King of Mercenaries

Chapter 29: The disgusting oath of allegiance


Although it is only a broken formation, Marin must play well, otherwise, with his background, it will be difficult to be favored by others. In order to make himself popular, Malin specially changed his name from Marin Hoffman to Marin von Hoffman. Because, in Europe at this time, the origin is very important. And "Von (von)" is only found in the names of German nobles, and at least it is a hereditary noble.

However, ordinary knight families would not add the word "Feng" to their names. Only hereditary baron families generally began to add the word "Feng" to their names. But there are also a small number of knights who arrogantly add the word "Feng" to their names.

The so-called "Feng" actually means to indicate one's origin, just like the Chinese say "I come from the Wang family of Langya, the Cui family of Boling, and the Li family of Longxi". Generally speaking, the surnames after Feng are noble titles, family names, or fief names, indicating their origins.

For example, "Von Hohenzollern" indicates that you are from the Hohenzollern family. And "Von Neumann" indicates that it comes from the Neumann family. There are also names that indicate places. For example, William II was called "William von Hohenzollern" (the middle part is omitted) when he was the prince. After he became the king of Prussia, he changed it to "William von Prussia". After the emperor of the German Empire, it was changed to "Wilhelm von Deutschland".

Marin called himself "Marin von Hoffmann", which is obviously arrogance. Because, the Hoffman estate is not hereditary. But it's not like no one in the empire has done this before. Moreover, in this era, there is no ID card online query, and information exchange is not smooth. I just add the word "Feng" to my name, you bite me? If you have the ability, go check it out...

Moreover, if he hadn't added the word "Feng" to his name, it is estimated that the officials in charge of recruiting soldiers would not necessarily pay attention to him. Because, in Europe at this time, everyone habitually believed that only nobles were qualified to be officers. This rule continued until the 19th century. Wellington, a famous British general, once relied on his aristocratic status to directly become an officer, and even spent money to buy a colonel.

In addition to spending a little time on the name, Marin also spent a little time on the remnants. In addition to the previous tactical training and queue training, Marin also practiced a nice line of turns.

Specifically, the illusion that the enemy did not confront the line of his own head-on, but detoured to the side. What should we do at this time? Marin made the middle two of the second row of pikemen the axis, and the whole team, "wanted to move to the right," began to turn clockwise or counterclockwise with the two as a reference. The outermost steps are larger, the inner steps are smaller, and the turns are synchronized... Finally, the entire queue turns neatly at the same time at a faster speed.

In fact, on the real battlefield, there is more than one line array at all, and there are often many line arrays, distributed in a fan shape or other shapes. Generally, the flanks of the army will also arrange special line arrays to deal with them. Therefore, there is no need to turn the line array head-on to the enemy, and it turns so coquettishly.

But Marin's original intention was not to fight, but to attract the attention of the boss. Therefore, he played like this, which was more performance than practical. Who the hell is in the mood to use this kind of performative turn when it comes to actual combat? Simple and practical is the truth.

In addition, Marin also made another more practical change—the hollow square...

This is assuming that the line array on our side is surrounded—especially if it is surrounded by cavalry, continuing to maintain the line array must be courting death. Therefore, under such circumstances, Marin will keep the 10 rows in the middle still, and the people on the side will start, and the left and right rows near the middle will be 5 rows each. When the archers move first, they will quickly run back and run to the back Form the back facing side. And 10 columns on each side, then move quickly to form the left and right columns of the square.

At this time, the spearmen were facing all directions, the first row squatted down, and the second row of spearmen placed their spears on the shoulders of the first row of spearmen. And the archers, in the middle of the hollow phalanx, shot through the gaps at those who surrounded the phalanx.

At this time, the hollow phalanx protected itself well like a hedgehog. If you charge forcefully, you will definitely suffer heavy casualties. Moreover, the archers in the middle of the hollow phalanx can choose which side to attack the closer enemy army according to the situation. As long as it is within a hundred meters, it is within the strike range of the archer.

Speaking of which, these two transformations are actually quite demanding. But the 100 mercenaries who had been abused by Marin for more than a month were already a little numb at this time, and they all became a little mechanical. Therefore, they actually completed two changes very well. Of course, it can only be completed when there is no interference from foreign enemies. When encountering a real enemy, whether it can be completed depends on God's will.

