King of Assassins

Chapter 71: Hacker


Mingjing University, Kendo Hall.

When An Hu came in from the gate, he met many fellow apprentices who were practicing sword skills.

This group of people all looked surprised when they saw An Hu. Although they all appeared to be very respectful, they could not hide the curiosity in their eyes.

Obviously, the news that he was seriously injured by Gao Xuan had spread.

There are too many people involved and the impact is huge. This kind of thing cannot be kept secret.

An Hu was very annoyed, but he couldn't get angry. After all, the other person hadn't been rude.

An Hu had a cold face and did not respond to the greetings from his fellow disciples. He strode to Jiang Xuejun who was practicing sword.

Jiang Xuejun changed her hairstyle today, untied all the dreadlocks and tied her hair into a casual bun. The change in hairstyle also made her look less wild and more feminine.

The arrogance in her brows was reduced a bit, and her eyes were more determined and calm.

Jiang Xuejun had changed a lot since he was killed instantly by Gao Xuan in public last time. His whole spirit and demeanor had changed. He was no longer as impetuous and ostentatious as before, and he had obviously improved a lot.

An Hu was a little surprised that Jiang Xuejun had recovered from the failure so quickly and even made some progress! This was really difficult.

He was deeply touched by the failure! A group of people were brutally beaten by Gao Xuan. That battle not only severely injured his body, but also left a great shadow on his mind.

Gao Xuan showed absolute dominance in close combat. An Hu felt desperate every time he thought about it.

This despair also made An Hu panic and angry. He couldn't allow his peers to be so powerful, so powerful that he couldn't resist. So powerful that he could overshadow him.

Not to mention the grudges between the two parties, just for this reason, An Hu could not allow Gao Xuan to live.

The reactions of many fellow students in the Kendo Hall just now further strengthened An Hu's idea.

There can't be two tigers in one mountain. As long as he is still here, Gao Xuan's existence cannot be tolerated.

An Hu had been looking for Gao Xuan for several days but couldn't find any trace of him. In a rage, he smashed the place where Gao Xuan lived.

An Hu also knew that this was Xu Yin's home, but he had no place to vent his anger, and he could not care about Xu Yin.

Who asked Xu Yin to take in Gao Xuan

He was hoping Xu Yin would come to him to reason, and he would just pay Xu Yin the money. He wanted to ask Xu Yin why she took Gao Xuan in, and where she hid Gao Xuan

An Hu was not very clear about the specific situation of the An family and the Wei family, but he knew that his family and the Wei family were in a fierce competition.

The Xu family is an ally of the Wei family, so he doesn't need to be too polite to the Xu family.

Unfortunately, Xu Yin did not respond to this. An Hu smashed Xu Yin's house and was too embarrassed to bother her again.

An Hu came to the Kendo Hall to look for Jiang Xuejun. The Jiang family and the Wei family have a good relationship, and Jiang Xuejun is Wei Zhenzhen's best friend, and she is also close to Xu Yin.

Others may not know where Gao Xuan is, but Jiang Xuejun must know.

To An Hu's surprise, Jiang Xuejun just practiced swordsmanship as if she couldn't see him.

An Hu watched for two minutes. Although Jiang Xuejun's movements were graceful and pleasing to the eye, he was not in the mood.

He spoke up, "Xue-kun, let's talk."

"Oh, tell me what's going on."

Jiang Xuejun was talking but her hands were still moving.

An Hu was a little helpless. He wanted to have a private chat with Jiang Xuejun, but this was a hall after all and there were too many people.

He also believed that Jiang Xuejun understood what he meant, but Jiang Xuejun obviously did not want to cooperate.

An Hu could only look at the students practicing swords around him. None of these students were fools. Noticing An Hu's bad eyes, they all ran away obediently with their swords in hand.

Soon everyone left, and only An Hu and Jiang Xuejun were left in the huge kendo hall.

Jiang Xuejun made a sword-sheathing gesture, exhaled lightly, and then sheathed the sword.

She said to An Hu calmly: "Senior, what do you want to say?"

An Hu smiled and said, "Xue Jun, you are so smart, do I need to tell you directly?"

Jiang Xuejun shook her head: "I'm not interested in guessing. If you don't tell me, I'll leave."

"Xue Jun, let me be frank. Do you know where Gao Xuan is?"

