King of Assassins

Chapter 786: Time Wanderer (Final)


In the dark underground world, unknown mosses exude a faint green light.

The sound of the underground river flowing was even a bit noisy in the semi-enclosed open space.

Yuan Ling'er woke up leisurely amid the noisy sound of water. She instinctively pinched the center of her eyebrows, where the pain felt like it was exploding.

She vaguely saw Yun Qingshang sitting beside her.

The space here is dark, with only the moss-like plants on the ground emitting dark green light.

Just with this weak light, Yuan Ling'er could clearly see the subtle expressions on the face of Yun Qingshang opposite him.

Yun Qingshang looked as calm and cold as he thought. However, this is clearly a semi-enclosed underground space somewhere. How did she get here

Yuan Ling'er tried hard to remember, but couldn't remember anything. As long as she concentrated, her brain would explode. I can't sense any instructions from fate.

This frightened Yuan Ling'er. She had had this powerful power since she was a child, and now it suddenly disappeared, as if she had lost her hands and feet.

She called Yun Qingshang uneasily: "Sister Yun."

Yun Qingshang's eyes slightly turned to Yuan Ling'er, and she nodded gently: "It's okay, don't panic."

Although Yun Qingshang only said a vague word of comfort, Yuan Ling'er felt a lot more at ease.

She has followed Yun Qingshang for more than ten years, and often she doesn't say a word for a month. However, she believed in Yun Qingshang the most.

Gao Xuan was very close to her and always taught her lessons. He even takes her to play when he has nothing to do, without any airs. He is truly both a teacher and a friend.

But Yuan Ling'er knew very well that Gaoxuan City was as deep as the abyss. He is not hypocritical of himself. It's just that these friendships are not worth mentioning in Gao Xuan.

It's not that Gao Xuan is heartless, but that he is too tall. So high that he regards all living beings as games.

Probably only Yun Qingshang in this world can make Gao Xuan take him seriously.

Yuan Ling'er knew his own weight very well. Therefore, she believed in the taciturn, indifferent and ruthless Yun Qingshang.

At least Yun Qingshang would care more about her and wouldn't lie to her. If Yun Qingshang says it's nothing, then it's really nothing.

Yuan Ling'er felt a lot more at ease. She knew that Yun Qingshang didn't like to talk too much. Although she had many doubts in her heart, she still didn't ask.

Yun Qingshang also knew what Yuan Ling'er was thinking, but she just wasn't interested in explaining.

These things are not important at all. Whether Yuan Ling'er knows or not doesn't have any impact.

Human curiosity enables people to constantly obtain more information. However, most people are repeatedly getting invalid information. 99% of information is actually meaningless.

Most people's energy and wisdom are consumed in this meaningless information.

Yuan Ling'er is a very smart child, and she shouldn't waste her time. It is very necessary to properly control your curiosity.

These principles are actually very simple, and Yuan Ling'er also understands them. Yun Qingshang didn't want to repeat it.

The two of them faced each other in silence. Yuan Linger was somewhat anxious, but Yun Qingshang enjoyed the silence.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before Yuan Ling'er saw a figure flash and Gao Xuan arrived.

Gao Xuan, who was holding the sword, had a relaxed smile on his face. There wasn't even a trace of mud on his white shoes.

Just looking at Gao Xuan's appearance, it was as if he was taking a walk in the park.

"Little Linger is awake."

Gao Xuan came to Yuan Ling'er. He reached out and touched Yuan Ling'er's forehead very affectionately, "How are you doing? Does your head still hurt?"

Although Yuan Ling'er knew that Gao Xuan's nature was deep and ruthless, she was still a little touched by this. Compared with Yun Qingshang's indifference, Gao Xuan's approach indeed makes people feel warmer and closer.

She said a little aggrievedly: "Brother Gao, my head hurts so much."

"It can't be helped. Who asked you to look directly at that artifact?"

Gao Xuan asked curiously: "Can you tell me what that artifact looks like?"

"The artifact is like a compass, divided into circles. There are two big characters on the outermost circle, one yuan and one end. The two characters correspond up and down at the midpoint of the circle, just like the twelve o'clock and six o'clock positions on the dial. …”

Yuan Ling'er didn't hide anything. Gao Xuan might be ruthless, but he wouldn't harm her intentionally. He has extraordinary magical powers and knows everything. I was about to ask him about these questions.

By the time Yuan Ling'er finished speaking, Gao Xuan already knew what the artifact looked like.

He was very sure that there was no record of this artifact in the various legends and classics in the world.

Especially in the fairy world, he collected countless books. Including the secret law books of various sects, there are relevant records on the origin of various gods and objects of heaven and earth.

In fact, there are many descriptions of the laws of the Three Thousand Great Dao, including the immortal enlightenment.

This artifact that controls destiny is so unique. No one seems to know it exists.

Gao Xuan was unable to make a detailed analysis of this artifact based on his knowledge and wisdom alone.

Abilities such as the Phaseless Nine Transformations and the Ninth Sense are too low-level compared to this artifact. Even the Nine-turn Divine Cicada is too low-level in comparison.

However, Gao Xuan smelled a familiar smell.

At this point, he was absolutely sure that his rebirth was related to this artifact. It’s hard to say how deep this relationship is.

As long as he gets this artifact, everything will come to light.

Yuan Ling'er asked Gao Xuan expectantly: "Brother Gao, do you know what that thing is?"

Gao Xuan shook his head: "I don't know."

Yuan Ling'er was a little disappointed. She said to Gao Xuan with a grimace: "Brother Gao, I seem to be unable to predict my fate!"

"It doesn't matter. Predicting your fate is no fun."

Gao Xuan smiled and said: "This is not necessarily a bad thing."

Yuan Ling'er shook her head. She didn't quite agree with Gao Xuan's statement. She thought for a moment and asked: "We ran here, didn't something happen to Brother Huo?"

"Yeah. The top brass of the Huo family attacked him and he died."

Gao Xuan said it very calmly, making it sound as if a senior member of the Huo family had killed Huo Tiejun.

It's so mysterious that he didn't deliberately deceive Yuan Ling'er, but Huo Tiejun betrayed them. This is too boring to say. It doesn't matter how such a person dies. It's better to let Yuan Ling'er leave a good impression on him.

Yuan Ling'er smiled bitterly: "I knew it. Brother Huo is very ambitious, but he doesn't have the corresponding abilities. Something will happen to him sooner or later."

Huo Tiejun has never had a clear understanding of himself. He always feels that he is very good, but he forgets that he can reach this point only because of the help of others.

Yuan Ling'er and Huo Tiejun met each other, and she hoped that Huo Tiejun would have a good outcome. Unfortunately, she fell into a coma due to a sudden change and was unable to save Huo Tiejun.

Yuan Ling'er lowered her eyes sadly, silently praying that Huo Tiejun could rest in peace.

Gao Xuan stood aside and watched silently. He had no feelings for Huo Tiejun, but he could understand Yuan Ling'er.

After all, Yuan Linger is still a little girl in her early twenties. She has seen too little and experienced too little. Still retaining very pure feelings. There's nothing wrong with that.

After a while, Yuan Ling'er asked quietly: "Brother Gao. Are we going to hide underground in the future?"

"That's no need. In fact, I have already taken care of the Huo family."

Gao Xuan said: "The real trouble is not people."

Yuan Ling'er suddenly became nervous: "Brother Gao, are you saying that we are being targeted by monsters?"

