King of Mercenaries

Chapter 110: Attack Harlingen at night


By dusk, the fighting in the town had all ended, and everyone had begun to arrange prisoners and count the results of the battle. And the east scouts led by Schwartz and the west scouts led by Sauer have basically returned.

Among them, the two were on the east and west roads, intercepting and killing many fleeing skirmishers. However, the troops brought by Sauer did not dare to intercept the Frisian noble convoy escorted by 120 cavalry. According to Sauer's report, this convoy retreated to Leeuwarden with a total of 120 cavalry and more than 800 light infantry. However, in terms of combat effectiveness, the 120 heavy cavalry is more powerful. As for the more than 800 light infantry, it is also the bottom of the combat power in the Frisian noble republic. It's just that the heavy armored swordsmen with strong combat effectiveness were all cleaned up because they couldn't run fast because they were wearing heavy armor. Only the light infantry were left, and it was easier to escape, so they ran with the convoy.

However, although these more than 800 light infantry are not good for night battles, they can be used to defend the city, but they are more than enough. Leeuwarden has tall walls and is the second largest city in the Frisian aristocratic republic. Although its commercial activities are far behind Groningen, its firmness is not much worse. Therefore, it will be quite difficult to besiege Leeuwarden next. Relying on the tall and strong city walls, the more than 800 light infantry can also stand firm for a long time.

At dinner time, a scout suddenly returned from the west...

"Report to Lord Baron, scout 21 is reporting to you!" After finishing speaking, the scout numbered 21 gave a Roman military salute.

"Well, what's the matter?" Marin asked while eating.

"My lord, the plan that Lord Sauer arranged to contact Texel before failed!"

"Huh? Contact failed? What's going on? Didn't the enemy withdraw?"

"Yes, Lord Baron, but the enemy has left 6 warships to block the Mars waterway and prohibit the passage of ships, otherwise they will attack!"

"What? They dare to attack the merchant ships in Amsterdam?"

"That's not true, but every Amsterdam merchant ship entering or leaving the Mars Channel must pass close to the south side of the Mars Channel. If there is any sign of approaching Texel Island, it will be bombarded immediately..."

"Hiss—these bastards are so cautious!" Marin suddenly felt a toothache.

"However, on the return trip, my subordinate went to Harlingen to have a look, and discovered a big secret!"

"What secret?"

"The home ports of the 6 Frisian warships are all in Harlingen. Every night after dark, the 6 ships will dock in Harlingen, and the crew will go ashore to rest..."

"It's indeed good news, Scout 21, you've done a great job!" Marin stood up excitedly in an instant. He has long wanted to go on a grand voyage, but unfortunately, the two Clark sailing ships ordered to Spain and Portugal are still under construction. As a result, 80 young fishermen selected from Texel Island are currently conducting sea training in Tejorenche in small fishing boats under the leadership of Portuguese sailor instructors.

Although the 6 warships in Friesland are not big, they are better than the small fishing boats on the island of Sale. Moreover, these six warships can all place artillery and have self-protection capabilities. In particular, the two largest sailing ships are enough to sail to India...

"and also… "

"And good news? What is it?"

"Most of the grain and other property looted by the Frisian army on Texel before were also piled up in Harlingen. Even the more than 800 fishermen kidnapped from Texel were temporarily resettled in Harlingen .Their fishing boats are also in the fishing port of Harlingen... "

"Haha—that's really good news! That is to say, we can make up most of our losses by capturing Harlingen!"

"By the way, how many enemies are stationed in Harlingen?"

"There are a total of 260 crew members, gunners, and 200 spearmen. The subordinates observed last night. Every midnight, there are about 30 people on duty in four places."

"Well, very good, go ahead and call Schwartz and Sauer. Also, whoever, invite Mr. Zieger!"



Soon, Schwartz and Sauer entered the room where Marin was. And Chigurh came over after a while. Marin told the three of them about the situation, and expressed his determination to capture Harlingen.

"Lord Baron, to capture Harlingen, this distance requires more than a day's march..." Zieg thought for a while and said.

Harlingen is about 50 kilometers away from Malham, and the normal Swiss marching speed is 30-40 kilometers per day. Therefore, it takes more than one day to travel from Malham to Harlingen.

"I can't wait that long, I'm afraid something will change. I hope that Harlingen can be taken in the shortest time!"

"Shall we march in a hurry tomorrow morning?"

"No, set off immediately and strive to arrive by tonight!"

"It's impossible, as infantry, we can't go that far overnight!"

"Mr. Zieg, I didn't ask everyone to go to Harlingen. There are only more than 400 enemies in Harlingen, and there is no wall. Besides, I want to attack at night. Therefore, not many people are needed. But the point is, We need to be quick!"

"Then we can only ride across."

"Yes, each of my subordinates has two horses. 70 subordinates, that is 140 horses. Since Harlingen is only half a day away from here, I decided not to change horses this time. Each person has one horse, one Hurry over..."

"That's enough to go to 140 people, but the horses are prone to overwork..." Zieg said.

"I know, it's okay for the horses to be a little tired. Just rest for a while afterwards and feed more concentrates!" Running over a distance of more than 50 kilometers in one breath, although the horses will be exhausted, they will not be exhausted. After a period of recuperation, you can still recover.

"Master Baron, why do you insist on occupying Harlingen tonight? Is there something you are determined to acquire?"

