King of Mercenaries

Chapter 114: Ceded land to pay people


After the Swiss retreated, Denier saw that Marin's army was still staying in the west of the city, so he quietly came to the east gate of the city, let the defenders on the top of the city put down the hanging basket, and took him into the city...

"Master Denier, aren't the Swiss allies of France? Why did the bastard Marin attack us? If the Swiss hadn't intervened, we wouldn't be so unlucky!" Governor Fyskefrijheid said angrily.

"Sorry, Your Excellency Governor, this is France's negligence. I have persuaded the Swiss in the city to leave. After returning to China, I will try to get France and the Swiss to sign an agreement, prohibiting them from serving France's enemies..."

"It's too late to say anything now, we have suffered huge losses, and more than half of the army has been lost..."

"There is no loss of more than half. I learned from the Swiss population that about 1,000 of your army were captured by the little thief Marlin."

"When the person is in the hands of that bastard, won't he blackmail us to death?" There are more than 1,000 people, God knows what price Marin will charge...

"Governor, my king will definitely give you an explanation. As long as you defeat that guy, my king will compensate you for all losses."

"How to overcome?"

"After I go back, I will seek to sign an agreement with the Swiss to prohibit them from working for Marin. Then, we in France will pay and hire thousands of Swiss to help you attack Texel Island and eliminate Marin's little one." thief!"

"Okay, I'm going to kill that bastard!" Governor Fyskefrijheid gritted his teeth.

"Your Excellency, killing nobles, isn't it good?" Baron Zetter of Leeuwarden hesitated.

"Hmph, the noble can't be killed until he surrenders. But when he fails, we pretend that we don't know he surrendered, and say he died in battle... isn't it normal to die in battle?"

"His Excellency Governor!"

"Hehe..." Denier waited for the Frisian to think this way, and in that way, his goal was achieved.

"Then what should we do now? That bastard is still stuck outside the city..."

Governor Fyskefrijheid turned to look at Denier...

Denier thought for a while and said:

"For now, the only way is to cheat this little thief away, and then find a way to get revenge..."

"Tricked away?"

"Well, now I have to rush back to Paris to report the situation and wait for instructions. Then I have to go to Switzerland, sign an agreement with them, and hire thousands of Swiss... Back and forth, it will take at least 3 months. And this period Within the time, you'd better stabilize the little thief Marin and coax him away first..."

"You mean... let's seek peace first, deceive Marin away, and then counterattack when you come with the Swiss army?"


"Master Denier, why don't you let the previous Swiss help us beat Marin away?"

"No, the tradition of the Swiss will not attack the employer. Therefore, it is impossible for this Swiss mercenary to attack the thief Marin. Therefore, I can only bring another group of Swiss to attack the thief. You have also seen the fighting power of the Swiss, when we bring thousands of Swiss, several times the enemy, and the fighting power is so strong, are we afraid that we will not be able to destroy that little thief?"

"It is indeed possible! But... Mr. Denier, I am worried about the reaction of the Habsburg family. After all, the bastard Marlin is the lackey of the Habsburg family. If the Habsburg family sends troops from the lowlands to rescue the little thief How to do?"

"Well... this... After I go back, I will suggest that when you do it, we send a large army to station on the border of Flanders to deter the Burgundian army stationed in the lowlands, so that they have no time to rescue the little thief..."

"It's indeed a good way, then... shall we seek peace now?"

"Well, I'll be the middleman in person to bring you together for peace talks. Remember, the other party will definitely open his mouth. You have to hold him steady and agree to some of the conditions, but argue with him on some important conditions and delay the time."

"However, you must trick it away first. For this, you can make more concessions. Anyway, when I bring the Swiss army over, the little thief will spit out whatever he eats..."

"Well, that makes sense..."

On the second day, Denier took 30 French knights, held high the flag of the French Valois dynasty, and appeared at the gate of the Marin camp...

Marin had already guessed that the withdrawal of the Swiss was probably the work of this guy who called himself Baron Denier. At this moment, he wanted to kill Denier, but when the other party showed the flag of the King of France, he did not dare to do it.

Publicly killing the flag of France is tantamount to declaring war on France. Charles VIII probably couldn't find a reason to send troops to kill him. If he did that...

Therefore, despite hating Denier, Marin had to hold back his anger and received Denier...

When he learned that Denier was here to mediate, Marin naturally understood. He pretended not to be happy at first, but finally agreed to negotiate halfway...