"Monsters are not a big problem."

Gao Xuan looked at Yuan Ling'er and said, "For you, the real trouble lies in that artifact."

"Huh?" Yuan Ling'er was puzzled by this.

"The power of the artifact is too strong. As your connection with the artifact becomes deeper and deeper, you will be crushed and melted by the power of the artifact."

Gao Xuan said: "This time you just looked directly at the artifact, and that's what happened. As far as I can tell, you won't be able to survive the next contact."

Yuan Ling'er was stunned for a moment. Although she still had a headache, she had regained her basic sanity.

She thought about it seriously and found that Gao Xuan was right. This connection proved fatal to her.

Yuan Ling'er said blankly: "Then what should I do?"

Gao Xuan said softly: "You have established a connection with the artifact, and your fate is already determined. Either you master the artifact, or you are melted by the artifact."

Yuan Ling'er thought of the endless power of that artifact, and her heart became more and more hesitant and uneasy.

It is absolutely impossible for an individual to master the artifact, just like ordinary people holding up the galaxy with their own hands. The gap in strength level between the two sides is too big.

Yuan Ling'er was dazed for a while, and then she asked Gao Xuan with her last hope: "Brother Gao, can I still be saved?"

"Technically no."

Gao Xuan said: "However, if you believe me, there is still a little chance."

He added: "Now you use your spirit and flesh to condense a special coordinate that can guide the location of the artifact. Help me get the artifact. That way, I can save you."

Yuan Ling'er looked at Gao Xuan with some confusion. She thought for a moment and whispered: "Brother Gao, is this why you have been teaching me for more than ten years?"


Gao Xuan said: "That artifact is too important. I must try my best to get it."

Yuan Ling'er lowered her eyes and said, "How about I help you?"

"Ha ha ha ha… "

Gao Xuan laughed, "Who am I? How could I embarrass a little girl like you? Besides, we are friends after all. I will not be unjust to my friends."

Although Yuan Ling'er didn't quite understand what Gao Xuan meant, she could hear the confidence and magnanimity in his words.

She couldn't help but ask: "Brother Gao, if I don't help you, what should you do?"

"Nothing, just waiting for you to die. The soul will naturally be attracted to the artifact."

Gao Xuan said: "It's not difficult, it just requires a little patience."

Yuan Ling'er intuitively felt that Gao Xuan had not lied to her. She was a little frustrated. It turned out that her will was not important, but herself.

Yuan Ling'er thought for a moment and asked, "Brother Gao, if I help you, will I still have a chance to survive?"

"It depends on luck. If you are lucky, not only you can survive, but everyone can live. If you have bad luck, I will also be wiped out. Then don't worry about anything."

Gao Xuan said calmly: "If you take the initiative to help me, you can increase your chance of victory by one in ten thousand."

Yuan Ling'er smiled bitterly: "So I'm so useless."

"It's not that you are useless. With such a huge power of destiny, individual power is very small. Just like a typhoon sweeping across the sea, when an ordinary person falls into the sea, he not only wants to save his life, but also fishes for a needle in the sea."

Gao Xuan said: "Your function is to indicate the direction of the needle. At least, it gives me the possibility of success."

Yuan Ling'er nodded, and asked again: "Brother Gao, why don't you say this is to save all mankind?"

"The main thing is to save myself, the rest is incidental. I don't like shouting slogans."

Gao Xuan said: "Are you willing to sacrifice your life for all mankind?"

Yuan Ling'er said decisively: "I do."

"The human race always has these people with lofty ideals and the courage to sacrifice themselves, so that they can become a great life race. But now the energy level that the human race has to face far exceeds the limit of an intelligent life race. Wisdom, courage, confidence, justice, all beautiful and powerful things The energy is meaningless.”

Gao Xuan said: "I don't want to lie to you. It makes sense for you to do this. However, you may not be able to save the human race. You may not even be able to save yourself."

When Gao Xuan said this, Yuan Linger believed him.

She was silent for a moment and said: "Brother Gao, I believe in you. I am willing to help you!"

"My good friend, I will try my best not to betray your trust."

Gao Xuan smiled and patted Yuan Ling'er's shoulder, and expressed encouragement to Yuan Ling'er seriously.

Yuan Ling'er was a little scared again: "Brother Gao, am I afraid of pain? Please be gentle."

"Don't worry, life is just a dream. All you have to do is take a good rest and sleep. Leave the rest to me."

In Gao Xuan's gentle voice, Yuan Ling'er somehow felt more and more sleepy, and she soon fell into a deep sleep.

Yun Qingshang looked at Yuan Ling'er, who was sleeping on the ground, and there was a little more tenderness in her eyes, "Little Ling'er is still very sensible."

"If you don't believe me, I will die. Believe me, I still have one billionth chance of survival."

Gao Xuan said: "In this situation, she is willing to use her own wisdom to judge and take a chance. This is wisdom, decision-making, and courage."

"It's her trust in you." Yun Qingshang added.

"It's not because of emotion that she trusts me, but because she believes in her own vision."

Gao Xuan said: "Yuan Ling'er is very smart and a good boy. There are hundreds of millions of people, and I don't know how many such good boys there are. However, in the face of the huge power covering all the heavens and worlds, these are not worth mentioning, just like the sky. Flying dust.”

Yun Qingshang sighed softly. She knew the reality was cruel, but hearing Gao Xuan say it, she still felt sad.

"The world is like this. What an individual can do in life is extremely limited. All achievements are more due to gifts from fate. That's all."

Gao Xuan said: "We still have a chance to give it a try. This is simply fate favoring us. What else do we want?"

"Okay. You're right."

Yun Qingshang nodded in agreement. Indeed, he had found the only solution to a dead situation. What was there to be dissatisfied about. Even if the chance of breaking the situation is slim.

Gao Xuan smiled at Yun Qingshang: "Don't think too much. It's good if you succeed. If you fail, you will be reduced to ashes. This is not bad."

"Yeah." Yun Qingshang nodded and had nothing to say.

Gao Xuan looked at Yun Qingshang and said, "Are you speechless?"

Yun Qingshang shook his head. What relationship did she have with Gao Xuan? Why bother talking about it.

"At the last moment, why don't we do two rounds to have fun?" Gao Xuan suggested.

Yun Qingshang shook his head: "Concentrate on your work."

"Well, you're still so boring."

Gao Xuan glanced at Yuan Ling'er who was lying on the ground. This girl was so curvy. He tutted, "What a pity. Little Ling'er will definitely be willing to have one last carnival."

Yun Qingshang looked at Gao Xuan quietly and said nothing.

"Just kidding to lighten the mood."

Gao Xuan laughed dryly, "I'm going to start now, get ready."

Gao Xuan did as he said. He pointed at Yuan Ling'er, and Yuan Ling'er's body instantly turned into a white aura.

Yuan Ling'er's soul could be faintly seen sleeping in the white aura, unaware of changes in the outside world.

Gao Xuan actually has thousands of ways to strengthen Yuan Ling'er's soul, but all external forces will change the characteristics of Yuan Ling'er's soul and interfere with her connection with the artifact.

At this point, there is no way out. It was rare that Yuan Ling'er trusted him and was willing to make sacrifices for this.

This also gave him more time and made better preparations.

There was a golden light in Gao Xuan Tianlong's eyes, and Yuan Ling'er's soul turned into an exquisite nine-pointed star structure in the golden light.

