King of the Earth

Chapter 14: The Last Will


Hearing this, the man was worried that he would not be dedicated enough in the early morning, but he seemed to feel that he was better and more reliable than the person who promised in person but did something unfavorable, and he immediately reached an agreement.

Seeing the money in the early morning, Turin Chuan opened her eyes, but she still accepted it. After all, he was so busy that it would hurt him. Secondly, because she helped herself in the early morning without asking for any return, the difference made her feel that in the early morning, she and others are still different.

After reaching an agreement, I rushed to the house in the early morning to get to the place where I could live. In the early morning, I felt that if I helped me, I had to make some plans. I inevitably took time and decided to go home after eating.

Returning to the early morning home, a few polite words, the man told his story: "My name is Li Zhongyuan, and I am the chairman of Yuandong Group. I have a son named Li Dong. Li Dong got married ten years ago. Our family is happy and happy, and they gave me two grandchildren. But unfortunately, there were misfortunes and blessings. Li Dong's wife Qin Xuan suddenly fell ill two years ago and passed away unfortunately.

Later, Li Dong looked for a new partner. At first, I liked Xu Jia who was married. I felt that she was generous, generous, kind-hearted, and treated her two children as her own. The family seemed to have forgotten Qin Xuan's death. The sadness brought. But as the time got along longer and longer, I suddenly felt that the Qin family was for the property of my Li family.

She looks amiable, obeys the rules and obeys the rules, but secretly uses clan relatives privately. Although this is not a big deal, she later began to get closer to the company's senior management, and gradually increased her prestige and administrative rights in the company. , And secretly searched for the lawyer next to me, grabbed my search tightly, and I began to beware of her.

Since she didn’t have any obvious actions, I couldn’t speak to Li Dong. I just started to make a will to prevent Li Dong and his two grandsons from being calculated after my accident. So I went to have a deep friendship with me for many years and she Attorney Fan, who had never been in contact, asked him to make a four-part will. I gave one to Attorney Fan, one was hidden, and the other two were about to be put into the bank. After all, I had an accident and the will was also Will be taken out, so that the property can finally be successfully inherited to the two grandsons, then the Qin family will not earn much. "

Speaking of this, I thought early in the morning: "The wealthy people have a hard time. When they are stared at all day, they must guard against others all day. Although our family is not financially rich, our family is deep If you love each other, you don’t have to worry about others coveting my family’s property, and you don’t want to hack into other people’s property.”

Thinking of this, I felt guilty again, and secretly explained to myself: "I am taking your money to take your money and help you out. After all, I will have to ask for leave tomorrow. I will inevitably have to deduct my wages. It is not for your money to help. Yours, of course, since your family is so rich, it is reasonable to pay more."

Turin Chuan knew that things didn't seem to be going smoothly, otherwise he wouldn't be dead now and asked for help in the morning, and curiously said: "What's next?"

Li Zhongyuan sighed, and then said: "I hid one copy, and I was about to deposit the other two copies in the bank. Not long after I went out, I felt that the driver had a problem. He used the traffic jam on Huangcheng Avenue to take a detour and took the The door was locked. The more I went, the more I felt that the route was wrong. It was not the route to the bank at all. I secretly checked the navigation on his phone and saw that the destination was in the ferry area of the North Fourth Ring Road. At that time, I knew that the driver was already there. It was bought by the Qin family."

The more I listened in the early morning, the more nervous I was. Looking at Li Zhongyuan in front of me, I had a foreboding that the next step was how to make him become the plot he is now.

Li Zhongyuan began to cry and said: "This package driver has been with me for twenty years, twenty years, I have not treated him badly, but this is not the one I am most angry with. The most angry is the one who has been with me since I started my business. Attorney Fan, I only made a will within an hour, and he told Qin the news. I almost checked the call records of all the lawyers around me, and even checked Qin’s call records to confirm that there was nothing between them. They contacted, but ignored the current Internet. They neither met nor talked, and only contacted them via the Internet.

Qin became anxious when she knew it, and immediately implemented the plan she had been ready to wait for me. Just before I walked out the door with the will, he bought the package driver who had followed me for twenty years.

I knew that after the package driver was bought, I knew that I was atrocious, and I am afraid that there is no return. When I arrived at a place with a public toilet, I pretended to be in a hurry and wanted to get off the car and go to the toilet first, but the charter driver neither stopped the car nor unlocked the door. He said that the public toilet was too dirty and soon went to the bank. This was obviously kidnapping. what! "

Li Zhongyuan said this, turning from sadness to anger, and then said: "I thought she would steal the will at most and tamper with the content, but I didn't expect...she would be so cruel.

I saw that I was getting farther and farther away from the city, and my heart became more and more disturbed. Fortunately, the window of the car could be opened. When I reached a small road called Tonghua Alley, I quietly took off my socks, put a mobile phone in my socks, dialed 110, and opened The window was thrown into the green belt from the window when the driver was not paying attention. "

Hearing this in the early morning, he interrupted Li Zhongyuan and said anxiously: "Uncle Li, you still want me to use your mobile phone to transfer money, are you going to kill me?"

Li Zhongyuan felt a little guilty when he heard it, and said: "I didn't want to be so careful at the time, you see, I don't remember when you made me say it."

"Speaking of throwing the phone out of the window." Wee Chen said angrily.

Li Zhongyuan grinned reluctantly, and then said: "Later, the package driver drew me to the destination. There was a small and old project. When he arrived, he opened the door and ran. I opened the door in a hurry, but before opening it, five big guys waited. After getting out of the car, they escorted me to a closed cabin without saying anything, then covered my mouth and filmed the video.

After the filming, he asked me where did the last will go? You said, it wasn't the Qin family that did it, who else could it be? I didn't want to say anything, they threatened to saw off my right arm. I thought they were intimidating, but when I saw that I couldn't say anything, they really got a hacksaw and saw it down.

However, since I know that she can do this kind of thing, I won’t let me go back alive, so I would rather die. The leader sent a message, and I heard how many people told him after he received the reply. The accomplice gestured a few times, then covered me alive with sackcloth. "

"Uncle Li, if this is the case, I told your son that he would only suspect that I was an accomplice who killed you. Even if I don’t doubt it, if I tell him that his wife is a murderer, what benefit can he give me? This is for him. It's not only worth hundreds of millions, I'm afraid I won't get anything, and I have to lose a daughter-in-law." Wee Chen felt that this business might not be possible.

"Do you still have a sense of justice?" Turin Chuan scolded after hearing this.

"It's not as simple as having a sense of justice. I think it's most reliable to report directly to the police. I don't plan to ask for the money, and I won't have to ask for leave tomorrow." I felt that 300,000 had disappeared in the early morning, which was a pity.

"Call the police? Are you an eyewitness? At present, the dead body is not found, and there is no evidence. The police will think you did it if you disappeared for less than 24 hours. The most important thing is that if you choose to call the police, my stupid son I will definitely doubt you, but instead care about his human face and beasthearted daughter-in-law." Li Zhongyuan became anxious.

"And one more important point is that I have bearer shares worth 600 million in foreign banks. You have to tell him personally, because that was the last time I took my two grandchildren to play abroad for two grandchildren. Saved, only my two grandsons have the right to take those things from the bank, and even the palm prints belong to my two grandsons." Li Zhongyuan added.

Wee Chen and Turingchuan were still immersed in the tragic story of Li Zhongyuan, when suddenly five white shadows flashed out.