King of Mercenaries

Chapter 72: Fame spread far and wide


The transmission of information in the Middle Ages was very slow, because this was a backward era in which "traffic was basically based on walking, communication was basically based on roaring, and heating was basically based on shaking".

After a few months, Marin's "great reputation" on the Italian battlefield spread to the northern part of the Holy Roman Empire. At this time, Marin finally became the number one "big star" in the empire...

The princes in the northern part of the Shenluo Empire are basically the emperor's opposition. Naturally, these princes would not cooperate with the emperor's propaganda. Because, to promote Marin means to promote "the benefits of serving the emperor are many." Such a publicity is tantamount to pushing the young warriors to the emperor. As the representatives of the Imperial Parliament in Vienna saw, many young people in Austria and Swabia followed the example of Marin and joined the emperor's army, or sought to join. And this is what the local princes who are against the emperor do not want to see. Therefore, although these princes did not explicitly oppose the promotion of Marin, it is indispensable to make stumbling blocks secretly.

Therefore, Marin's reputation spread to the entire Holy Roman Empire after a few months, and caused a wave of enthusiasm...

"What a powerful knight. He was able to achieve such feats at the age of 17 and was even named a baron!" Some young wandering knights instantly regarded Marin as their idol.

Because Marin is too similar to their origins, very "down-to-earth", and it is easy to resonate with them. Marin's deeds sound very inspirational. For the hard-working young wandering knights, hope is bleak. But Marin's deeds have brought them a reference-why don't I learn from Marin

They didn't know that the reason why Marin was able to achieve such brilliant results was based on the fact that he was a time traveler. The last time they defeated the French, they clearly used the powerful advantage of "information unequal" to bully Charles VIII who was fleeing.

If confronted face to face, can Marin's 1,100 recruits compare with the French knights who have practiced martial arts for more than ten years

But it doesn't matter, people always like to ignore their shortcomings and focus on their strengths. Even if you have no strengths, you can think of an unwarranted strength for yourself (this is the origin of narcissists).

Therefore, everyone doesn't care that Marin is winning by tricks. Moreover, when the emperor publicized, he did not specifically state that Marin succeeded in a sneak attack, but said that the two armies "just met".

Therefore, the young people feel that - I work for the emperor, even if I am not as lucky as Marin, and I can't be a baron, I can still be an officially titled imperial knight...

And this is exactly what the cunning Maximilian I wanted to see. The Habsburg family is in the Holy Roman Empire, and only in Austria has more prestige (Burgundy has a relatively low prestige because it has just taken over). In other places, due to the malicious anti-propaganda of the princes, the reputation is not very good.

Therefore, the number of German soldiers willing to serve the royal family is relatively small. Marin was born in the country of Earl Mark. Although Earl Mark John II was not anti-emperor, his relationship with the emperor was definitely not good. Because, the emperor has always been committed to following the example of France, intending to collect a daily tax throughout the empire to supply the needs of the empire's center.

However, the idea of Maximilian I was opposed by almost all independent lords. Because the emperor's general taxation throughout the empire is tantamount to moving their pockets. Moreover, the emperor's financial resources have become stronger, and his strength has grown, so what should he do if he wants to wipe out these princes

Marin was born in an area not controlled by the royal family, and was an unlucky wandering knight. Such a character is very representative.

Because, in the entire empire, there are countless knight families. And often a knight family will not only have one boy. Therefore, there are many wandering knights.

And under the anti-propaganda of those princes, many wandering knights never thought of serving the emperor. Because, in the private propaganda of the local princes, the emperor was described as a greedy, stingy bad guy. It is said that if you work for the emperor, you can't get paid because the emperor is very poor (this is not completely nonsense). Moreover, the emperor is unwilling to confer noble titles on those who serve him...

Therefore, many wandering knights who were born in the areas ruled by local princes would rather be unemployed, wandering and working part-time than serving the "greedy and stingy" emperor.

However, the appearance of Marin suddenly overturned the malicious propaganda of those princes, and made many wandering knights realize that serving the emperor also has a future.

Most of the wandering knights didn't believe it after hearing about Marin's deeds, because Marin's deeds were too "legendary". However, many wandering knights who were close to Uncle Mark simply rode to the Hoffman Manor in Bochum to ask the old Hoffman to verify the authenticity of the news.

Old Hoffman, as the newly promoted "Baron's father", naturally swears that these are all true, and with the honor of God and knight, swears to be responsible for every word he said...

Then, many wandering knights learned that the news they heard was completely true and verified. Then, the verified news spread throughout the empire. Everyone finally believed that the emperor did not lie...

So, Marin was on fire, and the young wandering knights were excited...

Then, many young knights who were confident that they would "not lose to Marin" rushed to Vienna one after another with their dreams in mind, begging the emperor to take them in...

The emperor is obviously "painful and happy". He is busy asking for a ransom from the French right now. How can he have time to pay attention to these young people

Moreover, if the ransom is not returned, he will not have the money to support so many people. In addition to this time period, it is temporarily a truce period, and there is no demand for recruitment. Therefore, among the many wandering knights gathered in Vienna, only a small number of outstanding ones were absorbed by the emperor.

Most of the rest are helplessly stranded in Vienna...

And many wandering knights who have been wandering for a long time are used to doing some "heroic" behaviors of robbing houses, which makes the law and order in Vienna much worse.

But the emperor did not dare to suppress these wandering knights, because if he used violence to dismiss these wandering knights, it might make his reputation established throughout the empire by promoting Marin worse.

Because these "suppressed" wandering knights will definitely say bad things about him when they go back. The knights in the Middle Ages basically held the right to speak in the bottom society, and had a high degree of credibility...

Therefore, Maximilian I can only try to appease those irritable wandering knights, write some empty promises, and try to coax them back...

But on the other hand, the emperor secretly delighted that so many wandering knights came to join him...

So, the emperor is currently "painful and happy"...

And Marin, the "big star" promoted by the emperor, has also become a heavenly king-level idol superstar who exists like "Dehua" in the eyes of young people in the empire...