Yuan Ling'er's soul cannot be changed, but Gao Xuan can use the power of Yuan Ling'er's soul to form the strongest and most stable structure.

At the same time, Gao Xuan's body outside the galaxy suddenly burst into divine light. He then stepped into Xianyang Star and came to the mark of Yuan Ling'er's soul.

Gao Xuan's body power is too powerful. No matter how he restrains it, its powerful life essence cannot be accommodated by the monster realm.

What's more, Gao Xuan didn't hide his power. His innate Hunyuan Dao body has been activated.

The powerful and endless energy protects the nine-pointed star mark formed by Yuan Ling'er's soul, suddenly piercing the void and leading into the endless river of destiny.

The starry sky suddenly shook, and the huge monster covering the galaxy was completely awakened.

Billions of eyes opened wide at the same time, and Gao Xuan's handsome face appeared in each eye.

Gao Xuan paid no attention to the monsters. At this moment, these monsters were not worth distracting attention at all.

The long river of destiny is not really a long river. The long river of destiny is a time and space that covers all the heavens and all realms and flows endlessly.

The most emptiness of void will also be covered by the long river of fate.

Only in the depths of the most nihilistic void can Gao Xuan sense the long river of fate flowing.

If you want to find that artifact in the long river of destiny, you need to eliminate all other interferences as much as possible.

Gao Xuan guided Yuan Ling'er's soul mark into the endless void, but their true location was still on Xianyang Star.

This also inevitably caused commotion and attention from the monsters.

Gao Xuan's entire spirit followed Yuan Ling'er's soul imprint, and his destiny was obscure and turbulent.

The nine-pointed star mark that Yuan Ling'er transformed into was looming in the turbulent river of destiny, and that aura seemed to be destroyed at any time.

In this regard, Gao Xuan could only watch silently. No matter how powerful he is, he won't be able to help at all.

Of all the countless sentient beings in the universe, only Yuan Ling'er can establish a connection with that artifact. This is not destined, but the miracle of life.

Gao Xuan only hoped that Yuan Ling'er's soul mark could persist. Only in this way could he grasp the only chance of survival.

Gao Xuan could feel that the increasingly turbulent torrent of fate was sweeping through the entire galaxy and universe in a subtle way.

The monsters that occupied this universe also woke up one after another. Monsters are connected to each other through a huge spiritual network.

In an instant, hundreds of millions of monsters all over the universe saw Gao Xuan together.

Gao Xuan's handsome face appeared on countless eyeballs.

For huge monsters, when the spiritual network is connected, all information can be communicated synchronously, and there is no time difference.

Gao Xuan also felt the boiling of countless monsters at this moment, and felt the deep malice released by the monsters.

Because the monsters on Xianyang Star serve as a pulling connection, all monsters can see Gao Xuan at this moment and can connect to Gao Xuan mentally.

Just the simple malice of the monsters caused all life in the Xianyang Star Territory to die instantly. Including vegetation and other low-level life forms, all were turned into gray ashes due to the powerful malice of the monsters.

The huge star that illuminated the Xianyang star field was instantly extinguished and collapsed due to the terrifying negative energy gathered by the monsters, turning into a dim death star without any strong energy response.

From the perspective of the entire galaxy, all the planets in the Xianyang Star Region turned gray-white in an instant.

The mountains on the planet's surface collapsed, the rivers dried up, and everything turned into gray-white ashes.

It's like burning charcoal, leaving only the last bit of ashes. There is no more energy.

The monsters that ruled the galaxy and universe released their endless power at this time.

Even Yun Qingshang couldn't bear such huge negative energy. Her body disintegrated into a ball of gray fly ash in an instant.

Only if Yun Qingshang's soul is powerful enough and has Gao Xuan's protection, can he stand firmly beside Gao Xuan.

For Gao Xuan, the energy gathered by the monsters is very powerful, but like a tsunami and landslide, it may seem powerful, but it cannot reach a very high level.

Even if the monsters plunge the entire universe into silence and death, Gao Xuan will not lose a single hair.

Just the difference in energy level allows him to stand on a higher level without any harm.

In the final analysis, the level of monsters is too low. No matter how numerous and powerful they are, they pose no threat to Gao Xuan.

Gao Xuan watched as the monsters frantically released negative energy, which could destroy the galaxy and kill all living things.

For the river of destiny, these huge energies are meaningless. The long river of destiny flows turbulently on its own, and its operating mode is higher than the level of Gaoxuan.

If the power of monsters is like landslides or tsunamis, then the river of destiny is like the sun, moon and stars in the nine heavens.

Gao Xuan experienced the wonderful changes in his destiny, and his heart was filled with sighs again.

Facing the endless river of fate, the Celestial Immortals and Daluo Golden Immortals will be equally helpless. This is not a force that any life can control.

Gao Xuan is naturally even less able to control it, but his innate Hunyuan Taoist body has a unique advantage in this regard.

Because the internal and external fusion is one, perfect. Gao Xuan is like a bright mirror. By observing himself, he can sense the subtle changes in his destiny.

In this state, Gao Xuan understood some of the mysteries of destiny.

These insights alone were enough for him to lay the foundation of Daluo Jinxian.

However, compared with the artifact that controls destiny, the Great Luo Jinxian is nothing worth mentioning.

Gao Xuan's entire attention was on Yuan Ling'er's soul mark, which could not last long.

The negative energy of the monsters cannot interfere with the river of destiny, but it will inevitably have an impact on Yuan Ling'er's soul mark.

Because of the uniqueness of Yuan Ling'er's soul mark, Gao Xuanyou could not help.

At this moment, Gao Xuan could only watch.

Regardless of success or failure, leave it to fate.

It's just that Yuan Ling'er's soul mark is getting darker and darker, and is about to be extinguished.

With Gao Xuan's perseverance, he couldn't help but feel extremely depressed at this moment. Was he really going to lose? Is this the ending destined for him by impermanent fate

No, you can’t accept your fate. He still has a way. No matter what, try your best!

Gao Xuan suddenly made a decision when he thought of this. He vibrated six wings from the depths of the ninth level of the sea of consciousness and flew out lightly, landing on Yuan Ling'er's soul mark.

The most spiritual Nine-turn Divine Cicada, Gao Xuan will withdraw all the soul marks he left on the Nine-turn Divine Cicada.

The current Nine-turn Divine Cicada only has its most original spirituality.

When the nine-turn divine cicada and Yuan Ling'er's divine soul marks touched each other, the two naturally combined. The imprint of Yuan Ling'er's soul dissipated, but the Nine Turns Divine Cicada's eyes lit up, and it fluttered its wings lightly and continued to fly forward.

Gao Xuan could feel that Yuan Ling'er's soul imprint had been integrated into the Nine Turns Divine Cicada.

Gao Xuan didn't know whether the combination of the two would affect the purity of Yuan Ling'er's soul.

However, at this point, he could only take risks.

The monsters occupying the starry sky are still gathering strength to attack Gao Xuan. They are not stupid. They can't touch Gao Xuan even if they use their power continuously. This also makes them realize how terrifying Gao Xuan is.

Therefore, the attack patterns of monsters are constantly adjusting and changing.

Limited to their level of power, no matter how hard they try, they can't do anything to Gao Xuan.

The repeated failures also made the monsters more restless. This also caused the huge energy of the entire universe to stir.

