King of Assassins

Chapter 78: Very particular!


An Shirong realized something was wrong, but it was too late to dodge.

The continuous red light fell on the glass outer wall of the SHIELD Building. The armor-piercing bullet instantly penetrated six layers of bulletproof glass and shattered the glass wall on the 108th floor.

After hundreds of armor-piercing bullets blasted through the glass exterior wall, the warheads changed direction and rolled and ricocheted wildly in the room.

An Shiping, who was standing next to An Shirong, was unable to react and was hit by several rolling bullets on the spot, with his head, chest and lower limbs exploding at the same time.

The remaining half of the waist rolled out sideways under the impact of kinetic energy.

Under strong pressure, the blood spurted out in a mist-like manner.

An Shirong had an extremely strong perception and saw the entire process of his brother's death very clearly.

But he had no energy to save An Shiping, and he couldn't even avoid the metal storm coming from outside the window.

An Shirong couldn't see what was happening behind him, but he knew that he must be attacked by the ship-borne anti-aircraft guns.

This naval gun is equipped with armor-piercing shells that can easily penetrate 80 cm steel plates. The firing rate is as high as 300 rounds per second.

Naval guns are also the pinnacle of modern small gunpowder weapons. Tanks and the like will be torn to pieces by naval guns in a second.

The naval guns equipped on law enforcement ships are actually used to shoot and kill alien beasts and Zerg.

These alien creatures have extremely strong bodies.

Ordinary firearms pose almost no threat, and only naval guns can easily kill the hard outer shells of these aliens.

In recent years, the alien beasts and Zerg have been almost wiped out, and the naval guns equipped by the law enforcement flying ships have become decorations. Although they are equipped with two ammunition boxes, the headquarters needs to unlock them to activate the naval guns.

An Shirong never thought that someone could use a naval gun to kill him. This was simply too exaggerated.

Even if Wei Yue had a good relationship with the law enforcement department, he couldn't do this.

The governors of the Pegasus Alliance cannot take responsibility for using the law enforcement ship's guns to attack the president of S.H.I.E.L.D.

An Shirong didn't have time to think so much now. He only had one feeling that Wei Yue had gone crazy and had completely let go of all his concerns and was going all in!

Indeed, even a level 10 expert cannot withstand the naval guns.

However, he does have a bronze-level rare item, the Shadow Servant.

Shadow Servant is a small bronze badge that can transform a person's shadow into a Shadow Servant, which possesses some of the master's power.

The master can also transfer physical damage to the shadow servant, limited to once every 24 hours.

It can also temporarily transform into a shadow, penetrate various obstacles, and is immune to most physical damage.

The most important ability of Shadow Servant is to transfer damage. Of course, this ability is active. If the master dies without noticing the damage, the damage cannot be transferred.

The negative effect of the Shadow Servant is that he must smell the fragrance of fine spices every day. If he doesn't smell it for a day, the Shadow Servant will become manic.

Manic emotions will continue to accumulate and gradually affect the owner's mood.

Of course, there is no problem as long as you don't wear the bronze badge.

An Shirong was afraid of death, so he wore the bronze badge around his neck day and night and never took it off.

So he burned incense every day.

This good habit also saved An Shirong.

Realizing that something was wrong, An Shirong immediately summoned his shadow servant.

The shadow transformed by the Shadow Servant twisted and shattered under An Shirong's feet. An Shirong himself was like a phantom, allowing the armor-piercing bullets to penetrate his body without leaving any trace.

The other people in the office did not have An Shirong's ability, and could only use their bodies to withstand the metal storm.

The human body cannot resist the armor-piercing bullet that is ejected by a flip-over.

The two bodyguards and the huge wooden desk were smashed to pieces, blood and wood chips gushed out.

Huang Meng, who was standing opposite An Shirong, reacted the fastest. When she realized something was wrong, she immediately mobilized her energy to protect her body and rolled backwards to avoid it.

Huang Meng, who followed the Titan route, had an extremely strong body, which could be described as steel. After stimulating the source of power, his body expanded and became larger.

Even so, Huang Meng could not withstand the armor-piercing bullets.

A tumbling armor-piercing bullet passed through Huang Meng's shoulder, instantly blasting her shoulder bones and muscles into pieces.

Huang Meng's rolling movement was deflected by the kinetic energy of the bullet, and the armor-piercing bullets that were fired at him hit Huang Meng's body continuously.

A large hole was blown through her chest and lower abdomen, and her left calf was blown off. Her injuries were very serious and she had lost all her fighting ability.

Huang Meng looked at An Shirong who was still sitting with a look of despair. Now only An Shirong had the ability to save her.

An Shirong looked at Huang Meng coldly, without a trace of pity. He thought Huang Meng was stupid, hoping that someone would save her at this time.

An ammunition box holds three thousand rounds, which means the enemy can maintain firepower for ten seconds.

Huang Meng won’t live for more than a few seconds.

An Shirong felt the shadow servant under his feet shattered, and hurriedly activated his shadow ability. His body turned into a black shadow and floated to the door of the secret room behind the bookcase.

This specially reinforced secret room is his safe house. Because of its special design, even ship-borne guns cannot really destroy the safe house.

There is also a set of Shadow Warrior exoskeleton armor in the secret room, which is one of the top personal exoskeleton armors in the galaxy. This is also a benefit for the president of SHIELD.

An Shirong had no intention of counterattacking and there was no need to take the risk.

As long as they can hold on for two minutes, the law enforcement agencies in Mingjing City will react and those daring guys will be dead.

