King of Mercenaries

Chapter 349: cult of personality


Putting 10,000 troops on the Teutonic side, to be honest, Marin was very worried. Of course, when Schwartz and others stayed on the Teutonic side, the army would have no problems. However, Schwartz is the number one general under Marin after all, and he will stay in the Teutonic country for up to half a year. Half a year later, Schwartz and others will return to China. At this time, the new legion will change its command. However, Marin can't guarantee that the new commander and grass-roots officers will give up on him...

So, Marin once again remembered what happened when he broke through Emden City...

Because of Taylor's assistant bishop's flicker, the citizens of Emden fanatically worshiped the former East Frisian Earl Edsard I, and fought with their own army, which left a deep impression on Marin.

However, later, after Marin asked Assistant Bishop Taylor to help him train a group of young priests, he left them alone. After all, Marin himself became the king of a country and was so busy all day long, how could he have the time to take care of those trivial matters

Now, almost two years have passed, and Assistant Bishop Taylor should have achieved results...

So, Marin sent someone to summon Assistant Bishop Taylor...

Assistant Bishop Taylor hasn't seen Marin for more than a year. Seeing Marin at this moment is like seeing a relative, his face is full of excitement and fanaticism...

"My Lord, I finally see you, the omnipotent Earl!" Then, the assistant bishop of Taylor, who was full of excitement, was so excited that he was about to kneel when he saw the powerful Du Fatty...

But Marin knew that Taylor was a villain, and the excitement on his face was mostly faked. Of course, there is also an authentic component. After all, I can give him wealth.

"Okay, get up and talk!" Marin said angrily.

Taylor really restrained a lot, and reported to Marin respectfully...

In the past two years, Taylor brought 50 young missionaries and taught them how to help Marin fool the people. Most of these 50 young missionaries were from various monasteries in East Frisia, and a small number were dug from other places. The unifying characteristic of these people is youth, and being young means having a future. Of course, it also means that they don't have now...

The church is also a place where seniority is very serious. Except for a few cardinals with extremely hard backgrounds, most of the cardinals of Rome are uncles who walk unsteadily.

Therefore, if these 50 young priests from commoner families want to get ahead, they have to work through decades of qualifications. Even if you have survived for decades, you may not be able to succeed, it depends on the opportunity.

Therefore, when Marin wanted to recruit them, they all chose to join without hesitation. After all, there are too few opportunities, if you can seize them once, you will be reborn...

In the past two years, these 50 young priests have followed Bishop Taylor to learn the techniques of deceiving civilians. Although, after only two years of study, he certainly cannot be compared with the naturally cunning Taylor. However, most of them (about 40 people) can already reluctantly become teachers and go to fool ordinary people...

After all, although these monks were born in ordinary families, after entering the monastery, they have been learning cultural knowledge. Therefore, their cultural background is generally better. Taylor's teaching was not as laborious as teaching illiterates. In two years, 40 out of 50 people barely passed the qualifications.

In fact, in the Middle Ages, the group with the highest level of education in Europe was not the nobility, but the priesthood. In the aristocratic group, there may be many uneducated children, but among the priests, everyone must have a good cultural accomplishment. After all, if you want to fool people, you must ensure that you have enough knowledge reserves. And many nobles, because they focus on learning martial arts, may not be willing to sit down and learn cultural knowledge.

Therefore, the priests of this era are the most educated group in Europe. Even in European universities in this era, more than half of the undergraduates are priests. For example, the famous Copernicus was born as a priest. Originally, Marin planned to recruit him, but unexpectedly, after this guy couldn't get along in Italy, he ran back to Poland directly. After all, Copernicus' uncle was a local archbishop in Poland. Copernicus, as a "second generation" in the religious circle, had no worries about making a living in Poland. It's just that during my stay in Italy, life was a little difficult because I was not in my home field. Back in Poland, Copernicus was still a young man...

It is precisely because of the high level of education of the priesthood that many priests were recruited by the nobles to enter the imperial court and hold important public positions. For example, Richelieu, a famous French politician in the 17th century, was a cardinal. Louis XIII appointed Richelieu as Prime Minister of France, and Richelieu lived up to Louis XIII's expectations. Through superb political means, he disabled the Holy Roman Empire and made France the strongest country in Europe.

Of course, a talented politician like Richelieu may not be able to emerge in a hundred years. After all, there are still relatively few priests with the political talent of Richelieu. However, it is undeniable that the level of education of priests is generally very high.

