make an appointment with the elders of those children. I will go and talk to them."

Wu Caiyun was about to say something but stopped herself. The company was currently fighting fiercely with the Fanglian Group and the Black Dragon Society, and they should not offend the powerful families such as the An and Xu families for Gao Xuan.

Wei Yue said calmly: "Don't worry, they will give me this little face."


Wu Caiyun was reluctant, but Wei Yue had made up his mind and she didn't dare to persuade him anymore.

But she became more dissatisfied with Gao Xuan.

After coming out of Wei Yue's room, Wu Caiyun couldn't help but contact Xu Yin: "Professor Xu, Gao Xuan caused a big incident in your home and beat your cousin Xu Feng severely. Did you know that?"

"Ah?!" Xu Yin was very surprised and a little anxious. What was going on

After listening to Wu Caiyun's brief introduction of the situation, Xu Yin felt relieved that Gao Xuan was fine. As for her cousin Xu Feng being seriously injured, she didn't really care.

Xu Yin has always looked down on her cousin Xu Feng, who is superficial, stupid, aggressive, and a disgrace to the Xu family.

However, for Gao Xuan, Xu Yin still went to the hospital to visit her cousin.

Xu Feng's mother Liu Yuru was outside the operating room, nervously watching the surgery inside through the window.

When Liu Yuru found Xu Yin, her face changed immediately. She screamed, "Xu Yin, that boy is your gigolo, right? Look at what he did to my Feng Feng. I want him dead!"

(End of this chapter)