Fortunately, the Nine Turns Divine Cicada was not affected. It was flying and turning in the long river of destiny, seemingly heading straight for a certain goal.

This process sounds complicated, but in reality it only takes a few minutes.

For the Xianyang Star Territory, life in the entire Star Territory has been destroyed in just a few minutes.

As the power invested by the monsters becomes stronger and stronger, the planets in the Xianyang Star Territory are constantly corroding and turning into dust.

The material structure of the entire planet was destroyed, and the planet was unable to maintain its original state.

Each planet is raising layers of gray fly ash towards the starry sky. Countless ashes were scattered all over the vast star field.

Not long after, the Xianyang Star Territory was completely wiped out from the vast starry sky, leaving only endless ashes scattering wantonly in the starry sky.

The planets have disappeared, and Gao Xuan's tiny figure is particularly eye-catching in the vast starry sky.

The huge monster above Gao Xuan had huge tentacles flying, trying to wrap Gao Xuan from all directions.

The billions of eyeballs on the tentacles were all staring at Gao Xuan. These abnormally huge eyeballs even show obvious doubts, confusion and other emotions.

They can see Gao Xuan, but they can't touch Gao Xuan. This is beyond the understanding of the monsters.

Gao Xuan, who was like a phantom, suddenly revealed his true form.

All monsters connected through the spiritual network instantly felt Gao Xuan's presence.

Gao Xuan's figure is so clear in their huge eyeballs.

The dark golden compass held in Gao Xuan's hand was also so clear.

Many monsters did not pay attention to the small compass, their attention was all on Gao Xuan.

Through the battle just now, the monsters realized how terrifying Gao Xuan was. After discovering Gao Xuan's true form, they all launched the most powerful soul pollution together without hesitation.

This soul pollution is the source of their power and also their most terrifying power.

The soul of any life will be contaminated by this dirty power. Without exception.

Billions of huge monsters exerted their power at the same time, and through the spiritual connection that seemed to be substantial, all the filthy power converged on Gao Xuan.

Gao Xuan did not resist, but the dark gold compass in his hand shone slightly.

Indescribable energy vibrated in the universe, and billions of monsters larger than galaxies all vibrated at the same time at this moment.

Then, billions of extremely huge monsters simultaneously turned into wisps of smoke and dissipated.

In the vast and cold vacuum of space, the smoke transformed by the monsters quickly dissipated without a trace. It was as if these monsters had never existed.

There is not even a trace of their existence in this starry sky.

Gao Xuan looked at the dark gold compass in his hand, with a rare look of caution on his face.

From the moment he got it, he knew the name of this artifact out of strong intuition: Time Roulette.

Yes, this artifact is the supreme artifact formed by the natural condensation of the laws of time. It moves silently in the long river of destiny, unnoticed by any living being.

Until, until Yuan Ling'er's strange soul established a subtle connection with it.

For the artifact itself, this connection is actually meaningless. The artifact has no intelligence, nor does it have any preference for Yuan Ling'er.

For artifacts, these are the most natural changes.

Of course, the operation of the time wheel will still interfere with the changes in natural time.

Gao Xuan was very sure that his rebirth was just a small fluctuation in the time roulette.

Among the billions of creatures in the universe, there are always some lucky ones who can be blessed by the power of the Time Wheel and swim upstream in the long river of destiny.

Gao Xuan is one of the lucky people. He thinks there are others who have been blessed with this blessing.

For example, a powerful demon god hiding in the abyss. It is likely that he relied on the advantage of the prophet to obtain endless powerful power. Only then did he defeat many Da Luo Jinxian.

Of course, this is just Gao Xuan's guess.

Gao Xuan didn't have time to think so much now. He had obtained the Time Roulette, but it was too powerful and he couldn't control it at all.

All the monsters covering the galaxy universe were instantly destroyed because of the direct spiritual connection established between these monsters and him.

He obtained the Time Roulette through the guidance of the Nine-turn Divine Cicada, and the instantaneous power of the Time Roulette was stimulated. The surging time energy fell on him, and also on many monsters.

The level of the agitated time energy was too high. These monsters had great vitality, but all their life marks were directly wiped out by the time energy. In an instant, he completely disappeared into the endless river of fate.

Because Gao Xuan was a master of the innate Hunyuan Taoist body, he could withstand this wave of energy fluctuations in distance and time. Speaking of which, he must also thank many monsters for helping him share 90% of the time energy impact.

Now that time energy has an outlet, Gao Xuan's pressure is naturally greatly reduced.

Gao Xuan hasn't quite figured out the specific changes in this time energy impact yet, he just feels that time is rapidly fluctuating and jumping.

Matter, life, and energy cannot escape the movement of time. Time is enough to destroy everything.

The time roulette just now wiped out everything in an instant. Although Gao Xuan relied on the innate Hunyuan Taoist body to withstand it, he could not figure out the mystery of the changes in the time roulette.

After all, this power is too powerful. Powerful enough to far exceed the level of Daluo Jinxian.

Gao Xuan also knew that it was too difficult to control the time roulette with his own strength.

It's like a child playing with a nuclear bomb. If one doesn't do it right, he'll be blown to pieces first.

However, with such an artifact in his hands, how could he let it go.

Just now, the time wheel annihilated all the monsters, and all the creatures in this universe ruled by monsters also perished.

Only by mastering the wheel of time can humanity be saved.

Gao Xuan had no obsession with saving the human race, but he promised Yuan Ling'er. He is not one to go back on his word.

On the other hand, now he only has a chance to break through by mastering the time roulette.

The Daluo Golden Immortals have already fallen. Even if they haven't fallen, the situation is definitely not good.

The power of the abyss will soon erode the heavens and swallow up all the heavens and realms.

At that time, all living things will perish. No matter how strong Gao Xuan is, he can't be alone. What's more, the road leading to Daluo Jinxian will definitely be blocked.

Gao Xuan can find a place to survive, but in a few million years at most, all the heavens and worlds will be destroyed.

A few million more years would certainly be nice. If there is no other way, Gao Xuan can accept his fate.

Now that he has found the key to changing his destiny, of course he will try his best to try. Even if you die for it. He is willing too!

Gao Xuan looked at the dark gold compass in his hand. This thing was too powerful and he couldn't control it by force. The best way is to establish a close connection with this thing, even if it just borrows a trace of power, it is enough. No need to control.

These artifacts are closely connected to the endless river of destiny and cannot be controlled by anyone or any force.

Gao Xuan had a hunch that the time roulette would soon start its second shock.

Judging from the level of the first time energy shock, he should be able to survive ten shocks.

However, the energy oscillations of the Time Wheel may occur in incremental patterns. Then he can't last more than a few times.

Even in the best situation, he can survive ten shocks. If he can't find a way to coexist within ten shocks, he will die.

At this time, the Nine Formless Transformations have lost their meaning.

Because the variables of the time roulette are completely beyond the level of the nine-turn without form. The calculation power of the phaseless nine-turn is high and cannot be used to calculate the time roulette.

Gao Xuan could only guess and figure it out by himself, but he couldn't think of any good solution.

For him, this thing is too high-end. If you cannot truly understand time and the long river of destiny, you cannot understand the essential core of this artifact.

Neither can truly understand it, let alone borrow its power.

Gao Xuan held the time roulette tightly and thought hard about how to control the time roulette.

The inner ring pointer on the dark gold compass swayed slightly, and Gao Xuan's eyesight dimmed slightly. His vitality was rapidly disappearing.

