King of Mercenaries

Chapter 123: Zorro? Columbus?


Marin took a team of people, loaded two carriages with minced lemon leaves, left the last lemon orchard where the leaves were picked, and began to plan to return north.

Now, Da Vinci can be considered honest. At the beginning, Da Vinci wanted to call for help when he saw a stranger. However, whenever he was about to cry out, Kahn, a professional stun expert, accurately slashed his knife on the back of his neck, and then Da Vinci would pass out on the spot without any sequelae.

In order to keep an eye on Da Vinci, Kahn is riding in the same carriage with him now, and when he sees Ada trying to call someone, he knocks him unconscious very quickly...

After many times, Da Vinci was also desperate. Da Vinci is a life-saving person, otherwise, he would not have written the Da Vinci manuscript in cipher form. It seems that he also knows that if these things are published, they may be burned to death by the Holy See. Therefore, his manuscript was never published during his lifetime. Seeing that there was no hope of getting out of trouble, Marin offered him food and drink again. In the end, Da Vinci had resigned himself to his fate...

On the way back to the north, Marin rode a horse on the country path, feeling in a good mood. Suddenly, a drunk man came up the road...

This is not important, the key is that this drunk also wears a mask made of black cloth on the upper half of his face...

"Zorro?" Marin asked curiously when the drunk approached. Then, he realized that Zorro is from the United States, and it was from the 19th century...

"Fox?" The drunk was stunned. Zorro means fox in Spanish.

"Hey, sir, your mask is very good. It looks like a knight. But don't rangers always appear at night?" Marin asked casually in Latin. Then, he suddenly realized that he was used to communicating with Da Vinci in Latin these days. At this moment, any Italian drunk who happened to meet would also speak Latin. But he doesn't understand Italian either...

The drunkard was startled, and suddenly said:

"I'm not a ranger, sir. My name is Christopher!" replied the masked drunk, also in Latin. Rangers have a bad reputation, almost equal to robbers. Most people don't want to admit that they are rangers.

"Christopher? Are you Columbus?" Marin has never seen Christopher as a surname or first name. The only person who has heard the name used is Columbus.

However, Columbus was hurt badly by Marin's suggestion. Not to mention losing his title and job, most of his original property was also confiscated.

After Columbus was expelled by the Queen of Spain, he had no choice but to go to Portugal to try his luck. However, Portugal is full of seafaring talents, and there is no shortage of people at all. Moreover, according to the Pope's meridian, the Portuguese can only go east, not west. So, Columbus failed to find work in Portugal.

In desperation, Columbus returned to his hometown of Genoa. However, the prostitutes in the city learned that Columbus, the culprit who made them unable to receive customers, was coming, and a group of people often came to block the door and make trouble, so that the Columbus family did not dare to go out.

In desperation, Columbus had to sell his house in the city of Genoa and bought a small manor in the countryside to escape...

Moreover, after that, Columbus dared not use Columbus' surname any more, and simply called himself Mr. Christopher. However, Columbus was very discouraged because he was full of talents and had nowhere to display them. So, he often went to the town bar to hang out, often drunk. Moreover, because he didn't know how to farm, Columbus's farm was not managed well, which led to financial constraints.

As for Columbus's mask, it was originally made of bronze. However, the bronze mask was too heavy and uncomfortable to wear. Also, bronze masks are expensive. While looking for work in Portugal, Columbus was later financially strapped and sold his bronze mask for food. Then, a cheap and lightweight black cloth face mask was put on…

Normally, if Marin asked him if he was Columbus, the vigilant Columbus would definitely deny it. However, he is drunk now. When Marin asked, Columbus immediately froze for a moment, and asked:

"How do you know I'm Columbus?" Then, he was shocked, thinking that someone was coming to kill him, and he was more than half sober from the wine.

"Are you really Columbus?" Marin got excited, got off his horse and circled around the masked drunk a few times, looking left and right, up and down...

"Sir, what do you want to do?" Columbus, who was half awake, was scared. Especially, in front of it, there are hundreds of cavalry. He didn't bring a weapon, so he could only clenched the glass bottle of wine in his hand as a self-defense weapon.

"Don't do anything, I'm just admiring my name for a long time!" Marin then touched his pocket and found that he didn't bring a pen and paper. Otherwise, it would be good to find Columbus to sign.

