King of Mercenaries

Chapter 106: Hanseatic messenger


When the Frisians began to gather their troops back to help, Frundsberg, who was commanding the defense on the top of the city, felt a little baffled. However, he didn't dare to chase it out. Because he was afraid it was a trap.

Moreover, the Frisians were also very cautious after retreating. Although the Frisians began to ship and withdraw their troops at Oderschild, the defense was still tight, leaving no one behind. At the same time, the 6 Frisian warships continued to control the Mars waterway, preventing the troops on the island from landing on the mainland through the port of Thorenche, and chasing them.

At this time, dozens of large and small fishing boats in the fishing port of Odesschild have all been controlled by the Frisians and will never be returned to Texel. The dozen or so ships hiding in Te Horenche Harbor could only survive under the cover of the coastal defense forts and dared not go out. As long as you go out, you will be attacked by 6 Frisian warships.

At this time, in the city of Groningen far to the east, a hanging basket was suddenly dropped on the city wall, and a man in a silk robe who looked like an envoy came to the barracks of the Swiss mercenaries in a swaggering manner, demanding to see the army Supreme Commander...

"The envoy of the Hanseatic League? What is he doing here?" With doubts, Marin met Weizmann, the envoy of the Hanseatic League.

"Dear Lord Baron Hoffmann, good day! I am Weizmann, the trade representative of Lübeck, the capital of the Hanseatic League, in Groningen. On behalf of the powerful Hanseatic Business League, I extend my sincere greetings to you..."

It's... still strong... It's clearly here to demonstrate. However, although the Hanseatic League began to decline, the thin camels were bigger than horses, and Marin really didn't dare to provoke the Hanseatic League easily.

"Welcome, Mr. Weizmann. I don't know what you want from me? Could it be that you are here for peace talks on behalf of Groningen?" Although he was a little worried about the Hanseatic League in his heart, Marin still didn't show it on the surface, and he was still on the surface. He looked arrogant, as if he had decided on Groningen.

"That's not the case. According to the alliance's laws of war, because Groningen took the initiative to attack your territory and provoked the war first, the Hanseatic League will not send troops to help Friesland fight. However, Lübeck is worried that because of the war, your After the army enters Groningen, it will destroy the interests of other alliance members in the city. You know, the Swiss you hired are masters of robbery. If they enter Groningen, the property of other cities in the city will inevitably be damaged. robbery..."

"What does the envoy mean?"

"Your army and the Frisian army don't care about killing the alliance, but you'd better not send troops into Groningen, especially undisciplined mercenaries."

"If I don't enter Groningen, how can I win the final victory?" Marin's heart rose with anger. Damn, if I don't take down the opponent's capital, I'll occupy a P's territory

"That's your own business. You don't care even if you kill the members of the Friesian Congress. Because they took the lead in initiating the war, they are not within the protection of the alliance law. However, as long as your army moves other people in the city The interests of the members of the alliance are equivalent to declaring war on the powerful Hanseatic League. You know, the alliance has strong financial resources, and it is not difficult to hire tens of thousands of soldiers..." Weizmann said indifferently. Saying this is tantamount to a threat. Who said that Marin is just a baron who owns a small broken island...

"Moreover, I remind you that if Groningen is forcibly destroyed and the interests of the alliance are damaged, even if the properties of other cities are not moved, the alliance will impose trade sanctions on you, Lord Baron. That is to say, there will be no Han Merchant Sa dare to do business with you... "

Marin was taken aback. The rising anger was like being poured with a bucket of ice water, and it was instantly cold from head to toe...

As for the war, not to mention the sea, Marin really doesn't care much about the land power of the Hanseatic League, which is like a loose sand. But trade sanctions are different, which is really scary.

Today, Marin's biggest benefit is to rely on the salt trade with the Wiggins Chamber of Commerce. If Marin and the Hanseatic League turn against each other and are subject to trade sanctions from the Hanseatic League, the Wiggins Chamber of Commerce, one of the Chambers of Commerce of the Hanseatic League, will also have to abide by the decision made by the alliance and sever trade relations with Marin . This is really killing me...

