King of Mercenaries

Chapter 7: Received two attendants (on)


In this way, Marin headed all the way to Vienna, practicing riding and shooting all the way, hoping to catch the prey. But until he arrived in the Earl of Württemberg (Württemberg would not be promoted to the principality until 1495), he still failed to practice riding and archery well.

In desperation, Marin had to give up the idea of riding and shooting to obtain prey. In fact, he can also dismount and shoot. However, after dismounting, he has to quietly touch the vicinity of the prey, and then sneak attack the prey. But the problem is that his horse is not quiet, it keeps snorting, and it kicks its hooves a few times, making loud noises. The prey was scared away when they heard the noise.

If you don’t bring your horse, you can leave it in the hotel. However, the prey is basically in the deep forest. And the area near the small town at the edge of the forest basically has no prey. Because the prey on the edge of the forest were basically killed by local hunters.

To enter the deep forest from a small town near the forest, one must ride a horse. But after riding the horse, Marin was worried about tying the horse where he could not see it. When the horse is hitched close, it will make a sound to scare away the prey. But the horse was tied far away, and Marin was worried that the horse would be stolen.

After all, in the Middle Ages war horses were highly prized possessions. Marin hunted a hundred times and harvested every time, but he may not be able to exchange for a war horse. You know, an ordinary war horse, like Karl, will cost tens of marks (1 mark = 160 Finney, 1 pound = 1.5 marks). Even the most common pack horse costs about ten marks.

If Karl is stolen, Marin will not only lose his means of transportation, but also lose his qualifications to be a knight. Therefore, Marin would never neglect to take care of his war horse for a few prey.

These days, he met several knights on the road at night. However, the knights of others are all embracing each other. Generally speaking, except for the down-and-out wandering knights (he has seen a few), the knights with real estate will take 5 knights with them when they go out. Among them, two attendants help the knight transport armor and lances. As for the other three, there were pathfinders and even helpers with cooking. Generally, among the five attendants, there will be one or more who can fight. Those who can fight are usually in charge of night duty, protecting the knight from being attacked by others in his sleep. After all, knights are aggressive, and it is inevitable that there will be several enemies.

"Hey, if only I had an attendant to help me watch the horse, I can go hunting in the forest with peace of mind!" Marin couldn't help but sighed.

However, thinking that I only have hundreds of Finneys on me, and I don't even have land property, how can there be attendants following me? You must know that the knight's attendants are usually selected from the serfs in their own manor out of loyalty considerations. After all, if the attendant rebelled, his family would not be able to escape if they were still staying in the knight's manor.

Marin now has less than 800 Finneys left in his hands, so it is okay to hire a servant temporarily. However, it is difficult to guarantee that the horse will be handed over to the person who is hired temporarily. Will this person ride the horse and run away because of greed. After all, a war horse is worth about six or seven thousand pfennigs, which is enough for an ordinary person to live a good life for a long time. You know, the salary of an ordinary person is only about two Finneys a day.

After thinking about it, Marin felt that digging traps and hunting was more reliable. After all, I can't ride and shoot by myself, and I don't want to give up my horse. Only digging traps is the most suitable.

Then he went to the blacksmith's shop to buy a shovel for digging traps. The last time I dug a hole with a wooden pickaxe, I almost exhausted myself to death. This time, he plans to use professional equipment.

But what surprised him was that there was no such thing as a shovel in Europe at this time. Only iron hoes, hammers, pickaxes, etc...

As for digging, the shovel is obviously the most labor-saving and easy to use. Therefore, Marin had to order a short-handled engineer shovel from the blacksmith according to the style of the engineer shovel used to dig trenches in later generations. Of course, without folding and other functions, it is just a wooden handle with a shovel head, which is only for digging pits.

The next day, Marin paid 10 shillings and got a very practical engineer shovel as he wished. You must know that in trench warfare in later generations, if the troops are not equipped with engineer shovels, they will not be able to make trenches, and then they will definitely be tortured to death by the cannons and machine guns on the opposite side.

In his previous life, when Marin went hunting in the back mountains, he also brought an engineering shovel purchased online to dig traps and pit prey in the woods, and he was very skilled in using it.

Sure enough, after getting the engineer shovel, Marin was like a fish in water, and soon dug seven or eight traps in one breath by the river deep in the forest. Moreover, these traps are dug relatively deep, so there is no fear that prey can jump up.

After covering the dead branches and turf, Marin leisurely rode on his horse and returned to the small town where he stayed. On the way, Marin encountered some running prey, took an arrow and opened his bow - sure enough, he missed...

After recovering the arrows, Marin was not discouraged, but happily went back to the hotel...

The next morning, Marin rode expectantly to the trap site where the pit was dug yesterday to check the harvest. Sure enough, when the fourth trap was found, Jean found a wild boar...

Then Marin got tangled up. The wild boar is a very ferocious animal. If he was allowed to come up, he might kill himself—the wild boar has fangs. So, Marin had to make a decision—kill the wild boar and drag it back...