Realizing that the situation was not good, Gao Xuan hurriedly activated the Wu Jian Tian Dragon Claw.

This artifact seems to have reached the level of a heavenly artifact. The endless changes in hell contained within it cover the grand changes in space.

The dark gold claw blade emerged, holding the dark gold compass tightly.

The energy of time vibrates silently, and the dark golden light on the claws of the Infernal Dragon quickly dims and becomes dull, and then rusts and turns to dust.

In the blink of an eye, the dark gold claw blade turned into little bits of gray ashes and dispersed.

The Infernal Dragon Claw, which was powerful enough to kill the Immortal, was completely destroyed.

Whether it is the most poisonous Infernal Hell or the most powerful Heavenly Dragon, they will eventually turn into ashes under the power of time.

However, the destruction of Wu Jian Tian Long Claw was not in vain. At least he shared the impact of time energy for Gao Xuan.

Gao Xuan didn't show any joy. He only had a few artifacts as high as the Infernal Dragon Claw.

How long can it last if it continues to be consumed like this

Because of the constant impact and vibration of time energy, the endless stars in the starry sky dimmed.

Gao Xuan couldn't tell whether those stars were destroyed or because the space-time structure here was destroyed and he had left the galaxy universe.

Holding the time wheel in his hand, Gao Xuan also lost his keen observation ability of the outside world.


Gao Xuan took advantage of this gap and tried his best to search for the Nine Turns Divine Cicada with his spiritual consciousness.

Sure enough, in the layers of void faults, Gao Xuan captured the Nine Turns Divine Cicada.

The mark he left on the Nine-turn Divine Cicada has been destroyed, but it doesn't matter, he is very familiar with the Nine-turn Divine Cicada.

The nine-turn divine cicada made a clear cry and fell into the sea of profound knowledge. While there was still time, Gao Xuan hurriedly used all his power to refine the Nine Turns Divine Cicada again.

After all, it was an artifact that he had controlled all his life, and the re-refining process went extremely smoothly.

After refining the Nine-turn Divine Cicada, Gao Xuan once again mastered the most critical magical power: Nine-turn Immortality.

This time, he could survive at least nine times. Well, with any luck!

Gao Xuan suddenly discovered that the Nine-turn Divine Cicada actually had a bug. He had clearly used the Nine-turn Immortal once before. There are only eight chances to survive.

In this case, after he has consumed eight chances of death, and then refines the Nine Turns Divine Cicada again, wouldn't it be an infinite cycle

When Gao Xuan thought of this, he heard the long and clear cry of the Nine Turns Divine Cicada.

Although the Nine-turn Divine Cicada has no consciousness, it has extraordinary spirituality. It reminds Gao Xuan not to have wishful thinking. There is no such thing as a lag bug.

Gao Xuan just thought about it, he was not that naive.

The power of the Nine-turn Divine Cicada is limited, and it is impossible to resurrect him indefinitely. On the other hand, the nine-turn divine cicada's nine-turn immortal power may not be able to withstand the wheel of time.

Yun Qingshang was also hiding in Gao Xuan's sea of knowledge. Although she could not observe the external situation, she could see Gao Xuan's embarrassment.

She asked: "How's it going?"

Gao Xuan shook his head: "A narrow escape from death."

"There's still a 10% chance, which is pretty good." Yun Qingshang didn't think it was a big deal. This kind of thing is about making big gains with small things, so having a 10% chance is really high.

Gao Xuan sighed and said: "Now there is no way to retreat even if you want to. If you take this road, you can only go to the dark side."

"I'll accompany you."

Yun Qingshang couldn't help much, she could only support Gao Xuan mentally.

"That's fine. It's quite romantic to die together."

Gao Xuan gently held Yun Qingshang's hand. Although Yun Qingshang's soul was strong, Yun Qingshang's powerful soul was very textured, far better than human flesh and blood.

He encouraged: "It's the last moment, why don't we have a good time together?"

Yun Qingshang thought for a moment and shook his head: "Forget it."

She didn't explain the reason, and Gao Xuan didn't ask any questions. He just laughed a little regretfully, "That's fine. It's always best not to get anything."

Yun Qingshang looked deeply at Gao Xuan, "Now is not the time to think about these things."

"It's useless to think about anything else."

Gao Xuan was a little frustrated. Although he had expected it beforehand, he still had a strong sense of powerlessness in the face of the powerful Time Roulette.

When he said he had a narrow escape from death, he was actually overestimating it as much as possible. This time, it was truly a life-and-death outcome.

But, it's like he never gives up.

Yuan Ling'er knows that even death is an opportunity, which is better than a certain death. If there is an unexpected opportunity, we must use all our strength to fight for it.

No matter what, Gao Xuan will not lie down and die.

Gao Xuan and Yun Qingshang talked for a while in the sea of consciousness, and the hands on the dark gold compass moved again.

This time Gao Xuan was well prepared and activated the Juntian Star Divine Wheel in advance.

This treasure can also be called a heavenly weapon, especially since it can connect with Ziwei Star to control the power of billions of stars.

Gao Xuan's original goal was to follow the path of the Ziwei Star Master. Because the Ziwei Star Emperor seems to have disappeared, Ziwei Star has no owner now anyway.

The Juntian Star Divine Wheel has endless potential, but in this situation, it can only be used as cannon fodder.

Gao Xuan no longer had any scruples at this moment. He was originally worried that excessive use of Ziwei Star Power would cause trouble.

Therefore, always be careful when riding the Juntian Star Divine Wheel.

The Juntian Star Divine Wheel was fully operated by Gao Xuan, and the divine light of the Purple Micro Star flourished in the nine heavens. Then, the stars in the sky shine together.

What Mr. Polar Star can do, Gao Xuan, as one of the masters of Ziwei Star, can naturally do it too.

The power of the stars in the sky was attracted and blessed Gao Xuan through the endless void.

The nine-pointed pendant star that slowly rotates in the Juntian Star Divine Wheel shines brighter and brighter.

The accumulated endless star power instantly reached the level of an immortal. And it’s still rising.

The Juntian Star Divine Wheel has disappeared, and there is only a nine-pointed star spinning and shining above Gao Xuan's head.

With the blessing of endless star power, this emperor star already has the supreme majesty that looks down upon all living beings.

The nine-pointed purple star is so powerful that it can ward off all evil, destroy demons, remove filth, and calm gods and Buddhas.

It was only then that Gao Xuan discovered that the Juntian Star Divine Wheel actually had such power, and that his soul and Ziweixing were also extremely compatible.

As long as he is willing, he even has a chance to become the Ziwei Star Emperor now.

But, so what about Ziwei Star Emperor. Even if he mastered the power of billions of stars, he would still only be at the Daluo Golden Immortal level.

Immortal emperors and Buddhas who have lived for hundreds of millions of years cannot suppress the changes in the abyss. A mere Ziwei Star Emperor is of little use.

What's more, things like this can't be accomplished overnight.

Becoming the Ziwei Star Emperor does not mean that you will immediately have the power of Daluo Jinxian.

This is like an emperor who has just ascended the throne and may not be able to defeat powerful ministers. The power of Daluo Jinxian also needs endless years to accumulate, polish and cultivate.

Gao Xuan was a little moved for a moment, but he immediately put down the idea.

This avenue looks good, that is, it looks good. In essence, it is no different from finding a place to survive.

Now we can only face the difficulties and win the one in ten million chance of survival.

