King of Mercenaries

Chapter 76: Recruit bullies


Georg Frundsberg, who is still in Swabia, together with his knight father, serves as the heavy cavalry of the Swabian Union Army. The difference is that his father is an official knight and served as the squad leader. And he, because he is only an apprentice knight, can only serve as an ordinary heavy cavalry.

When the Italian War broke out, George Frundsberg's army did not go to Italy because it was responsible for guarding against the Hungarians. Therefore, George Frundsberg did not get the chance to join the war.

Originally, George Frundsberg didn't have much ambition. His greatest wish is to become an official knight.

However, the birth of Marin strongly shocked George Frundsberg. Also an apprentice knight, Marin was younger. However, relying on his illustrious military exploits, Marin, who was only 17 years old, rose from an apprentice knight all the way to a territorial baron.

This made Georg Frundsberg very uncomfortable. He was 22 years old (age in 1495), and he was far inferior to a 17-year-old boy...

However, he is not a self-important person. George Frundsberg knew very well in his heart that he was already a qualified heavy cavalry, and it was no problem to charge into battle. However, when it comes to command ability, he is a little bit blind. Even his father was only a cavalry captain, with little experience in commanding a larger army. And those high-ranking commanders were all high-ranking nobles, and they didn't bother to waste time instructing such a young apprentice knight like him.

It just so happened that he had an apprentice knight from his hometown who had participated in the Italian war and had met Marin. According to the fellow knight, the newly promoted Baron Marin is a boy with a good temper.

So George Frundsberg had the idea of visiting Marin...

Originally, there would be a conflict between Austria and Hungary in 1496. However, because of the appearance of Marin, the prestige of Maximilian I was greatly shocked and shocked the Hungarians. Therefore, the Hungarians did not dare to act rashly. And Maximilian I, also because of financial reasons (mainly because the ransom has not been received), has no financial resources to fight Hungary.

So, 1496 became very quiet. And George Frundsberg, seeing that there was nothing wrong with the army, asked his father to ask for a leave of absence for him, and decided to go to Texel Island to visit Marin. If there is a chance, he would like to ask for advice.

Old Frundsberg naturally hoped that his son would be successful, and the reason why his son went to visit the most promising young man in the empire was to be more promising. How could he object? So, the old Frundsberg successfully invited a long vacation for his son, and let his son go to work...

With a disturbed mood, Georg Frundsberg, alone and with two horses, rushed from Swabia to Den Burg on the island of Texel, requesting to meet Marin.

In the Middle Ages in Europe, the social hierarchy was strict, and it was almost impossible for common people to visit the nobles for nothing. Only preparatory nobles like trainee knights are eligible to meet a baron like Marin. Moreover, seeing or not depends on Marin's mood. Unless it is an official knight's visit, Marin needs to socialize because he is a nobleman. Whether an apprentice knight like Frundsberg can see Marin is still unknown.

And Marin, because he failed to recruit those trainee knights before, originally didn't plan to socialize anymore. However, after hearing the name, he immediately jumped up and decided to meet him right away, using high etiquette...

When Marin personally greeted George Frundsberg out of the gate of the castle and warmly welcomed George Frundsberg in, George Frundsberg looked confused—what's going on? The other party is a baron, how could he be so enthusiastic about a young trainee knight like me? Under normal circumstances, a baron like Marin only needs to sit in the castle and wait for Frundsberg to visit him, and there is no need to welcome him out at all...

Of course he didn't know that Marin was after him. Before going out, Marin had planned a long time ago. Since Frundsberg will become the emperor's horseman in the future, it is better to recruit him first. Anyway, those who belong to the emperor's faction will inevitably continue to fight for the emperor in the future. If you recruit Frundsberg, the "big brother", and let him lead troops to help the emperor fight in his own name. Then, you don't have to work for the emperor yourself. And Frundsberg led troops to fight for the emperor, which would not affect his success, and he could also help Marin accumulate merits by the way.

To be more specific, Frundsberg brought his own soldiers to help the emperor fight. As Frundsberg's direct superior, he must not lose his credit. Just like Marin made a great contribution last time, even Earl Alfred was also greatly rewarded (it is said that he was rewarded with a fief, and Earl Alfred was just a court earl without a fief before). But at the same time, if Frundsberg made great achievements, he would not give up wooing him with the character of the emperor who loves talent. Frundsberg will not be missing high-ranking officials and generous salaries.

Historically, Frundsberg performed well in the Swabian War and was valued by Maximilian I. When Frundsberg participated in the Swabian War, he was only an apprentice knight, an officer at the level of a small captain. But after Maximilian I began to appreciate him, he first granted him the noble title of knight in 1504, and then tried to make him the great lord of Mindelheim—I don’t know what title it is, because Frunzberg After Ge's grandson died, their family became extinct. However, later generations have the noble title of Prince Mindelheim. It is estimated that this title should not be lower than the earl...

