King of Mercenaries

Chapter 120: Poor Venetian


After Marin's team crossed the Alps with difficulty and entered the territory of Venice, Venice's developed post system immediately passed the news to the city of Venice.

In the Venice Doge's Palace, a group of senior Venice councilors are discussing countermeasures...

What countermeasures are discussed? Marin came to withdraw money! To be honest, the Venetians were not very happy to pay Marin 1.25 million gold coins. Although, the previous captives earned back most of their expenses through the ransom, and did not lose much. However, they were still very unhappy that Marin wanted to withdraw money. After all, this is watching a lot of money go from one's own hands to others'.

"This kid, how long has it been? I spent 500,000 gold coins in just over a year, isn't that too prodigal?" He is a banker. This large sum of money stays in Venice for one more year, and he can put a lot of loans and eat a lot of interest.

"How about we get rid of him and hack the money?" A certain member suggested. This person is the controller of the underground forces in Venice, and he likes to come to Yin.

"No, if we get rid of him and his subordinates reveal the original agreement, Venice will lose its reputation. If there is no credit, Venice's trade will have problems." Governor Agostino Barbarigo immediately rejected it. the idea.

"But, let that kid just take away 750,000 gold coins, how distressed I am!"

"Yeah yeah..." Many people echoed.

"Guys, I have an idea..." said a member of Parliament named Alani.

"Tell me..." Governor Agostino Barbarigo glanced at Alani and said.

"Although we owe Marin Hoffman 750,000 gold coins, we didn't ask for a one-time payment in the agreement, did we?"

Everyone thought about it, really no...

"I mean, although Marin Hoffman came to withdraw the money, we don't have to give 750,000 at a time..."

"You batches?" Governor Agostino Barbarigo hesitated.

"Yes, we can pay him in three batches, and return him 250,000 every year. The other 500,000 gold coins stay in Venice, which can generate a lot of profit a year..."

"Good idea, but what's the reason for doing this? I'm afraid that guy will make a fuss..." the governor worried.

"What are you afraid of? It's not that we don't give it. As for the reason, it's very simple. Let's say that Venice has a financial crisis, and he can still bite us?"

"Good... good idea..." Many people agreed. 500,000 gold coins, I don't know how much interest will be generated in two years. You know, in this era, the interest on lending is around 10%. Lending to kings and nobles, the interest rate is as high as 15%. If you keep 500,000 gold coins for two years, you can earn tens of thousands of gold coins.

"Also, I have another suggestion..." Amero, the director of Murano Island, said.

"We owe him 750,000 gold coins, didn't we say we must give them gold coins?"

"Of course, what do you mean?"

"Hey... We can use the glass produced in Murano Island to pay off..." Amero smiled wretchedly...

"This... this method is so evil..." However, the congressmen felt very happy.

Murano Island is the manufacturing center of the Venetian glass industry. The stained glass produced on the island is sold all over Europe and even the Middle East, and the price is not cheap.

However, due to frequent wars in recent years, the glass business in Venice has also been affected to a certain extent, and there has been a backlog. Armero, the congressman in charge of the glass business, suddenly wanted to forcefully sell glass products to Marin...

"Okay, this is good, but how much sales is appropriate?"

"Your Excellency, I think, 750,000 gold coins, we will give 250,000 gold coins in two years. The remaining 250,000 gold coins, we will only use Venice products to offset the account..."

"In this way, will it anger that kid?" Governor Agostino Barbarigo was a little worried, afraid that Marin, who was angry, would say nonsense.

"Don't be afraid, if we kill him, we will be in danger of leaking the secret. As long as he is well, if the secret is leaked out, his emperor will be the first to spare him!"

"That makes sense! Let's do it!"

"Your Excellency, don't just focus on selling glass products. Out of the 250,000 gold coins, you must allocate some ships! My shipyard is almost out of steam..." Councilman Magria yelled.

"And my food..."

“Spice in my house…”

"My clock at home..."

These Venetian councilors are all in business at home and have a lot of goods...

When Marin arrived at the Governor's Mansion, Governor Agostino Barbarigo personally received Marin:

"Long time no see, Baron Hoffman, nice to meet you!"

"It is also an honor for Marin to see the Governor again! You can just call me Marin!"

"Please sit..."

Then, the two sides began negotiations. When Governor Agostino Barbarigo put forward the conditions, Marin's face became very ugly. He didn't expect that the Venetians would act like this...

"My lord, I'm here to withdraw money, not to buy goods!"

