King of Super Special Forces

Chapter 87: Dislocation of space


In the depths of the sea, Qiao Jun stomped the cannibal whale fiercely under his feet. The terrifying true essence of his body stirred in all directions, forming a supermajor vortex, and the sea water was tumbling constantly, as terrifying as it was boiling.

Wow! "The cannibal whale was finally angered by Qiao Jun's unscrupulous and frantic behavior. The dense scales on the huge tail didn't know what was going on. It suddenly gleamed, and then drew it very fiercely. Although it was big, it was not at all. Clumsy!

In an instant, the huge tail with terrible power fluctuations beat the sea into a huge vortex!

The horrible whirlpools are rolling the sea in all directions, which is terrible! Amazed to the extreme!

Qiao Jun looked at the scales of the man-eating whale, and was shocked. The silver scales were shining. Soon he clearly felt a terrifying force that he could not suppress brewing in it, soaring, and suffocating. Monstrous, this kind of power is something he can't fight against.

He stood on top of it, and it seemed too small, like an ant crawling on an elephant.

Random, he didn't even think about it, and immediately soared out of the sea, stepping on the surface of the water and quickly fleeing away!

"Roar!!" The cannibal whale roared, its roar shook the sky, and even the sea was shaking.

This is the legendary man-eating whale! Qiao Jun's heart was frightened. This kind of seabed animal rarely appeared on the edge of Wuxin Sea. Why did he meet him this time

When he just fled away, he could feel that the terrifying power of the cannibal whale was skyrocketing.

At this moment, on the endless sea, Qiao Jun lightly stepped on the surface of the water, standing with his hands held down, staring at the fast-moving cannibal whale with sharp and cold eyes, and his expression was shocking.

He never expected that once this cannibal whale burst out of its internal power, its scales would turn out to be as hard as steel. The speed is more than twice as fast as before.

At this time, Qiao Jun's camouflage combat uniform was all wet by the sea water, looking embarrassed.

However, he still carried an assault rifle and had no intention of shooting at all. He knew that the bullets in the magazine were too precious, and there was no need to waste it on a man-eating whale.

But soon, his face changed drastically!

Because he saw the warship that was leaving at high speed on the sea, unexpectedly returned, and the direction of the cannibal whale swimming turned out to be the direction of the warship, as if the warship was its enemy.

When Kuang rushed over, Lantern's big eyes were scarlet, with a terrifying murderous aura.

"Not good!" Qiao Jun yelled. If the cannibal whale crashes into a warship, the warship will definitely be knocked into flight. The life inside is unpredictable!

When his hair was straight, Qiao Jun took the initiative to attack, using his terrifying speed, rushed to the cannibal whale, exhausted his greatest strength, and blasted the surface of the cannibal whale with a fist.

"Dang!" The sound was unusually ear-sounding, and his fist slammed the silver scales on the cannibal whale, making a terrible metallic sound.

Qiao Jun's heart sinks slightly. This cannibal whale has a body as hard as iron, and its fist is difficult to break through its scales. How can this be good

Just that fist used up 50% of his true yuan, but the monster was not moved at all, and the speed was still as fast as a speeding train.

In desperation, Qiao Jun had to stand on the cannibal whale again, and wanted to use his terrifying power to trample the cannibal whale into the bottom of the water again.

However, the man-eating whale that burst out of power was almost crazy. In his large lantern eyes, there were only warships, as if warships had a deep hatred with it.

Although Qiao Jun stepped on it, although the speed slowed down, its power was too amazing. Qiao Jun tried his best to stop it from going crazy.

"Quickly retreat!" Qiao Jun yelled at the direction of the warship. This sound used almost 30% of his internal strength. He now only hopes that Han Daoyue drives the warship to leave quickly. Otherwise, the consequences will be unpredictable!

He knew that this cannibal whale must regard the warship as its enemy, and if it continues like this, he will not be able to consume it!

At this moment, everyone on the warship watched the cannibal whale rush over like a mountain, and their faces were pale and terrified.

With Qiao Jun's roar, they awakened them immediately. If you don't run away now, when will you wait

Ever since, after confirming that Jun Qiao was still safe, Han Daoyue immediately drove the warship proficiently, turned at a high speed, and then drew a sharp arrow and disappeared into the vast sea!

Half an hour later, when Qiao Jun determined that the distance the warship had escaped was far enough, he rushed out of the water and turned into a light, disappearing instantly without a trace!

On the boundless sea, the warship is speeding like a headless fly. There is no direction, no purpose.

On the warship, many people were waiting anxiously for Qiao Jun. Among them, Han Daoyue and Murongxue were the most anxious. Their hearts were no longer on the warship, but on Qiao Jun. The horror of that behemoth, they saw with their own eyes, can Qiao Jun come back safe and sound

But almost an hour passed, and Qiao Jun still did not come back, which gradually made many people's hearts startled. However, Heizi, Berserker, Lightning and others are so happy, they wish that Qiao Jun would die sooner.

Gradually night falls! The speed of the warship has slowed down and moved slowly in, but Qiao Jun still has not returned. Han Daoyue, Murongxue, Meng Niu, Bitter Gourd Monk, and some people's hearts have sunk to the bottom.

They almost believed that Jun Qiao was either eaten by a whale or lost his way!

"Where did you drive the warship? Why is the white fog so big here?" Heizi suddenly came to the cockpit and shouted at Han Daoyue.

Han Daoyue was completely absent-minded at this time. When he was yelled at by the sunspot, he immediately recovered, and said very dissatisfied: "What are you yelling at!"

"Huh! Look for yourself, the surrounding sea is full of white fog, even the sky is white fog, don't you be afraid of danger if you drive a warship here?" Heizi said with a cold face.

Han Daoyue immediately adjusted his vision when he heard the words. Randomly changed his face and asked subconsciously, "Where is this place?"

"Quickly scan with the locator!" The Buffalo in the co-pilot's seat said first.

Han Daoyue immediately did it, but soon her face paled again, "No! The pointer does not turn, there is no satellite signal here, and the radar and locator cannot be used normally! I can't lock the position at all!"

Meng Niu immediately took out the satellite phone and looked at it, but his face sank, "The phone has no signal!"

Heizi's face was extremely pale, "Smelly girl! Don't you know the weirdness of Wuxin Sea? The reason why Wuxin Sea is called Wuxin Sea is because there is an area in Wuxin Sea that is surrounded by white mist all the year round. Once a ship enters it, it will Disorientation instantly, it's as if a person loses his heart at once, and is directly paralyzed. All signals are directly shielded by space forces.

Here, you think the sun rises in the east, so here it is likely to rise in the north. In other words, the space here is misplaced, and it is probably not the same world as the world we were in! "(End of this chapter)