King of Mercenaries

Chapter 3: hunting


Marin knows how to archery, and he was a hunting enthusiast in his previous life. Because guns were banned in China in later generations, Marin learned the skill of archery in desperation.

Moreover, in the previous life, Marin made an English longbow by himself, and then took this bow and arrows made by a master blacksmith to haunt the mountains and forests behind his hometown many times, hunting and killing many birds (beasts early The predecessors who used shotguns before the guns were banned) and hares.

Of course, in the Middle Ages, bows and arrows were also very important weapons, and the price was very expensive. To make an English longbow, regardless of the cost of materials, it takes at least two or three months just to tame the bow. Therefore, Marin has no time to make English longbows right now, nor does he have money to buy materials for making longbows.

However, in his previous life, Marin also learned another hunting skill—laying traps...

With clever camouflage, sensitive animals can also be tricked into stepping into a trap. Because animals are animals after all, they tend to pay attention to the movement around them in order to escape immediately. They put too much energy into "seeing the six directions with their eyes" and "listening to all directions with their ears", but they often ignore the danger under their feet. As long as the traps are arranged realistically, most animals can basically be deceived. Of course, the premise is that those animals will happen to run on the ground where the trap is.

Marin took a look. He is currently in a forest on the Rhine River in Germany. There is a small stream in the forest with plenty of water.

Marin, who has watched many episodes of "Animal World", knows that many animals, especially herbivores, like to go to the river to drink water in the morning. And some ferocious beasts also like to ambush small animals drinking water by the river in the morning.

It's just that there are no tigers and lions in Europe, only the Timberwolves are difficult beasts. But wolves are animals that come and go at night, and they won't come out in the morning. Therefore, by the river in the morning, herbivores are not in danger.

Marin rode back and forth by the creek several times, dismounted many times, observed the footprints and feces of animals on the ground, and finally identified three places where animals drink water more frequently.

In these three places, the terrain by the river is relatively flat, with few trees. The reason why herbivores choose this kind of place is to consider the convenience of drinking water and escape. Even if people or beasts try to ambush them, they can be spotted from afar.

After choosing the location, the next step is naturally to set up traps. Sadly, Marin didn't have a shovel or pick for digging. Strictly speaking, there are not many iron farm tools in Western Europe at present. In many manors, such as Hoffman Manor, a considerable part of the farm tools used by serfs were made of pure wood. Only in Italy, England and other areas with relatively developed metallurgical industries, and some other relatively wealthy areas, iron farm tools are generally popular. As for using copper to make farm tools, that's really a problem. Because, at this time, copper was relatively scarce in Europe. Before the development of the Falun Copper Mine in Sweden and the introduction of Japanese copper by the Dutch, the value of copper was still relatively high, and the exchange ratio with silver was about 15:1, which was quite expensive. Therefore, it takes a real local tyrant to use copper ware as a farm tool.

Since Marin was cheated out of all his money, he is now a 24K pure poor man, and it is impossible for him to have the money to buy metal farm tools. Therefore, he could only find a tree in the Black Forest, and with the dagger he carried with him, painstakingly cut off a forked branch and made it into a simple wooden pick. Then, with this wooden pickaxe, he laboriously began to dig the trap.

How hard is it to dig the soil with wooden farm tools? Digging the pickaxe into the soil is more difficult. Fortunately, it is by the river, and the soil is moist and relatively soft. Otherwise, this wooden pickaxe will definitely not be able to dig. As for the large amount of soil dug out of the pit, it is easy to solve, just throw it into the river...

After digging a hole, it is time to cover the surface of the hole. The camouflage should be natural, otherwise sensitive herbivores will not be fooled. Marin hurriedly went to the forest to find a lot of dead branches, put them on the pit, and then carefully covered the dead branches with the newly dug turf.

After a long time of tossing, Marin finally set up the first trap, ran around and observed it, and found that there were no flaws, so he left with satisfaction. Then, he used the same method to set up two deep pit traps in two other places.

Then, seeing that it was getting dark, he rode out of the Black Forest. You know, these days, there are many wolves in the forest. At night, the wolves come out to look for meat to eat. If Marin stayed in the forest overnight, maybe with Carl, it would become a supper for the wolves.

So, Marin found a small town, tied up the horses in the corner next to the only monastery in the town, and simply fell asleep beside the horses. …

The climate in early spring was still very cold, and Marin didn't bring a quilt with him. In order to keep warm, Marin changed places, took Carl to the firewood stack behind the church, and got into the haystack. Fortunately, it was early spring. If it was summer, Marin would not dare to do this. Because there may be snakes in the haystack. When he was a child in his previous life, when he was playing peek-a-boo with the children, Marin opened the haystack and saw dozens of snakes coiled together, and they even spit out their poisonous tongues at him, making people's scalp numb. At this moment in early spring, the snake is still hibernating in the deep hole, so he can boldly lie down on the haystack and sleep.

Early the next morning, Marin was woken up by the sunlight stimulating his eyes. In fact, the people in the church had already discovered him, but no one dared to disturb him. Because, Marin's clothes showed his identity as a wandering knight. You know, wandering knights are very difficult to mess with. If it is a large monastery, with its own guards, it is natural not to be afraid of one or two wandering knights. But this monastery is just a monastery in a small town. There are only three or two kittens in it, and there are no guards at all. Therefore, they dare not provoke potential thugs like wandering knights.

After waking up, Marin patted off the straw on his body, then led the horse to the river, washed his face, and filled the copper kettle with a new pot of water. Then, he rode into the forest, dug up some grass roots and ate them for breakfast. Fortunately, this body born in the Middle Ages was used to drinking cold water. Otherwise, if it was the modern body of Marin, if he drank cold water early in the morning, he might have diarrhea. In medieval Europe, diarrhea was also a difficult disease to treat...

Estimated at eight or nine o'clock in the morning, Marin felt that it was time to collect the net. So, he rode his horse to the three places where the traps were set up yesterday afternoon.

The first trap, nothing to gain. Apparently, no animal stepped on it. Shaking his head gloomily, Marin walked towards the second trap. When he reached the second trap, Marin was pleasantly surprised to find that the grass cover on the trap was gone. Apparently, the trap worked. But to his dismay, the pit was empty. Presumably, some animal stepped on the trap by mistake, but escaped in time before falling into the pit.

"Cool! Why are you so unlucky!" Marin walked towards the third trap with a depressed mood...

Before coming to the third trap, Marin was pleasantly surprised to find that the grass cover on the third trap was gone. Apparently, the trap was triggered. When approaching the trap, Marin heard a shrill and funny animal cry coming from the pit...

What animal could it be? Marin carefully got off his horse and leaned forward, holding his lance. Before coming to the pit, Marin finally saw the animal in the pit clearly—it was a male red deer...

As for why it is male? It's very simple, the male deer has horns, and the female deer has no horns. This red deer is not small, about in the prime of life.

After visual inspection, Marin found that this robust male red deer is about 130 centimeters high, 180 centimeters long, and weighs about 400 catties.

Marin had only seen such a tall and strong red deer in the zoo in his previous life. Now, he was overjoyed to catch a live one.