King of Super Special Forces

Chapter 8: Wolf claws were sniped


At 8 o'clock in the morning, the sun was high and the sky was clear. The whole mountain forest was illuminated by the golden sunlight. At first glance, it was peaceful. Unknown birds flew around, chattering in the forest.

Qiao Jun was holding a sniper rifle and leaning against a big tree, blindly observing everything around him. After all, he has not received professional military training. From the new barracks to the present, how can he be regarded as a recruit. With his deep internal skills, he has the pride of today. It relies on some experience accumulated from hunting with the master when I was young. Therefore, he can sense everything within more than two thousand meters, but he can't accurately judge the movement more than two thousand meters away, even if he has deep internal skills.

The Black Hawk is now willing to be a tortoise with a shrunken head, not daring to show his head. It’s impossible for Qiao Jun to find him. That guy’s hiding technique is so powerful, and coupled with his terrible calmness, once he merges with the surrounding environment, Qiao Jun can’t sense his existence at all. I feel depressed when I think about it.

Qiao Jun glanced at the surrounding woods and saw the rookies on his side. They were quite experienced. A group of three held their guns back to back, under the cover of the two snipers, Falcon and Da Mao, step by step. Feeling in the top of the woods, his expression is solemn, his eyes are extremely calm.

However, there is another person, Qiao Jun did not find his shadow, Qiao Jun estimated that the person had been eliminated long ago. That person was impatient. Like himself, he was usually alone, and he didn't bother to be with others at all. It must be the same this time, eager to cross the enemy's blockade, it must be dead.

Qiao Jun ignored them, but picked up the sniper rifle, swished it, and disappeared into a flash of light from behind the big tree. Soon, he appeared under a low soil slope, leaning on the grass and trees, quietly observing the surrounding movement.

At this moment, a wolf paw covered in leaves and various camouflage was holding a rifle, and quietly crawled out of a pit that had been dug. This pit was designed to be extremely concealed and concealed. Ingenious, even if someone steps on it and walks over, it will not fall.

However, Qiao Jun's eyes were bright. The distance between this pit and the soil slope on which he was located was about a thousand meters away, which was just within the firing range. Qiao Jun could vaguely feel the movement on the side of the pit. As soon as the wolf paw moved his body, the leaves on his body rustled. This sound was different from the sound of the surrounding wind blowing the woods. It was simply leaves rubbing against the ground. the sound of.

Without any hesitation, Qiao Jun turned to face the big pit and set up a sniper rifle.

"Sure enough, someone!"

Qiao Jun was very excited. He clearly saw that the pile of leaves on the ground was moving, and it was the movement of the soldiers when they were crawling, and they were doing extremely standardized.

"Bang!" A dull sniper sound sounded, Qiao Jun decisively pulled the trigger, a sniper bullet roared out, and the target reached the direction of the pit.

Suddenly, the wolf claw was directly hit by Qiao Jun's sniper bullet, and a lot of white smoke appeared on the Geely suit, which meant that he had sacrificed and was eliminated.

Wolfclaw stood up directly, his eyes were cold and scary, "Damn, I actually hang up? How the hell is this possible? I even hang up?"

"Wolfclaw, withdraw from the battlefield immediately, don't interfere with the military assessment of the rookies!"

At this moment, the commander's majestic and indifferent voice sounded in the communication headset of Dewclaw.

Wolfclaw was extremely depressed, "Yes! Commander!"

On the other side, in the quiet woods, a radio voice suddenly sounded, "Rookie Qiaojun, congratulations on your successful killing of a special warfare elite and successful promotion to ordinary special forces. Now withdraw from the battlefield immediately!"

Qiao Jun was excited. He suddenly heard the sound of being promoted to the special forces and exiting the battlefield. He was suddenly depressed. He hadn't killed the Black Hawk, so he went out like this. He was a little unwilling to do so, but the military order was so mountainous that he could only obey.

Qiao Jun stood up, saluted where he was, then picked up the gun and walked down the mountain. As for what will happen here, this is no longer his business.

Qiao Jun walked to the bottom of the mountain and walked to the base where the Wolf Warriors Special Brigade was stationed. The captain had already been waiting for him at the entrance of the base.

"Haha, your kid actually killed the special elite wolf claws, yes! Very good!" The captain laughed as soon as he saw Qiao Jun.

"Captain, I haven't killed the sniper yet. That guy is a tortoise with a shrunken head. He was shot by me and he was scared to come out." Qiao Jun said depressed.

"You kid has become a special soldier, and you still don't know enough. The Black Hawk is a special elite no matter what, and his marksmanship is the number one in the military area." The captain said angrily.

"It's just that. I just scared him just now. I knew I wouldn't scare him, so I could just kill him." Qiao Jun curled his lips.

"What are you talking about? Your kid just fired a false shot? The perception is so powerful? At a distance of more than two thousand meters, you can say that it scares the Black Hawk!" The captain was shocked. When Qiao Jun first came to the base with him, he felt that Qiao Jun's perception was very strong, and he could find all the secret whistles over a thousand meters in such a short period of time. This is still the result of not participating in formal military training. What if you do? Combining battlefield experience with his terrifying perception, it would be invincible.

"Captain, it’s not difficult to do this with your experience? You are a veteran. According to combat experience, a distance of more than two thousand meters is not a problem for you at all. You said Black Hawk, he can I am proud to find me at a distance of more than two thousand meters." Qiao Jun said lightly, "I see, you are the first sniper of the Wolf Warrior Special Team. I can tell from your eyes that black No matter how powerful the eagle is, it is still a rookie in your eyes. With your four internal strengths, the black eagle is at best an ordinary sniper. Whether it is battlefield experience or perception, it is far stronger than the black eagle."

"You and you kid are really good! I have to admire the ability of analysis and observation! Okay, I don't want to fight with you anymore. I feel like I've been stripped. Now follow me to see the commander. The commander has I want to tell you something!" The captain said with a cold face, and turned and walked towards the headquarters.

Qiao Jun smiled and followed the captain without rushing.

In the headquarters.

Qiao Jun suppressed the arrogance in his heart and solemnly saluted the old soldier.

After the old soldier returned a military salute, he looked at Qiao Jun with a deep gaze. An invisible high-ranking aura quickly approached Qiao Jun. Qiao Jun was still holding his head and chest tall. This aura was far worse than his master. .

"Very good! Even in front of me without changing my face, still holding my head high, it is indeed a manufacturable. Qiao Jun knows why I asked you to come?" The old soldier held his hands on his back, his majestic face was completely absent. Any expression.

"Please inform the chief!" Qiao Jun said. (End of this chapter)