King of Mercenaries

Chapter 121: Knock out and take away!


After Schwartz took half of the people away, Marin still had 100 people under him, including fierce generals like Kahn, excellent scouts like Sauer, and the butler Kohler.

After sending Schwartz away, Marin immediately launched his second plan to come to Italy—to recruit Da Vinci...

So, Marin took 100 men, rode horses and drove to the Principality of Milan...

At this time, Da Vinci was still serving the court of Milan. He was a court musician and court painter in Milan, and he was very popular. But what is strange is that Da Vinci never married a wife in his life, and he seems not interested in women. Therefore, many people suspect that Da Vinci was gay...

Da Vinci has a weird temper. Although he lives near the Milan Palace, it is also a relatively remote place near the palace, an independent small villa.

After Marin entered the city of Milan, although he brought 100 people with him, he did not bring many people with him when he went to recruit Da Vinci, but only a few followers. Because bringing too many people is too conspicuous.

He came to Milan to recruit Da Vinci this time, but he was digging the corner of the Duke of Milan. If the Duke of Milan found out, not to mention the failure of the plan, he might be beaten up.

You know, he is just a baron, many levels behind the duke. Even if the Duke of Milan beat him up, he had nothing to say. What's more, Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan, is also the uncle of Bianca Maria Sforza, the current wife of Maximilian I. The Duke of Milan beat him up, and the emperor would definitely not speak up for him...

Therefore, if Marin wanted to recruit Leonardo Da Vinci, an artist from the court of Milan, he could only come quietly, and he could not be aboveboard, otherwise it would be an act of asking for money.

In the evening, when Da Vinci returned home, Marin immediately visited Da Vinci with several entourages. The polite exchange between the two was very pleasant, and they also talked about some elegant things in art. In fact, Marin had only read some articles in his previous life, but he was really not very proficient in these artistic pretentious things. After discussing art with Da Vinci for a while, Marin was already sweating on his forehead...

There is no way, half a bucket of water meets an expert, it is really no match. If it weren't for the politeness of the two parties, and Da Vinci also gave face, Marin would have been ashamed.

In fact, what Marin most wanted to talk about was machinery and natural science. However, these things are a bit off-limits during this time period. Leak it, and you risk being burned at the stake. It was only the first time I met Da Vinci, so it was impossible to talk about these forbidden theories right away. So, the conversation got a bit deadlocked.

There is no way, Marin can only use money to smash it. In order to attract Da Vinci, Marin offered a super high annual salary of 500 gold coins, almost 40 times the income of ordinary people, and several times higher than Da Vinci's current annual salary. However, Marin, who has always relied on money, lost his hand...

"Baron Marin, thank you for your kindness, but I am used to staying in Milan. Moreover, there are many artists here, and I get along very well. Here, I can discuss art with those artists every day, and I am very happy."

"The salary you give me is really tempting. But, I'm a bachelor, why do I need so much money? I know Texel, it's just a desolate island in the North Sea. There are no artists to communicate with me, I I will rush to the lonely..." After saying it, it means to reject Marin's solicitation...

"I can discuss with you the mechanical and human structure (anatomy)..." Marin blurted out without thinking.

Da Vinci's expression changed instantly. You must know that the Catholic Church absolutely forbids the dissection of human corpses. Want to dissect? Play with monkey dissection. If you dissect a human being, the Holy See will burn you at the stake.

After the Renaissance began, although many biologists began to secretly dissect corpses. However, when they dissect corpses, they usually steal the corpses of executed prisoners, take them home and get them in the basement for secret dissection, and they never dare to bring them to the table. Otherwise, there is a danger of being burned to death. Theories related to anatomy are also communicated privately by like-minded people.

Although Da Vinci didn't know who told Marin that he liked anatomy, he never dared to admit that it was a matter of his life. Even Da Vinci suspected that Marin was sent by the Holy See to set him up. Because Marin is too young and not big, he doesn't look like the legendary "Brother General" who defeated the French king... So, he immediately turned cold and prepared to drive people away...

Marin didn't look well, and knew that he was talking nonsense. But he didn't want to give up either. Now that Da Vinci hated him, normal recruiting methods wouldn't work. So, he nodded to Kahn on the side and said:

"Knocked unconscious and taken away!"

Then, Leonardo da Vinci, a great artist and scientist of a generation, was hit on the back of the neck by Kahn the bull, and passed out.

Then, Marin found a sack, put the great artist in it, and prepared to take it back to the small hotel he had packed...

Before leaving, he told Saul to wait:

"Take away all the artworks here, as well as the paintings on the wall, and pack them away. Be careful, don't break them! Otherwise, I'll take your skin off!"

After finishing speaking, Marin swaggered away with Kahn, who was carrying the sack, with his hands behind his back. Sauer and the others stayed behind to search for works of art collected and created by Da Vinci...

In the middle of the night, Sauer quietly came to Marin's room to report;

"Master, everything is packed. It's just that there are many things in the basement that are not convenient to pack..."

"What is it?"

"Dead bones, a lot of dead bones... There are adults and children... The subordinates think, is this Da Vinci a murderer? So many bones... It's too cruel... Even children are not spared. ..." Saul was terrified. Although Sauer has also killed people, like Marin, he only kills enemies and opponents, and will never attack the elderly, women and children. He was very angry when he saw the skeleton of the child.

"Haha, Saul, you misunderstood, this Da Vinci is a scientific lunatic, I guess these bones were either stolen or bought. This guy likes to dissect corpses..."

"Ah—so perverted!" Sauer was just an ordinary person, but he couldn't understand the enthusiasm of scientists for research. In his opinion, Da Vinci is desecrating the corpse...

"Don't worry about it so much, we'll leave the city tomorrow morning! By the way, Saul, you send someone to throw away all the bones in Da Vinci's basement, lest others find out!"

"Ah? Why?"

"Master, I want to recruit this person to work. If someone finds so many bones in the basement of his house in the future, and they have been dissected, maybe he will be wanted by the Holy See. At that time, how dare I take him in?"

"Young master is wise, I'll do it now!"

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Marin arranged for Kahn to knock Da Vinci skillfully unconscious, put Da Vinci in a sack, hide him in the dark compartment of the carriage, and take him out of Milan City...