King of Assassins

Chapter 79: crazy


An Shirong’s secret room is not very big, only about 50 square meters.

In the middle of the secret room stood an exoskeleton armor with two swords on its back. The armor had slender and smooth lines, and multiple ridges on its surface, combining the beauty of speed and strength.

The pure black paint makes the armor look restrained and profound.

Compared to the common War Tiger exoskeleton armor, this exoskeleton armor is much more sophisticated. It's like the difference between a loading truck and a top sports car.

Although they were both exoskeleton armors, there were huge differences in every aspect. There was even a fundamental difference.

Gao Xuan recognized this exoskeleton armor: Shadow Warrior.

Because of its advanced appearance design, Shadow Warrior still maintains this appearance even a hundred years later.

The Shadow Warrior series has always been the top exoskeleton armor. Even silver-level masters will choose the Shadow Warrior when choosing a mechanical exoskeleton armor.

There are many special ways to play with top-level exoskeleton armor like Shadow Warrior, such as using special materials to modify it, or even transform it into a biochemical armor.

Gao Xuan was a little surprised that An Shirong actually had the Shadow Warrior armor.

If An Shirong had not been poisoned, he could have rushed into the secret room and armed the shadow warriors. He could have reversed the situation.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

Gao Xuan stroked the Shadow Warrior's exoskeleton armor and sighed, "Old An is particular and gave us another big explosion."

Yun Qingchang, who walked into the secret room, was also attracted by the shadow warrior. She rarely took the initiative to comment: "The armor is very beautiful."

The Shadow Warrior is a top-level product of modern military technology, full of technological beauty. Even Yun Qingchang, who has a cold personality, was shocked by the beauty of the armor.

"It contains An Shirong's personal information. It will be difficult to decipher it, so put it away first."

Gao Xuan said: "Fortunately, the space of the Yin Demon Amulet is still enough."

There are many good things in the secret room, including heavy weapons, food, water and other necessary survival supplies.

The most valuable of these are undoubtedly dozens of silver source power crystals.

These standard hexagonal source crystals are silver-white, translucent and crystal clear. They are first-class silver source crystals.

The price of a silver source power crystal is about 20 million, and this bag of source power crystals is worth 1 billion.

In fact, silver source crystals are not very useful to ordinary cultivators. Highly condensed source crystals are difficult for cultivators to digest and absorb.

These source power crystals are generally used to feed rare objects or refine special weapons and equipment.

For masters above the silver level, the use of source crystals is very large. It can be said to be a hard currency that is extremely valuable.

An Shirong kept so many source power crystals, probably for collection and value preservation.

Of course Gao Xuan wouldn't be polite and put them all into the Yin Demon Amulet.

As for the other items, they are not worth taking. For example, the Vulcan machine gun is not much less powerful than the naval gun.

This thing is amazing, but it's too big.

Gao Xuan patted the barrel of the machine gun revolver with regret: "This thing is worth a lot of money even if it is sold as iron."

"It's been a minute. We should go."

Yun Qingchang reminded Gao Xuan that there was no time for him to show off.

"Don't panic, there is an emergency exit."

Gao Xuan pushed the wall casually, revealing a transparent glass cabin: "Three hundred kilometers per hour, with three exits. Concealed and fast."

As Gao Xuan spoke, he hugged Yun Qingshang and jumped into the glass cabin. After the hatch was closed, the ejection device was activated, and the glass cabin slid rapidly along a special pipe.

A minute later, the Special Response Department had responded.

Three heavy armed flying ships were urgently launched, led by Xu Shan, deputy director of the response department.

When Xu Shan led the team to the SHIELD Building, they saw that the top floor of the building had been opened up and a patrol brigade law enforcement aircraft was parked inside that floor.

This floor was full of horrible bullet holes, and all the furnishings were blown to pieces, leaving a mess everywhere. There was also a lot of rotten flesh and blood on the ground.

Seeing the images displayed on the surveillance screen, Xu Shan's face looked extremely ugly.

As the deputy director of the Special Response Department, Xu Shan has been working in this field for decades, but he has never seen such a brutal scene.

This is the SHIELD Building, the headquarters of SHIELD on Pegasus. This floor is exactly An Shirong's office.

At that time, Xu Shan came to visit twice with the minister.

An Shirong's position in Mingjing City is extremely prominent and important. In some ways, it is even more important than the governor of Mingjing City.

Even the head of the response department was respectful in front of An Shirong.

Someone actually drove a law enforcement aircraft to attack An Shirong and activated the ship's naval guns.

Although Xu Shan knew at the center that the ship's guns had been activated, he still felt dizzy and his heart sank when he saw the situation at the scene.

Everyone else was also shocked. It was recognized that using law enforcement aircraft to attack An Shirong, was this going to start a war

Has the competition in Mingjing City reached this point

No one dared to say anything. The situation was so bad, who would dare to make any suggestions

Xu Shan forced himself to calm down, "Go up and check the scene quickly, and make sure to preserve all the evidence."