Of course, it's possible that he made a wrong judgment. Maybe, the changes in the abyss can still be controlled, and maybe the Daluo Golden Immortals above Nine Heavens will have no problem.

Gao Xuan still believed in his own judgment, and he no longer considered it. Concentration is needed now.

The purple stars are in full bloom, and the stars all over the sky are shining together. The strong starlight penetrates the nine heavens and shines on all the worlds.

These stars are not material stars, but the condensed manifestation of the innate laws of all heavens and realms.

Such a huge change has shocked all sentient beings in the world.

Ordinary beings don't know why, but they are shocked by the spectacle of the divine light of billions of stars shining brightly.

The powerful intelligent beings all saw that something was wrong.

Especially the strong men of Jiutian, they all noticed that the power of the stars in the sky was pouring into the depths of the endless void.

Although powerful people in Yuantian Realm such as Diyuan Daojun and Yuan Qinglian saw the changes in Ziweixing, they didn't know where the changes came from.

The immortals from the upper three realms all turned their attention to Ziweixing.

Many of the immortals in heaven showed joy. The Ziwei Star Emperor has not appeared for a long time. Could it be that the Ziwei Star Emperor is back

However, the immortals who were familiar with Ziwei Star Emperor soon discovered that something was wrong.

Although the power to control Ziweixing is sharp and sharp, it is too direct and too superficial. It is very different from Ziwei Star Emperor's sophistication and mellowness.

This is clearly someone trying to steal the power of the Ziwei Star Emperor with the help of the power of the artifact!

After discovering the true situation, many heavenly beings were shocked and angry.

Does anyone dare to steal the power of the Ziwei Star Emperor? How brave is this man

On the other hand, Ziwei Star Emperor still showed no reaction to such a blatant attempt to steal Ziwei Star Power.

Could it be that something really happened to Ziwei Star Emperor

The four Immortal Emperors have never shown up, so the Immortals in Heaven inevitably have various speculations.

The sudden change in Ziwei Star only verified their guesses in some aspects.

When the immortals realize this, they will naturally have many ideas.

The Celestial Level Star Lords who are good at controlling star power are naturally eager to try and seize the opportunity to seize the power of the Ziwei Star Emperor.

However, they inevitably have some concerns. If nothing happened to Emperor Ziwei and they usurped power, their position as a Heavenly Immortal would not be preserved.

On the other hand, even these heavenly-level star kings cannot sense the true whereabouts of the power of the stars in the sky.

Even if Xingjun is brave and wants to take a risk, he still can't find his target.

The powerful immortals from the Buddhist and Taoist kingdoms are also paying attention to the changes in the stars. They also want to see Ziwei Star Emperor through this mutation.

The result was that they were disappointed. The person who used the power of the stars in the sky was clearly not the Ziwei Star Emperor. That power is too immature.

For this daring person, some powerful people from all walks of life were disdainful, some were curious, and some were hostile.

No matter what these immortal-level experts think, they are unable to trace the source and explore the root of this matter.

There are people in the Great Luotian Realm above the Nine Heavens who can see where Ziwei’s star power really goes.

This man wears a star crown and a purple starry robe. His eyebrows were like swords, and millions of dark blue stars were shining in his purple eyes.

Just sitting there, this man naturally has the supreme majesty to rule the heavens.

But his face was filled with black energy, and even the light in his eyes flickered, as if he was already terminally ill.

Opposite this man sat a woman. She had a beautiful appearance and was wearing a black robe. The wide sleeves of the robe made her free and elegant.

There is a strange black flame mark on the woman's eyebrows. The mark jumps and flashes from time to time, just like a real flame.

The woman's eyes were also dark and endless, with no whites at all. Such strange and special eyes gave her a strange and powerful charm.

The woman smiled at the man in the purple Wanxing robe: "Why, is this a secret trick you're hiding?"

The man shook his head slightly: "This man is really stupid. He is afraid that others will not know if he uses Ziwei star power well."

"Haha, so what if he is cautious."

The woman said slowly: "You, the real Ziwei Star Emperor, can't do anything, so what can he do?"

The man sitting opposite the woman was none other than Ziwei Star Emperor.

Ziwei Star Emperor smiled bitterly: "You are right. When things have reached this point, they are destined to be destroyed. No one can change our destiny."

The woman said calmly: "This is destiny. The river of destiny is flowing downhill. Even you, the Great Luo Jinxian, are not qualified to go against the trend."

Ziwei Star Emperor sneered, "You were just lucky enough to get the upper hand and win a move. But there's no need to brag."

The woman was not angry either. She said slowly: "You have led the heaven and earth to rotate thousands of times, but you have excluded the abyss. The endless resentment accumulated in the abyss has nowhere to vent, so you have swallowed up the heavens instead. This is you. The bitter fruit of self-brewing is also the cycle of heaven, why can’t you, the mighty Ziwei Star Emperor, afford to lose?”

Ziwei Star Emperor remained silent. These Daluo Golden Immortals have been in charge of the heavens for countless epochs.

The cycle of life and death for living beings is the same in all heavens and worlds.

Only in order to permanently hold the power of Daluo Jinxian, a few of them took the initiative to control the rotation of heaven and earth. In every turn, these Daluo Golden Immortals maintained their authority.

This kind of cycle of heaven and earth is naturally missing a part. But they didn't notice. Corresponding to the power of Daluo Jinxian is the endless abyss.

More than a dozen Da Luo Jinxian do not fall into reincarnation, and the abyss continues to accumulate in every cycle of heaven and earth.

Normally, Daluo Jinxian controls the laws of heaven and will definitely find abnormalities in the abyss. However, because they escaped the cycle of heaven and earth. Naturally, the changes in the abyss were ignored in this area.

As a result, after more than a dozen reincarnations, the power accumulated in the abyss was no longer controllable. It even directly caused the strongest Taiyi to demonize and fall.

Taiyi secretly presided over the attack, and many Da Luo Jinxian were defeated one by one. Either killed or trapped. Seeing that the whole situation has collapsed, it is irreversible.

Even though Ziwei Star Emperor struggled to support it, he also knew that this was a long-term trend of destiny that no force could stop.

Ziwei Star Emperor said to the woman: "Taiyi, why bother talking about it now. If the heavens and worlds are destroyed, you will die too."

Taiyi smiled: "I am just enforcing the law for heaven. All things must be destroyed once they are born. You guys, the Great Luo Golden Immortals, stole the power of heaven for your own selfish purposes. Now you are just reaping the consequences."

Ziwei Star Emperor looked at Taiyi and said: "It wasn't you who suggested that we act like this."

Taiyi sighed: "The fault started with me, and it's up to me to solve this mistake. This is the way of heaven, this is fate."

"Taiyi, your soul has been eroded by the power of the abyss, and your mind is no longer clear."

Ziwei Star Emperor said loudly: "If you had any wisdom at all, you wouldn't do such a stupid thing."

Taiyi was in a daze for a moment, and her eyes returned to the deep and endless state, "Ziwei, why do you have to resist? The sooner you are destroyed, the sooner you are reborn."

Ziwei Star Emperor suddenly laughed: "Taiyi, you are really confused. The resentment of the abyss will backfire, and even the land on the other side will enter eternal silence. No life can be reborn."

Taiyi thought for a moment and said: "Your mind is quite clear. What's the use? Eternal destruction has been doomed."