In other words, this guy Marin has an evil plan in his heart to let Frundsberg, the "brother general", work for the emperor for a long time in his own name... According to this plan, Frundsberg's military exploits must be Break up with Marin, because Marin is his boss...

At this time, Frundsberg was still in a daze, although on the surface he was a few years older than Marin Xu, but in his heart - well, let's not mention it...

Marin only used 10% of Uncle Benshan's skill to fool the young Frundsberg so that he couldn't find the north...

"George, can I call you that?" Marin affectionately took Frundsberg's hand and led him to his seat. People in the Middle Ages didn't practice gays, which was caused by the lack of women after immigrating to the New World. So, Marin is so affectionate, and he won't scare the guy...

"Yes, yes, it is an honor for the baron to call you humble!"

"Hehe, when I saw you, I thought you were special. I don't know why, but I always have a feeling that you will become a great general in the future..." Marin started to fool around again.

"Where... where... the baron is too flattering..." the young man Frundsberg was a little shy. Especially, being praised face to face by his idol. It's like a certain fanatic in later generations met Liu Tianwang and was praised by Tianwang "You will definitely be more popular than me in the future"...

"No, no, I really like you."

"I… "

"Well, George, I've been thinking about a new, powerful infantry phalanx lately..."

"Worse than the phalanx you defeated the French king in Italy?" Frundsberg asked with admiration.

Marin's phalanx, Frundsberg knows, the spear formation plus 100 archers, this is what his fellow countrymen said.

"It's much better than that. My previous phalanx was dedicated to fighting Swiss spearmen. When encountering knights, I can only defend, not attack (it is difficult for knight plate armor spears to penetrate)..." In fact, Marin said The most important is the Spanish phalanx. The Spanish phalanx uses big muskets, which can naturally restrain knights wearing plate armor.

"So powerful?" Frundsberg's eyes lit up.

"It is necessary. I ambushed the French knights last time, and I won such a big victory. If this phalanx is formed, I can face the French knight army head-on, and beat them to tears..."

"It's amazing..." At this time, how does Frundsberg look like the wise and powerful mercenary marshal many years later? He's clearly a young brainless fan...

"This is not bragging. If we master this phalanx, our empire will crush France..."

Marin really didn't talk nonsense. Not long after the Spanish phalanx appeared, it happened to be the era of Charles V. Charles V relied on Spain's finances and the brave mercenaries of the Holy Roman Empire and the Spanish phalanx to fight against France. If the German War of Religion and the Peasant War hadn't just happened to break out, excessive internal consumption of the strength of the Holy Roman Empire, the French would have been beaten even worse.

"Crush France..." Frundsberg couldn't help yelling in his mind, but found that the difficulty was quite high.

"Yes, to crush France! I need excellent talents for military training now. Help me as an adjutant. At the same time, let's study this powerful phalanx together. George, are you willing to come to my army to help me?"

"Come to your army?" Frundsberg was stunned, idol recruiting me? what do I do

"Yeah, I plan to make up a new phalanx. I think you are quite suitable to be the leader of the phalanx..."

"Plane leader..." Only barons and official knights are qualified to be a baron. My idol really thinks highly of me.


"But...but I have to go back to Swabia to serve..." Frundsberg thought that he was still serving.

"What service do you serve? You seem to be just an ordinary heavy cavalry?"

"Um… "

"Then what's there to be nostalgic about? Mix with me, I'll let you be an officer!"

"But, I can't leave the army at will..."

"It's okay, I'll write a letter for you and tell your former lord that I want to accept you as a disciple and stay here!"

"Can it work?" In fact, what Frundsberg wanted to say was, can I get an official knight title if I mix with you? Because, he followed his father and mixed with the original lord, so he might be able to officially become a knight.

Marin also probably guessed a little bit of Frundsberg's thoughts. He knew very well that the original lord of Frundsberg didn't value him. This kid still met Maximilian I, and it was difficult for him to become an official knight. of title.

"I can do it! You can help me train the new phalanx. When His Majesty is going to fight next time, I will definitely lead troops to serve His Majesty. If you come to help me train soldiers, you must be the leader of the phalanx by then. In front of Your Majesty, there is More chances to show up. If you go back to be some kind of heavy cavalry, with so many cavalry, do you have a chance to show your face? If you follow me to command the phalanx and make military exploits at that time, I am afraid that you will not have the chance to be promoted to knight, or even... baron?" Marin tempted.

"This..." Frundsberg thought about it, and it was true. In front of Maximilian I, a phalanx leader or an unknown heavy cavalry, which one is more likely to be favored by Maximilian I? There is no need to choose.

In the end, Frundsberg made up his mind:

"I am willing to serve my lord, as for the army I belong to..."

"Leave it to me! I'll help you greet your lord. By the way, you also have to write a letter home and give it to your father so that he doesn't worry."

"Yes, my lord!" Frundsberg's role changed quickly, and he quickly recognized the master.

Ever since, the man known as the "father of German mercenaries" was fooled into Marin's pirate ship...