King of Mercenaries

Chapter 91: I want to contest!


On the way home, Adler was in a daze the whole time, giggling silly from time to time. Fortunately, he was good at riding and did not fall off the horse. In addition, thanks to the fact that there were no muck trucks or large trucks in the Middle Ages, no one could kill him, an old driver on a horse.

Several times, the absent-minded Adler drove straight to the river. Fortunately, Marin and the others held Adler on both sides and forcibly drove Adler's war horse to the avenue.

Back at Hoffman Manor, Old Hoffman and Mrs. Mary quickly asked:

"What's the matter? What's the situation?"

"You can see Adler's situation clearly..." Marin said speechlessly.

"What's wrong with this kid? Why are his eyes glazed over?" Old Hoffman was puzzled.

"It's obviously lovesickness!" Marin said angrily.

"Oh... wow... Adler is enlightened? That girl is beautiful? Marin, tell me what's going on..." Mrs. Mary became excited and seemed very interested in this gossip.

"Hmm... that girl, she's not bad looking, she's taller than me... she seems to be more aggressive..."

"Adler seemed to fall in love with that girl at first sight, and he became stupid... You see, he didn't know what kind of embarrassing plot he thought of, and he smirked so much that his saliva flowed out..." Marin patted his head speechlessly.

"Ahahaha..." Old Hoffman laughed gleefully.

"What's so funny? My son is old, and it's normal to think about women. Didn't you just hug me and refuse to let go when you saved me?" Mrs. Mary scolded.

"Uh... this..." Old Hoffman was very embarrassed when the embarrassment of the year was exposed. In the beginning, the reason why old Hoffman rescued Madam Mary was not only his chivalry, but also Madam Mary's beauty, which was also an important motivation for him to fight four fierce assassins with blood.

"Madam said, let's go and sign up for Adler?" Old Hoffman asked cautiously.

"Well, I just don't know if Adler can beat other competitors..."

"My son, there must be no problem!" Old Hoffman was very confident.

Just as the couple were discussing how to help Adler sign up for the martial arts contest, Adler seemed to have just woken up, and he yelled at the old Hoffman belatedly:

"Father, mother, I want to participate in the tournament! I want to marry Miss Hamler as my wife!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing...

"Adler, your mother and I have decided to sign up for you! You brat, if you can't beat others, go get 50 army sticks yourself!" Old Hoffman said jokingly.


In the days that followed, the family first spent the New Year in the Western calendar. Then, after the new year, old Hoffman sent someone to the Gelsenkirchen estate to sign up for Adler.

After the person sent to register came back, he reported the progress of the competition...

This martial arts competition is divided into two events - horse fighting and foot fighting.

Among them, the horse battle distance is very short, the total length of the field is only 30 meters. The charging distance of the players on both sides is only 15 meters. This distance is simply impossible for heavy armored knights. Because the heavy knight war horse has a high load-bearing capacity, the acceleration is very slow. At a distance of 15 meters, there is no speed at all. On the battlefield, the distance from which to start charging is usually more than 200 meters. When Marin participated in the WYN knight trials, the charging distance was not far, but it also reached 30 meters. Marin suffered minor injuries that time, and some people broke their arms and legs directly.

However, Hamler Knight also has his say. What he meant was that this martial arts contest to recruit relatives was not a duel of life and death, and he didn't want to see any accidents in the arena.

You must know that knightly contests are very dangerous activities with a high rate of casualties. Once the speed of the heavy cavalry was released, the two sides collided, and the one who was knocked off the horse did not fall off the horse, but "flyed" off the horse. It hit the ground, it was heavy. If you are unlucky and hit the ground head first, you may break your neck and die on the spot.

If someone died in the Hamle manor because of a martial arts competition, the Hamle knight would inevitably be hated. Therefore, he simply reduced the charging distance to 15 meters, so that the knights could not rush. In this way, when the two sides contact, they rely more on fighting skills and personal strength, rather than relying on the impact of horses. Even if you are knocked off your horse, you are still off your horse, not flying off your horse. In this way, the possibility of casualties is greatly reduced. Moreover, compared with the trial lance, it is not a sharp metal head, but a wooden blunt head, which greatly reduces the lethality. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to point a lance at the opponent's head in this knight's contest, otherwise, it will be regarded as abstention. Because, no matter how blunt a wooden gun is, hitting the head can easily kill the opponent. King Henry II of France was hit on the head during a knight's contest and died of serious injuries (although this has not happened yet). In addition, it is not allowed to use a spear to stab a horse in a martial arts competition. Because war horses are valuable assets. For some poor wandering knight, the war horse may be his most expensive possession. If it is lost, it may bankrupt it...

As for foot combat, Hamler Knight also made adjustments. Although the knights still wear plate armor, they no longer use metal weapons, but uniformly use oak wood frontless two-handed swords or wooden hammers provided by the manor. In this way, because they are wearing plate armor, even if they are defeated and knocked down, it is difficult to cause casualties.

All in all, this contest looks more like a friendly exchange of ideas than a life-and-death struggle. Moreover, in this competition, the loser does not need to hand over his armor and horse, he is just eliminated from the wedding ceremony.

Hearing your conditions, the old Hoffmans and Marin were relieved. Now that the danger is reduced, it is best. After all, they didn't want Adler to kill and maim himself in order to compete for a woman.

It's just that Adler seems to be on drugs these days, pulling Marin to practice martial arts. Where is Marin's opponent to this wild bear? In order not to be beaten, in desperation, Marin simply closed the door, released Kahn, the other savage bear, and let the two savage bears fight each other by themselves. And he, on the other hand, happily watched the two wild bears with bruised noses and swollen faces after the fight...