Columbus also relaxed when he saw that Marin didn't seem to have any malice on his face. Then, he was not very sober yet, because he had been suppressed for too long, he needed to find someone to confide in. Then, he actually pulled Marin, sat on the side of the road, and began to complain.

Marin was surprised at first, but he felt very guilty when he learned that because of the Pope's decree, Columbus was discredited and his title and property were confiscated.

Others don't know, they thought it was the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I who first discovered syphilis and wrote a letter to the Pope. But Marin knew very well that this was clearly his suggestion. It's just that the emperor pretended to claim credit and gain fame, so he couldn't say anything. After all, he still depends on the emperor for food.

However, Columbus, who was supposed to be a great hero, became a dog because he revealed the source of syphilis. Marin expressed his guilt.

Right now, according to Columbus, his whole family can only eat black bread with ingredients every day. Even if you want to go to the town to get drunk, you have to save it, you can only go once in a few days...

Marin felt very disturbed and decided to give some compensation to the sailing hero. However, when he took out his pocket to get the gold coins, a thought flashed through his mind...

"Since I want to send people to trade in India... why... why don't you recruit Columbus, an old driver in the nautical world?"

Columbus bravely found the American continent without any nautical charts. If you give him a world map and let him accompany Da Gama, the success rate will be higher...

Columbus da Gama? Marin thought the idea was brilliant. And, it's hilarious. It's amused that a seafaring giant follows another seagoing giant.

The reason why Columbus led a team to da Gama instead of doing it alone is because sailing is not easy, especially the great sailing in the age of sail.

When sailing, not only the hydrological conditions and the distribution of hidden reefs must be considered, but also the monsoon issue. Because ships in this era are powered by sails, the choice of wind direction is very important. There is no wind or headwind, which has a great impact on navigation.

Therefore, following Vasco da Gama can be a lot more comfortable. Moreover, the Portuguese prepared hydrological and monsoon data from the west coast of Africa to the Cape of Good Hope. A trip to the West African coast will be very easy with the Portuguese.

It's no trouble when you get to the coast of East Africa. Because Marin knew that after Da Gama arrived in Malindi, the local chief sent the famous Arab navigator Ahmed Ibn Majid as the navigator to lead Da Gama's fleet across the Arabian Sea to India .

The reason why Chief Malindi sent Majid to help da Gama to lead the voyage is said to be because he learned that da Gama had conflicts with the chief of Mombasa. Chief Malindi had a feud with Chief Mombasa. Therefore, Chief Malindi sent Majid to help Da Gama navigate in order to win Da Gama to fight against the Mombasa people with him.

The reason why Chief Malindi saw Da Gama as an ally was that he thought the artillery on Da Gama's ship was very powerful, and hoped to buy Portuguese artillery in the future.

But in reality, Vasco da Gama was just using Chief Malindi. His purpose was only to open up routes to India, and he had no intention of helping Chief Malindi at all.

Marin's plan is to follow Da Gama on the West African coast, and continue to follow Da Gama in the first half of the East African coast. But when da Gama stopped at Mombasa, he did not stop and sent Columbus north to Malindi. Then, deliberately said that he had a grudge with Mombasa, tried to form an alliance with Malindi, and gave the chief two cannons, tricking the chief into sending Majid out to lead Columbus...

In this way, Da Gama lost the guidance of an excellent navigator like Majid, and his future is uncertain. Columbus, on the other hand, can take advantage of the situation to arrive in India first. As for Da Gama's life and death, what has it to do with Marin

Thinking of this, Marin was in a good mood and smiled straight. Columbus, who was sitting next to him, felt a little chilly...

After Marin opened his mouth to solicit, Columbus agreed without thinking too much. Because, he is so poor that he can hardly afford to drink alcohol, so what else can he choose? If there is no more money, his wife will soon divorce him...

For a better life and for his family, Columbus immediately accepted Marin's solicitation. Even Columbus didn't mention the harsh conditions of 10% of the income he asked for from the Queen of Spain.

However, Marin considered that because of syphilis, Columbus is now stinking in Europe. In order to avoid trouble, Marin suddenly thought of an idea:

"Christopher, in order to prevent you from being attacked by others, use a pseudonym when you go out!"

"Okay, what alias do you think I should use, my lord?"

"How's Zorro?"

"it is good!"

In this way, the great navigator Columbus transformed himself into Captain Zorro, and with this name, he gained a great reputation...