"Yes, Mr. Zieg, I want six Frisian warships from Harlingen! With these six warships, the communication between Texel Island and the land is hindered. And these six warships , will go to sea early in the morning, and will come back at night. If you want to capture these 6 ships, you must do so at night, when the opponent's sailors return to land to sleep!"

"I understand, I'll go back and pick 70 elite warriors who can ride horses, and go with your men to raid Harlingen tonight!"

"No, 100! In the afternoon we seized 28 Frisian draft horses. In addition, the two horses I rode were also taken out for this raid!"

"You have really spent your money..."

"No way, Texel is an island, and warships mean a lot to us. Please, I hope you will seize the warships on the pier as soon as you arrive, and give priority to controlling the two largest warships..."

"Understood... this reward..."

"The mercenaries participating in tonight's operation will each receive an extra gold coin!"

"Deal, I will hold the battle tonight!" Facing the gold coins, Zieg was also a little tempted.

"Thank you so much, your extra reward is 10 gold coins!"

"Haha, thank you very much. I have my own horses, but I can bring an extra warrior!"

"Well, please! Schwartz, Saul, follow Mr. Zieg, and be sure to grab the warship! Remember, the warship is the most important thing, and the property on the shore is secondary!"


Soon, Zieg took 100 Swiss elite infantry and 70 light cavalry led by Schwartz, and took advantage of the night to set off on a journey west...

Without sparing any horsepower, after midnight, the team arrived near Harlingen. Schwartz arranged for two of his men to gather and tend the 172 panting horses. The rest, under the leadership of Zieg and Schwartz, followed scout 21 who was familiar with the terrain, and quietly approached Harlingen...

At this time, it was about 2 o'clock in the morning. In the small town of Harlingen, almost everyone fell asleep. As a fishing port, Harlingen naturally has no shortage of stealing wild cats. In the middle of the night, the stray cats meowed harshly, causing several dogs in the town to bark. But this also provided cover for the night attack team. If there were no wild cats to seduce the dogs in the town to bark, once the night raid team was heard by the dogs and caused to bark, the night raid might be discovered.

With the echoing calls of wild cats and domestic dogs, the night attack team did not attract the attention of the town's domestic dogs at all...

Schwartz kept Marin's request in mind and took the occupation of the warship as his first goal. And Zieger was responsible for leading the Swiss mercenaries to sneak attack on Harlingen's barracks, attack and kill Harlingen's infantry, and capture as many sailors and gunners as possible.

As for how to distinguish between infantry and crew, it is simple-infantry, according to scout 21, are light infantry with spears. As long as you see someone holding a spear, kill them all... And those holding a sailor's scimitar are mostly sailors and crewmen... Marin explained, try to capture as much as possible...

The Swiss mercenaries who came here this time are all melee masters who use two-handed swords. Zig led them and quietly touched the location of the barracks. And Schwartz, together with Sauer, led 68 men, drew out the saber from their waists, and quietly touched the pier...

In the silent night, after a loud whistle, fierce battles broke out at the pier and nearby barracks. Schwartz led his men and quickly overturned the 10 guards guarding the pier, and rushed to the two largest warships first...

But an accident happened... It turned out that the "Viking", the smallest of the 6 warships, was seriously injured on the hull. A group of shipbuilders repaired the ship during the day, and did not leave after dark, and fell asleep on the ship.

When Schwartz led his men aboard the two largest warships, the shipwrights of the "Viking" were awakened. They knew roughly that the pier had been attacked. So they hurriedly hoisted their sails, pulled anchor and fled the harbor...

Fortunately, none of these boat craftsmen knew how to use artillery. Otherwise, the five search warships controlled by Schwartz and others may be bombarded...

After taking control of the five warships, Schwartz left a group of men to guard the ships, and then took 50 men to support Zieg who was attacking the camp.

Zig led his men to quickly break through the gate of the infantry stationed at the port, rushed in and led his men to hack and kill. 100 Swiss elites quickly defeated 200 Frisian light infantry.

However, the barracks where the infantry and sailors live in the town are not together. When the sound of fighting came from the pier and the infantry battalion, Hupper, the commander of the Frisian fleet, knew that someone was attacking Harlingen. So, he hurriedly took 260 sailors and gunners, put on his clothes, took the sailor's scimitar, and rushed towards the pier...

At this time, Schwartz happened to disembark with 50 people from the boat. The two sides had a face-to-face meeting, and Schwartz realized that it was not good, so he immediately led people back to the ship, defended on the side of the ship, and prevented the Frisian sailors from boarding the ship. Hooper, on the other hand, commanded the sailors to desperately try to regain the ship.

Although the sailors were not as good at melee combat as the pirates, their desperate efforts also put a lot of pressure on Schwartz and others. After a while, five Texel light cavalry were cut down.

Fortunately, Zieg had cleared the infantry battalion with 100 Swiss masters. Hearing the sound of fierce fighting from the pier, Zig immediately rushed over...

Where are these crew members holding one-handed sailor's scimitars the opponents of the Swiss elite infantry who use two-handed swords? After Hooper was hacked to death by Zieg himself, most of the Frisian sailors and gunners surrendered under the leadership of Captain Kidd, the deputy commander of the fleet. As for the small number of diehards, they were all hacked to death by the Swiss sword...