Taichi said as she cast her gaze downwards, she could see black flames spewing out from the abyss.

Those flames are still suppressed by the power of Jiutian for the time being. However, this suppression could not last long.

The laws of heaven controlled by the Daluo Golden Immortals will soon completely collapse. By that time, the abyss power that has been accumulated for many times will completely explode.

All heaven and earth will go through cycles, from birth to death, and then from death to birth.

It is because the Daluo Golden Immortals like Ziwei Star Emperor are too selfish. They hold the power of the Daluo Golden Immortals and refuse to let go, and they are unwilling to reincarnate with the world.

The incomplete cycle of heaven and earth is completely out of balance, making the power of the abyss stronger and stronger.

At this point, the power of the abyss can no longer be suppressed. Even if Ziwei Star Emperor and the others are fine, they can barely suppress them at most.

When the reincarnation of heaven and earth begins this time, the power of the abyss will still swallow everything.

Her actions only caused the abyss to erupt in advance. that is it.

Taiyi said to Ziwei Star Emperor: "I am tired. You have lived for such a long time. Aren't you tired?"

Ziwei Star Emperor shook his head: "It is so satisfying for us to hold supreme power and look down on all living beings from a high place. How can we be tired?"


Taiyi shook her head, she was not interested in saying anything to Ziwei Star Emperor.

At this level, no one can convince the other person with words. She was just idle and bored, and then she suddenly became interested in talking to Ziwei Star Emperor.

After all, although Ziwei Star Emperor has powerful magical powers, he is an extremely selfish being. This kind of life has always been the first level of boredom.

Taiyi cast her gaze towards the stars in the sky. She could vaguely see where the power of the stars was going, but she couldn't see clearly. I don’t know what that person is doing.

By mobilizing the power of the stars in this way, what is the other party going to do

Taiyi only thinks about this out of boredom. For her, the other party's power was too weak. Too weak to deserve attention.

In fact, as long as Ziwei Star Emperor does not die. No living being can completely control Ziwei Star.

This emperor star is the life star of Ziwei Star Emperor. No one can take it by force.

Just as Taiyi was thinking about it, suddenly the stars all over the sky dimmed together. Even the majestic Ziwei star hanging high in the sky has lost any light.

At this moment, Ziweixing seemed to disappear from the starry sky.

Emperor Ziwei Star also showed a look of astonishment. His connection with Ziwei Star was actually cut off.

Without the protection of Ziwei Emperor Star Law, the abyss poisonous fire on his body suddenly became stronger, and Ziwei Star Emperor's expression became extremely ferocious. Before he could activate his magical power, the person turned into a plume of black smoke in the black flames.

The Hunyuan Dao Fruit condensed by Daluo Jinxian flew out in the black smoke.

The Hunyuan Dao Fruit is condensed by Daluo Jinxian using the laws of heaven, and is the supreme power of Daluo Jinxian. Indestructible.

It is precisely because of the existence of Hunyuan Dao Fruit that many Daluo Golden Immortals can escape from the reincarnation of heaven and earth.

Ziwei Star Emperor's Hunyuan Dao Fruit looks like a purple apple.

The purple apple fell to the ground from the black smoke, but soon rotted into a pile of rotten residue. These rotten residues were wrapped in black flames and turned into bits of gray ashes.

The Ziwei Star Emperor, who was in charge of supreme power and the peerless power who dominated countless eras, is just gone...

Taiyi just watched Ziwei Star Emperor die, and her deep eyes were a little bit shocked.

Although Ziwei Star Emperor was seriously injured by her use of abyss poisonous fire, the Hunyuan Dao Fruit was so powerful. It won’t take more than a few million years to completely destroy the Ziwei Star Emperor.

What happened that turned the Ziwei Star Emperor into ashes in an instant

This change was so amazing that Taiyi was shocked.

Although Taiyi was assimilated by the power of the abyss, he has now completely degenerated into the Abyss Demon God. However, her wisdom and experience are all there.

Because she has assimilated with the Abyss, her power is even stronger and her vision is sharper.

Taiyi pushed back after what had just happened, and soon discovered the key to the problem.

The reason why the Ziwei Star Emperor died was because he was cut off from the Ziwei Star Law. His Hunyuan Dao Fruit also became incomplete.

The poisonous fire of the abyss is so terrifying. A huge problem suddenly occurred to Ziwei Star Emperor, causing him to immediately turn into ashes in the poisonous fire of the abyss.

The question is how powerful is the Ziwei Star Emperor? How could his connection with Ziwei Star be severed

Although Taiyi is strong, she can't do this.

If she could cut off the laws of the Daluo Golden Immortals and destroy the Hunyuan Dao Fruit, she would have killed all these Daluo Golden Immortals long ago.

The more Taiyi thought about it, the more shocked he became. Is there such a powerful force between heaven and earth

She also had a strong curiosity. This matter must be related to the person who controlled Ziweixing just now.

The deep light shines in Taiyi's eyes, looking for the end of the change in star power just now.

These changes in star power penetrate the void, extremely far away from Da Luotian. However, this cannot help Taiyi.

Following the traces left by the star power and the trajectory of destiny changes, Taiyi took a step forward.

When Tai Yi appeared again, she had reached the depths of the void and reached the center where star power gathered and exploded.

Deep in the void, Gao Xuan held a dark gold compass in his hand, and the spiritual light on his body flickered on and off, which was extremely dazzling.

Without any introduction, Taiyi noticed the dark gold compass in Gao Xuan's hand at first glance.

Although Gao Xuan's face was handsome and his demeanor was flawless. But in Taiyi's eyes, the dark gold compass was as dazzling as the sun. No matter how beautiful Gao Xuan is, he is just a little insect flying under the blazing sun.

In fact, there is no comparison between the two.

Taiyi was shocked that Gao Xuan, a little bug, could actually hold the great power that was as blazing as the sun.

No, that dark gold compass is billions of times more powerful than the sun. Even the endless power of the abyss seems extremely crude in front of the dark gold compass.

Taiyi stared at the dark gold compass. Is this an artifact that controls destiny

The power of the Dark Gold Compass is too vast and sublime. Although Taiyi has always been the supreme god above the nine heavens, and now he has been assimilated by the abyss, he can be said to be the strongest person in this world. No living being can compare with her.

However, Taiyi still could not identify the nature of the power of the Dark Gold Compass.

Dark Gold Compass cannot speak, but this person can definitely speak.

Taiyi's eyes turned to Gao Xuan's face: "What is this in your hand?"

Gao Xuan glanced at Tai Yi, "Who are you and why did you become my friend?"

The beautiful woman who suddenly appeared opposite was clearly Yun Qingshang. Of course, they just look similar. The soul is completely different.

The opponent's soul is deep and endless, just like the abyss deep in the underworld, and it is impossible to see the bottom. Gao Xuan glanced at the other party and felt as if his soul had fallen into an abyss.

Obviously, this person is much more powerful than him. It should be a powerful demon god emerging from the abyss. Maybe even the one behind it all.

"your friend?"

Tai nodded, "So you are from the material world."

She smiled slightly and said: "This body has been cultivated very well, and its flesh-and-bone structure has reached its limit in the material universe. I looked at it and borrowed it casually."

Taiyi itself is invisible and shadowless, and can be regarded as the first living intelligence in the world. It is not a human race, but other Daluo Jinxian are all in human form, and she also uses human form when she manifests.