An Hu looked straight at Jiang Xuejun, his face full of murderous intent.

Jiang Xuejun thought for a moment and said, "Senior, you don't have to be like this. Gao Xuan is our junior after all. Please be magnanimous and let that kid go."

"Haha, this matter has nothing to do with you. Now it's a personal grudge between Gao Xuan and me."

An Hu said grimly: "It's either me or him now, or it's either him or me."

Jiang Xuejun was also surprised. Why was An Hu so extreme and violent? In the past, An Hu was always tolerant and generous to others, and he had great prestige in the Kendo Hall.

After not seeing him for a few days, An Hu seemed like a different person. An Hu's ferocious appearance made Jiang Xuejun a little scared.

This is the wolfish nature of An Hu! It turns out that all men are ferocious beasts.

The handsome Gao Xuan is cunning and ruthless, and An Hu is also vicious and cruel. None of them is a good person.

Jiang Xuejun was no longer interested in dealing with An Hu when she thought of this. She said, "I know where Gao Xuan is, but I can't tell you. Sorry."

An Hu watched Jiang Xuejun go to the unknown locker room. There was a fierce light in his eyes, but he did not lose his temper in the end.

Jiang Xuejun changed her clothes, and when she came out again, An Hu was gone.

She didn't care too much. Even if An Hu went crazy, he wouldn't dare to do anything to her.

Jiang Xuejun drove back home. She didn't want to get involved in this matter. She gave Gao Xuan two gene medicines to understand the grudge. Neither side owed the other anything.

Even if An Hu beat Gao Xuan to death, it would have nothing to do with her.

But, after all, Wei Zhenzhen was still there. And Xu Yin.

Jiang Xuejun felt that just for the sake of these two people, she had to remind Gao Xuan.

She hesitated for a while, but still took the initiative to contact Gao Xuan.

"Why, did you miss me?"

Gao Xuan on the light screen smiled, his tone frivolous.

Jiang Xuejun couldn't get angry at this face. This face was too handsome and beautiful, and the expression was even more vivid. Even if he closed his eyes, he would still look lively and vivid.

Jiang Xuejun was stunned for a moment before she said unhappily, "I miss you. Can you please stop being so narcissistic?"

"Well, you didn't think about me. Not at all."

Gao Xuan waved his hand magnanimously, "You are such a self-respecting and self-loving girl, how could you miss me!"

Jiang Xuejun was so angry that she wanted to turn off the phone. How could this person speak so glibly

She said with a straight face, "I'm just reminding you that An Hu is looking for you everywhere. He even came to school today to ask me for your address."

"Thank you for your kind reminder."

"Why are you so perfunctory? There's no sincerity in your thanks at all."

Jiang Xuejun really didn't like Gao Xuan's attitude. She had good intentions, but she didn't know what Gao Xuan meant by this.

"Naive girl, I want to tell you that your phone calls must be monitored by hackers."

Gao Xuan said: "The other party locked my location through you. I really don't know how to thank you for your reminder."

Jiang Xuejun was a little stunned: "How is it possible? I have level 7 authority, who can monitor me!"

The higher the citizen's rank, the greater the privileges they enjoy.

The children of the top dignitaries are born as fifth-class citizens. This level is something that ordinary people can hardly achieve even if they work hard for their entire lives.

Jiang Xuejun's level 7 citizen privileges would be specially protected on Skynet. Not being monitored was a basic benefit of level 7 privileges.

"Haha, you're right."

Gao Xuan didn't want to explain to Jiang Xuejun, so he turned off the phone and got out of bed.

Wei Zhenzhen was still clinging to Gao Xuan: "Brother, where are you going?"

Gao Xuan slapped Wei Zhenzhen's hand away: "Just lie down. You are not needed for this kind of thing."

Gao Xuan went to the next room, where Yun Qingchang was sitting cross-legged on a mat in meditation.

During this period of time, she has been meditating to adapt to the surge in power in her body.

For her, her strength increased twice in just two months. This progress was a bit too fast.

Gao Xuan could understand that Yun Qingchang was only an 18-year-old girl, unlike him who had a hundred years of experience and could control any power. She still needed time to adapt.

"Get ready, we're sure to have guests coming over tonight."

Gao Xuan patted Yun Qingchang on the shoulder and said, "It's time to test the results of your practice!"

(End of this chapter)