Including Wei Yue, they are all dead.

An Shirong originally wanted to subdue Wei Yue, but he was completely enraged by this crazy assassination.

A madman like Wei Yue must be killed as soon as possible. There is no need for a duel.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The sound of the ship's guns firing was low but extremely arrogant, and the dense ultra-high frequency rhythm echoed wantonly over the second ring road of Mingjing City.

The chain of fire from the naval guns was like a long whip of thunder. Wherever the fire passed, people and objects would explode and shatter immediately.

A long chain of flames followed An Shirong's shadow, striking him continuously.

Huang Meng, who had survived the first wave of shooting, was swept by the long chain of fire and turned into a flying blood mist. He didn't even have time to let out a scream.

There were countless huge holes on the walls and the ground. The luxurious office had turned into ruins in the blink of an eye.

An Shirong didn't care about these at all. He would be safe as long as he rushed into the secret room.

In the shadow state, the high temperature of the cannon bullets will burn the shadow body. The kinetic energy of the bullets will not damage the shadow body.

Although An Shirong was twitching all over from the burns, he was still able to endure the pain. He used his shadow fingers to continuously input the password on the secret room door and quickly opened the secret room door.

Because of the angle, it is difficult for the naval guns to directly attack the secret room door.

The chain of fire formed by high-speed armor-piercing bullets swept across the door several times, leaving only two rows of horrific holes, but failed to destroy the hinge of the door.

The door of the secret room still bounced inward. An Shirong was delighted. He was about to rush into the secret room when he suddenly heard the sound of a sword.

The sound of the sword was low and deep, as if countless demons were shouting together.

An Shirong's eyes suddenly went dark, and his brain seemed to explode. His shadow body also returned to normal. The source of energy in his body became even more chaotic.

An Shirong was extremely frightened. How could this happen

A flash of blood-red sword light pierced through the back of An Shirong's head, and a long section of the blood-red sword blade protruded from between his eyebrows.

A very attractive and clear male voice said in An Shirong's ear: "Brother, why don't you dance?"

The man's teasing tone made An Shirong angry and puzzled. Who was this person? Why was he suddenly unable to control his energy

The severe head injury made An Shirong's mind increasingly confused. He was unable to speak and his consciousness was falling towards darkness.

The man behind him seemed to understand An Shirong's doubts. He said slowly: "Rosemary, three-headed dragon scales and fish bones, plus ambergris, plus udum flower pollen, is the formula for the demon dream."

When An Shirong heard the words "demon dream", his spirits suddenly perked up, and a ball of green light actually emanated from his head.

Lingguang was like a distorted face, looking at Gao Xuan holding the sword with hatred.

Gao Xuan was wearing a black combat suit and a fully enclosed helmet on his face. Although the spiritual power of that ball of light was strong, Gao Xuan's face could not be seen.

"Are you really an elf

Gao Xuan said: "Unfortunately, you have merged too deeply with this body, and there is no way to transfer your soul anymore."

"Who are you?" the face made of spiritual light asked unwillingly.

"You're so rude asking when someone's face is covered."

Gao Xuan asked back: "Just tell me, is this move of mine to kill you cool or not?"

"The demonic dream is designed to defeat spirits like you. It's nothing in itself. At most, it will limit your mental power and cause a strong rejection reaction to your flesh and blood. But with my demonic whispers, you're doomed."

Gao Xuan said proudly: "The most ingenious thing is not these. I secretly replaced a pack of cigarettes for your bodyguard and added Udumbara pollen to the cigarettes. Tell me honestly, is this a clever trick?"

An Shirong's spiritual power was severely restricted. He could hear Gao Xuan's words clearly, but he was powerless to resist. The face made of spiritual light could only stare at Gao Xuan fiercely.

"As for the ship's gun, it's actually very simple. Zhao Yong, the cowardly guy, is hiding in the Special Response Department. I can sneak in and kill him, then pretend to be him and drive the ship out."

Gao Xuan said: "The only trouble is the activation of the ship's guns. Fortunately, there are dark web hacking programs, which can always be solved."

"Well, you deserved your death to be killed by such a sophisticated and excellent assassination plan."

Gao Xuan patted the face made of green light in a friendly manner, "You seem very angry, but what can you do? Why don't you mobilize your spiritual power to self-destruct, and then explode..."

The blue light face that An Shirong transformed into kept expanding and contracting, and his spiritual power fluctuated violently.

The spirit race has no physical body, but has emotions. After being integrated with An Shirong's body for many years, it has also been assimilated into human culture.

Faced with Gao Xuan's provocation and ridicule, the spirit race could not bear it at all. It mobilized all its spiritual power to self-destruct, but was trapped by some powerful spiritual force and could not break free.

Gao Xuan showed off his achievements and was too impatient to talk nonsense with An Shirong anymore.

"Look at your incompetent appearance. The Eldar are just trash."

Stimulated by Gao Xuan's words, the spirits became even more excited, and their mental strength suddenly exploded to the extreme.

Without waiting for the spirits to self-destruct, Gao Xuan turned the sword in his hand, and An Shirong's body exploded into a ball of blood.

The green face that An Shirong transformed into also exploded along with the blood light. Then the scattered green light quickly gathered together, leaving behind a transparent green gem.

Gao Xuan laughed. He said so much to An Shirong just to stimulate the other's emotions.

Sure enough, An Shirong, who was extremely angry, burst out with his spiritual power to the extreme, leaving behind high-quality spirit core crystals.

He exclaimed: "What a big spiritual core, my friend, it's exquisite!"

(End of this chapter)