This is a huge case. If he doesn't get a result, he won't have to do his job as the deputy minister on duty anymore.

Just as a group of men were about to take action, the person in charge of monitoring suddenly shouted, "There's a bomb, retreat quickly..."

When the three heavily armed airships turned around in panic, the airship parked on the top floor of the building exploded.

Fortunately, the power of the explosion of the flying ship was not very great. The hull was only blown into pieces, but it was not completely destroyed.

The dissipated impact airflow only blew the three heavy flying ships away hundreds of meters and did not cause any substantial damage.

The glass on dozens of floors of the SHIELD Building was cracked, but not much of it was actually broken.

When Xu Shan led the team back and saw the situation on the scene, he felt even more desperate.

The enemy was really ruthless. The ship was blown up like this, and all traces were destroyed. I'm afraid that even the optical computer data cannot be saved.

However, the other party did the job so cleanly, which is a rare technique.

Nowadays, when companies compete with each other, they often use violence in private. Xu Shan saw something wrong with such a delicate and rigorous method.

No matter how cleanly the other party cleans the scene, there will always be many traces left behind.

After Xu Shan made sure there was no hidden danger, he brought his men to the scene of the accident.

After checking around, they found the DNA of An Shi Ping and others, but not the flesh and blood of An Shi Rong.

An Shirong seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, leaving no trace.

After inspection, the activated escape passage was found.

This also gave Xu Shan a little hope. If An Shirong hadn't died, they would still have a chance to suppress the matter.

It’s just that the SHIELD building was attacked, and there are many explanations to the outside world.

The premise is that An Shirong is not dead!

Even if An Shirong was captured by the enemy, it would be a hundred times better than death.

Once a person dies, there is no way to bring him back.

Xu Shan, hoping for the best, reported the situation to the minister and also informed many of his relatives and friends.

An Shirong was attacked and disappeared, and his life or death is unknown. This is a world-shaking event. The entire Ming capital will be in turmoil because of it.

The earlier you know the information, the earlier you can prepare.

Xu Shan announced everyone and finally looked at Wei Yue's name, pondering for a long time.

He originally thought he knew this woman very well, but what happened today overturned his understanding of Wei Yue.

Regardless of success or failure, the fact that Wei Yue dared to assassinate An Shirong has already proved his courage.

Wei Yue usually looks elegant and dignified, but he is actually so crazy. Xu Shan has a deep respect for Wei Yue.

No matter what happens to this woman in the future, he can't afford to offend such a person.

In the end, Xu Shan contacted Wei Yue. After all, the two families were allies, so it was reasonable to inform Wei Yue.

"President Wei, there was an attack on the SHIELD Building. Vice President An Shiping was killed, and President An Shirong is missing. We don't know which force is responsible yet, please pay attention to safety protection, President Wei."

Even when Xu Shan was reporting news, he would use official standard wording. Even if it was leaked, no one would find fault with him.

This is also the basic quality of an old bureaucrat.

Wei Yue nodded: "Thank you Minister Xu for the reminder, I will pay attention to it."

Xu Shan couldn't see any abnormal emotion on Wei Yue's pretty face, and he admired this woman even more.

Wei Yue's abnormal calmness actually shows that there is something wrong with her.

The upper echelons of Mingjing City were all well aware that An Shirong had joined forces with the Fang family to suppress Wei Yue. When something happened to An Shirong, Wei Yue must have been both surprised and happy.

Only she, the Lord's messenger, could be so calm and composed.

Xu Shan determined that Wei Yue was the mastermind, and he became even more respectful towards Wei Yue.

It was normal to want to kill An Shirong, but it took a lot of courage to actually carry out this plan. Moreover, he succeeded in killing An Shirong, which was not only courageous, but also extremely capable.

If Wei Yue survives this storm, he will immediately be able to join the ranks of the top bosses in Mingjing City. Such a woman is really respectable and formidable.

Wei Yue was such a person that she could see the suspicion and awe in Xu Shan's eyes. She calmly closed the communication and let out a long breath.

Until now she still couldn't believe it, that Xueying actually killed An Shirong!

A huge mountain that was weighing on his heart was suddenly removed, and Wei Yue felt extremely relaxed.

The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, revealing a happy smile.

The light screen flickered, and a message from the dark web was received: "The target has been solved. Please ship..."

Wei Yue wrote down the address in the message and called Wu Caiyun who was on duty: "Caiyun, let's go to the laboratory."

Wu Caiyun was a little puzzled. Wei Yue seemed to be in a very good mood. She didn't know if there was any good news.

"Boss, what's the good news?"

Wei Yue's smile deepened: "Let's go, we'll know when we get to the laboratory."

(End of this chapter)