The assistant bishop of Taylor is also a person with no background. After years of patronizing others, he got into the position of assistant bishop. However, as an assistant bishop, although he is a reserve bishop, he may not be able to successfully take over the diocesan bishop of East Frisia. Because, the bishops of the vassal states are all decided by the regional bishops and the vassals themselves after consultation. The diocesan bishop of the Counties of East Frisia was mainly decided after consultation with the Archbishop of Cologne, who was in charge of northern Germany, and the Earl of East Frisia himself.

Today, Archbishop Rich is lying on the hospital bed, only half a step away from death. Therefore, Taylor is very anxious at the moment. Now, Marin summoned him, and he was overjoyed. Because Marin has some power to decide his future. And whether Marin will recommend him as the new Archbishop of East Frisia depends entirely on the foolish ability of the young priests he taught...

Soon, Marin sent the 40 barely qualified young priests to various churches in East Frisia to preach to ordinary people through Sunday worship. By the way, help Marin to spread the word...

In order to test the effect, Marin even disguised himself, mixed in with the worshiping crowd, and inspected those young priests...

After investigation, Marin found that these young priests still had the ability to fool. Although I can't fool people like myself who have received higher education in later generations, people in this era still listen to their fooling...

Therefore, Marin was satisfied, and formally promised Bishop Taylor that he would recommend him to the Archbishop of Cologne as the Archbishop of East Frisia after the death of Archbishop Ridge. At the same time, ask for his own money and help him pay a certain bribe to the Archbishop of Cologne...

Then, Marin officially accepted the 40 "graduated" missionaries and planned to arrange them into the army. At the same time, Marin will continue to recruit a group of new young priests and hand them over to Taylor for training. In return, Taylor will receive a "training fee" of 2,000 gold coins per year.

After receiving these 40 young flicker priests, Marin immediately selected 20 people and sent them to the new Teutonic army. From now on, these missionaries will organize sermons in the military camp every night. By the way, they will brainwash the mercenaries who have newly defected to Marin and make them worship Marin...

In order to cooperate with their actions, Marin also arranged for Da Vinci to help him paint a portrait of "Wise and Martial", very like a portrait of Taizu.

After that, Marin arranged for craftsmen to carve molds based on this painting, and printed a batch of portraits of Marin. The purpose of these portraits is naturally to be hung in the barracks...

Every day, the task of those deceiving priests, besides preaching, is to point to the portrait of Marin's "wise and mighty" to brainwash those recruits, teach them to worship and trust Marin unconditionally, and strive to achieve the position of willingness. Marin will go through fire and water...

You must know that these recruits are not natives of East Frisia, but all come from other vassal states. It is unrealistic to expect them to be loyal to themselves from the beginning. Therefore, Marin had to send someone to fool them all day long.

Originally, Marin wanted to establish a trainer system. However, there is a serious lack of educated people in Marin's hands. It is too difficult to select a group of trainers from among the common people.

Therefore, Marin simply selected missionaries from the church who were willing to help him fool, and used the opportunity of preaching on weekends to help him promote himself. Of course, it can also be advertised at ordinary times, and it doesn't have to wait until the weekend...

In this way, according to the actual situation, Marin imitated the trainer system and established the military priest system. Taking advantage of the characteristics of people's religious beliefs in this era, he asked the priests to help him fool him and engage in personality cults against him...

In fact, Marin originally planned to imitate Taizu and make a quotation or something. But in the end, he found helplessly that his literary accomplishment was far behind Taizu's. Let alone quotes, even writing three or two provocative articles is more difficult. I have recited some quotations myself, but all of them are against feudal rule. I am a big feudal lord myself, writing these anti-feudal quotations for soldiers to memorize is definitely kicked by the donkey, thinking that my life is too long...

Therefore, he simply gave up and let the priests play by themselves. After all, what priests have received since childhood is the education of the ability to fool. How to preach evangelism if the level is not enough? Therefore, in terms of deception ability, the priests are the professional counterparts...

Because of this, Marin stepped up to urge Taylor to help him train more foolish priests, and then distributed them to churches and military camps across the country. Even, in the future, it will be distributed to churches in the colonies.

In this way, with these foolish priests helping themselves to promote themselves, most of the citizens and soldiers will definitely worship and support themselves. In this way, one's own rule can be extremely firm, without worrying about being betrayed by his subordinates...