When the two sides started formal peace talks outside the city, Marin began to speak loudly, demanding that the Frisian Noble Republic cede to him a large area of territory west of Leeuwarden. However, how could the Frisian noble republic agree to such an unreasonable request? If Marin had a firm foothold on land, wouldn't it be more convenient to attack Friesland in the future

Therefore, Governor Fyskefrijheid, who came to negotiate in person, refused without thinking. But Marin clung to it, thinking that the defeated would not cede territory, and had no sincerity to seek peace at all...

In the end, Governor Fyskefrijheid returned to the city and discussed with several other members of parliament, and agreed to cede the West Frisian Islands (the main islands are Ameland and Schiermonnick) under the control of the Frisian Noble Republic. Marin knew that the two islands had a combined area of nearly 100 square kilometers and were of great development value. Among them, Schiermonnick is close to East Frisia and is a good springboard for offense.

However, he prefers Terschelling, the second largest island in West Frisia. The island covers an area of 88 square kilometers, is the second largest island in the archipelago, and is of great development value.

When Marin proposed Terschelling Island, Fyskefrijheid told him with a wry smile that the two large islands, Terschelling Island and Vlieland Island, had already been ceded to the Earl of the Netherlands and now belong to Habsburg Family control. If you want these two islands, you have to ask the Habsburg family to ask for or buy them...

Marin was very frustrated, but it wasn't too bad to get the springboard to attack East Frisia, Schiemonnick...

Afterwards, the parties engaged in other compensation negotiations outside the territory. Marin Lion opened his mouth wide and demanded compensation of 100,000 gold coins, which made Governor Fyskefrijheid almost jump up in fright:

"Baron Marlin, are you sure you are talking about gold coins and not copper coins? The combined properties of our 9 councilors are not that much!" Although Fyskefrijheid lied, the combined assets of their 9 barons are only worth 200,000 Gold coins, and mostly real estate. Marin asked for 100,000, which really killed them.

Then, the two sides began to bargain fiercely, and even quarreled, and they were close to fighting...

In the end, the governor of Fyskefrijheid was only willing to pay 10,000 gold coins, and even pretended that there would be no more...

Marin rolled his eyes and said:

"My lord, since you are so poor, please use something else instead..."

"What?" Governor Fyskefrijheid was very wary.

"Well, we captured 5 of your warships..."

"Give it back to us!"

"Impossible, the meat that I ate, is it still spit out? In short, all your warships and sailors captured by me are gone!"

"Then we won't pay the compensation of 10,000 gold coins!"

"Okay, anyway, I still have thousands of captives in my hand, so I will take them all to Texel as captives, and I won't return them..."

"shame on you!"

"Hey, don't say that, right now is the time for spring plowing, because you started the war, which almost delayed the spring plowing on the island. No, these 1,000 people are all strong guys, and they just happened to help with spring plowing... Well, that's it! Wait until After the spring plowing is over, you come back to redeem these people with money..."

In fact, in this negotiation, both parties are just stalling for time. The Frisians were really waiting for the French reinforcements to arrive, while Marin was preparing to recruit another thousand or two thousand horses for training after returning. After training, cooperate with the original soldiers and horses to annex the whole of Friesland in one fell swoop. Therefore, regarding the result of this negotiation, his asking price is not particularly harsh, but he hopes to end the negotiation quickly so that he can go back to prepare for military training and the next attack.

Anyway, Marin's most valued Schiermonnick Island and the five warships and sailors are all in hand, and other things are not that important.

In the end, the two sides reached an agreement, stipulating that Frisia should bear the main responsibility for the conflict, and permanently ceded the West Frisian Islands under the control of the Frisian noble republic, including Ameland and Schiermonnick, to Malta. Forest.

In addition, the five warships captured by Marin and the sailors and gunners on board also belonged to Marin.

In the end, it was difficult to reach an agreement on the amount of compensation. In the end, Friesland decided to compensate Marin with 10,000 gold coins. But at the same time, they agreed that Marin openly recruited fishermen along the Frisian coast to enrich the fishing villages of Ameland and Schiermonnick...

As for the 1,000 captives, Marin also promised in writing that they would be released after the end of spring plowing. Spring plowing on Texel was severely affected by the war. Therefore, Marin urgently needs a group of strong labor force to speed up spring plowing so as to catch up with the last train of spring plowing. With such 1,000 strong laborers, and no wages, how can Marin let it go? Isn't it said in the movie that prisoners and captives are the best free labor. Even the captives are better. Because, there may be old and weak among the prisoners, and the captives are basically middle-aged men...