King of Mercenaries

Chapter 5: Take a shower at the hotel


After getting the 1100 Finneys, Marin immediately found a hotel and stayed. In the past two days, he hasn't slept in bed and feels very uncomfortable.

However, hotels in Bonn cost quite a lot, and a single room costs 10 pfennigs per night. In a small hotel in a small town, one or two Finneys a night is enough.

However, it is also worth the money. At least, the hotels in small towns are as dirty as hell. These days, there are no mandatory hygiene requirements. The average cheap hotel is dirty and smelly inside. Even the quilt inside has a bad smell (this is the memory left by the former Marin Hoffman staying in a country hotel). As for the hotel in Bonn, although the sanitation cannot be compared with the hotels of later generations, at least there is no strange smell inside. It seems that the owner still pays attention to cleaning.

After handing the Erhuo Zhan Makar to the doorman and leading him to the stable in the backyard, Marin asked the hotel owner for a large oak barrel and several pots of hot water—apparently, Marin wanted to take a bath...

Although it is early spring, you can only take a bath every few days. But what frightened Marin was that his predecessor, Marin, was a devout Catholic. Under the propaganda of some bastard bishops, many believers believe that taking a bath will cause disease. Therefore, many Catholics do not take a bath for many years. For example, the famous Sun King Louis XIV took only 7 baths during his 72-year reign. Then, this guy's lover was fainted by the strange smell on his body...

Well, the above is a complaint about the Sun King. In this era, people in high positions, especially kings, dukes, etc., are most afraid of death. And some bastard bishops preached that after taking a bath, people will easily get sick and die. Therefore, people who are generally afraid of death will not take a bath. And knight families like the Hoffman family, who are ready to die at any time, are not so afraid of death. But due to religious beliefs, members of the Hoffman family can't take a bath a few times a year. According to the memory of the predecessor, the Hoffman family usually takes more baths in summer and autumn. Because, during the knight training in summer, I sweat too much, so I can't do without washing. In the autumn harvest season, harvesting rye also sweats a lot (the Hoffman family went to the field to participate in the autumn harvest in person), and they also need to take a bath. As for other seasons, the climate in Europe is cool. Therefore, the members of the Hoffman family bathe less frequently in other seasons.

For example, it is already the end of March. But Marin "remembered" that his body was about to take a bath before Christmas...

"Oh my god, I can't feel my stink these two days!" Marin was shocked...

In fact, it's not surprising that Marin has been busy thinking about how to survive for the past two days. How can he think about hygiene issues? Moreover, it is difficult for ordinary people to find the strange smell on their body. Unless, I really stink...

Resisting the urge to vomit, Marin waited for the large oak barrel and hot water sent by the hotel clerk. Then, Marin started taking a bath in the room...

This hotel is run by Jews. The Jews do not believe in Catholicism, and many of them have traveled between Europe and the Middle East and are well-informed. In the Middle East, especially in Turkey, bathing is very popular, and Turkish baths are very famous. Therefore, Jewish hotels are generally cleaner than local hotels, and they also provide hot water for people to take a bath. Of course, treacherous Jews are also a little more expensive in terms of fees.

Into the big oak barrel, because there is no soap (in fact, in this era, soap was sold in Europe, but it was relatively expensive, costing 10 pfennigs a piece, generally only the nobles and the rich could afford it.), Marin had to use Rub your body with your own hands to remove dirt. Who would have thought that wiping it off with one hand would result in a hand full of dirt...

The metabolism of young people is relatively strong, and they have not bathed for more than three months, so the natural dirt is very thick, as if there is an extra layer of skin. Fortunately, Marin took a shower in time, making himself refreshed and feeling a few pounds lighter...

But after taking a shower, Marin found another troublesome thing - he didn't have a clean change of clothes...

However, it’s no wonder that Europeans in the Middle Ages were sloppy, and the original owner of this body was just a 16-year-old boy. How could he have the ability to take care of himself? Therefore, in the clothes package, there are only a few dirty changes of clothes...

In desperation, Marin put on one of the cleanest sets. Then, I walked out of the hotel, and under the guidance of the hotel owner, I came to a tailor's shop...

Obviously, Marin wanted to buy clothes. But the price of ready-made clothes also surprised Marin—a set of ordinary clothes made of linen cost 15 pfennigs, and woolen cloth was more expensive, costing more than 30 pfennigs. You know, in these days and months, most people work, and their daily wages are only 2 pfennigs. Craftsmen work, only 3 Finneys a day. 15 Finneys is almost equivalent to the salary of a strong man working for 7 and a half days.

Fortunately, Marin got a huge red deer before and got enough money. Otherwise, he would not be able to afford a set of clothes. Marin, who originally planned to buy a few more sets of clothes for changing and washing, only bought two sets of linen to take back.

After returning to the hotel, Marin planned to throw away the dirty and worn-out clothes in the bag. But now, Marin silently picked up the tub and went to the well to wash clothes...

At dinner, Marin spent 6 pfennies, asked for a piece of black bread, and a roast goose, and had a big meal. It's just that Europeans are so talented in cooking. A good roast goose has no taste, only salty...

It is no wonder that these days, the great voyage has just begun, and Europeans have not yet occupied the spice producing areas of Southeast Asia. Therefore, the price of spices in Europe is comparable to gold, and they are very rare. Generally, only the aristocrats and rich people would add spices such as ginger, aniseed, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc. when they ate meat. For ordinary people, a little salt would be fine. It is said that in Russia, which believes in the Orthodox Church, the highest etiquette for entertaining distinguished guests is to offer white bread and salt made of wheat...

After eating the tasteless roast goose, Marin began to think big again—if he relied on his half-baked Chinese cooking skills to open a Chinese restaurant in Europe in this era, it would not be profitable... Marin fell into YY...

But not long after, he regained consciousness. This era is not an era of the rule of law. That's right, he adopted Chinese cooking skills, which of course can make the business boom in a short period of time, making Europeans swallow their tongues. However, the secret recipe of cooking is bound to be coveted by others. And it's hard to protect yourself.

The reason is simple, the Middle Ages was the age of nobility. In this era, the nobles eat everything, and the lives of the common people are worthless. If you master the secret recipe of cooking, you have no status. Then, any nobleman dares to send someone to arrest him, and then torture himself to get the "secret recipe". Then, in order to monopolize the market, this noble may restrict his own freedom, and maybe even kill himself...

Marin, who has watched too much "The Scheming of the Palace" and "The Legend of Zhen Huan", thought of this, and couldn't help shivering all over his body - it was terrible...

"In the end, if you want to live in the Middle Ages, you have to be a nobleman!" Marin sighed, stuffed the roast goose on the plate in front of him into his mouth, and went back to his room full of thoughts to rest...