Moreover, unlike the influence of the French in Germany, the influence of the French in Germany is not small, but it is also limited. But the Hanseatic League penetrated almost into most parts of the empire. Once the Hanseatic League sanctioned Marin, most of Germany would respond positively, which was terrible.

Marin didn't dare to give up the salt trade income of 200,000 gold coins per year... So, he decided to compromise...

"Mr. Envoy, I fully respect the interests of the Hanseatic League. However, the Frisian Republic started the war first, and I suffered a huge loss. You know, it cost me several dollars to hire this Swiss mercenary army." Ten thousand gold coins. Therefore, I will not retreat."

"What do you mean?" Weizmann narrowed his eyes, thinking that Marin didn't plan to give the Hanseatic League any face.

"I mean, I can give up attacking Groningen, but I won't withdraw the siege. This is the biggest concession I have made. If merchants and convoys from other Hanseatic cities enter and leave Groningen, I will not stop them. But Fries Lan's..."

Marin was actually playing tricks, as long as the army besieged the city, would the defenders dare to open the city gates and let convoys from other cities come in and out

However, I have to say that Marin did give the Hanseatic League face by saying this, and made a lot of concessions.

Weizmann thought for a while, but ran out of ideas. This time he was recommended by members of the Hanseatic League in the city, and he came to negotiate with Marin because he was afraid that the shops in the city would be robbed. As for Marin's siege of the city, which led to a halt in trade, everyone is not unacceptable. After all, this is not a future generation with a well-developed circulation. In this day and age, it is normal for goods to be delayed. Marin besieged the city for a period of time, when the delivery of the goods was delayed. Moreover, he has no power to make the final decision and needs to consult Lübeck for instructions.

"I need to ask Lübeck headquarters for specific advice on how to deal with it, Lord Baron!"

"Special envoy, please!" Marin didn't care about the response of the Hanseatic League. As long as the main force of the returning Frisian army is defeated this time, there is no fear that the opponent will not surrender. All in all, it doesn't take much time.

When Weizmann sent someone to Lübeck for instructions, Lübeck would make a ruling, and then send the decision to Groningen... This came and went, and Marin had already dealt with the Frisians.

"By the way, Mr. Special Envoy, if we attack Leeuwarden and other cities, the alliance will not object?"

Weizmann, who was about to turn around and leave, froze for a moment, then said:

"In Friesland, except for Groningen, the security issues of other cities have nothing to do with the alliance. Even if you massacre the city in Leeuwarden, Lord Baron, the alliance will not interfere. We only care about the commercial cities that have joined the alliance..." After finishing speaking, Wei Zeman floated away...

"Then I'm relieved..." Marin was most worried about the Hanseatic League preventing him from annexing Friesland, but the Hanseatic League only cared about Groningen. (In fact, the Friesian Noble Republic sent troops to Texel this time, completely under the instigation of France. It did not greet the Hanseatic League in advance, nor did it obtain the consent of the four allies. Therefore, the Hanseatic League He will not send troops to rescue Friesland, and he has no such obligation.) After thinking about it, Marin decided to take other territories first, and finally surround Groningen, cut off the input of food, and worry about Groningen not surrendering...

Thinking of the next ambush, Marin hurriedly said loudly:

"Saul, Saul!"


"Quickly ask Schwartz for 30 light cavalry, divide into three groups, and go west to scout the movement of the Frisian army! In addition, you observe where is suitable for ambush..."

"Ambush..." Sauer's eyes lit up, remembering the scene of following Marin to ambush the French army. That kind of battle, don't be too happy to fight...

"Well, you observe carefully, don't tell others, keep it secret..."

"Yes—Master, I'm going right away!" After finishing speaking, Sauer hurried to Schwartz's cavalry to ask for someone...