After making up his mind, Marin stood on the top of the pit, took an arrow and opened his bow, and shot arrows into the pit...

After wasting 5 arrows, Marin shot the wild boar to death with difficulty. The thick skin of the wild boar was not blown out. At such a close distance, Marin shot 6 arrows to kill the wild boar. If they met in the wild—and killed Marin, they would not choose to hunt wild boars. Nima, if you can't kill him with one blow, maybe you are the one who is finished. I'm afraid, only professional muskets with heavy armor can threaten wild boars...

Marin didn't drag the wild boar away immediately, but put it in the pit first. Then he mounted his horse and went to inspect the few remaining traps. In addition to harvesting prey, it also means destroying traps.

why? Traps can not only trap prey, but also trap people. The daytime is the time for human activities, and there may be hunters entering the depths of the forest. It would be a crime to trap a certain hunter. Therefore, after checking whether there is any prey in the trap, Marin usually removes the covering from the trap, and then erects a wooden stick beside it to remind others that there is a trap here.

In the next few traps, Marin harvested two more rabbits. But at the last trap, Marin froze...

why? In this trap, there seems to be a person lying...

Moreover, it is a tall and strong young man. However, looking at its posture lying in the trap, it seems that the brain first hit the ground. So, this guy seems to be dizzy.

Of course, this product is definitely not life-threatening. Because, after all, the inside of the trap is not the bottom of masonry, but rather soft soil. The reason why this guy is dizzy must be because he was hit on the head.

After testing his breathing, Marin shouted lucky, this guy's breathing is very stable...

Soon, the tall young man woke up leisurely, with a dazed expression on his face...

"What... what's going on here?" The tall young man scratched his head, as if he couldn't figure it out. It seems that this guy is not smart enough...

"Sorry, sir, you fell into the hunting trap I dug. It's all my fault. You take this money, and I hope it can help you." Marin took out 10 Finneys and handed them to this youth. Ordinarily, 10 Finneys is not too little, and it can be worth 5 days' wages of ordinary people. Moreover, the young man did not seem to have suffered any injuries.

However, what surprised Marin was that when the tall and strong young man got up and saw what Marin was wearing, he started to panic. He bowed to Marin and said:

"Dear Lord Knight, it was the villain who accidentally broke your trap, please forgive me!" After finishing speaking, he did not pick up the silver coins handed over by Marin.

Marin froze for a moment, then reacted. This era is the era of nobles, and common people are like ants. It turned out that it was Marin's trap that hurt the young man. However, after seeing the armor on Marin's body and the horse beside him, the young man realized that he was a knight in front of him. So, he panicked.

You know, in chaotic Germany, nobility is the law. If the nobleman in front of him killed himself in a fit of anger, no one would avenge him. Although this tall young man was taller and stronger than Marin, he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction. Because, as we all know, knights have been practicing martial arts since childhood. Even if ordinary people have great strength, they may not be able to beat knights who have learned fighting skills. Moreover, even if he wins, not only is it not a good thing, but it will bring disaster to his family. Therefore, after seeing that Marin was a knight, the tall young man resolutely confessed.

"Don't be nervous, I don't mean anything malicious. By the way, what's your name? What are you doing deep in the forest so early in the morning?"

"Back to Master Knight, the younger one is called Kahn. The younger one came to the forest in the morning to catch a few prey and go back to stew soup for my mother to replenish her body."

"Kane..." Marin was a bit Spartan. Looking at the guy in front of him, he looked ugly, and he did look like the "Lion King Kahn"...

Then, Marin laughed...

"Hahahaha, Kahn, it's too appropriate..."

"Ah?" Kahn wondered, is his name so funny

After laughing enough, Marin asked angrily:

"Kan, you said you came to hunt, where is your weapon?"

"It's this javelin..." Kahn looked embarrassed.

Marin looked at it, and it was just a sharpened stick... But, can this thing be used for hunting? Marin is deeply skeptical...

"This thing can also be used for hunting?"

"This... the villain is also hunting for the first time. In fact, my mother is too weak, and there is no food at home. So, I want to get a prey back and cook soup for my mother..." Kahn scratched his head and said - he is The first brother in the hunting world...

"Mother..." Kahn's words evoked Marin's memories. In his memory, the images of the mother of future generations and the mother of this life kept flashing in his mind...

After a long time, Marin sighed and said to Kahn:

"Kan, come with me, help me move something, and I will pay you!"

"Okay!" Kahn cheered up when he heard that. He didn't dare to accept Marin's compensation, but he didn't mean he didn't dare to accept Marin's employment. Employment means wages!

Then, before coming to the boar pit, Marin pointed to the dead boar and said to Kahn:

"Kan, help me move the wild boar up!"

"Yes, sir!" Kahn, who was about 185 in height, jumped down readily and lifted the wild boar weighing about 200 jin out of the trap. By the way, he also pulled out 6 arrows from Marin.

After that, under Marin's command, Kahn dragged the wild boar and walked towards his home...

Soon, Marin and Kahn came to Kahn's house - a hut by the forest...