King of Super Special Forces

Chapter 58: Dharma implements


"Very good! Then let you see my true strength!"

The dwarf smiled coldly, and the fear in his eyes was gradually replaced by indifference. His slightly short and thin body suddenly tightened. For a moment, Qiao Jun had an illusion that the thin and short guy in front of him was in a short span of time. In an instant, it became a sharp arrow on the string, ready to kill people.

Qiao Jun asked Han Daoyue and Murongxue to retreat, and then stared at Tianji faintly. He knew that the dwarf was different from the dwarf just now. How could he be frightened by one of his fingers if he could become an ancient martial artist in the middle stage of the heavenly rank. If he is guilty, he must have his own unknown means, and he hasn't used it yet.

Qiao Jun's mind locked on the dwarf tightly, watching his every move, as long as he changed a little, he would be able to react immediately.

Only in the next second, Qiao Jun was surprised to see that the figure of the dwarf disappeared in front of his eyes, and in Qiao Jun's divine power, the figure of the dwarf had been lost, which surprised Qiao Jun a little.

He has the power of Nine Suns Divine Art, and his strength is comparable to the five layers of base building. Moreover, his outstanding feature is the double superposition of the power of Nine Suns Divine Art and the deriving True Qi, and his perception and spiritual thoughts are combined. It is a double superposition, and the average sky-rank master has nowhere to hide in front of him.

And because of the derivation of true energy, Qiao Jun's perception is extremely powerful. Although he knows that the dwarf is unique, his figure suddenly disappeared, making Qiao Jun still feel like being fooled.

But isn't it? Just now, this guy's eyes were full of fear, but this meeting gave it to himself.

In Qiao Jun’s perception and spirituality, except for the participating players, he could not perceive the existence of the dwarf at all. When he was surprised, he suddenly felt a gust of wind flashing in the back of his head, a kind of suffocating crisis. On the heart.

What a great hiding technique!

Qiao Jun was shocked in his heart, but this kind of hiding technique would show up in his divine mind as soon as he attacked, and it was not a concern.

He reacted swiftly. As soon as the dwarf made a sneak attack, he felt it, his head shifted, his body disappeared unbelievably, and at the same time he punched and crit...


Qiao Jun's body appeared on the opposite side of the dwarf in a mysterious way, and he slapped the dwarf fiercely. The dwarf's slender figure instantly exploded with astonishing strength, even if it was Qiao Jun's three layers of innocence, it was not as good.

The huge force struck, and the dwarf only felt the qi and blood on his body stagnated, and there was a feeling of blood reversal. The power of Qiao Jun's palm was too strong, the power blasted on his body, and the remaining power was still there.

The dwarf suddenly jumped up, came a backflip, and quickly retreated in a random figure. Then he stepped on a gossip step, stroked Yin and Yang, and his whole body exploded. Only then did the power of Qiao Jun's palm be transformed.

"Tai Chi Gossip Boxing!?" Qiao Jun smiled contemptuously, holding a playful attitude, his figure flashed and punched out.

As soon as the dwarf dissolved Qiao Jun’s palm, he saw a fist attacking him. He had to retreat several steps and instantly distanced himself from Qiao Jun. He stretched out his right hand and suddenly threw 36 coins in his cuff. , The coin appeared in the hand, spinning continuously.

The dwarf gently tossed his right hand, and the thirty-six coins lined up in an instant to form a coin chain, which was then surrounded into a small Tai Chi circle, blocking his chest.

The bronze coin seemed to have some huge magical power, making Qiao Jun's movements stagnate. The master confronted him, and couldn't tolerate a trace of sloppyness. Qiao Jun's stagnation caused the dwarf to find the flaw in an instant. He flipped his hands and said Yelling, the thirty-six coins in his hand were suddenly scattered, carrying thirty-six terrifying powers of the heavens, and shot at Qiao Jun...

Qiao Jun looked at the coin shot out, his eyes lit up, and the broken soul finger among the random six-vein god fingers was displayed by him.

His index finger pressed against the void. Suddenly, time seemed to stand still. The thirty-six coins shot from the void suddenly stopped in mid-air, as if they were embedded in the air...

When the dwarf saw this scene, his expression changed drastically. His coin is a magic weapon and the most powerful murder weapon in his hand. He didn't expect that a face-to-face would be imprisoned in mid-air by Qiao Jun with a finger. Isn't it terrible

This is too scary, right? All the participating players opened their mouths in shock and looked extremely shocked.

The dwarf has always been modest to each other before, the purpose is to test the true strength of the other party. It can be said that he does not have a certain understanding of Qiao Jun's strength, so he pretended to be frightened and confused the opponent. This would cause him to even take out the magic weapon, but still can't reach the opponent's finger...

Qiao Jun sucked in his palm, and 36 coins appeared in his palm, rotating randomly. He looked at the 36 coins and asked faintly: "Is this your magic weapon?"

The dwarf did not speak, but stared at his magic weapon, fearing that Qiao Jun would not give it to him.

"This kind of rubbish, do you want it too?" Qiao Jun said disdainfully, and with a wave of his big hand, the thirty-six coins suddenly turned into thirty-six bullets, blasting the dwarf with terrible power...

The dwarf's expression changed drastically, and he immediately turned the Tai Chi Bagua Palm to the extreme, and soon a wall of strong airflow surrounded him, and it happened that the 36 coins had just shot over...

boom! Boom!

As soon as the coin touched the airflow, it collided with each other, making a slight bang, causing the airflow wall to be instantly fragmented, and the dwarf was hit by a dozen coins and flew upside down.

Qiao Jun glanced at the dwarf who fell on the ground slightly, knowing that he was fine. Randomly glanced at the coins scattered on the ground, and shook his head a little regrettably. Today is not a day of robbery, otherwise he would definitely take the coins from the dwarf.

"You are so strong! I am willing to go down." The dwarf threw the pain, picked up the coin on the ground, and then took a deep look at Qiao Jun. Randomly did not wait for Qiao Jun to speak, covered his painful chest with both hands, turned and limped He walked deep into the dense forest, leaving everyone with a dwarfed and embarrassed figure. Then he stepped out, and when he landed, he was already several feet away. After a while, he disappeared in front of everyone.

Qiao Jun looked at the direction the dwarf was leaving, and sighed slightly. As a soldier, what he fears most is not the enemy stronger than himself, but his heart.

The dwarf was shattered with his strong willpower under his cotton fingers and broken soul fingers, and he must have left an indelible shadow in his heart.

If he can't cheer up again, he will be like this for the rest of his life.

"What are you thinking?"

Han Daoyue walked over, looked at Qiao Jun, who looked calm, and asked softly.

"Nothing." Qiao Jun shook his head.

"Fortunately to have you today, otherwise we may all be eliminated." Han Daoyue said.

"Not necessarily!" Qiao Jun shook his head.

"What is not necessarily?" Han Daoyue asked.

"If the black fox does not lose to the opponent within 20 strokes, we will also pass." Qiao Jun said.

"Do you mean that the comb head deliberately released water to the captain just now?" Phantom Knife King walked over and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, a master like the dwarf can kill a large group of special elites at will. The reason why they deliberately release water is because they are selecting strong special elites. As long as a certain person in a small team meets their requirements, they Naturally, the home will be enlarged. If a participating team doesn't even have the strength of a Huang Tier, they will send them back to the original unit without mercy." Qiao Jun nodded and said. (End of this chapter)