Of course, it is also because they are few in number. There are only 100 people in total, so changing formations is of course easy. If it is changed to 1000 people, it will not be so easy. However, even with 1,000 people, as long as the training is done at home, it can be done. However, it takes a lot longer.

After solving the problem of name fraud and change of formation, Marin began to consider the issue of dressing again. The 100 mercenaries in front of him were dressed in all kinds of clothes. Although they are not as fancy as real mercenaries, they have begun to imitate the fancy clothes of those real mercenaries.

To be honest, Marin really wanted to customize a beautiful military uniform for each of these bastards. Because, neatly dressed can also make a deep impression on people. However, clothes are too expensive now, and Marin himself is too poor. So, he had to give up the idea.

In the end, Marin thought about it and came up with a very economical solution—get a piece of white cloth for everyone, cut it in half, and sew it into a white vest that saves cloth. This kind of vest is relatively cheap because of the low material consumption and simple workmanship, and each piece only costs 8 pfennigs. Then, Marin found ink and drew a black cross in front of each white vest. Originally, Marin wanted to draw the Iron Cross used by the Second and Third Reichs. However, it is a bit troublesome to draw the Iron Cross, and it is difficult to be the same. Later, in order to save trouble, Marin directly referred to the square red cross that was the easiest to draw in the later hospitals, and drew a square black cross...

Marin wanted to laugh when he saw people number 100 lined up in a neat queue, each wearing a white vest with a square black cross drawn on their chest. Because, he felt that the number 100 people in front of him were very similar to the temporary medical workers in the hospital. However, this looks much neater than before. At least it looks like an army, not a mob...

After that, Marin began to think about other flattering tricks...

For the sake of prosperity and wealth, Marin didn't care about his face. Anyway, he can do whatever the boss likes. If it were left in Daming, he would definitely be scolded as a courtier...

After inquiring, Marin learned that Emperor Maximilian I was more vain. For example, in 1490, he asked the first batch of imperial mercenaries to swear allegiance to him collectively. In fact, most of the mercenaries are for money, who the hell is really working for your poor emperor? I don't give much money. However, Maximilian I loved this kind of formalism, and everyone couldn't help it. Moreover, in the Middle Ages, the oath of allegiance did have a little binding force for those who kept their promises.

"Since you like this tune, then brother, let's play it!" Marin said confidently.

Then, he began to recall the oaths he had seen in his previous life, such as the oath to join the group, the oath to join the party, etc...

But after choosing and choosing, I finally found that the most irritating and exciting thing was a certain version of the Third Reich SS’s oath of allegiance to Hitler on the Internet...

The oath is as follows:

"It is my life's honor to be a brave and loyal SS soldier,

Every comrade-in-arms is my brother, regardless of origin or status,

Sworn allegiance to the Führer!

The will of the Führer is above all else!

orders of the Führer,

Above all truth and law!

Hi Hitler! "

This oath is said to have been made by Himmler, the super sycophant of the Third Reich. It is not only flattering, but also fucking touching (mainly the first two sentences).

Marin thought for a while, and revised the oath to become:

"It is my life's honor to be a brave and loyal soldier of the Holy Roman Empire,

Every comrade-in-arms is my brother, regardless of origin or status,

Swear allegiance to the emperor!

The emperor's will is above all else!

The emperor's order, (this sentence was said by an officer, the original version was said by Himmler, and here it is naturally said by Marin)

Above all truth and law! (Soldiers shout together)

Hi Holy Rome! (keep shouting)"

When Marin released such a big move, everyone present was excited. Literate people, including Schwartz, were deeply infected and shouted with everyone.

"Nimma, the trick of the head of state is Niubi. These grandsons look like chicken blood. No wonder the Germans in World War II dared to challenge the whole world. Their feelings are all passionate!" Marin thought speechlessly. However, on the surface, he still shouted with this group of soldiers. Acting, who can't? Anyway, Marin felt that he had to act like a super loyal minister, like a fan of the emperor... At that time, the emperor would just send him a statuette, preferably 24K pure gold. Then, you can take it and sell it for money...

For this reason, Marin has practiced facial expressions for a long time, trying to transfer all his loyalty and fanaticism to his face, so that people can know it at a glance. If the people of later generations see Ma Lin's expression at this moment, they will definitely scold him - snake spirit disease, you think you are Liang Yifeng, your expression is so ecstatic...