"I know, Baron Marin. You know, because of the French invasion, the entire Italian economy collapsed, which also caused great difficulties in Venice's business. Therefore, we have no ability to take out 750,000 gold coins at once. You This time, we can only take out 250,000 gold coins, but if you need it, Venice has a lot of backlog of goods, which can be used to pay off..."

"Why do I need so many products? I don't have a chamber of commerce, and the products are shipped back, so I can only look at them in the house or warehouse..."

"But we really don't have that much cash..." Governor Agostino Barbarigo still put on a pitiful face, as if Venice was really poor.

"Well... how about this, Venice will give me a group of craftsmen? I heard that there are many craftsmen in Venice who have signed a lifelong contract with Venice, such as the glass craftsmen on Murano Island. Or, the Governor-General give me a call A craftsman with a lifetime contract?"

"What craftsman do you want?"

"Call the glassworker?"

"Impossible. The glass industry is the core industry of Venice. I won't give it, and neither will other councilors!"

"My lord, what I want is not the kind of core craftsman who knows the formula of stained glass, but the kind of ordinary craftsman who knows how to blow, carve and polish glass..."


"Of course, otherwise what do you think?"

Marin's idea actually existed before. He has always wanted to recruit a group of artisans who know how to make glassware, and there is a lack of glassware in the Eastern region. Even in India, the price of glass products is very high, let alone Daming, which lacks glass products.

Europeans traded with the East, because there were no special products to exchange, so they had to buy them with money. But in this way, gold and silver flowed into the East in large quantities. Before the discovery of gold and silver in America, Europeans did not have so much gold and silver to buy.

Therefore, under such a background, Venetian glass products have become an important exchangeable commodity. Even Daming, who got the extremely scarce glass, was able to sell it at a very high price.

However, Marin didn't have a glass craftsman in his hands, and he only knew some principles. Therefore, he has long planned to come to Venice to find glass craftsmen.

As far as the current stage is concerned, beautiful stained glass is the main export product of Venice, and it is also the core secret of Venice. More powerful mercury-tinned glass mirrors have not yet appeared, and it will take decades to wait. These days, the core technology of Venice is stained glass.

However, stained glass technology is a profound thing for others. Marin, who has studied chemistry, knows the mystery inside, but just added some special minerals.

What Marin needs most is a processor-type glass craftsman. After all, to trade with the Orientals, it is necessary to process the glass into the way the Orientals like it.

For example, if you carve a glass cross, oriental people don't like it. However, if you carve a glass dragon and phoenix, it will definitely be welcomed in Daming, and even regarded as a treasure.

Marin intends to open up the Ming trade route. He doesn't have so much gold and silver to buy silk and porcelain, so he can only use glassware that meets the aesthetic requirements of the Orientals to exchange related goods and make huge profits.

At the same time, Marin also asked Governor Agostino Barbarigo for a group of shipbuilders...

Governor Agostino Barbarigo did not give a direct answer, but discussed with the congressmen. Hearing that the stained glass technology does not touch the core, even Amello, the governor of Murano Island, has no objection. As for shipbuilders, the shipbuilding industry has been sluggish in recent years, and Venice's demand for ships has greatly decreased. Shipbuilding magnate Margaria cared little for shipwrights who handed over some lifetime contracts. However, the high price is certain.

In this way, everyone reached an agreement and agreed to deliver a group of ordinary glass craftsmen who did not involve the confidential technology of stained glass and a group of shipbuilding craftsmen to Marin. But, for that price...

"What? A glass craftsman and a shipbuilder are worth 200 gold coins? Governor, are you too dark?" Marin almost jumped up in fright.

"Whether you want it or not, it's the price. Baron Marin, you must know that these are top craftsmen in Europe, and they have a lifetime contract, and they will not betray them!"

"Are they all veterans with more than 10 years of craftsman experience?" Marin gritted his teeth and decided to buy a batch.

"Yes, you can follow this request."

"Okay, I want 50 glass craftsmen and 200 shipbuilders!" Marin is short of shipbuilders now, and glass craftsmen are also in great need. So, he reluctantly asked for so much, and the total price reached 50,000 gold coins. In addition, considering the trade to India this time, a batch of commodities is needed. As a result, Marin also purchased a large number of stained glass products worth 10,000 gold coins.

After that, Marin also requested that the families of these craftsmen, together with these craftsmen, plus goods, be sent to Texel by Venetian ships. Of course, the Venetians have no objection to this, but the boat fare that should be charged is not less.

When sending the craftsmen back to Texel by boat, Marin also sent Schwartz to take half of the people, escorting 200,000 gold coins, and return to Texel with the boat. And Marin himself, with Sauer, Kohler, Kahn and others, took 50,000 gold coins and continued to stay in Italy to do other things...