Her body is not Yun Qingshang's, but she changes according to Yun Qingshang's appearance. Its body structure is more advanced and powerful, but this is beyond the reach of Yun Qingshang's body.

Taiyi said: "I answered your question, now it's your turn to answer mine."

Gao Xuan raised the time roulette and said, "You said this thing is called the time roulette."

Taiyi smiled: "You are so generous. Interesting."

She thought for a moment and said: "Give me the time wheel, and I can let you live until the end of the era. At least tens of millions of years. If you like, I can give you the power of the abyss. From now on, you will no longer be affected by the power of the abyss. Violation."

Taiyi is such a strong person, she naturally disdained to deceive Gao Xuan. She wanted the time roulette, so she directly offered Gao Xuan the best conditions.

Gao Xuan shook his head and said, "Are you the demon god who dominates the abyss? Are you responsible for all the changes in the nine heavens?"

"You actually know this?"

Taiyi was a little surprised. With Gao Xuan's level of power, he shouldn't have known about Da Luotian's changes.

She glanced at Gao Xuan again, but could not see any trace of fate on Gao Xuan.

With her magical power, she can see the fate of anyone and anything in the world at a glance.

The reason why I can't see through Gao Xuan is entirely because Gao Xuan holds the time roulette in his hand.

The time power emitted by the time wheel isolates Gao Xuan in a unique time realm. With her magical power, she can't even touch Gao Xuan now.

Taiyi was silent for a moment and said: "Believe me, you can't control this artifact. You'd better leave it to me."

She promised: "Whatever you want, I can satisfy you."

Gao Xuan shook his head at Taiyi: "You can't give me what I want."

Taiyi is already here, and he has no time to waste anymore.

Gao Xuan reached out and flicked the pointer on the time wheel, and time suddenly flowed hundreds of millions of times faster.

The five-element formless divine light, Tianyin Taoist hairpin, and Huangquan Taoist robe on Gao Xuan's body instantly turned into bits of fly ash.

The Hongyi Sword appeared in his hand. Under the influence of the long river of time, the Hongyi Sword's huge sea of mysterious curses could not bear it.

Hongyi Sword made a high-pitched sword sound, and the autumn-like sword edge immediately decomposed into pieces, and then turned into a little bit of fly ash.

The most powerful Hongyi Sword was finished, and the various items placed in the sea of high-level knowledge decomposed and dissipated instantly.

Yun Qingshang's soul hidden in Gao Xuan's sea of knowledge only lasted for a moment. She finally said to Gao Xuan: "I'll wait for you."

Watching Yun Qingshang's soul decompose and dissipate piece by piece, Gao Xuan felt a little sad in his heart.

Then, Gao Xuan's body silently collapsed into ashes as the Nine-turn Divine Cicada screamed loudly.

The divine light on the Nine-turn Divine Cicada flashed slightly, and Gao Xuan, whose body turned into fly ashes, was reborn again.

Washed away by the power of endless time, the reborn Gao Xuan turned into ashes again. The magical power of the Nine-turn Divine Cicada allowed Gao Xuan to be reborn again.

Every time he was reborn, Gao Xuan's power became stronger.

This cycle reaches the ninth time, and the Nine-turn Divine Cicada turns into ashes and dissipates under the erosion of time.

Gao Xuan had evolved an almost perfect innate Hunyuan Taoist body, but it withstood the power of time. He reached out and tapped the pointer lightly.

The rapid flow of time suddenly stopped.

Gao Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. Through the rebirth and transformation of the Nine-turn Divine Cicada, he had mastered the power of the law of time and established a stable connection with the time roulette.

With this connection, although he cannot control the river of time, he can float freely on the river of time.

Gao Xuan looked at Taiyi outside the time domain. To Taiyi, this period of time was completely frozen and meaningless.

In the face of the long river of time, Taiyi's power is not worth mentioning.

Although Taiyi was in a stationary state, Gao Xuan knew that he would not be able to solve it easily.

Once the time domain covering him collides with Taiyi, this time domain will collapse.

Taiyi and the abyss have been bound together. If Taiyi dies, all heavens and worlds will be completely destroyed.

With the time compass in his hand, Gao Xuan could already see the end point of the long river of destiny. This is the evolution of supreme time into destiny, and Taiyi himself cannot change this destiny.

Gao Xuan is powerless to change now. However, with the wheel of time in his hand, he has endless possibilities.

The time wheel was gently moved, and time around Gao Xuan was accelerated again. This time, he extracted a trace of the power of the law of time and combined it with the innate Hunyuan Taoist body. Through hundreds of millions of years of practice, he promoted the innate Hunyuan Taoist body to the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

For Taiyi, in the blink of an eye, Gao Xuan on the opposite side already had power that could rival hers. Moreover, that kind of power is perfect, even if she has the endless power of the abyss, she can't do anything to the other party.

Taiyi has such a wise vision, she immediately understood that Gao Xuan had refined the Hunyuan Dao Fruit by accelerating time.

It's a pity that Gao Xuan's perfection is also for all the heavens and worlds. When all the heavens and worlds are destroyed, Gao Xuan becomes a rootless tree and will eventually return to eternal destruction.

Taiyi said to Gao Xuan calmly: "Do you want to fight me?"

Gao Xuan shook his head: "There's no point in taking action now."

Taiyi was a little curious: "What are you going to do?"

Gao Xuan smiled casually: "I will go upstream in the long river of time, go to the first era of the world, kill all the Daluo Jinxian, and let the era complete the true reincarnation. In this way, the disaster of the abyss will naturally be resolved."

Taiyi was silent for a moment and said, "It sounds like a good idea."

Gao Xuan waved to Taiyi: "Goodbye."

Taiyi was about to respond when Gao Xuan in front of him disappeared. She paused for a moment, and the unparalleled power of time naturally adjusted, erasing her memory of Gao Xuan.

For Gao Xuan, Taiyi stood stunned at the end like a piece of film frozen in time.

Holding the wheel of time in hand, the turbulent river of time turns into a film recording all living things in the world. Every scene is frozen in time and becomes eternity.

As long as Gao Xuan is willing, he can enter any scene to restart this time point and adjust the fate he wants to change.

Beauties such as Yun Qingshang, Helen, Bai Yutang, and Song Yunxi all emerged from the long river of time and gathered around Gao Xuan...

Traveling against the river of time, Gao Xuan found everything he had lost and changed all the fates that were not in line with his will...

(Complete book)

(In the early morning of June 19, 2021, "The King of Assassins" was completed. I originally expected to write it longer, but, I made some mistakes. It is better to end the book here.

Daluotian, the upper three realms, and the abyss can still be written. I don't think it makes much sense. A power that is too powerful and a life that is too advanced is a concept in itself.

When I wrote about heaven, I felt very tired. Because I cannot conceive of a charming heaven and write interesting and convincing details. It is impossible to convey the sublime imagery through words.

I don't like expressing greater power by orders of magnitude. I also hate using concepts to represent combat.

Stacking various concepts and nouns is actually very boring.

As I write this, I think it’s better to end it as soon as possible.

At the end of each book, I can draw a lot of lessons learned. Then, the next one keeps making mistakes.

This time, I seem to have really realized it. Give me a few months to adjust and learn.

I hope I can bring a good story when I come back.

Thank you all for your continued support, I’m so humbled. There will always be some mistakes made. Never do better. Thank you all for your tolerance and love.

Bow and thank you. See you in the new book~)

(End of chapter)

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